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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #5686
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Had to double check. Got confused with dread and was under the impression Hillary was running this year . Yep. Trumps still President. He may want to do another camera-woman-chair-extra gravy cognitive "test" as he's bursting out with irrational irregularity more than usual. 'A gift from God...Don't let Covid run your lives...where are my arrests...and I'm taking my ball, this work is too hard and I couldn't unify or come remotely close to churning together a bi partisan stimulus plan so I don't wanna play'. I wrote a book about making all the deals buuuut jk. Sorry fellow Repubs in close tooth and nail election races at the moment, you've yet again been steamrolled in turn for all of the misguided loyalty to the cult you've displayed. Hope your constituents understand zero economic assistance and "leaders" folding their arms and making every single minute all about themselves again.

    The White House needs to be fumigated too. Literally.

  2. #5687
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Don't be ruled and dominated by fear. Stand up for your family, country and fellow citizens by not allowing the terror of admitting that your slavish reliance on Trump and Qanon to tell you what to think is a mistake that originated in good intentions but is now nothing more than a refusal to face reality.

    You can do it.

    No need to resort to calling people stupid or suggesting that using common sense means you will have to socially distance forever.

    Set yourself free.

    Don't be like Don. Respect the sanctity of life and live it instead of hiding away in your Qanon den wasting your life making up new excuses for Trump instead of embracing your own ability to use your God given brain rationally.
    This line of advice is pretty rich coming from you. "Don't be ruled or dominated by fear" says the man who sees Nazis and Fascists everywhere. "is now nothing more than a refusal to face reality" says the man who refuses to dig into how Obama, Biden, Hillary Clinton, et al attempted in an ILLEGAL manner to undermine & remove the duly elected President Donald John Trump. They cheated, they lied, and you don't care, why don't you care? Because you think you're getting your way.

    You're telling me not to name call? After all you've called me? Go fuck yourself. You sling "nazi, racist, bigot, fascist" around like they are meaningless. And perhaps to you they are, you won't or perhaps can't define the terms....but hey whatever makes you feel better at days end, whatever helps you show that you're on the right side of a history that hasn't been written yet....take your virtue signal and sit on it.

  3. #5688
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Don't be ruled and dominated by fear. Stand up for your family, country and fellow citizens by not allowing the terror of admitting that your slavish reliance on Trump and Qanon to tell you what to think is a mistake that originated in good intentions but is now nothing more than a refusal to face reality.

    You can do it.

    No need to resort to calling people stupid or suggesting that using common sense means you will have to socially distance forever.

    Set yourself free.

    Don't be like Don. Respect the sanctity of life and live it instead of hiding away in your Qanon den wasting your life making up new excuses for Trump instead of embracing your own ability to use your God given brain rationally.
    This line of advice is pretty rich coming from you. "Don't be ruled or dominated by fear" says the man who sees Nazis and Fascists everywhere. "is now nothing more than a refusal to face reality" says the man who refuses to dig into how Obama, Biden, Hillary Clinton, et al attempted in an ILLEGAL manner to undermine & remove the duly elected President Donald John Trump. They cheated, they lied, and you don't care, why don't you care? Because you think you're getting your way.

    You're telling me not to name call? After all you've called me? Go fuck yourself. You sling "nazi, racist, bigot, fascist" around like they are meaningless. And perhaps to you they are, you won't or perhaps can't define the terms....but hey whatever makes you feel better at days end, whatever helps you show that you're on the right side of a history that hasn't been written yet....take your virtue signal and sit on it.

    You sound like you are still completely petrified.
    Hidden Content

    "I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it."

  4. #5689
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    Don't be ruled and dominated by fear. Stand up for your family, country and fellow citizens by not allowing the terror of admitting that your slavish reliance on Trump and Qanon to tell you what to think is a mistake that originated in good intentions but is now nothing more than a refusal to face reality.

    You can do it.

    No need to resort to calling people stupid or suggesting that using common sense means you will have to socially distance forever.

    Set yourself free.

