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Thread: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

  1. #46
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Well one good thing that Taliban did was really make it difficult to produce and distribute heroin.

    Saddam made Iraq safe through being a hard ass which is what was needed because Sunni's are Arabs and Shia are Persians and anyone who knows history knows they don't get along very well but when unified they are a formitable enemy as the Greeks and Romans found out.

    Saddam's death won't have much affect on the fighting going on right now but one must realize if a solid democratic government was founded in Iraq things could be better....let's face it their style of government ain't too advanced right now and the feuding between the religions and races has been going on FOREVER and I'm tired of it as I am sure everyone else is....aside from this little part of the world everything is pretty humdrum

    Gamo that's a bit of a stretch don't you think I mean he was also a DKE but that fraternity doesn't mean as much as the Skulls?...he also went to Yale....oh they are going to take over the Universe.

    The Skulls is all hype much like people who think the Masons control the world or the's a bunch of shit dude

    You also forget that JOHN KERRY goes to those meetings as well....why would he run against W?? Oh I know so the Skulls would NO DOUBT control the free world!

  2. #47
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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    I think everything would be easier if we gave them back israel (which we kicked them out if in the first place), moved all the israel people into canada because then we would not need worry about the canadians becoming violent and retaliating. They'll probably all move to france anyway.

  3. #48
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by Punisher136
    I think everything would be easier if we gave them back israel (which we kicked them out if in the first place), moved all the israel people into canada because then we would not need worry about the canadians becoming violent and retaliating. They'll probably all move to france anyway.
    That begs the answer "but it's the holy land!!!"

    really all these people fight over is DIRT....if God made the Earth then why is one area more holy than another

  4. #49
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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    Well one good thing that Taliban did was really make it difficult to produce and distribute heroin.

    Saddam made Iraq safe through being a hard ass which is what was needed because Sunni's are Arabs and Shia are Persians and anyone who knows history knows they don't get along very well but when unified they are a formitable enemy as the Greeks and Romans found out.

    Saddam's death won't have much affect on the fighting going on right now but one must realize if a solid democratic government was founded in Iraq things could be better....let's face it their style of government ain't too advanced right now and the feuding between the religions and races has been going on FOREVER and I'm tired of it as I am sure everyone else is....aside from this little part of the world everything is pretty humdrum

    Gamo that's a bit of a stretch don't you think I mean he was also a DKE but that fraternity doesn't mean as much as the Skulls?...he also went to Yale....oh they are going to take over the Universe.

    The Skulls is all hype much like people who think the Masons control the world or the's a bunch of shit dude

    You also forget that JOHN KERRY goes to those meetings as well....why would he run against W?? Oh I know so the Skulls would NO DOUBT control the free world!
    Yes,I am indeed familiar about how the Romans got their asses kicked in,was it Mesoptamia back then?Or Babylon? I can't remember.

    You answered your own question there dude, the Mid East has been in turmoil for a long long time and probaly will continue to be for a long long time and nothing America nor anyone else who proceeds to implement ideas of what it think is good and right can do anything about it,period.

    A democratic government in the Mid East does not mean squat to anyone dude! Democracy is a pick and choose word. If there was a democracy in the Uk,would Blair not have listened to the 1,000,000 plus peeps that marched against the war?! or the NUMEROUS polls showing support against the war?

    Secondly,why try to impose one's own beliefs on another through force?? How would America like it if Cuba tried to invade it,bomb it,occupy it and impose communism on it?? It would not.Simple as. Also,with soooooo many different sectarian groups,even IF there was a democratic government installed,it would only benefit certain groups(I'm guessin the Shias,the sunnis are probably pisse dbecause Saddam is dead and the Kurds want autonomy) so it'll be back to sqaure one again.

    Alsoo,I'm guessing you don't read worl events because even if the wars in the mID East ended,there's wars in all corners of the globe! In the northern province of China,Southern islands of Thailand, Somalia,parts of Indonesia,etc etc I could carry this list on for quite some time but I think you understand what I mean.

    WTF is US going to do,go around sorting all these problems out? Nope,absolutely not,it has got what it wanted from Iraq and it'll look to see where next it can further it's economic and political interests. I'd be willing to bet anyone on this forum a CC everyday I'm online,that in some way shape or form,by 2009,US will got war with Iran and may be Syria too.

