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Thread: One reason why I like George Bush......

  1. #31
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    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    hahahahahahahahahahaha america :P

  2. #32
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    Quote Originally Posted by Julius Rain
    hahahahahahahahahahaha america :P
    ...Fuck YEAH America!

    ....despite of what all the liberals think America has had it pretty fucking good during the terms of W's stay in office.

    My water works, I have access to ANYTHING I want, electricity, cable television, the internet, air conditioning.....I mean things couldn't get much better here

  3. #33
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    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    are u still going on about this?

    and btw i dont no y u mentioned canada in ur response to me cus i liv ein uk
    and the onli reason i posted on here was because u said ask our uk and canadian bros how that works (referring to nhs)
    soi gave u my opinion

    and actually having free health care means more of us can afford a jaguar!!!

    also this is pointless and i wont get into ann argument with u about it
    we vote in our leaders with the majority winning

  4. #34
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    I wasn't talking about healthcare this time Kat, I was talking about how stupid Al Gore is and how even if we do have "the worst president ever" America is still a great place to live.

    But if you want me to go back to healthcare ok....

    "Free Healthcare" isn't free, it's "free"'s taxes that pay for that and some people being healthier than others shouldn't have to pay the same ammount of taxes if they don't go to the doctor the same ammount.

    As for Canada they wouldn't let you get private healthcare for the longest time which is why Canadians come across the border to the US to get fixed don't hear of Americans going across to Canada to get fixed....mainly because there are still circa 4 Million Canadians waiting to meet with a doctor....not have surgery or anything just waiting to see a doctor to see if they are doing ok or to plan out a surgery or whatever.

    I mentioned Canada because their system is what our politicians want to copy and it doesn't friggin work

    Also, on a side note....if Michael Moore thinks healthcare is so fucking great in Cuba, Canada, England, etc why doesn't he move his fat ass over there and just stay?

  5. #35
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    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    [...the people who don't like the Republican tax policy are communist or well as the people who think Universal Healthcare is a good idea.

    Idiotic....maybe.....but it's out there and it's an issue because everyone wants to provide for the people who are poor and I agree it's a noble cause but you can't just do everything for those people, if you do they will become lazy as we hear about those people who take advantage of welfare (and notice I say TAKE ADVANTAGE OF...not everyone on welfare is a lazy peice of S*** but some are).....people need to provide for themselves and if they can't then it's darwinism and in life everyone can't win everytime and you shouldn't handicap those who are doing well just to catch people up with's counter productive.
    errrmmmm yeah u did talk about health care

    and i asked y in ur reply to my post u mentioned Canada

    See in red
    i was talking about uk healthcare which is wat is relevant to me
    i dont live in Canada so there health care is irrelivant to me

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo
    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    ...and when I say "everyone wants to provide for the poor" I mean: Obama, Clinton, and Romney....all of them have Universal Healthcare programs planned for us......just ask our British and Canadian friends how that works for them!Universal Healthcare is socialism...and it doesn't work because it provides for those who don't do enough and it takes away from those who strive to do better...hence COUNTER PRODUCTIVE

    There's a reason Canadians come to the US for healthcare!

    Right now someone could need by-pass surgery....tell me how long you would wait in Canada and'd have it done TODAY in America!

    Look at Cancer survivors in those countries....America is far and away the best for survival rates for pretty much all forms of cancer
    Hmm I watched Michael Moorer's recent Sicko documentary and according to him if you are an American citizen you have to go to Cuba to be able to get affordable medicine. Also only the inmates at Guantanamo get free healthcare and the rest are just fucked.

    Surely Michael Moorer wouldn't be just trying to sensationalise.......would he?
    Kat....the key to your post "if u wanna go private and pay u can and get stuff done quicker" Canada going private isn't an option and if it is it's only been recently passed in some areas.
    The market always works out for the people in need Kat....which is why it's called Supply and DEMAND.

