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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #5446
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Bannon hasn't been in the Administration for a few years. What he does on his own is his business same with Cohen

    Gates, Manafort,Papadopolous,, Flynn, Stone...
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    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  2. #5447
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Hidden Content

    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  3. #5448
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Bannon hasn't been in the Administration for a few years. What he does on his own is his business same with Cohen

    Gates, Manafort,Papadopolous,, Flynn, Stone...
    Suspended sentence, in jail for something done WELL before he was with Trump (and if he's in jail then the Podesta's ought to be with him because they did the EXACT same shit), entrapped and spent like 2 weeks in jail, the DOJ has dropped the case & the JUDGE is seeking to charge him now, and pardoned.

    There's a glaring double standard of justice but no worries, it's going to be corrected.

  4. #5449
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Bannon hasn't been in the Administration for a few years. What he does on his own is his business same with Cohen
    Stop bullshitting, you are as petty and slippery as the conman president you idolise.
    This could go here, in the Brexit thread, or the Johnson thread. The consequences of such corrupt self serving bastards with their hands in the biscuit barrel are far reaching and are not only criminal but strike at the heart of democracy.

    You have backed the Globalist bastards since day one. In the fucking Daily Mail for God's sake. It is the equivalent of being on Fox. The Emperors clothes are revealed as being nothing but an illusion.
    Hidden Content

    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  5. #5450
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    IT's a an organized crime family
    Former Trump Supporter

    I watched the videos I listened good and I listened hard, I was ready to accept some hard truths about President Trump.

    The videos are all sizzle no steak. The first guy "his whole family, they're nothing but a bunch of grifters".....ooook and you voted for him because of what specific policies? . "I'm a Republican, Lincoln brand" he voted in 1860 or he's not for slavery in the territories and he's for funding the transcontinental railroad or what? He didn't say he voted for W or HW or Reagan or David Perdue or Kelly Loeffler or WHY he's Republican....need I go on to pick apart why THAT guy is a gold bricking phony?

    As for the second fellow. So he's a Christian and a Republican in California and he voted for Trump because he assumed Trump would change? How does that make ANY fucking sense? 'Weeeell suuuuure Trump has been in the public eye since the early 1980's, but I never thought he'd stay true to who he is, I mean golly...I'm bamboozled!!!' Also "I voted for Romney and McCain" old is that guy? You buying he voted 12 years ago? I'm not I'd card him for alcohol NOW

    If you buy those videos fine, buy them, watch them all, post more but I can GUARANTEE you they'll never say "I voted for Trump due to these specific policies and now I feel completely betrayed" and WHY? Because it ain't like the Democrats are going to fill those promises either....maybe a Libertarian would, maybe a different Republican might, but yeah the Democrats aren't going to do it and face it those videos are for Democrat morale and to hook gullible undecided voters.

    I'm sure the GOP has similar videos, I just hope to God they make more sense than those....holy shit man. I've heard more believable stories from a bum who "Just needs money for bus fare". The body language in those videos alone would make a lie detector explode..... "Ummmm...(avoid eye contact) yeah I just can't vote Trump any longer, yeah (shifty eyes) I made a mistake"

    Maybe a Trump hater will watch those and see & hear something different @TitoFan, you buy those vids?
    I'd wager you have a 0% rate of ever seeing those you vote from an objective perspective, let alone detailing what policies work, instead you'd prefer to give your opinion as in:

    believable stories from a bum
    The body language in those videos alone would make a lie detector explode..
    I'd card him for alcohol
    Maybe a Trump hater will watch those

    When will a Trump supporter post something substantive on the millions out of work, almost a million per week, 35+ million.
    Something tangible on his response to covid19 instead of playing his attorney & defending him.
    Providing facts on what policies /laws/resolutions have drawn our troops down in numbers-

    It's easier for you to quote my posts, than vice versa. why would I respond/judge opinions?

    With me, I try my best to stick to the topic of what I think is relative to a Trump Thread- so in usual form you went cherry-picking-again!
    1. I gave my take on the president involving himself in our postal system as news worthy. You bypassed it-no need to respond now. That's tacky to be forced to reply

    2. He put someone in charge to run it, that also gets paid by USPS competitor which leads to a possible discussion if putting him there was strategic.-You bypassed it-no need to respond now. That's tacky to be forced to reply

    3.Then I posted a video Questioning how believable for any daughter to speak on behalf of their father being pro-American- with a video of how much product he makes overseas (a dozen countries) listed in that video is a discussion, how much love for one's country to outsource--You bypassed it-no need to respond now. That's tacky as hell to be damned to ignore it for near 4 years. You don't care and neither do any of his voters care.

