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Thread: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

  1. #31
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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Miles Miles Miles..... you sad, metrosexual pussywhipped little person..... you get soooo personal about things. I wish you could be a happier soul, but unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much hope for you. Tell you what..... I'll pray for you.
    That's what we do with lost souls such as yourself.

    You again resort to island insults in the hopes of getting a rise out of me, and all you're succeeding in doing is putting your sad little petty, pitiful self out there for all to see. I feel "verguenza ajena"..... a sort of 3rd party embarrassment one gets when someone's making a fool of themselves.

    Let's not even mention that NK has fuck all to do with PR, 'cause that's rather obvious and this is just an argument between me and, well....... your little pitiful self. Beanz is gone, but I'm here to put you in your place and slap you down like the adolescent, pipsqueak, princess, prancing little queen you are. But I do it for your own good.

    Are you so hurt that I would talk about assassinating Jong-Un? Geez, little dude..... take a pill for that. You ARE capable of discussing something civilly without getting your panties in a knot, aren't you? If I thought you'd take it so personally, I would've thought twice about it. Relax princess..... I haven't put out a hit on Baby Huey...... ok?

    Walrus humors you and talks about having a crush on you, but in real life he must feel sorry for you, like most of us here do. Remember, you've put a lot of your personal life out there, so we all happen to know all the little phases you've gone through..... from wanting to cut yourself with razor blades, to rhapsodizing about what color hair looks better on you, to having diaries where you write your shit (I don't know about your planet..... but in this planet only teenage girls keep diaries), and all sorts of other weird stuff. And still we like to have you around for the comic entertainment value. Although I must say..... you've fallen down on the job regarding your Brock Crusade Thread. I'm extremely disappointed in your for that. You need to pick that shit back up, little dude.

    Listen babe.... I sense you're the one with anger management issues. They come out periodically on here. Wanting to punch babies..... getting all frothy at the mouth regarding Special Olympics.... not to mention the wars you carried on for years with Beanz. We know your life isn't all peaches and cream. You're a frustrated English teacher living in a country not your own, because you can't cut it where you're from. I get it. It must be fucking frustrating. Then you've had these sexual identity issues which you've plastered all over the forum, wanting us to give you a hand in identifying which gender you actually belong to. That's all well and good. I feel like we've formed part of that growing up process you're obviously still going through. And frankly I'm proud to have put my little grain of sand in that process. I'll take the credit, but not the blame.

    The part of not being able to cut it back in England must be tough, I know. So you're reduced to criticizing the country from afar without actually having to personally contribute anything to it. Pretty pathetic, and something Beanz used to ream your ass over. It takes a certain type of person to persevere and adapt.... and not all of us are cut out of that cloth. The sexual identity part is a tougher nut to crack, though. You're married..... not that THAT proves anything. Lots of married men are just covering for their homosexual tendencies. I've read that makes them angry and petty.... having to hide their true selves. Does your wife know you're dying to come out of the closet? It's gonna happen one day, you know. You're not a heavy drinker (again from your personal diaries).... so all it takes is one too many drinks and that shit will come flying out of you like a gay tidal wave. Oh well..... your marriage will be ruined..... but the pressure will be off. You'll be free like a little hummingbird, and maybe turn into a kinder, gentler soul.

    But back to Korea, babe. So you're suggesting that back when Kim Jong-Un was threatening about nuking Guam and Alaska..... are you suggesting that all of that should've been shrugged off and ignored? Isn't that kind of a double standard? Don't you rake American leaders over the coals for much less than that? Why is your hate for the U.S. and your love for NK so strong and full of childish hatred? Why are you so incapable of discussing these topics without resorting to grammar school sandlot fights? I don't get you, Miles.

    Know what I think? I think in the 10+ years some of us have been here, I've observed subtle changes in everyone here except you. You've remained in some sort of time warp where your level of maturity has remained the same or even dropped in the number of years you've been here. Your style of fighting is the same..... your comical chest-beating is the same..... your know-it-all banter based on questionable sources remains the same. Everything about you remains the same. You're the same Saddo Court Jester we've enjoyed having here since you first joined. Cheers for that. You certainly are entertaining.

    Nothing personal babe. Just saying it like it is.

    Is that the best you have got having called for the assassination of a leader
    ? Hair color, razor blades, and alcohol? I am absolutely devastated. For a man that one allegedly couldn't get a rise out of, you sure have gone to a lot of effort and I knew you would as I can read you like a book. Not a very interesting book mind you as it is is the kind square nonsense that you see in a CNN article. It is as limp as your music taste and all that flamenco nonsense. Unlike the average Puerto Rican I have not abandoned a baby and left a woman on welfare that the government cannot even afford, so all things considered I would look in your own backyard first before questioning how decent I am. Unlike half the people in your country I have never harmed the outcome of a child. Unlike all of the people in your country I have never put at financial risk the future of a child. You should sort yourselves out before looking to KILL the leaders of countries that have nothing to do with you.