    We have a defacto social healthcare system now in the US....illegals and poor people use the system and honestly it's cheaper to have the procedures done without insurance in most cases because the insurance company sets the prices.....but that's besides the point....the point is doctors are obligated to help people in need and not worry about being paid...if someone has a heart attack in a hospital they don't swipe his credit card before they fix all these illegals and poor people get treatment and basically insurance goes up and the prices go up due to people not's like working loss prevention at a department have a whole bunch of $10 items but a bunch get stolen and you change the price to $20 for the rest to save your a** and stay in the positive.

    Downsizing over here is mostly due to Unions or NAFTA and honestly it's the corporations, union heads, and politicians who should answer for that....but this ain't France, you have to keep yourself competative even if it means getting fewer benefits or less pay....but mainly it means making yourself too valuable to let go and it's harder to do that in some jobs which is very sad but it's a fact.

    "yes we have very long waiting times in some areas of medicine but we dont pick out rich ppl with better payment plans and insurance to treat first "

    I'm not talking about kicking people out, I'm saying if you have the means you should have the option to be served right away and get THE BEST treatment available.

    You don't just pay to be looked at, you pay for results too...for example I don't want to be told by my government that I have to drive a Yugo when I can afford a get it?

    As for America's's not 100% perfect but it needs less to fix it than overhauling the whole system.

    and u said ..................
    I'm not talking about kicking people out, I'm saying if you have the means you should have the option to be served right away and get THE BEST treatment available.

    and in the uk this does happen

    and on a side note dont try and send your rejects over here we have enough of our own thanx

  6. #36
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    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    I guess lyle is a rich republican....

    Mchael moore should move to cuba canada or anywhere he thinks healthcare is better, well Moore is just being an american. This is what we do, we are just naturally rebels. It doesn't matter how good we got it, we will still find something to protest about.

    I really do think our healthcare plan suxks though and I do think taxing the richer people isn't a good idea. I mean if any of us was to win a million dollars from lotto, the tax percentage will reduce it to like 700k. I think lower the tax percentage for the poor and lower it for the rich too. Lets not waste our money on wars, lets legalize and tax drugs and guns very high and deport criminals or hobos. Lets clean up the streets, lets stop playing around with these local drug dealers and gangs. If they want to act tough lets go send our sqat teams and eradicate these insects. Get all their drugs and money, turn that to tax funds. Lets focus on our own problems, forget the middle east they hate us no matter what we do anyways.

  7. #37
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    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    What i find funny is a lot of people hate this country for one reason or another but not a damn one of them wants to move out.

  8. #38
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    Quote Originally Posted by katfight
    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    [...the people who don't like the Republican tax policy are communist or well as the people who think Universal Healthcare is a good idea.

    Idiotic....maybe.....but it's out there and it's an issue because everyone wants to provide for the people who are poor and I agree it's a noble cause but you can't just do everything for those people, if you do they will become lazy as we hear about those people who take advantage of welfare (and notice I say TAKE ADVANTAGE OF...not everyone on welfare is a lazy peice of S*** but some are).....people need to provide for themselves and if they can't then it's darwinism and in life everyone can't win everytime and you shouldn't handicap those who are doing well just to catch people up with's counter productive.
    errrmmmm yeah u did talk about health care

    and i asked y in ur reply to my post u mentioned Canada

    See in red
    i was talking about uk healthcare which is wat is relevant to me
    i dont live in Canada so there health care is irrelivant to me

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo
    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    ...and when I say "everyone wants to provide for the poor" I mean: Obama, Clinton, and Romney....all of them have Universal Healthcare programs planned for us......just ask our British and Canadian friends how that works for them!Universal Healthcare is socialism...and it doesn't work because it provides for those who don't do enough and it takes away from those who strive to do better...hence COUNTER PRODUCTIVE

    There's a reason Canadians come to the US for healthcare!

    Right now someone could need by-pass surgery....tell me how long you would wait in Canada and'd have it done TODAY in America!

    Look at Cancer survivors in those countries....America is far and away the best for survival rates for pretty much all forms of cancer
    Hmm I watched Michael Moorer's recent Sicko documentary and according to him if you are an American citizen you have to go to Cuba to be able to get affordable medicine. Also only the inmates at Guantanamo get free healthcare and the rest are just fucked.

