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Thread: Why the hatred against ODLH?

  1. #31
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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    Quote Originally Posted by BIG H View Post
    Oscar De La Hoya is one of my favourite fighters of all time. I can't think of anybody in the last 15 years that has fought absolutely everybody that they should have, i.e Trinidad, Quartey, Whitaker, Vargas, Mosely, Hopkins, PBF. Look at the opposition of Hopkins or RJJ compared to ODLH, they guy never took an easy route and I rspect that

    That can ot be denied...I stated myself his resume is fantastic...The best the sport has seen in the last 50 years...Point is though his actions lately have made him a bit of an ass....5 years ago...Make that even a year ago I was a big DLH fan and I respect all he has accomplished in the sport but he has become the opposite of what he used to be.......

    It just amazes me how some peole actually think he walks on water...If DLH want to take an easy fight I have no problems with that...If he wanted a fight to get himself back in the swing of things etc I have no problem with that but when a guy like that who has had the kind of career he has starts trying to make things out to be something they are not...I have a problem with that.....

    I have had the same criticizm to other fighter in the past who are great...

    I blasted RJJ years ago when he faced part time fighter Richard Frazier and acted as if it was the greatest win in his career when the fight was over...At the time he was staying away from Calzaghe and Dariusz like the had small pox....Nothing to be proud of when you are the P4P #1 fighter in the world and you beat up a part time fighter with a less then admirable resume then act as though you just went in and bveat a prime Archie Moore.....To accept things like that or pretend the fights are more then what they actually were is IMO putting a black eye on the sport...

    I have no problems with the fights and I understand having to build up the fights before they take place to sell tickest but after the fight is over don't piss in a cup and tell us all you made lemonade

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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    Oscars prime is years in the past, he was exeptional in his prime, one of the very best ever in my opinion, he fought everyone!!

    I don't hate him one bit but his fighting days are over. He won't beat Floyd in the rematch but in his prime I think he would kick Floyds fucking head in.

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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kel View Post
    Oscars prime is years in the past, he was exeptional in his prime, one of the very best ever in my opinion, he fought everyone!!

    I don't hate him one bit but his fighting days are over. He won't beat Floyd in the rematch but in his prime I think he would kick Floyds fucking head in.
    The versions of DLH that fough Quartey and Trinidada would have KO'd Floyd without a doubt IMO...That was a top notch version of Oscar and a version of Oscar that leaning on the ropes and trying to counter all night would have gotten PBF lumped up like a ripe melon

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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    My feelings about ODLH have cycled over the years. When he was coming up, I got annoyed with his over exposer and an image that I considered a bit contrived. I didn't like the fact that he beat Whitaker and Chavez on the back 9 of their careers. I respected his talent, but he was I guy that rooted against. I guess I like seeing people up on a pedestal fall.

    They came the Tito fight. I was rooting for Tito, but I was blown away by the clinic he put on that night. I didn't like that he punked out and ran at the end, but I thought he got robbed that night. . Somehow that made him a more sympathetic character for me. I've rooted for him in every fight since then, except for the Mosley fights. Then after the loss he goes right out and makes dangerous fight with Mosley. I liked the way he could come back after a loss, put it behind him, and move forward. I like the fact that he takes on all comers and has ducked nobody.

    Now, I've kind of turned on him again. Sure, I'll be rooting for him against Floyd, but I'm just tired of his act. I'm tired of his marketing. I'm tired of him still being the face of boxing to the general public. I don't hate him. I just want him to go away.