    4. After that I posted the video of him claiming his daughter brought 14 million, now 15 million jobs, wondering what Trump supporters have to back that up, let alone the need to ignore that. Surely that should be one big event to state such claims when he accepts his nominee as an incumbent, Will he bring it up at the convention?-yet not even conservative media, nor Trump supporters mention it- You bypassed it-& I've mentioned it several times, so really way-way no need to respond now.

    5. Because I think his supporters are angry, bitter one dimensional thinkers, I wanted to back it up with an Alex Jones video. How can someone say such harsh things as F the prez & F his whole family, -yet still support him. Either he is nuts or he is so anti-Democrat- he will vote for someone he hates over someone he hates even more. So you bypassed -so you don't have to call Alex a hater of Trump. Just sorrowful to see every person that doesnt want to vote for him labeled as a hater- that is an emotion. Alex displayed emotions like a mofo. Not people like Ron Paul, me we are not haters because we think, list his campaign promises? Failures by the numbers. Every veteran in those videos, just labeled, yet they fight to keep you & me safe. See thats what you- use to say between 2008-2016. Now you poo-poo over every soldier that doesn't comply to your ideology.

    I've already posted videos on people who said he didnt deliver on his policies, but as usual, you dismissed or ignored them.
    I numbered them in categories of foreign & domestic polices.
    Then I backed those up with video/quotes from Fox news.- Are they haters too? Then denounce them as Trump hating media, don't just ignore how often I post FOX saying- we don't work for you Trump- we report on you.
    Detailed by naming them be it Cavuto, Hannity, Wallace to Fox business segment
    I Doubled down by going to websites, conservative, authors conservatives like Ann Coulter on his lie to build a wall, tripled down with life time conservatives like George Will who quit the party, Sam Donaldson lifetime conservative as well & retired with nothing to gain- same deal-quit the party & said it is now the Party of Trump. Who in their right mind would just label them as haters too?


    I spent about 10 minutes perusing the 1s few pages of this thread to see if you have actually ever posted Trump's words or videos...I gave up after page 6 I think..

    Rather than posting Trump, you post on his behalf with statements like:
    please learn that he's commenting like that to fuck with a certain group of people
    He knows exactly how to TROLL
    Trump can wind up the mainstream media with 1 single tweet like nobody I've ever seen
    Pepe isn't racist he's a cartoon frog who is green, is Kermit the Frog racist
    Not a peep on Obama's corruption
    Can't make a horse climb a tree.
    Steve Schmidt is the drooling imbecile, Rick Wilson is the perennial loser, and well take your pick of the wimpy little idiots.
    Roy Moore is a truer Conservative/Right Wing candidate and not a Rhino.

    So it's no wonder you would say If I buy those videos. If you practice what you preach- you'd know those videos were an overall presentation of how many demographics cant stand him, and I pre-told in advance, that every Trump supporter will label them ALL be they veterans, active, Christians, news pundits, lifetime republican voters, grandmas & grandpas: they will all be labeled. Trump voters- All of you have a 100% rate of responding with:
    insults, beratement, judgement, pre-judgmental accusations
    liberal bashing cartoons
    videos deriding Clinton, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, media
    Tweets deriding Clinton, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, media
    Links from abstract websites like vox, or anything not relative to Trump
    & every 35-75 pages a Trumper might link a chart or graph.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 08-21-2020 at 12:47 PM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  6. #5451
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    You see the thing is....... I don't need to see ex-Trumpers explain why they've "changed their minds."

    It's not like I was waiting to see or hear what anybody else said about Trump before I made up my own mind.

    That's been my main point all along:

    • What the mainstream media says about Trump doesn't matter to me.
    • What extreme leftists say about Trump doesn't matter to me.
    • What ex-Trumpers say about Trump doesn't matter to me.
    • What hysterical entertainment industry personalities say about Trump doesn't matter to me.
    • What lifelong Democrats with extremely radical views say about Trump doesn't matter to me.
    • What Trump's neighbor, friend, family member, etc say about Trump doesn't matter to me.