    Surely Michael Moorer wouldn't be just trying to sensationalise.......would he?
    Kat....the key to your post "if u wanna go private and pay u can and get stuff done quicker" Canada going private isn't an option and if it is it's only been recently passed in some areas.
    The market always works out for the people in need Kat....which is why it's called Supply and DEMAND.

    We have a defacto social healthcare system now in the US....illegals and poor people use the system and honestly it's cheaper to have the procedures done without insurance in most cases because the insurance company sets the prices.....but that's besides the point....the point is doctors are obligated to help people in need and not worry about being paid...if someone has a heart attack in a hospital they don't swipe his credit card before they fix all these illegals and poor people get treatment and basically insurance goes up and the prices go up due to people not's like working loss prevention at a department have a whole bunch of $10 items but a bunch get stolen and you change the price to $20 for the rest to save your a** and stay in the positive.

    Downsizing over here is mostly due to Unions or NAFTA and honestly it's the corporations, union heads, and politicians who should answer for that....but this ain't France, you have to keep yourself competitive even if it means getting fewer benefits or less pay....but mainly it means making yourself too valuable to let go and it's harder to do that in some jobs which is very sad but it's a fact.

    "yes we have very long waiting times in some areas of medicine but we dont pick out rich ppl with better payment plans and insurance to treat first "

    I'm not talking about kicking people out, I'm saying if you have the means you should have the option to be served right away and get THE BEST treatment available.

    You don't just pay to be looked at, you pay for results too...for example I don't want to be told by my government that I have to drive a Yugo when I can afford a get it?

    As for America's's not 100% perfect but it needs less to fix it than overhauling the whole system.

    and u said ..................
    I'm not talking about kicking people out, I'm saying if you have the means you should have the option to be served right away and get THE BEST treatment available.

    and in the uk this does happen

    and on a side note dont try and send your rejects over here we have enough of our own thanx

    Kitten that was waaaaaay long ago in this topic...I had already moved on

    #1 Canada has the system we (Hillary, Obama, Romney) want to copy.....and until just recently private care was in "against the law" in " it was not allowed for people to spend their money which they earned in their jobs to get treatment for diseases/illnesses/health issues they have".

    #2 I know you're from England

    #3 Why must you Europeans tax the shit out of everyone I mean how much is enough? The politicians are frivilous enough with their own fucking money......John Edwards has paid upwards of $1,000 bucks to get his hair cut.....that's HIS money I am not letting that jackass NEAR my hard earned cash!

    Julius I am not rich....I am a conservative only because I want to keep what I have worked hard for...I don't want my government to tell me EVERYTHING to do....there is a limit to government and I like them to know it.

    You think Hillary Clinton is going to sit back and go to whatever doctor "the government" tells her to NO, the politicians are creating 2 America's...not a rich and a poor but an independent and a dependent America!

    Dependency never works when you bring the federal government into have to look out for #1 and that's what I do and that's what I tell people to do.

    Besides sugar britches, name 1 thing the government runs without turning it into a giant bureaucracy...I don't want going to the doctor to be like going to the DMV

  9. #39
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    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    Well as someone who has seen Islamic fundamentalism up front and personal in the mountains of Afghanistan and in November will meet it again in Iraq..This is not an issue of oil, WMDs, dictatorships etc...Its western culture and islamic extremism meeting in the world...If the US withdraws this fight will follow us home, and I feel strongly as Europeans more and more want to defend their culture against an explosion of muslim immigrants that this violence will visit itself more and more in the European continent...George Bush is what he is love him or hate him...the important thing to me about the president is that I believe he is a man of principle that whether mistake or not he truly believes he is right...I believe that he will not tell you what he think you want to hear which I did feel about Carey and Gore...I don't want socialized medicine simply b/c I don't think its right to invest my tax dollars in a plan to provide healthcare for people that don't take care of themselves...Why should some fat ass, twinkie eating, alcoholic, two pack a day smoker pay the same amount for healthcare that I do? Obviously there has to be a minimum requirement...but an overall socialized medicine will drive doctors wages down and conversely cause our best and brightest not want to give up 10 yrs of their life to be a MD. One thing that would help make medical care more affordable is better tort reform so hospitals and Drs malpractice insurance isn't so expensive. I pray that Mccain get elected but at the moment its not looking good...anyway I'm rambling
    Most bad government has grown out of too much government. Thomas Jefferson

  10. #40
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    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    Quote Originally Posted by katfight
    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    [...the people who don't like the Republican tax policy are communist or well as the people who think Universal Healthcare is a good idea.