    The problem with you Tito is that I know exactly what you are like and have seen the kinds of messages you send people and how you respond when people criticize your bankrupt island. Beanz, Beanz, Beanz, are more obsessed with him than Brock ever was. Every time we have one of these 'exchanges' you bring him up. I don't bring him up. He is dead to me, but you are obsessed. I know that you hate Brock and we saw how you flew off the handle several times because he found you easy to wind up. You are very easy to get a rise out of.

    Still good job on abstaining from the water sports. I guess you are growing. Oh, but then the assassination based on a CNN report. Still a long way to go. You are old already so good luck with that.

    If Baby Huey were to suddenly kick the bucket, NK would be a lot better off. They might get a leader more interested in the "boring" aspects of political life, like making sure his constituents were actually happy and well cared for, than wanting to get a seat at the world leaders table, and wanting to umpteenth his nuke capacity. But I realize these concepts are a bit complicated for an underdeveloped bloke such as yourself. You see the world with blinders..... and throw childish barbs at anyone who doesn't share your simplistic view of the world. If you want to believe the caricature-like facades published about the wonderful life North Koreans are living..... suit yourself. You are just as much a part of the flock of sheep as they are.

    Speaking of babies..... the best thing you've done in your young life is never having children, Miles. I'll give you that. You had sense enough not to bring children into this world to be raised by someone who admittedly had a twisted, tortured childhood that has shaped every aspect of your personality. The last thing the world needs is a bunch of little Miles running around. Thankfully your seed will die with you.

    "The problem with you"..... "the problem with you"..... "the problem with you". Pretty self-aggrandizing for someone still in mental puberty. Yes I mention Beanz because you're the biggest reason he is currently banned, and the only saving grace in all of that is that Brock is banned also. Beanz was a perpetually angry man, but I must say I enjoyed reading his verbal reamings of you, to which you could only stammer your same old tired, inadequate comebacks. He and I fought plenty before your own dirty war..... but with Beanz I felt I was arguing with an adult. An angry adult, mind you..... but an adult just the same.

    Brock managed to anger me a bit with his hypocrisy.... but that was ended and over with swiftly. With you I just toy with your malleable, predictable mind. I rather enjoy ridiculing you, I hope you don't mind. It's easy, and fun.

    A bit puzzled about the water sports line. Must be that English ex-pat sense of humor I haven't quite grasped yet.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by palmerq View Post
    You know I think Kim is actually going to be a good leader for north Korea, north Korea is totally buggered and I think he knows, he fools the world with his fake crazy person going to nuke haiwai and guam (:S), gets the rest of the world in a media induced frenzy, gives the portly git a good bit more negotiating power to get the best deal for a failing to stop doing something that they more than likely wouldn't do anyway. Kim plays the game well good for him, and as deranged as trump is he is probably the best git to be us leader to sort this out.. I predict this will have a happy ending... although it's going to take a lot more years and hardships for north Korea not to be spasticated. .. I have faith in Kim though :S

    @palmerq There might be a method to his madness, who knows. But NK still gives off that vibe of trying too hard to put on a show. Kind of like when the CEO of a corporation goes to visit a manufacturing site..... and everything is freshly painted and everyone seems to be performing and speaking from a script. You know it's for the visitor's benefit. Any country with such strict protocols regarding visitors, photographs, and articles.... is going to raise eyebrows as to what life is really like behind closed doors.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by palmerq View Post
    You know I think Kim is actually going to be a good leader for north Korea, north Korea is totally buggered and I think he knows, he fools the world with his fake crazy person going to nuke haiwai and guam (:S), gets the rest of the world in a media induced frenzy, gives the portly git a good bit more negotiating power to get the best deal for a failing to stop doing something that they more than likely wouldn't do anyway. Kim plays the game well good for him, and as deranged as trump is he is probably the best git to be us leader to sort this out.. I predict this will have a happy ending... although it's going to take a lot more years and hardships for north Korea not to be spasticated. .. I have faith in Kim though :S

    @palmerq There might be a method to his madness, who knows. But NK still gives off that vibe of trying too hard to put on a show. Kind of like when the CEO of a corporation goes to visit a manufacturing site..... and everything is freshly painted and everyone seems to be performing and speaking from a script. You know it's for the visitor's benefit. Any country with such strict protocols regarding visitors, photographs, and articles.... is going to raise eyebrows as to what life is really like behind closed doors.