    What matters to me is what comes directly from the horse's mouth.

    And there's been enough of that to fill volumes upon volumes of transcripts.

    I don't CARE what Obama did or didn't do back when he was President. Let history judge him as it should.

    What I care about is what I hear and see Trump say.

    No amount of babbling about Fake News this or Conspiracy that can ever change what Trump himself has said.

    He promised to "drain the swamp." He's neck-deep in the swamp.

    He promised to unite the people. He's driven as colossal a wedge between people as there has ever been. In fact.... he thrives on division. He creates it. He stokes the fires. He gloats about it.

    He promised to build a wall on the Mexican border.

    Let's stop there for a minute.

    I myself have NEVER cared for, nor thought that was a good idea.

    I've always maintained there are better, less expensive ways to control such a border. This isn't the Middle Ages, when moats and crocodiles were all the rage.

    And yet..... billions of dollars later..... the wall is still largely un-built. A monument to Trump's grandiose, "put-your-name-on-it", self-aggrandizing, horrendous lack of leadership.

    Biden may be a bumbling fool..... but they're BOTH equally old and equally mentally unstable.

    The difference between the two is that Biden can be counted on to yield to wiser voices when he has to.

    Trump wasn't born with that chip, and instead claims he knows more about everything than anybody. A dangerous egocentric psychological disability that is hugely detrimental to the country.

    Your objective, some things you post I agree, some I disagree. I'd like to think the feeling is mutual. So of course many of those videos wouldn't matter to you!
    I just question those overseas, like @Gandalf for instance, I noticed he has changed his position(s) over the years and wonder how much is relative to what the media feeds him & also how much is he seeing that I'd have to give him the benefit of the doubt- that in his homeland he is seeing a change that is compromising views once held. I can't change the latter, but if I can expose to any outside of America; how guilty and or feeling fooled so many Trump voters -are now giving mea culpas by the tens if not hundreds of thousands of people giving testimony saying "They fucked up.

    So take those videos in context, dude-man! Meaning all of them from a demographical context, as in Not literally looking at all videos just all the different groups feeling disgusted in their 2016 vote.

    I posted several different demographics that appear to me to say- they fell a bit too much in hating Hillary that it took a minute to realize- they not only elected a Democrat in the name of a Republican, but one who has lived up to everything youv'e stated.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  7. #5452
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Stop bullshitting, you are as petty and slippery as the conman president you idolise.
    Why thank you so very much for taking the time to review my character Beanz. I'll be sure to update my curriculum vitae so that it features with the appropriate gravitas your opinion is owed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    This could go here, in the Brexit thread, or the Johnson thread. The consequences of such corrupt self serving bastards with their hands in the biscuit barrel are far reaching and are not only criminal but strike at the heart of democracy.

    You have backed the Globalist bastards since day one. In the fucking Daily Mail for God's sake. It is the equivalent of being on Fox. The Emperors clothes are revealed as being nothing but an illusion.
    Good old Socialists have no such issues do they? They've not got some global brand they cater to or espouse the ideals of do they? Trump is a Globalist? HOW? I'd like some specifics here because you seem to equate "being born wealthy" or "being wealthy in general" with "establishment political power" and while in SOME cases that may be true, but in most cases it's a wild generalization. Why you would make such a generalization is left up to interpretation...could be your personal political views that you don't trust people above a certain income. Could be that in your mind you either cannot or will not separate money & political power. Could be something as shallow as petty jealousy. It could be that England has more of a structured "class system" than make sure that you note that I'm not accusing you of these things I am merely speculating about why you're unable or unwilling to see the difference.

    IF Steve Bannon is guilty of this fraud then he should be punished. To attempt to tie it to Trump is pretty rich all things considered, but hey it's no skin off my nose.

  8. #5453
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    IT's a an organized crime family
    Former Trump Supporter

    I watched the videos I listened good and I listened hard, I was ready to accept some hard truths about President Trump.