    Idiotic....maybe.....but it's out there and it's an issue because everyone wants to provide for the people who are poor and I agree it's a noble cause but you can't just do everything for those people, if you do they will become lazy as we hear about those people who take advantage of welfare (and notice I say TAKE ADVANTAGE OF...not everyone on welfare is a lazy peice of S*** but some are).....people need to provide for themselves and if they can't then it's darwinism and in life everyone can't win everytime and you shouldn't handicap those who are doing well just to catch people up with's counter productive.
    errrmmmm yeah u did talk about health care

    and i asked y in ur reply to my post u mentioned Canada

    See in red
    i was talking about uk healthcare which is wat is relevant to me
    i dont live in Canada so there health care is irrelivant to me

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo
    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    ...and when I say "everyone wants to provide for the poor" I mean: Obama, Clinton, and Romney....all of them have Universal Healthcare programs planned for us......just ask our British and Canadian friends how that works for them!Universal Healthcare is socialism...and it doesn't work because it provides for those who don't do enough and it takes away from those who strive to do better...hence COUNTER PRODUCTIVE

    There's a reason Canadians come to the US for healthcare!

    Right now someone could need by-pass surgery....tell me how long you would wait in Canada and'd have it done TODAY in America!

    Look at Cancer survivors in those countries....America is far and away the best for survival rates for pretty much all forms of cancer
    Hmm I watched Michael Moorer's recent Sicko documentary and according to him if you are an American citizen you have to go to Cuba to be able to get affordable medicine. Also only the inmates at Guantanamo get free healthcare and the rest are just fucked.

    Surely Michael Moorer wouldn't be just trying to sensationalise.......would he?
    Kat....the key to your post "if u wanna go private and pay u can and get stuff done quicker" Canada going private isn't an option and if it is it's only been recently passed in some areas.
    The market always works out for the people in need Kat....which is why it's called Supply and DEMAND.

    We have a defacto social healthcare system now in the US....illegals and poor people use the system and honestly it's cheaper to have the procedures done without insurance in most cases because the insurance company sets the prices.....but that's besides the point....the point is doctors are obligated to help people in need and not worry about being paid...if someone has a heart attack in a hospital they don't swipe his credit card before they fix all these illegals and poor people get treatment and basically insurance goes up and the prices go up due to people not's like working loss prevention at a department have a whole bunch of $10 items but a bunch get stolen and you change the price to $20 for the rest to save your a** and stay in the positive.

    Downsizing over here is mostly due to Unions or NAFTA and honestly it's the corporations, union heads, and politicians who should answer for that....but this ain't France, you have to keep yourself competitive even if it means getting fewer benefits or less pay....but mainly it means making yourself too valuable to let go and it's harder to do that in some jobs which is very sad but it's a fact.

    "yes we have very long waiting times in some areas of medicine but we dont pick out rich ppl with better payment plans and insurance to treat first "

    I'm not talking about kicking people out, I'm saying if you have the means you should have the option to be served right away and get THE BEST treatment available.

    You don't just pay to be looked at, you pay for results too...for example I don't want to be told by my government that I have to drive a Yugo when I can afford a get it?

    As for America's's not 100% perfect but it needs less to fix it than overhauling the whole system.

    and u said ..................
    I'm not talking about kicking people out, I'm saying if you have the means you should have the option to be served right away and get THE BEST treatment available.

    and in the uk this does happen

    and on a side note dont try and send your rejects over here we have enough of our own thanx

    Kitten that was waaaaaay long ago in this topic...I had already moved on

    #1 Canada has the system we (Hillary, Obama, Romney) want to copy.....and until just recently private care was in "against the law" in " it was not allowed for people to spend their money which they earned in their jobs to get treatment for diseases/illnesses/health issues they have".