  5. #35
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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    Relax a little. We disagree but you don't see me insulting you and all that, do you? Others disagree with me too and you don't see them making all kinds of drama. Relax a little bud. It's ok.
    The fighters you mentioned were as commited already to fight someone else. That's just how it is.
    You are going to try and tell me a fight with Forbes a guy who struggled to make weight on the contender and has never fought above 140 and Oscar had to have a catch weight of 150 due to those reasons was an obvious or should I say logical opponent?
    You think loosing that much weight to fight Forbes was easy? Even here in the forum people were like "What is Oscar doing?! That is not good for him!" Gomez, ranked or not, wasn't necessay a threat to Cotto, was he? To the same level as a big name out there. I don't remember saying that Forbes was a top opponent, nope, he was far from that in my opinion. But so is Gomez.
    Sell the fight...Someone in the game as long as Oscar has been and someone who has had as many titles as Oscar has should not be going out of their way to SELL a fight
    Why not? Specially against a guy who people are unfamiliar with. Gotta creat interest in people so saying that he is just a stepping stone obviously won't sell, would it? Plus, he made it free and accessible for the fans. A nice gesture from him that I am yet to see from another big name out there.
    DLH acted as though the Forbes bout was supposed to be taken seriously as a fight that mattered
    From the start of ODLH career he has not looked down on any opponent or talked trash. He is a gentleman and up to today haven't seen him say that an opponent would be piece of cake. If he said that Forbes was just a tune up, stepping stone, and knowing how many people around here hate him you can bet all you want that people would be complaining about him saying something that. So ODLH can't do anything, people still complain.
    Who said anything about another bout with Floyd and Cotto being Gimme fights?
    Cool, then we can agree Oscar looks for good challenges out there. Had a fight with Forbes just like Cotto did against Gomez and look what comes next, bigger fights.
    Truth is that fight being so close was more of Floyd not having that good of a night rather then Oscar performing that well...
    See? If Oscar wins or gets a questionable decision it's not because Oscar is good but because "it was not the other fighter's night" *sigh*. Oscar can't just win, can he?
    DLH has lost to EVERY elite fighter in thier prime he has ever faced....Floyd/Hopkins/Mosley/Trinidad
    Do you really think he lost convincingly against Trinidad, Mosley II, and Floyd (one point from a draw according to the judges and a questionable SPLIT decision by many boxing experts). I won't argue the first Mosley and Hopkins fight.
    Sure DLH deserfves to be a HOF fighter that is a stupid question to even ask...
    I ask that question because of how much people hate him that I wouldn't be surprise if people say he doesn't deserve it, well, just because he's ODLH.
    Unlike you I do not judge fighters legacy and where they deserve to be in history because I like or dislike them...
    Unlike me? I already admitted he didn't look as great as I expected this weekend among other things. I mean, you went as far as talking about the gym he uses to train and even him as a promoter. I wouldn't be surprise if other people complain about his lifestyle.
    I can't stand Mayweather but that does not take away from how good he is....
    Same here! Want to see him loose badly but I recognize his talent and see it hard for him to loose against ANYBODY out there at the moment. So far only Castillo and ODLH have given him the BIGGEST CHALLENGE YET. Everybody else gets dominated and even before facing him end up loosing against a lesser opponent in their preparation to face Mayweather.
    You sound like pathetic school girl with a crush on the star quarterback...
    Wow! Getting a bit too upset here, eh? Calm down a little, I am not calling you this and that, am I? You are the one who went as far as talking about if he trained or not in a nice gym, not me. I had to mention that to see if at least you admitted Oscar doing something POSITIVE instead of complaining even about the gym he uses to train.
    DLH made money off the night he did not go away with out a profit...So there goes the admirable part of that horse shit...
    Hhhhmmm someone with a big name such as ODLH televising his fight FOR FREE, making tickets accessible for the fans, etc. Something you see everyday from BIG NAMES, right? I am mentioning this to show you he is not AS BAD as people want to make him look
    Dana White and the UFC do more free shows and make zero actually they lose money on some cards....
    Ghandi did great things too but let's go back to boxing. I would like to know if another big name the same level as ODLH has done the same.
    I don't see Oscar giving free fight cards to any of our fighting troops...People who really deserve it...
    We don't see Cotto or Floyd doing the same, do we? Or planning to do so.
    There were a hell of a lot of empty seats in the arena Saturday night so there was not that much given away was ther
    24,000 tickets sold out for the event (27,000 capacity) and more tickets sold on the day of the fight. Hhhhmmmm do you think Cotto vs Gomez could sell at least half of the stadium? Do you think Mayweather against Forbes would sell? Fans even left the half-filled arena during a fight where Larry Merchant mentioned that and pissed Floyd off. Oscar can sell a fight more than anybody even if you and I challenged him .

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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    Quote Originally Posted by PRIDE OF BOSTON View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Chino View Post
    I have been curious about this for a while now here in the forum. I'll say 95% of the people on this forum utterly hate ODLH. I could understand why people would hate Mayweather, Naz, Mike Tyson, Hopkins, etc. I mean, they have shown to be talk trash about others, have no charisma, unrespectful, etc. Even outside the ring. But, OSCAR?! He is far from being a trash talk, having no charisma, being unrespectful, etc. He is a gentleman and has fought whoever, just look at his resume. He has brought boxing some of the most exciting fights.
    It seems that everything he does is just wrong no matter what. Cotto faced a lesser opponent and everybody was happy. Oscar did the same thing and everybody thought that was the worse thing ever done. Someone can do whatever but if Oscar does the same then it is simply unacceptable. I don't understand.
    Let's say Oscar wins his next last 2 fights. I wonder if people in this forum will admit that he did a good job with no excuse and give him credit.
    Well, you're right and wrong... Let me explain... I am not a ODLH fan... But I'll explain that later. Let me elude to a few of the issues that people have with him.