    Don't be like Don. Respect the sanctity of life and live it instead of hiding away in your Qanon den wasting your life making up new excuses for Trump instead of embracing your own ability to use your God given brain rationally.
    This line of advice is pretty rich coming from you. "Don't be ruled or dominated by fear" says the man who sees Nazis and Fascists everywhere. "is now nothing more than a refusal to face reality" says the man who refuses to dig into how Obama, Biden, Hillary Clinton, et al attempted in an ILLEGAL manner to undermine & remove the duly elected President Donald John Trump. They cheated, they lied, and you don't care, why don't you care? Because you think you're getting your way.

    You're telling me not to name call? After all you've called me? Go fuck yourself. You sling "nazi, racist, bigot, fascist" around like they are meaningless. And perhaps to you they are, you won't or perhaps can't define the terms....but hey whatever makes you feel better at days end, whatever helps you show that you're on the right side of a history that hasn't been written yet....take your virtue signal and sit on it.

    You sound like you are still completely petrified.
    Given your reading comprehension skills I'm not surprised that is your takeaway.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    "Trump Took A Shot At Lincoln Project Cofounder Steve Schmidt And Got Absolutely Torched"


    From Americans for Progressive Change:

    Donald Trump tried to go after former McCain Campaign Strategist Steve Schmidt, the head of The Lincoln Project, on Twitter. Schmidt didn't hold anything back in his reply:
    “You’ve never beaten me at anything. This is our first dance. Did you like, Covita? We are so much better at this than your team of crooks, wife beaters, degenerates, weirdos and losers.
    You are losing. We heard you loved Evita. You saw it so many times. Where will you live out your years in disgrace? Will you buy Jeffrey Epstein’s island? One last extra special deal from him? Or will you be drooling on yourself in a suite at Walter Reed? Maybe you will be in prison?
    I bet you fear that. The Manhattan District Attorney may not be around to cover for you or your crooked kids anymore. Eliza Orlins doesn’t believe in different sets of rules for the Trumps. What about the State Attorney General? You know what you’ve done.
    Oh, Donald. Who do you owe almost $500 million in personally guaranteed loans to? It's all coming down. You think you and your disgusting family are going to be in deal-flow next year? Are you really that delusional?
    You are lucky Chris Wallace interrupted you after Joe Biden said you weren’t smart. You started to melt down. That’s the place that hurts the most. Right? Fred Sr., knew it. You’ve spent your whole life proving it. You aren’t very smart. You couldn’t take the SAT on your own. What was the real score? 970? We both know you know.
    Are the steroids wearing off? Is the euphoria fading? Do you feel foggy? Tired? Do you ache? How is the breathing? Hmmm. Are you watching TV today? We will have some nice surprises for you. Everyone is laughing at you. You are a joke. A splendid moron turned deadly clown.
    Did you watch Martha McSally in her debate against American hero, fighter pilot, test pilot, astronaut Capt. Mark Kelly? She is so embarrassed by you. She is ashamed and full of self-loathing for the choice she made in following you over the cliff. She is in free fall now. She will lose, like most of them, because of you.
    We hear from the White House and the campaign everyday. They are betraying you. They are looking to get out alive and salvage careers and their names. It’s Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner vs. Donald Trump Jr., and Kimberly Guilfoyle on the inside. They are at war over scraps and who gets to command what will be the remnants of your rancid cult.
    It’s almost over now. You are the greatest failure in American history. You are the worst president in American history. Disgrace will always precede your name. Your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will grow up ashamed of their names.
    One day, I suppose there will be some small and not-much-visited library that bears your name. It will be the type of place where a drunk walks by, staring at the wall for a minute, before deciding it is beneath his dignity to piss on. That’s what is waiting for you.
    Joe Biden is a better man. He’s smarter. He’s winning.
    Do you remember when you didn’t want to name Donald Trump Jr., Donald because you were worried about him being a loser named Donald? You were right about that. He is.
    But it is you who will be remembered as America’s greatest loser. You will be crushed in the election!”

    What can one say to that but.................... "Cleanup in Aisle Five!!"

    Moral of the Story: If you're a bully, be careful whose cage you rattle.... you might just get your hand bitten off.

  6. #5691
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    this election is going to be interesting..... if it takes place, because I can see something ELSE in this 2020 year happening to mess with that too. I mean what do we have left? Gotta be an October 19th attack on America or something like that. 2020 will bring everything and more.