    #2 I know you're from England

    #3 Why must you Europeans tax the S*** out of everyone I mean how much is enough? The politicians are frivilous enough with their own F****** money......John Edwards has paid upwards of $1,000 bucks to get his hair cut.....that's HIS money I am not letting that jackass NEAR my hard earned cash!

    Julius I am not rich....I am a conservative only because I want to keep what I have worked hard for...I don't want my government to tell me EVERYTHING to do....there is a limit to government and I like them to know it.

    You think Hillary Clinton is going to sit back and go to whatever doctor "the government" tells her to NO, the politicians are creating 2 America's...not a rich and a poor but an independent and a dependent America!

    Dependency never works when you bring the federal government into have to look out for #1 and that's what I do and that's what I tell people to do.

    Besides sugar britches, name 1 thing the government runs without turning it into a giant bureaucracy...I don't want going to the doctor to be like going to the DMV
    #1 your still not explaining y u mentioned Canada in my reply thread
    i wrote on this thread as one of ur uk 'friends' refererring to our health care!!!i dont need to know about Canada
    i have no plans to live there

    #2 i dont call myself English -------I'm British i see a difference

    #3 What the fuck does it have to do with u how or why we tax everything??
    do u live here ? NO

    so how does it affect u
    it dont


    hahahahahahahaha quote 'you have to look out for #1 and that's what I do and that's what I tell people to do.'unquote

    thats dependency is it
    u telling people what to do ??

    #5 your wasting your time whinging on a boxing forum about this
    use your time to write a nice long letter

    and then use ur fucking vote
    and u no what if who u vote for doesnt get elected
    then the majority of the country doesnt feel the same as u !

  11. #41
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    I totally explained why I mentioned Canada


    Does that not explain why switching to Canada's system would be bad?

    #2 You're from the country of England....if you want it to be called Britain then fine...makes no difference to fact, please explain the difference!

    #3 Well sugar britches this is how it works....if you tax people you can help the infrastructure but you can hurt the economy.....I'm sure being over there you have heard of the Irish miracle....they have made some strides to be stronger economically and the first thing they did was cut taxes to make it easier to run a company.....think of the taxes companies's tough to build something from scratch and make it work when you're being taxed more.

    #4....ever hear of "The Nanny State" Gun Control....oh it's worked so well for the UK and Australia, crime has only jumped up over 100%...with America we couldn't take that but God help the person who tells liberals that gun control = more crime. Political Correctness, not booing at games, 'everyone's a winner', think of everyone's feelings, participation trophies, GLOBAL WARMING etc.

    I go back to my school days where we would have tattle tales and the teacher would say "Don't worry about that person is doing, you just worry about what you're doing".....Kat I don't want my life choices handed over to the government....go read 1984

    Liberals think that the average person is too stupid to make choices for himself....I don't think I have stated before I believe in Personal Responsibility

    #5 Well I voted for Bush twice...I have my complaints about him but he's better than what we could have had.

  12. #42
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    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    I agree Lyle...we dont need, better teachers, more gun control, more censorship, more gov't control on drugs/food etc etc we need more accountability of the individual....Its never the person's fault but always the poor parenting, bad schools, gun company, Mcdonalds, Marlboro media etc etc
    Most bad government has grown out of too much government. Thomas Jefferson

  13. #43
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    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    I totally explained why I mentioned Canada


    Does that not explain why switching to Canada's system would be bad?

    #2 You're from the country of England....if you want it to be called Britain then fine...makes no difference to fact, please explain the difference!

    #3 Well sugar britches this is how it works....if you tax people you can help the infrastructure but you can hurt the economy.....I'm sure being over there you have heard of the Irish miracle....they have made some strides to be stronger economically and the first thing they did was cut taxes to make it easier to run a company.....think of the taxes companies's tough to build something from scratch and make it work when you're being taxed more.