    Oh and I think Trump is probably the best fit for Jong-Un or at least better than Hillary would've been. Never been a Hillary fan, and I think she would've been hideous at this game of global political one-upmanship.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by palmerq View Post
    You know I think Kim is actually going to be a good leader for north Korea, north Korea is totally buggered and I think he knows, he fools the world with his fake crazy person going to nuke haiwai and guam (:S), gets the rest of the world in a media induced frenzy, gives the portly git a good bit more negotiating power to get the best deal for a failing to stop doing something that they more than likely wouldn't do anyway. Kim plays the game well good for him, and as deranged as trump is he is probably the best git to be us leader to sort this out.. I predict this will have a happy ending... although it's going to take a lot more years and hardships for north Korea not to be spasticated. .. I have faith in Kim though :S

    @palmerq There might be a method to his madness, who knows. But NK still gives off that vibe of trying too hard to put on a show. Kind of like when the CEO of a corporation goes to visit a manufacturing site..... and everything is freshly painted and everyone seems to be performing and speaking from a script. You know it's for the visitor's benefit. Any country with such strict protocols regarding visitors, photographs, and articles.... is going to raise eyebrows as to what life is really like behind closed doors.
    Yes I concur it's a messed up country and this kim (I'm just going to refer to him as simply kim now) was born into this absolutely bizzarre dynasty. In my opinion he can't be judged in the same way you would judge someone from the western way old. And I also agree what north Korea is doing wit their crazy provocations really does like they are putting on a show. So in my opinion Kom knows the country is buggered and he's playing the mad man to get north Korea the best deal he can...they are still at wayorldithar so if they start anything korean allies from that war sort of have to jump back in, north Korea would be squashed badly...I think Kim knows this. I also believe trump is vain enough to really push for a deal before his time as president is up and demand the Nobel Peace prize (#justtrumpthings).

    My other though is north Korea is just a Chinese pawn here and China are trying to provoke the west so they can sneak some more territory grabs and control more shipping lanes. ..

    I could be well wrong on everything but either way I really hope north Korea is sorted out soon and the Korea peninsula can realise it's full potential.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by palmerq View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by palmerq View Post
    You know I think Kim is actually going to be a good leader for north Korea, north Korea is totally buggered and I think he knows, he fools the world with his fake crazy person going to nuke haiwai and guam (:S), gets the rest of the world in a media induced frenzy, gives the portly git a good bit more negotiating power to get the best deal for a failing to stop doing something that they more than likely wouldn't do anyway. Kim plays the game well good for him, and as deranged as trump is he is probably the best git to be us leader to sort this out.. I predict this will have a happy ending... although it's going to take a lot more years and hardships for north Korea not to be spasticated. .. I have faith in Kim though :S

    @palmerq There might be a method to his madness, who knows. But NK still gives off that vibe of trying too hard to put on a show. Kind of like when the CEO of a corporation goes to visit a manufacturing site..... and everything is freshly painted and everyone seems to be performing and speaking from a script. You know it's for the visitor's benefit. Any country with such strict protocols regarding visitors, photographs, and articles.... is going to raise eyebrows as to what life is really like behind closed doors.
    Yes I concur it's a messed up country and this kim (I'm just going to refer to him as simply kim now) was born into this absolutely bizzarre dynasty. In my opinion he can't be judged in the same way you would judge someone from the western way old. And I also agree what north Korea is doing wit their crazy provocations really does like they are putting on a show. So in my opinion Kom knows the country is buggered and he's playing the mad man to get north Korea the best deal he can...they are still at wayorldithar so if they start anything korean allies from that war sort of have to jump back in, north Korea would be squashed badly...I think Kim knows this. I also believe trump is vain enough to really push for a deal before his time as president is up and demand the Nobel Peace prize (#justtrumpthings).

    My other though is north Korea is just a Chinese pawn here and China are trying to provoke the west so they can sneak some more territory grabs and control more shipping lanes. ..

    I could be well wrong on everything but either way I really hope north Korea is sorted out soon and the Korea peninsula can realise it's full potential.

    NK and SK sort of remind me of how it used to be between East and West Germany, at least for a time. Two halves of the same country, sort to speak..... but with vast differences in way of life and even in how people viewed the quality of their lives. I'll say this....... you never had any West Germans back in those days wanting to jump the Berlin Wall and moving to East Germany. Yeah, I'm pretty sure China is up to their elbows in how NK behaves on the world stage..... likely applauding them silently and egging them on. A Chinese pawn, as you say.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Let me address your salacious points one by one.

    1. It is true Puerto Rico is bankrupt. There is no getting around that.
    2. No Puerto Rico is not NK, but it is your place, so why the obsession with a place nowhere near you? Why no threads on PR and it's problems? Why the emotion when Brock brough that up? It was slightly histrionic.
    3. I think assassinating a leader is pretty bad form. Obviously.
    4. My hair is black, it is always black. I do not change my hairstyle. It has been cut by the same woman for 12 years. It costs me 5 pounds. Short back and sides, slightly parted on top, still short.
    5. Every great man has a self induced scar. Walrus self harms regularly by breaking bones and things. Every man does this. Even a tattoo is an act of self sabotage.
    6. Nothing against the disabled, but simply an observation, that many agree with, that disabled boxing for instance would not catch on like regular boxing. People do not watch the Paralympics in the same numbers as the regular Olympics. Just a fact.
    7. I have never punched a baby. It's akin to Brock wanting to fight GGG. Obviously a very serious statement of intent. Not.
    8. Frustrated? Yes, 5 months a year vacation, 4 day working week, and afternoons free is killing me. I am sure teachers earning less with 60 hours a week of teaching and paperwork are having incredible fun.
    9. My sexuality is fine and even if in doubt are you a homophobe of some kind? Sounds like hate speech to me. Who cares? Want a cuddle?
    10. Yes, I believe NK is no threat and that you are pathetic to even take it seriously. The rockets stopped long ago, so you are being histrionic.
    11. Make up your mind. One minute I have changed a lot and the next not at all. You base it all on how I respond to each post. Be consistent.