    Kamala and Joe, what a team LOL, and on the other side Maskless Steroid Boy, whose cavalier attitude easily caused hundreds of thousands of unnecessary COVID infections and at even a 2% mortality rate we're talking easily 25,000 resulting unnecessary deaths.

    Right now, the USA has 7,835,000 COVID infections and 218,000 COVID deaths....

  7. #5692
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    "Trump Took A Shot At Lincoln Project Cofounder Steve Schmidt And Got Absolutely Torched"


    From Americans for Progressive Change:

    It’s almost over now. You are the greatest failure in American history. You are the worst president in American history. Disgrace will always precede your name. Your grandchildren and great-grandchildren will grow up ashamed of their names.
    One day, I suppose there will be some small and not-much-visited library that bears your name. It will be the type of place where a drunk walks by, staring at the wall for a minute, before deciding it is beneath his dignity to piss on. That’s what is waiting for you.

    What can one say to that but.................... "Cleanup in Aisle Five!!"
    Maybe his library can be at the site of their fallen hero- The Trump Colloquial Wall!

    This unparalleled walking bag of diarrhea said
    "This wall really can't be knocked down"

    Then it falls to just high wind. Or was Donnie just on the other side talking so much shit, that was the bag of wind that caused its demise. A lifespan of less than 6 days? He held a design competition. & since it fell on the Mexican side of the border, is it finders keepers losers weepers?

    or, does Mexico have the right to tell Donnie to pick his trash up, it fell on the wrong side.

    I like his spinners, they are masterful at spinning stupidity. The video below claims they are verifying the (REAL) source of the video of the fallen portion of wall built during his presidency.

    claim: It Happened along the Texas/Mexico border. The anchor speaking goes from -posted by a Mexican, then reposted by journalists (as if they did nothing to confirm) So they question did it happen in June... or during Hurricane Hannah.
    After checking with Army corp of engineer for the date this KHOU 11 states:
    So the bottom line is that we can reveal that the video is real, but the context is wrong.
    Then they type a big ass FALSE over the segment. repeating the 5 million times viewed so we work hard to get the facts so you know what is true and what is not.
    IMO - I see this as one stuuuuuuuuuuuupid ass story. The people I know are interested in the fact the new wall under this prez failed. Not did it fall in June or July under this current prez or was it a hurricane or a big gusty wind. This wall..This muuhfucka laid down like Amir Khan in a 1st round fight against a top notch club fighter, not a world class top contender.
    It couldn't survive 2 rounds of wind, let alone a hurricane, I would have been a shamed to be the one telling that story, like some truth was being suppressed.
    Border Wall Built by Trump’s Hand-Picked Contractor Is ‘in Danger of Falling into the Rio Grande’
    Fisher Sand & Gravel (FSG), in May won a $1.3 billion government contract to erect a portion of President’s proposed U.S.-Mexico border wall, despite FSG’s prototype being rejected by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

    One of the companies former co-owners, Tommy's brother Michael Fisher, went to prison for defrauding the federal government.

    North Dakota Executive Sentenced to Prison for Tax Fraud
    WASHINGTON - Micheal Fisher, a former co-owner of Fisher Sand & Gravel Co. Inc. (FSG) based in Dickinson, N.D., was sentenced to 37 months in prison

    Fisher pleaded guilty to conspiracy to defraud the United States by impeding the IRS, four counts of aiding in the filing of false federal tax returns for FSG and four counts of filing false individual tax returns.

    Maybe Donnie's library should be either at this wall or at Rikers island?
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 10-09-2020 at 09:19 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  8. #5693
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    Donald Trump Where will you live out your years in disgrace? Maybe you will be in prison?
    I bet you fear that. The Manhattan District Attorney may not be around to cover for you or your crooked kids anymore. Eliza Orlins doesn’t believe in different sets of rules for the Trumps. What about the State Attorney General? You know what you’ve done.

    If we can get all the kids aka cons together at Rikers, I nominate their last show to be performed by none other than the death row comic!!