    The videos are all sizzle no steak. The first guy "his whole family, they're nothing but a bunch of grifters".....ooook and you voted for him because of what specific policies? . "I'm a Republican, Lincoln brand" he voted in 1860 or he's not for slavery in the territories and he's for funding the transcontinental railroad or what? He didn't say he voted for W or HW or Reagan or David Perdue or Kelly Loeffler or WHY he's Republican....need I go on to pick apart why THAT guy is a gold bricking phony?

    As for the second fellow. So he's a Christian and a Republican in California and he voted for Trump because he assumed Trump would change? How does that make ANY fucking sense? 'Weeeell suuuuure Trump has been in the public eye since the early 1980's, but I never thought he'd stay true to who he is, I mean golly...I'm bamboozled!!!' Also "I voted for Romney and McCain" old is that guy? You buying he voted 12 years ago? I'm not I'd card him for alcohol NOW

    If you buy those videos fine, buy them, watch them all, post more but I can GUARANTEE you they'll never say "I voted for Trump due to these specific policies and now I feel completely betrayed" and WHY? Because it ain't like the Democrats are going to fill those promises either....maybe a Libertarian would, maybe a different Republican might, but yeah the Democrats aren't going to do it and face it those videos are for Democrat morale and to hook gullible undecided voters.

    I'm sure the GOP has similar videos, I just hope to God they make more sense than those....holy shit man. I've heard more believable stories from a bum who "Just needs money for bus fare". The body language in those videos alone would make a lie detector explode..... "Ummmm...(avoid eye contact) yeah I just can't vote Trump any longer, yeah (shifty eyes) I made a mistake"

    Maybe a Trump hater will watch those and see & hear something different @TitoFan, you buy those vids?
    I'd wager you have a 0% rate of ever seeing those you vote from an objective perspective, let alone detailing what policies work, instead you'd prefer to give your opinion as in:

    believable stories from a bum
    The body language in those videos alone would make a lie detector explode..
    I'd card him for alcohol
    Maybe a Trump hater will watch those

    When will a Trump supporter post something substantive on the millions out of work, almost a million per week, 35+ million.
    Something tangible on his response to covid19 instead of playing his attorney & defending him.
    Providing facts on what policies /laws/resolutions have drawn our troops down in numbers-

    It's easier for you to quote my posts, than vice versa. why would I respond/judge opinions?

    With me, I try my best to stick to the topic of what I think is relative to a Trump Thread- so in usual form you went cherry-picking-again!
    1. I gave my take on the president involving himself in our postal system as news worthy. You bypassed it-no need to respond now. That's tacky to be forced to reply

    2. He put someone in charge to run it, that also gets paid by USPS competitor which leads to a possible discussion if putting him there was strategic.-You bypassed it-no need to respond now. That's tacky to be forced to reply

    3.Then I posted a video Questioning how believable for any daughter to speak on behalf of their father being pro-American- with a video of how much product he makes overseas (a dozen countries) listed in that video is a discussion, how much love for one's country to outsource--You bypassed it-no need to respond now. That's tacky as hell to be damned to ignore it for near 4 years. You don't care and neither do any of his voters care.

    4. After that I posted the video of him claiming his daughter brought 14 million, now 15 million jobs, wondering what Trump supporters have to back that up, let alone the need to ignore that. Surely that should be one big event to state such claims when he accepts his nominee as an incumbent, Will he bring it up at the convention?-yet not even conservative media, nor Trump supporters mention it- You bypassed it-& I've mentioned it several times, so really way-way no need to respond now.

    5. Because I think his supporters are angry, bitter one dimensional thinkers, I wanted to back it up with an Alex Jones video. How can someone say such harsh things as F the prez & F his whole family, -yet still support him. Either he is nuts or he is so anti-Democrat- he will vote for someone he hates over someone he hates even more. So you bypassed -so you don't have to call Alex a hater of Trump. Just sorrowful to see every person that doesnt want to vote for him labeled as a hater- that is an emotion. Alex displayed emotions like a mofo. Not people like Ron Paul, me we are not haters because we think, list his campaign promises? Failures by the numbers. Every veteran in those videos, just labeled, yet they fight to keep you & me safe. See thats what you- use to say between 2008-2016. Now you poo-poo over every soldier that doesn't comply to your ideology.