    You can question my values and who I am as much as you like, but I am a pretty solid person in that I will never harm children or be a financial burden on the government. So, yeah, you can go on about me in a CNN interpretation of Trump kind of way, but I do not have baby Momma's, do not claim benefits, paid for a house in cash with no mortgage, and all kinds of pretty solid things. So, you can go on about rather nothing quirky things and go on and on about Beanz and Brock all you like, but it just shows you as being a very immature person yourself. You live on an island where the average IQ is 84 points for goodness sake where there is so much welfare the government cannot balance the books. I do very well in a place where the IQ is 105 and have no need for welfare and where family is still strong. It puts it all into context really. I am hardly what you would call a failure and considering my origins have done pretty well all things considered. I am not exactly working as a dishwasher in my hometown and even if I was, at least it would be an honest living. And no I do not think sending those pm's to Brock or calling for assassination makes you look particularly mature or grown up. You are apparently much older than me, but it does not show.

    I just saw your last post while scrolling down too. In terms of the missiles I will repeat: they have stopped lobbing missiles! I am sure Japan is happy about that. Last week I drove into Seoul which is a city with thousands of rockets aimed at it. You know what? I did not paint my nails or have a cry. It has been like this for decades and life goes on. Don't get yourself into a tither about something that will never affect you nor is even a problem at the moment. All I see are positive things right now.

    Anyway, sorry if I have hurt your feelings. I was been satirical in an extreme kind of way. Though actually I am not so satirical about Puerto Rico which I think does have serious economic problems and problems with kids growing up without fathers. Obviously that is detrimental and I do not like to see grown people making bad choices when it affects kids. I have no problem with adults doing bad things that affect themselves, but kids have no say and that does actually upset me a lot. That's all it is ever about. Also with the debt and that is not just PR, it is many countries, US included, that are basically rolling it over to future generations. That is very bad form.

    You leave Baba alone. I think all things considered the amount of progress made in a year has been phenomenal. And credit where credit is due, Trump is clearly not such a bad man. Would Hilary have made this much progress? Obviously not.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    And yes, I would ideally love more freedom and opportunity for the people of NK. That is more important than any of this nuclear stuff IMO. Every nation has the right to self defense, but you do not have the right to repress your people. In saying that I have a friend who is convinced it really is not as bad as we are told and recent articles are all pointing the right way. Something is definitely happening there. Hopefully step by step, we can see it continue.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    The part of not being able to cut it back in England must be tough, I know. So you're reduced to criticizing the country from afar without actually having to personally contribute anything to it. Pretty pathetic, and something Beanz used to ream your ass over. It takes a certain type of person to persevere and adapt.... and not all of us are cut out of that cloth. The sexual identity part is a tougher nut to crack, though. You're married..... not that THAT proves anything. Lots of married men are just covering for their homosexual tendencies. I've read that makes them angry and petty.... having to hide their true selves. Does your wife know you're dying to come out of the closet? It's gonna happen one day, you know. You're not a heavy drinker (again from your personal diaries).... so all it takes is one too many drinks and that shit will come flying out of you like a gay tidal wave. Oh well..... your marriage will be ruined..... but the pressure will be off. You'll be free like a little hummingbird, and maybe turn into a kinder, gentler soul.

    But back to Korea, babe. So you're suggesting that back when Kim Jong-Un was threatening about nuking Guam and Alaska..... are you suggesting that all of that should've been shrugged off and ignored? Isn't that kind of a double standard? Don't you rake American leaders over the coals for much less than that? Why is your hate for the U.S. and your love for NK so strong and full of childish hatred? Why are you so incapable of discussing these topics without resorting to grammar school sandlot fights? I don't get you, Miles.

    Know what I think? I think in the 10+ years some of us have been here, I've observed subtle changes in everyone here except you. You've remained in some sort of time warp where your level of maturity has remained the same or even dropped in the number of years you've been here. Your style of fighting is the same..... your comical chest-beating is the same..... your know-it-all banter based on questionable sources remains the same. Everything about you remains the same. You're the same Saddo Court Jester we've enjoyed having here since you first joined. Cheers for that. You certainly are entertaining.