    He said in his final show in the electric chair-- he guarantees it will be an electrifying performance! Can I get Brockbbbbbbrrrrrrrwahahwahahaaahaahaaaaaaaaa!!!

    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  9. #5694
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    I think Trumps wheels have come off his Ice cream truck. Hey here's a great idea..let's get infected with Covid at a mass gathering on the WH lawn, have two dozen close WH people test same, put Nancy Pelosi a step closer in line of succession, ignore everything medical minds recommend, refuse to answer questions about tests and status of infection...give a few near unintelligible off the rails interviews to boot licking media minds.....and then do it all over again . The man wants another spreader event of 1,2 thousand people at the WH . Because you know, if history teaches us anything it's that learning from it is for 'losers'.

    I sincerely do not believe he is of sound mind at this point. It's not a Dem or Repub thing..he's conducting himself like a man who has opted out of the leadership duties long ago.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    I have NEVER seen a more nonsensical speech than this, makes zero sense, how is this "a blessing from God?" also its total Let Them Eat Cake, this cunt can afford the drug and 215,000+ people in this country have died without that drug. THE MOST TONE-DEAF, NONSENSICAL, INAPPROPRIATE SPEECH I HAVE EVER SEEN

    also, did Big George Foreman land a monster left hook on Trump's right cheek bone? What the fuck happened THERE? Holy fuck. This man is not well. Frightening times.

    @Dia bando @SlimTrae @Beanz @Master
    Wow, I missed this rambling nonsensical self-praise for a depraved jackal's video.

    It's China's fault, they will pay a price.
    I suggested the use of this.
    And the military will implement it.

    This is like the 4th or 5th time I have read or listened to him say the military will distribute a vaccine. What do his voters have to say about a sitting President stating the military will distribute a vaccine?

    And is it possible to tell a person in military uniform, combat fatigues; "I'm not taking that stuff."

    Defense Department said the military commands most likely to have a stake in establishing a delivery strategy -- including U.S. Northern Command, which is responsible for homeland defense, or the U.S. National Guard -- had not been asked to plan or prepare for distribution of a vaccine.

    Apparently because the prez tweeted it, good enough.
    Explaining Operation Warp Speed is considered the possible operation per The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that is executing an existing contract option with
    McKesson to support vaccine distribution. The company also distributed the H1N1 vaccine during the H1N1 pandemic in 2009-2010.
    85 infants tested positive for COVID-19 in a single Texas county where at least one child died.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

  11. #5696
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    Default Re: Today in Trump


    pick your city

    the year isnt up yet.....

    I'll pick first: Atlanta, GA

  12. #5697
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Nothing says USA quite like a billionaire infected with a contagious decease standing on a balcony waving his arms around talking down to the crowd of 100 black and Latinos below. Why is the people house now a campaign platform?

    Looks like the diversion of funds appropriated by Congress for the dumb wall was ruled illegal..again. Barr confirms nothing will come from the Durham "report" before the election. Nice way of saying don't hold your breath. Speaking of Barr..the domestic terrorist plot to assassinate a duly elected State Governor is uncovered and crickets from the head of the DOJ.

  13. #5698
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    the domestic terrorist plot to assassinate a duly elected State Governor is uncovered and crickets from the head of the DOJ.
    Know much about those fellas?

    I've looked into them....they are an odd bunch. I find it humorous (to an extent) that the media just slapped the label "White Supremacist" on them (probably because the media wanted to tie them to Trump and further the notion that Trump and White Supremacists are just best of buddies ...if ANYONE, I mean ANYONE believes that at this point they are a moron, I'd have harsher words, but I have a feeling a bunch of people here still buy that shit).....yeah anyway those goofballs attempting to kidnap/assassinate Gov. Whitmer were not even fans of Trump, they're like crazy Libertarians/Anarchists who think driving is a "right" (I shit you not, I've seen their videos). Their political beliefs are insane....but hey I look forward to the mess this post will cause, just my pointing out that the narrative & reality don't sync up at all and instead of taking a good hard look at media y'all will look at me and attack.

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  15. #5700
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Meanwhile, John Lydon is voting for Trump. Good on him not being a die hard ideologue and thinking for himself.

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