    I've already posted videos on people who said he didnt deliver on his policies, but as usual, you dismissed or ignored them.
    I numbered them in categories of foreign & domestic polices.
    Then I backed those up with video/quotes from Fox news.- Are they haters too? Then denounce them as Trump hating media, don't just ignore how often I post FOX saying- we don't work for you Trump- we report on you.
    Detailed by naming them be it Cavuto, Hannity, Wallace to Fox business segment
    I Doubled down by going to websites, conservative, authors conservatives like Ann Coulter on his lie to build a wall, tripled down with life time conservatives like George Will who quit the party, Sam Donaldson lifetime conservative as well & retired with nothing to gain- same deal-quit the party & said it is now the Party of Trump. Who in their right mind would just label them as haters too?


    I spent about 10 minutes perusing the 1s few pages of this thread to see if you have actually ever posted Trump's words or videos...I gave up after page 6 I think..

    Rather than posting Trump, you post on his behalf with statements like:
    please learn that he's commenting like that to fuck with a certain group of people
    He knows exactly how to TROLL
    Trump can wind up the mainstream media with 1 single tweet like nobody I've ever seen
    Pepe isn't racist he's a cartoon frog who is green, is Kermit the Frog racist
    Not a peep on Obama's corruption
    Can't make a horse climb a tree.
    Steve Schmidt is the drooling imbecile, Rick Wilson is the perennial loser, and well take your pick of the wimpy little idiots.
    Roy Moore is a truer Conservative/Right Wing candidate and not a Rhino.

    So it's no wonder you would say If I buy those videos. If you practice what you preach- you'd know those videos were an overall presentation of how many demographics cant stand him, and I pre-told in advance, that every Trump supporter will label them ALL be they veterans, active, Christians, news pundits, lifetime republican voters, grandmas & grandpas: they will all be labeled. Trump voters- All of you have a 100% rate of responding with:
    insults, beratement, judgement, pre-judgmental accusations
    liberal bashing cartoons
    videos deriding Clinton, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, media
    Tweets deriding Clinton, Obama, Biden, Pelosi, media
    Links from abstract websites like vox, or anything not relative to Trump
    & every 35-75 pages a Trumper might link a chart or graph.
    Then I guess you don't like my opinion and that is what it is.

    If a Republican who voted Trump and then decided to vote Biden exists then I believe they'd probably specify reasons which don't involve emotional bullshit rather than solid political policy...but that's how MY mind works. What are the POLICIES, what is the Incumbent doing in office vs what the challenger is promising.

    "I voted Trump because I'm a Lincoln brand Republican" strikes me a Conservative as needlessly vague and evoking a lauded former President from a century neither I, my parents, or my Grandparents experienced.

    "I voted Trump because God told me & I thought he would change" is likewise questionable...not saying that guy isn't telling HIS truth, but I don't have God speak to me to tell me who to vote for. I don't think Trump is any kind of fundamentalist Christian or serious about religion. Why would I? Now Mike Pence might be a different story, but Trump himself? I think he pays more homage to Christianity than any Democrat is able to these days.

  9. #5454
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Stop bullshitting, you are as petty and slippery as the conman president you idolise.
    Why thank you so very much for taking the time to review my character Beanz. I'll be sure to update my curriculum vitae so that it features with the appropriate gravitas your opinion is owed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    This could go here, in the Brexit thread, or the Johnson thread. The consequences of such corrupt self serving bastards with their hands in the biscuit barrel are far reaching and are not only criminal but strike at the heart of democracy.

    You have backed the Globalist bastards since day one. In the fucking Daily Mail for God's sake. It is the equivalent of being on Fox. The Emperors clothes are revealed as being nothing but an illusion.
    Good old Socialists have no such issues do they? They've not got some global brand they cater to or espouse the ideals of do they? Trump is a Globalist? HOW? I'd like some specifics here because you seem to equate "being born wealthy" or "being wealthy in general" with "establishment political power" and while in SOME cases that may be true, but in most cases it's a wild generalization. Why you would make such a generalization is left up to interpretation...could be your personal political views that you don't trust people above a certain income. Could be that in your mind you either cannot or will not separate money & political power. Could be something as shallow as petty jealousy. It could be that England has more of a structured "class system" than make sure that you note that I'm not accusing you of these things I am merely speculating about why you're unable or unwilling to see the difference.

    IF Steve Bannon is guilty of this fraud then he should be punished. To attempt to tie it to Trump is pretty rich all things considered, but hey it's no skin off my nose.