    #4....ever hear of "The Nanny State" Gun Control....oh it's worked so well for the UK and Australia, crime has only jumped up over 100%...with America we couldn't take that but God help the person who tells liberals that gun control = more crime. Political Correctness, not booing at games, 'everyone's a winner', think of everyone's feelings, participation trophies, GLOBAL WARMING etc.

    I go back to my school days where we would have tattle tales and the teacher would say "Don't worry about that person is doing, you just worry about what you're doing".....Kat I don't want my life choices handed over to the government....go read 1984

    Liberals think that the average person is too stupid to make choices for himself....I don't think I have stated before I believe in Personal Responsibility

    #5 Well I voted for Bush twice...I have my complaints about him but he's better than what we could have had.
    yeah u totally explained y u mentioned Canada in the first place but my first post was in respect to u mentioning the nhs fuck all to do with Canada cus i dont give a shit what health system they have or u have

    i was commenting on the british health system

    y am i British not English ?
    i dont think many ppl here are truly English actually!!!

    Great Britian is a terminology used to describe england,scotland,wales and northen island

    I was born in Belfast and raised in the uk therfore i am British

    Sugar britches yeah nice
    ...............did i ask u to give me ur political views
    errr no
    i said what the fuck does it have to do with u what we tax or how much it is

    it has nothing to do with u u dont fucking live here

    and hang on what the fuck are u on about
    have u eva even been here??
    i doubt it ..................................if your saying that we dont boo at sports events
    we dont give out participation trophys either
    or other such bullshit

    you know this world is made up of several countrys

    each with a different culture and a different way of living
    we dont all have to live the american way
    it isnt down to you one single american to say whether we should allow Guns to be legalised
    in this country or not you dont fucking live here

    and thats my point not that all your views are wrong .................

    just that wen they are about the uk it has nothing to do with u how our country is run

    i have a lot of views about ur gr8 mr bush but i dont view them because, apart from the fact that Tony Blair might as well of had his head surgically removed from his arse wen he left, it dont affect me.

  14. #44
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    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    here kitty kitty kitty gotta calm that pussy Kat down

  15. #45
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: One reason why I like George Bush......

    Quote Originally Posted by VanChilds
    I agree Lyle...we dont need, better teachers, more gun control, more censorship, more gov't control on drugs/food etc etc we need more accountability of the individual....Its never the person's fault but always the poor parenting, bad schools, gun company, Mcdonalds, Marlboro media etc etc
    ....I never said anything about not needing good teachers....we need all the good teachers we can get.

    Gun control doesn't do shit but safety courses and background checks do well

    People make the CHOICE to smoke....and besides the tobacco industry has kept North Carolina from being a total waste of space: Duke University, Wake Forrest University, East Carolina University, NASCAR, and hell even Duke Power wouldn't be here without Tobacco....The Dukes, RJ Reynolds, and tobacco in general built this state and it's schools like DUKE and WAKE that have the fucking hospitals to treat the cancer that cigarettes before you spout all about the ills of tobacco you have to realize that #1 it's built the state to where it is and #2 people make the CHOICE to smoke....and don't think I haven't had my fair share of family members die from cancer...but let's be real no one lives forever and if my family members didn't smoke they would have still died eventually.

    "i doubt it ................... ...............if your saying that we dont boo at sports events
    we dont give out participation trophys either
    or other such bullshit"

    Jesus Christ Kat, I didn't say YOU did any of those things that's what AMERICA'S liberals do....but I suppose it's pointless to try and explain that now.

    And if I had already explained about Canada why did you have to draw all this out? Was it really needed? You could have just said "that's fine but I like the NHS system here in England and perhaps I could provide some information to back my views up"....but that's ok, I forgive you

    I don't want everyone to live the American way either....I just gave my economic view of the way things are run there and I compared it to Ireland....they were doing well.....because they lowered taxes which invites more economic growth into the's not just an American's just a wise business move because since taxes are percentages of funds then the less you tax and the more people make means that at a certain point you get more money from not taxing as much....but that's complicated and you're mighty well pissed off so I'll leave that for another day.

    Turn that frown upside down

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