    Oscar is a good fighter, no doubt, but he has gotten a bunch of gift decisions in his career to carry him when it other wise could have derailed it...

    He has become a rich, "white"(please don't take this out of context... It is here for a reason) CEO who as "hungry" as he claims to be is very self important and pretty much a bulshit artist...
    Take a look at the Steve Forbes countdown... He took a sweat and tears gym and turned it into a billboard for goldenboy... He ruined the "rugged" gym that was there and replaced the ring and redid the whole thing... Is that what "going back to your roots" is?

    He embarassed a hero trying to get the Mexican population to love him... That backfired

    He's a friggin crossdresser...


    Geezus, I could go on for a while...

    I'll allow you to rubutle if you'd like but the facts remain...

    Is ODLH a good fighter? Yes...

    Has he made sellout and career decisions that have worked against him even while winning and gaining "fans"

    I like him and think good to luck to him in all he does , but yeah, that one^.
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    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    Quote Originally Posted by Chino View Post
    Relax a little. We disagree but you don't see me insulting you and all that, do you? Others disagree with me too and you don't see them making all kinds of drama. Relax a little bud. It's ok.
    The fighters you mentioned were as commited already to fight someone else. That's just how it is.
    You are going to try and tell me a fight with Forbes a guy who struggled to make weight on the contender and has never fought above 140 and Oscar had to have a catch weight of 150 due to those reasons was an obvious or should I say logical opponent?
    You think loosing that much weight to fight Forbes was easy? Even here in the forum people were like "What is Oscar doing?! That is not good for him!" Gomez, ranked or not, wasn't necessay a threat to Cotto, was he? To the same level as a big name out there. I don't remember saying that Forbes was a top opponent, nope, he was far from that in my opinion. But so is Gomez.
    Sell the fight...Someone in the game as long as Oscar has been and someone who has had as many titles as Oscar has should not be going out of their way to SELL a fight
    Why not? Specially against a guy who people are unfamiliar with. Gotta creat interest in people so saying that he is just a stepping stone obviously won't sell, would it? Plus, he made it free and accessible for the fans. A nice gesture from him that I am yet to see from another big name out there.

    From the start of ODLH career he has not looked down on any opponent or talked trash. He is a gentleman and up to today haven't seen him say that an opponent would be piece of cake. If he said that Forbes was just a tune up, stepping stone, and knowing how many people around here hate him you can bet all you want that people would be complaining about him saying something that. So ODLH can't do anything, people still complain.

    Cool, then we can agree Oscar looks for good challenges out there. Had a fight with Forbes just like Cotto did against Gomez and look what comes next, bigger fights.

    See? If Oscar wins or gets a questionable decision it's not because Oscar is good but because "it was not the other fighter's night" *sigh*. Oscar can't just win, can he?

    Do you really think he lost convincingly against Trinidad, Mosley II, and Floyd (one point from a draw according to the judges and a questionable SPLIT decision by many boxing experts). I won't argue the first Mosley and Hopkins fight.

    I ask that question because of how much people hate him that I wouldn't be surprise if people say he doesn't deserve it, well, just because he's ODLH.

    Unlike me? I already admitted he didn't look as great as I expected this weekend among other things. I mean, you went as far as talking about the gym he uses to train and even him as a promoter. I wouldn't be surprise if other people complain about his lifestyle.

    Same here! Want to see him loose badly but I recognize his talent and see it hard for him to loose against ANYBODY out there at the moment. So far only Castillo and ODLH have given him the BIGGEST CHALLENGE YET. Everybody else gets dominated and even before facing him end up loosing against a lesser opponent in their preparation to face Mayweather.

    Wow! Getting a bit too upset here, eh? Calm down a little, I am not calling you this and that, am I? You are the one who went as far as talking about if he trained or not in a nice gym, not me. I had to mention that to see if at least you admitted Oscar doing something POSITIVE instead of complaining even about the gym he uses to train.

    Hhhhmmm someone with a big name such as ODLH televising his fight FOR FREE, making tickets accessible for the fans, etc. Something you see everyday from BIG NAMES, right? I am mentioning this to show you he is not AS BAD as people want to make him look

    Ghandi did great things too but let's go back to boxing. I would like to know if another big name the same level as ODLH has done the same.
    I don't see Oscar giving free fight cards to any of our fighting troops...People who really deserve it...
    We don't see Cotto or Floyd doing the same, do we? Or planning to do so.
    There were a hell of a lot of empty seats in the arena Saturday night so there was not that much given away was ther
    24,000 tickets sold out for the event (27,000 capacity) and more tickets sold on the day of the fight. Hhhhmmmm do you think Cotto vs Gomez could sell at least half of the stadium? Do you think Mayweather against Forbes would sell? Fans even left the half-filled arena during a fight where Larry Merchant mentioned that and pissed Floyd off. Oscar can sell a fight more than anybody even if you and I challenged him .