    I would not waste my time reviewing your character. This is about your posting style, politics, ethical relativism and refusal to ever debate. You cannot surely being denying how petty and slippery you are when you refuse to address issues and evidence and instead weight your own opinion as though it were the same thing? Look at your asking for citations, bullet pointing and even numbering stuff. Titofan in my opinion has it wrong when he praises you for your supposedly calm and measured style. The very opposite is there in black and white. You will never address the issue when you are so clearly emotionally invested in an ideaology that praises ignorance and the mocking of your fellow man. You have always been like this but this thread is a textbook case of your passive aggressive bollocks and projections. It is no surprise for me that you would have always been a big Trump fan when he mirrors so many of your own attributes. You have always been incredibly sure of yourself and in an most circumstances that is a great thing. When the wheels come off though that very strength can be your undoing and like Trump you are seemingly unable to admit to ANY mistakes and that is a sign of hugely, huge, big weakness.

    Stop as well with this pretend innocence and naivety. Do i really need to explain to you how Bannon and Trump interfering in Brexit etc is exactly what Globalists do? you complicate things in order to obsfucate. You are a typical globalist in your outlook. Look at the Premiership and your vomit inducing ignorant following of Liverpool as though you can divorce that from socialism and globalist bullshit. Your country has fucking wrecked football and culture all over these islands and yet you think that you can simply hive off communities and art and people and just replace them with money and make the world American without being a globalist. Just like Trump and his hotels and fucking shite golf stick resorts and his kneeling before the Saudis. You are supporting the very same NWO you at the same time are warning us all about.

    It doesn't work. Nobody is buying it. Look at how corrupt his admin has been. Look at the turnover alone when Trump is supposed to be some expert in hiring people. By any measure the guy is fucking beyond useless and yet you will not look it in the eye

    Hidden Content

    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  10. #5455
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    I would not waste my time reviewing your character.This is about your posting style, politics, ethical relativism and refusal to ever debate. You cannot surely being denying how petty and slippery you are when you refuse to address issues and evidence and instead weight your own opinion as though it were the same thing? Look at your asking for citations, bullet pointing and even numbering stuff. Titofan in my opinion has it wrong when he praises you for your supposedly calm and measured style. The very opposite is there in black and white. You will never address the issue when you are so clearly emotionally invested in an ideaology that praises ignorance and the mocking of your fellow man. You have always been like this but this thread is a textbook case of your passive aggressive bollocks and projections. It is no surprise for me that you would have always been a big Trump fan when he mirrors so many of your own attributes. You have always been incredibly sure of yourself and in an most circumstances that is a great thing. When the wheels come off though that very strength can be your undoing and like Trump you are seemingly unable to admit to ANY mistakes and that is a sign of hugely, huge, big think like, huge weakness.

    Stop as well with this pretend innocence and naivety. Do i really need to explain to you how Bannon and Trump interfering in Brexit etc is exactly what Globalists do? you complicate things in order to obsfucate. You are a typical globalist in your outlook. Look at the Premiership and your vomit inducing ignorant following of Liverpool as though you can divorce that from socialism and globalist bullshit. Your country has fucking wrecked football and culture all over these islands and yet you think that you can simply hive off communities and art and people and just replace them with money and make the world American without being a globalist. Just like Trump and his hotels and fucking shite golf stick resorts and his kneeling before the Saudis. You are supporting the very same NWO you at the same time are warning us all about.