    Nothing personal babe. Just saying it like it is. [/QUOTE]

    Is that the best you have got having called for the assassination of a leader
    ? Hair color, razor blades, and alcohol? I am absolutely devastated. For a man that one allegedly couldn't get a rise out of, you sure have gone to a lot of effort and I knew you would as I can read you like a book. Not a very interesting book mind you as it is is the kind square nonsense that you see in a CNN article. It is as limp as your music taste and all that flamenco nonsense. Unlike the average Puerto Rican I have not abandoned a baby and left a woman on welfare that the government cannot even afford, so all things considered I would look in your own backyard first before questioning how decent I am. Unlike half the people in your country I have never harmed the outcome of a child. Unlike all of the people in your country I have never put at financial risk the future of a child. You should sort yourselves out before looking to KILL the leaders of countries that have nothing to do with you.

    The problem with you Tito is that I know exactly what you are like and have seen the kinds of messages you send people and how you respond when people criticize your bankrupt island. Beanz, Beanz, Beanz, are more obsessed with him than Brock ever was. Every time we have one of these 'exchanges' you bring him up. I don't bring him up. He is dead to me, but you are obsessed. I know that you hate Brock and we saw how you flew off the handle several times because he found you easy to wind up. You are very easy to get a rise out of.

    Still good job on abstaining from the water sports. I guess you are growing. Oh, but then the assassination based on a CNN report. Still a long way to go. You are old already so good luck with that.


    If Baby Huey were to suddenly kick the bucket, NK would be a lot better off. They might get a leader more interested in the "boring" aspects of political life, like making sure his constituents were actually happy and well cared for, than wanting to get a seat at the world leaders table, and wanting to umpteenth his nuke capacity. But I realize these concepts are a bit complicated for an underdeveloped bloke such as yourself. You see the world with blinders..... and throw childish barbs at anyone who doesn't share your simplistic view of the world. If you want to believe the caricature-like facades published about the wonderful life North Koreans are living..... suit yourself. You are just as much a part of the flock of sheep as they are.

    Speaking of babies..... the best thing you've done in your young life is never having children, Miles. I'll give you that. You had sense enough not to bring children into this world to be raised by someone who admittedly had a twisted, tortured childhood that has shaped every aspect of your personality. The last thing the world needs is a bunch of little Miles running around. Thankfully your seed will die with you.

    "The problem with you"..... "the problem with you"..... "the problem with you". Pretty self-aggrandizing for someone still in mental puberty. Yes I mention Beanz because you're the biggest reason he is currently banned, and the only saving grace in all of that is that Brock is banned also. Beanz was a perpetually angry man, but I must say I enjoyed reading his verbal reamings of you, to which you could only stammer your same old tired, inadequate comebacks. He and I fought plenty before your own dirty war..... but with Beanz I felt I was arguing with an adult. An angry adult, mind you..... but an adult just the same.

    Brock managed to anger me a bit with his hypocrisy.... but that was ended and over with swiftly. With you I just toy with your malleable, predictable mind. I rather enjoy ridiculing you, I hope you don't mind. It's easy, and fun.

    A bit puzzled about the water sports line. Must be that English ex-pat sense of humor I haven't quite grasped yet.[/QUOTE]

    Since when have I said the North Koreans have a wonderful life? You are just making things up, Tito. You are becoming fake news central. Remember that Caravan that would not get to the border? You tend to be wrong on a lot of things. You listen to CNN and take it as gospel. You assume things of posters that they do not even believe. It's childish, man. What are you in your late 50's or something? Lame really.

    Tito, I would use data and evidence to make my points and Beanz was the first to resort to 'cunt' mode every single time. He could not handle scientific or economic data about key issues. You are the same in some ways. If you notice in the past few years I had pretty much controlled myself very well with Beanz and what got him was himself and not me. He decided that not only was he going to take on me, but he was going to take on half the forum, except for the Mods. I think he went over his head and lost the plot thus in a post addressed to Lyle he would also address Brock, Walrus and me I would not have even posted in the thread! It was that crazy! Are you not going to be honest and admit how that was how it was in that final year? I didn't see myself getting 'reamed' in the slightest. I saw that he was unraveling quite messily and I have several pm's from posters who I will not name asking me if he had some kind of mental illness at work as it had become quite deranged. Now if you think I was some kingpin then the only way I could have done it was to take his keyboard and be typing for him. He was doing it to himself. He had changed the forum himself and couldn't understand why people did not think like him. The truth is viewpoints on migration, Brexit, etc, have all become mainstream and the forum was simply reflecting it all. You might have been debating with an adult, but an adult that many have questions about regarding the truth of what he has said and also his sanity.