    It is nothing personal but when you start taking things and turn them into something I never said I start to wonder what the hell your reading...You leave me 1 of 2 choices...Either

    1. you work for GBP or 2. You and Oscar went to High School together

    Look at my other post in the htread not just the ones me and you argued on....I give him all the credit in the world for his accomplishments but IMO he is just trying to hang onto his former glory....Yes he sells seats no matter who he fights but Selling seats does not make the opponent one he did not hand pick...

    Saying Cotto or Floyd are not giving free fights does not exactly go into the same catagory as DLH because DLH has the biggest Promo company in the sport...Cotto is promotred...Oscar the promoter....And I said that because you tried to make the fact fact he gave away some cheap ass $25 seats away like he was rebuilding after Katrina in Louisiana

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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    He took a dive against Hopkins.

    He is a cross dresser as pointed out above.

    He recieves gift decisions. Again as pointed out.

    He holds up relevant fights, when he himself is as relevant as Vargas/Mayorga.

    he has held that stupid green belt when he fights once every 3 years

    He has never fought Winky Wright.

    He now owns The Ring magazine which gives us further suspicion that he will invade further with fake drama.

    he was dressed nicer than cutmemick whenever they took a picture together before a homo-erotic evening.

    These are all very valid reasons why he isn't very many peoples favorite fighter.
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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    He took a dive against Hopkins.
    As much as I like Oscar, I have my doubts about that one too. Sure, the punch looked right on target but I am not so sure about his reaction. But then again, why would he take a dive? I don't see how that would benefit him.
    He is a cross dresser as pointed out above.
    If those pictures were really him, is it really our business to see what he does in private? Look at the girl he was with, I am sure many guys wouldn't mind wearing a tutu just to be with a girl like her! Girl looked quite sexy and in great shape.
    He recieves gift decisions. Again as pointed out.
    As well as gift decisions to his opponent: Trinidad, Mosley II, among others.
    He now owns The Ring magazine which gives us further suspicion that he will invade further with fake drama.
    I would agree with you if I saw Hopkins win the last fight just because he was under GBP. But nope, he lost fair square. Besides, we see bad decisions all the time only that ODLH is not involved so people find those bad decisions ok.

    These are all very valid reasons why he isn't very many peoples favorite fighter.
    Also, because he has beaten many fighters who are fan favorites, look at his resume. I didn't like him beating JC Chavez and Rafael Ruelas among others on his list!

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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    2 reasons for hatred against Oscar:
    1. Money
    2. Power

    He can make the fights "he" wants, and he will get his way, regardless of what the boxing public wants. It's the same reason why we don't have a unified Heavyweight champ, but It's Don King in that division. Others are more worthy at a shot at Floyd, who IS THE P4P CHAMP, but because Oscar wants, he gets, because of the 2 reasons stated above.

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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    I don't hate him, but I do think it's time for him to move on. With him out of the picture there's no excuse not to have PBF vs. Cotto (or Margarito if he beats Cotto). He doesn't deserve a rematch, however since he pretty much owns boxing now, he can do as he pleases.

    I will say I would much rather have him as an ambassador for the sport than Don King or Bob Arum.

    And for everything PBF vs. ODLH I was it get a lot of casual fans into the fight, they had a reason to watch. I am all for trying to get more people involved that is great, but now it is getting in the way of future matchmaking, his money trumps any kind of ranking system in the sport which is a problem for me.

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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?


  13. #43
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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    I agree, too many people are too hard on him. I dont blame him for continuing his career and wanting to still be in big fights. Hes a fighter and in his mind he is still among the best. That how a champion thinks. I also think he needed a fight like he just had. He not a titleholder so its not like it was a defence or anything. There is a double standard here because a few weeks ago Cotto, a champion, fought a fighter not even on Forbes level and didnt get the kind of sh@t Oscar has. Not that he should be criticized either. Every fight cant be a superfight.
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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    I've only recently started disliking him, just the fact that he gets to do whatever he wants and it's ok with everyone. If Floyd fought Steve Forbes we would still be hearing about padding and ducking today....If
    Oscar De Love Handles just said f Floyd and went after Cotto, that would totally redeem him in my book, even Margarito.

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    Default Re: Why the hatred against ODLH?

    i think we can safely say there are and have been many more worse people in boxing then oscar........ i like oscar but have never really been a huge fan, theres something about his style that just doesn't really grab me although he's a world class boxer and has foght many world champions

    its just a case some people will never like him, there are many boxers like this

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