    It doesn't work. Nobody is buying it. Look at how corrupt his admin has been. Look at the turnover alone when Trump is supposed to be some expert in hiring people. By any measure the guy is fucking beyond useless and yet you will not look it in the eye you're saying you don't/haven't/wouldn't "review my character" and yet in your previous post you call me, and I quote "petty and slippery". What are those words to me Beanz? Are they merely about my posting style? OK let's take your word for it and assume they are. So let's delve into your issues with me: My posting style - Beanz, I've offered so many times to change how I post in order to appease you. I've even gone so far as to ask you directly to review my posts before they are made, I've asked you to provide a template to me of how YOU want my posts laid out that you would accept, and I've never gotten 1 single answer from you. What I HAVE received have been your complaints which are apparently never ending "B-b-but numbered posts", "B-b-b-but breaking up posts and quotes", "B-b-b-b-but you post too much", "B-bb-b-but bullet points" I ask again @Beanz, how may I help you?. My politics? Yeah they're different than yours and if you don't like, appreciate, or accept that tough. Ethical relativism? OK then we can certainly have a discussion on your views of my ethics. Am I to understand that your ethics are absolute? And then of course we'd have to discuss if relative or absolute ethics are best which would be quite the topic indeed and I believe (I mean for whatever the fuck that's worth to you ) yeah I'd probably have more than a few hypocritical stances if I'm being honest, I'm not a robot, I'd expect that of everyone given the subject but I'm not going to answer for you because well you haven't debated that topic...and we'll see if you do. "Refusal to debate" well I mean I disagree with you there, but then again my understanding of debate might be different than yours. For example, right now I'd be classifying this response as if not a "debate" per say at the very least a "discussion" the "debate" part would come if you responded to the specific points I made OR if you were to say not accept the premise of something I posted but still responded...I'd consider that a "debate".

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    You cannot surely being denying how petty and slippery you are when you refuse to address issues and evidence and instead weight your own opinion as though it were the same thing?
    So again this isn't about my character? When you post things like this in such a sanctimonious tone does it actually register for you or is this just how you are? What am I not addressing? If in this case Steve Bannon is guilty of this fraud then he should be punished what more would you like from me? You mention others indicted who are close to Trump and I tell you truthfully how I feel about them. I believe Papadopolous, Gen. Flynn, and Roger Stone were railroaded by a politicized DOJ which A) Attempted a coup and B ) Are still attempting to hide the fact they attempted a coup....and if I wasn't correct in that belief FBI officials wouldn't be pleading guilty now would they?

    If you believe TitoFan has it wrong then that's your opinion and you own it and are entitled to it. What would you like me to do with it? I mean I see how you treat my opinion, perhaps I should swap mine out for yours wholecloth? Maybe that would change your opinion of me for the better and end any issues you have with me? Perhaps all along you've just wanted to be patronized and I've been missing the cues?

    Pretend innocence and naivety? Interfering in Brexit? Yeah you didn't seem to have any issue with Obama interfering in Brexit, you don't seem to have any issues with Christopher Steele aiding a coup against our President. Weren't you just going on about my "ethical relativity"? How am I "Globalist in my outlook"?

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz
    Your country has fucking wrecked football and culture all over these islands
    Hmmm....interesting take Beanz. How could America ruin your culture if your culture is the culture of immigrants and refugees? Americans are different than immigrants and refugees? How many chip shops and pubs have been converted into Halal takeaways? And America did that? Based Beaner England First am I right?

    Good chat I eagerly await your reply

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Lyle has forgotten that he used to vehemently back George Bush and the Iraq "war" (read: GENOCIDE, that walrus participated in by the way.... Or at the very least if not a genocide then without a doubt WAR CRIME).

    At the time Lyle was on his high horse George Bush support, it was I who was fervently and viciously against the United States and the UK having illegally invaded Iraq.


    So @Beanz right. Lyle is a slippery character.

  12. #5457
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    And for the record I also think that Titofan overestimates any measuredness or balance that you may have. That is certainly no dig whatsoever at Titofan; we each make our own assessments, and rightly so. I'm sure he has plenty of reason to assess your posting in that way, and that for him it is true. But I deem you to be a smug inflexible control freak, who hides behind sarcasm, logical fallacies and projection.

    I didn't say "bad person" (knowing you as well as we do, you'll respond to that with GEE, STEVE, IM SO RELIEVED TO KNOW YOURE NOT SAYING IM A BAD PERSON)...

  13. #5458
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Lyle has forgotten that he used to vehemently back George Bush and the Iraq "war" (read: GENOCIDE, that walrus participated in by the way.... Or at the very least if not a genocide then without a doubt WAR CRIME).

    At the time Lyle was on his high horse George Bush support, it was I who was fervently and viciously against the United States and the UK having illegally invaded Iraq.


    So @Beanz right. Lyle is a slippery character.
    Well at the time yes I had backed W and before & after backed McCain. I look back on those now and I'm not so keen on the beliefs once held due to new information and history having happened between then and now. So yeah my views evolve with new information/information available.