    Hmm. That's a rather low comment on the babies, but being older and ever so mature, I would expect that from you. I am not particularly twisted, but merely a line parroted from somewhere else. You do that a lot too. Twisted is having children and then causing those children physical, emotional, economic and social harm. Now, call me immature, but I consider it rather grown up not to do that to others. Now obviously I would never treat a child badly and full credit to anyone who does it well and many obviously do. Now with single mother rates many obviously do not as well. Not much I can do about that really. You would rather condemn me and ignore serious social problems. Well, good for you. Good luck with the economic bounce back of PR. It won't happen until you sort out your social problems.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    You know sometimes I think I've taken a bizarre cocktail of mind altering drugs but then I lot at the top of my browser tab and realize I have just ventured into the off topic section of the saddo forum :S.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Again, that was satire. I am not looking for the expiration of Walrus whence the quotation marks. Having a laugh really about the notion that some think they are balanced and a voice of reason whilst others are 'nutters'. I feel the same about politics. The notion that some have to be assassinated whilst those doing the assassinations are only doing it for the good of the world. What on earth are you talking about? Did you forget what happened in Iraq? In Vietnam? In the case of Vietnam many veterans concede that they were on the 'wrong side' or else shouldn't have been there at all. North Korea is a threat to its own citizens, but you can say the same about many countries (Puerto Rico included). Beyond that NK largely keeps itself to itself. That is the only conclusion one can make. The idea that countries do not have a right to defend themselves is ludicrous. Is Israel dropping nukes on Palestine? Nope. Now do they use other forms of violence? Absolutely. The nuke is a last resort and that is why they seldom get used. America would not give up its nukes precisely because it would be at a disadvantage. That was my entire point. I wouldn't expect them too. I find all these sanctions and wars to be ridiculous and if countries would look to bully less and negotiate more then the world would be a better place.

    Miles Miles Miles....... why oh why do you insist on putting Vietnam in the same sentence as NK?? Again.... apples and oranges. Nobody...... repeat..... NOBODY is comparing NK to Vietnam. I'm among those who agree that the U.S. had no business in Vietnam. It is sad that so many lives were lost..... on BOTH sides.... because of some very unfortunate, unwise decisions regarding Vietnam. A more useless war is very hard to find. BUT..... and this is where the "but" comes in..... Vietnam was never a threat to anyone outside Vietnam. Nobody in Vietnam spoke about nuking Guam or Alaska. Vietnam didn't lob missiles over Japan.

    How come you never address Jong-Un's penchant for lobbing missiles over Japan? Is that not a fair and reasonable question? Is that subject out of bounds? Have you ever asked any Japanese how they feel about that?

    "The idea that countries do not have a right to defend themselves is ludicrous." Who's saying NK doesn't have a right to defend itself? But tell me...... do they need to continue and continue upping their nuke capacity in order to defend themselves? Who is this imaginary enemy who is going to march on their borders and invade them? The U.S.? Please don't say that, 'cause I'll urinate on myself (there's that fav word of yours) in laughter. What on god's green Earth would the U.S. want to invade NK for? For their vast oil reserves? For altruistic reasons? For the good of mankind? Hell no. The U.S. cares not one single solitary shit about NK. All it wants....... ALL it wants, Miles, is for NK to stop rattling cages and making ridiculous threats, whether they can carry them out or not.

    You gotta stop taking these criticisms of NK and Jong-Un so personally. It skews everything else you have to say.
    I do not take it personally, I just think it is outlandish to suggest taking out a leader when at this point in time a lot of progress has and is being made. Missile launches are a long time past. Currently massive progress is being made and we should be saying 'Wow, this is quite the turnaround, but instead you are saying something akin to 'Should we put a bullet in his head?' Come on, that is silly and I am sure you know it. These later posts are much more sensible though, so I see a progression here too. I don't see these threats that you are talking about. I see a bloke who is actually going to visit the South and who has a private phone line to the President in the South. That is all very significant.

    I think Walrus is upset about my satirical post about him having a heart attack and being defecated on, so for the sake of decency will tidy that up.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Again, that was satire. I am not looking for the expiration of Walrus whence the quotation marks. Having a laugh really about the notion that some think they are balanced and a voice of reason whilst others are 'nutters'. I feel the same about politics. The notion that some have to be assassinated whilst those doing the assassinations are only doing it for the good of the world. What on earth are you talking about? Did you forget what happened in Iraq? In Vietnam? In the case of Vietnam many veterans concede that they were on the 'wrong side' or else shouldn't have been there at all. North Korea is a threat to its own citizens, but you can say the same about many countries (Puerto Rico included). Beyond that NK largely keeps itself to itself. That is the only conclusion one can make. The idea that countries do not have a right to defend themselves is ludicrous. Is Israel dropping nukes on Palestine? Nope. Now do they use other forms of violence? Absolutely. The nuke is a last resort and that is why they seldom get used. America would not give up its nukes precisely because it would be at a disadvantage. That was my entire point. I wouldn't expect them too. I find all these sanctions and wars to be ridiculous and if countries would look to bully less and negotiate more then the world would be a better place.