    Doesn't change the fact that the United States was going to war in Iraq regardless of who won Gore or Bush 9/11 or not. All one has to do is listen to the leaders at the time, watch the news at the time which was the only thing going, very little online at that point. Forgive me for editing, but I also believe if the United States is going to be in a war they had best give their best efforts in trying to win in a COMPLETE manner rather than pussyfoot around and wind up in a quagmire That's the edited part Steve, hope it doesn't bother your "screenshot"

    Your views have changed, would you care to expound upon that?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    And for the record I also think that Titofan overestimates any measuredness or balance that you may have. That is certainly no dig whatsoever at Titofan; we each make our own assessments, and rightly so. I'm sure he has plenty of reason to assess your posting in that way, and that for him it is true. But I deem you to be a smug inflexible control freak, who hides behind sarcasm, logical fallacies and projection.

    I didn't say "bad person" (knowing you as well as we do, you'll respond to that with GEE, STEVE, IM SO RELIEVED TO KNOW YOURE NOT SAYING IM A BAD PERSON)...
    Oh Steve you assume too much...I WELCOME you thinking of me that way. My response? I was merely going to ask you how your training was going?
    Last edited by El Kabong; 08-21-2020 at 07:10 PM.

  14. #5459
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Lyle has forgotten that he used to vehemently back George Bush and the Iraq "war" (read: GENOCIDE, that walrus participated in by the way.... Or at the very least if not a genocide then without a doubt WAR CRIME).

    At the time Lyle was on his high horse George Bush support, it was I who was fervently and viciously against the United States and the UK having illegally invaded Iraq.


    So @Beanz right. Lyle is a slippery character.
    Well at the time yes I had backed W and before & after backed McCain. I look back on those now and I'm not so keen on the beliefs once held due to new information and history having happened between then and now. So yeah my views evolve with new information/information available.

    Doesn't change the fact that the United States was going to war in Iraq regardless of who won Gore or Bush 9/11 or not. All one has to do is listen to the leaders at the time, watch the news at the time which was the only thing going, very little online at that point. Forgive me for editing, but I also believe if the United States is going to be in a war they had best give their best efforts in trying to win in a COMPLETE manner rather than pussyfoot around and wind up in a quagmire That's the edited part Steve, hope it doesn't bother your "screenshot"

    Your views have changed, would you care to expound upon that?

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    And for the record I also think that Titofan overestimates any measuredness or balance that you may have. That is certainly no dig whatsoever at Titofan; we each make our own assessments, and rightly so. I'm sure he has plenty of reason to assess your posting in that way, and that for him it is true. But I deem you to be a smug inflexible control freak, who hides behind sarcasm, logical fallacies and projection.

    I didn't say "bad person" (knowing you as well as we do, you'll respond to that with GEE, STEVE, IM SO RELIEVED TO KNOW YOURE NOT SAYING IM A BAD PERSON)...
    Oh Steve you assume too much...I WELCOME you thinking of me that way. My response? I was merely going to ask you how your training was going?
    Lyle, please don't think for a minute that I won't readily admit to at times using red herring and/or straw man tactics. Im just as guilty as anyone else. We all have done it many times.

    Training is going okay but I am still too fat because I love to eat too much. I wish you would post some of the recipes that you used to post on that thread about food and drink.

  15. #5460
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Lyle, please don't think for a minute that I won't readily admit to at times using red herring and/or straw man tactics. Im just as guilty as anyone else. We all have done it many times.

    Training is going okay but I am still too fat because I love to eat too much. I wish you would post some of the recipes that you used to post on that thread about food and drink.
    Steve, I can only answer for myself. I'm not perfect and I've never claimed to be. There have been times in years past where I didn't much care for how you posted at all and I even would report posts. Since then I've chilled out a bit and when you were banned I was one of the guys causing a ruckus to bring you back.

    I enjoy discussing current events and not everyone shares my view on things which is I thought what a forum was about

    I guess some people assume my challenging their views is an attempt to silence them. It's not, it's an attempt either for me to walk back their logic and see where it comes from or to attempt to show them where we diverge in thought.

    Oh yeah the food and drink threads...yeah those were fun...haven't had the time recently. I mean I still cook and drink, but just haven't had anything spectacular lately. With Dove season coming up, maybe I will though, we'll see.

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