    Miles Miles Miles....... why oh why do you insist on putting Vietnam in the same sentence as NK?? Again.... apples and oranges. Nobody...... repeat..... NOBODY is comparing NK to Vietnam. I'm among those who agree that the U.S. had no business in Vietnam. It is sad that so many lives were lost..... on BOTH sides.... because of some very unfortunate, unwise decisions regarding Vietnam. A more useless war is very hard to find. BUT..... and this is where the "but" comes in..... Vietnam was never a threat to anyone outside Vietnam. Nobody in Vietnam spoke about nuking Guam or Alaska. Vietnam didn't lob missiles over Japan.

    How come you never address Jong-Un's penchant for lobbing missiles over Japan? Is that not a fair and reasonable question? Is that subject out of bounds? Have you ever asked any Japanese how they feel about that?

    "The idea that countries do not have a right to defend themselves is ludicrous." Who's saying NK doesn't have a right to defend itself? But tell me...... do they need to continue and continue upping their nuke capacity in order to defend themselves? Who is this imaginary enemy who is going to march on their borders and invade them? The U.S.? Please don't say that, 'cause I'll urinate on myself (there's that fav word of yours) in laughter. What on god's green Earth would the U.S. want to invade NK for? For their vast oil reserves? For altruistic reasons? For the good of mankind? Hell no. The U.S. cares not one single solitary shit about NK. All it wants....... ALL it wants, Miles, is for NK to stop rattling cages and making ridiculous threats, whether they can carry them out or not.

    You gotta stop taking these criticisms of NK and Jong-Un so personally. It skews everything else you have to say.
    I do not take it personally, I just think it is outlandish to suggest taking out a leader when at this point in time a lot of progress has and is being made. Missile launches are a long time past. Currently massive progress is being made and we should be saying 'Wow, this is quite the turnaround, but instead you are saying something akin to 'Should we put a bullet in his head?' Come on, that is silly and I am sure you know it. These later posts are much more sensible though, so I see a progression here too. I don't see these threats that you are talking about. I see a bloke who is actually going to visit the South and who has a private phone line to the President in the South. That is all very significant.

    I think Walrus is upset about my satirical post about him having a heart attack and being defecated on, so for the sake of decency will tidy that up.
    No not upset miles, I just don’t do the death thing to people as it will come to all of us at anytime. Those words you used were very brockish though. I’m wondering if u consult him for attacks.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    I'll address your points with some points of my own.

    1. Yes, Puerto Rico is currently bankrupt. I'm still eating 3 meals a day, and sitting here reading your boring bullshit on the forum. Next point.

    2. Why no threads on PR and it's problems? I'll gladly discuss PR's problems with a fellow adult, having a mature conversation as adults tend to have. Brock is a 54-year old man perfectly capable of speaking for himself. My problems with him are between Brock and me. Bad form is butting in where you don't belong and using your friendship to skew facts and twist everything to your liking. But I don't expect you to grasp that one.

    3. Assassination in and of itself may be bad form.... but there are more than a handful of world leaders out there that their respective countries could well do without. Kim is one of them. Nicolas Maduro is another. Rodrigo Duterte may well be another depending on your particular point of view. People talk about overthrowing leaders all the time. Get over it.

    4. You must have suffered a major lapse in memory. I vividly recall you rhapsodizing about your hair color and style. You must've blocked that phase out of your mind. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

    5. What a load of bullshit. This alone speaks volumes about the type of person I'm attempting to reason with.

    6. More bullshit. I can't be bothered to search..... but you regularly spewed tons of threads and posts disparaging the whole Paralympics thing and seemed to have some real anger issues about it.

    7. Normal people.... or at least those from my planet..... don't joke around about punching babies. I could joke around about assassinating a world leader and it would come off better than you joking about punching babies. But it goes with the rest of your personality. Just like you to want to punch someone who can't punch back.

    8. Well whoopie for you, Miles. At least you found a place where you can fit in, since you obviously failed to do so back home.

    9. Not a homophobe, Miles. Some of my best friends are gay. I'm a firm believer you can do with your anus as you like. More power to you.

    10. "The rockets stopped long ago." Cool story, bro. And Kim will never ever lob them over Japan ever again. Crosses his heart and hopes to die. By the way, I've got some beachfront property in Nebraska to sell you if you're interested.

    11. Where do you get this shit from? Just wondering. Ok I'll humor you. You have NOT changed. You're still the same ol' Miles we've come to laugh at and love.

    I'm thinking maybe I should at least feign anger with you. You seem so bent on this "getting a rise" out of me that I'm actually starting to feel a bit guilty that I'm not. Your tired lines about me "calming down", you "getting a rise" out of me, and all those other things began to sound hollow and fall on deaf ears eons ago. It passed Sad Territory and is well into Pathetic Country. What can I do to make that better? You want me to threaten to kill you and piss on you? Would that get a gay little smile out of you? Well ok..... but you'll have to beg.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Again, that was satire. I am not looking for the expiration of Walrus whence the quotation marks. Having a laugh really about the notion that some think they are balanced and a voice of reason whilst others are 'nutters'. I feel the same about politics. The notion that some have to be assassinated whilst those doing the assassinations are only doing it for the good of the world. What on earth are you talking about? Did you forget what happened in Iraq? In Vietnam? In the case of Vietnam many veterans concede that they were on the 'wrong side' or else shouldn't have been there at all. North Korea is a threat to its own citizens, but you can say the same about many countries (Puerto Rico included). Beyond that NK largely keeps itself to itself. That is the only conclusion one can make. The idea that countries do not have a right to defend themselves is ludicrous. Is Israel dropping nukes on Palestine? Nope. Now do they use other forms of violence? Absolutely. The nuke is a last resort and that is why they seldom get used. America would not give up its nukes precisely because it would be at a disadvantage. That was my entire point. I wouldn't expect them too. I find all these sanctions and wars to be ridiculous and if countries would look to bully less and negotiate more then the world would be a better place.

    Miles Miles Miles....... why oh why do you insist on putting Vietnam in the same sentence as NK?? Again.... apples and oranges. Nobody...... repeat..... NOBODY is comparing NK to Vietnam. I'm among those who agree that the U.S. had no business in Vietnam. It is sad that so many lives were lost..... on BOTH sides.... because of some very unfortunate, unwise decisions regarding Vietnam. A more useless war is very hard to find. BUT..... and this is where the "but" comes in..... Vietnam was never a threat to anyone outside Vietnam. Nobody in Vietnam spoke about nuking Guam or Alaska. Vietnam didn't lob missiles over Japan.

    How come you never address Jong-Un's penchant for lobbing missiles over Japan? Is that not a fair and reasonable question? Is that subject out of bounds? Have you ever asked any Japanese how they feel about that?

    "The idea that countries do not have a right to defend themselves is ludicrous." Who's saying NK doesn't have a right to defend itself? But tell me...... do they need to continue and continue upping their nuke capacity in order to defend themselves? Who is this imaginary enemy who is going to march on their borders and invade them? The U.S.? Please don't say that, 'cause I'll urinate on myself (there's that fav word of yours) in laughter. What on god's green Earth would the U.S. want to invade NK for? For their vast oil reserves? For altruistic reasons? For the good of mankind? Hell no. The U.S. cares not one single solitary shit about NK. All it wants....... ALL it wants, Miles, is for NK to stop rattling cages and making ridiculous threats, whether they can carry them out or not.

    You gotta stop taking these criticisms of NK and Jong-Un so personally. It skews everything else you have to say.
    I do not take it personally, I just think it is outlandish to suggest taking out a leader when at this point in time a lot of progress has and is being made. Missile launches are a long time past. Currently massive progress is being made and we should be saying 'Wow, this is quite the turnaround, but instead you are saying something akin to 'Should we put a bullet in his head?' Come on, that is silly and I am sure you know it. These later posts are much more sensible though, so I see a progression here too. I don't see these threats that you are talking about. I see a bloke who is actually going to visit the South and who has a private phone line to the President in the South. That is all very significant.

    I think Walrus is upset about my satirical post about him having a heart attack and being defecated on, so for the sake of decency will tidy that up.
    No not upset miles, I just don’t do the death thing to people as it will come to all of us at anytime. Those words you used were very brockish though. I’m wondering if u consult him for attacks.
    I deleted that post with a message to the Mods why I did so. It was Derek and Clive style satire which I find funny, but ordinary people would probably think a bit extreme. I thought I had hurt your feelings whence the dislike, so erased it. Obviously I wish no death upon anyone from Kim Jeong Eun, to Beanz, to you. No strategic bombing on the part of Lord Brock. Truth is this thread has become full of harsh words, but they are all so gay I find it hard to get genuinely upset by them. Kind of fun going back and forth with my hairstyle and sexuality at stake though. To be gay or not to be gay. To be a failure or not to be a failure. I have no idea how I could be considered a failure really. Failure is surely to leave school at 16, get a girl pregnant, abandon her, then get put in prison after being caught stealing for a junk habit. Isn't that failure? People have the strangest definitions. Most of Tito's harsh words are just directly parroted lines of Beanz anyway. Much more Beanz influence than Brock on mine. You won't see me writing a poem.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Every great man has a self induced scar. Walrus self harms regularly by breaking bones and things. Every man does this. Even a tattoo is an act of self sabotage.

    With this statement alone, the prosecution rests.

    When one is attempting to have an adult conversation, and something like this is said, it's best to look away so the chuckle won't be too obvious.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    But again..... who am I to judge. You want to cut yourself with razor blades and claim every great man has self-induced scars? Go for it.

    I'm trying to turn over a new leaf here. It's called emphatic listening toward the emotionally scarred and disadvantaged.

    Tell us more, Miles. I'm genuinely interested.

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