    Come on man,you're telling me you don't find anything remotely strange about the Skulls shit? I'm still reading into it but it does seem like some strange shit going on first and second,wouldn't Kerry going there prove the thory too that no matter which leader is in power,he'll be held accountable by come higher power??(Freemasons,patriots,whatever you want to call them).Of course I don't believe EVERY part of that stuff but to think that the US president goes these strange almost ritualistic ceremonies with other world leaders,isn't that a bit strange? Heck,if a friend of mine went to that kind of shat,I'd think tiwas weird but a president of a country?

    Explain one thing to me though,HOW THE FUCK DID ARNIE become governor of Cali?! WTF?! A dumbass bodybuilder who was given like 25 lines in Terminator 1 due to his limited acting skills and possibly intellect to deliver the lines with any authority is now the leader of a state with like the 4th biggest economy in the world?!!?! I know it's off topic but I've always wanted to know that!

    Quote Originally Posted by Punisher136
    I think everything would be easier if we gave them back israel (which we kicked them out if in the first place), moved all the israel people into canada because then we would not need worry about the canadians becoming violent and retaliating. They'll probably all move to france anyway.
    LMAO,but for real,why is America ALWAYS ass licking Israel?? Zionsim conspiracy?

  5. #50
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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    They have to keep the jewish people there because some book that a lot of people believe in says if they don't something bad will happen while the muslim's were living there at the time we just kicked them out and they had no chance to negotiate. I don't agree with blowing yourself up and stuff behind the belief that if you kill some one who isn't a muslim you go to heaven (this is just an extremist view and not a view by the entire or pure form of the religion) but really they don't have a choice except to be violent. For me that would be like a group of people i didn't like (canadians) coming into my town and be like you have to leave so french people can move into here because a book says they belong here. WTF is that!? It's a joke. Just because christianity is believed by the people with more power in the world doesn't mean its right. The one south park episode made a funny point where even if everyone was an atheist they would go into religious wars because they'd be arguing over what to call themselves.

  6. #51
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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Dude nobody in the us wanted the war in iraq either. The war ended 4 years ago next may keep that in mind. I dunno how he got re-elected. Look back at the poll results from dc for the '04 election. i thought it was funny that bush won while over 90% of dc voted for kerry. I think that was a statement in itself.

  7. #52
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    LMAO,but for real,why is America ALWAYS ass licking Israel?? Zionsim conspiracy?
    ...a couple little things called WORLD WAR II and the HOLOCAUST

    Lots of people died in those and the jews deserve land like anyone else!

    Having a democracy or a republic or a democratic republic or anything like that it gives ownership of the government to the people and it also grants majority rule while protecting the rights of the minority.....right now that too means a lot to Kurds, Sunni, and so on.

    Peace in the middle east is damn near impossible due to Westerners thinking it's impossible and idiots ruling the Persians and Arabs. There is no mutuality other than hate between us it's amazing we're on the same planet but everyone must come to the conclusion that obsticles are put in our way to overcome and our dislike of each other is an obsticle once we overcome this we can move on to something greater.

  8. #53
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Punisher you need to watch "The Power of Myth" it covers the Koran, The Bible, and hell everything down to Native American myth and it's all the same.

    The stories are all similar, so they are all fighting over the same myth but they fail to see the metaphors in the myths....that is where truth is.

  9. #54
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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    LMAO,but for real,why is America ALWAYS ass licking Israel?? Zionsim conspiracy?
    ...a couple little things called WORLD WAR II and the HOLOCAUST

    Lots of people died in those and the jews deserve land like anyone else!

    Having a democracy or a republic or a democratic republic or anything like that it gives ownership of the government to the people and it also grants majority rule while protecting the rights of the minority.....right now that too means a lot to Kurds, Sunni, and so on.

    Peace in the middle east is damn near impossible due to Westerners thinking it's impossible and idiots ruling the Persians and Arabs. There is no mutuality other than hate between us it's amazing we're on the same planet but everyone must come to the conclusion that obsticles are put in our way to overcome and our dislike of each other is an obsticle once we overcome this we can move on to something greater.
    Well that's dumbass thinking imo,so Germans and Europeans kill millions and millions of jews so erm why don't we put them in the midst of all these arab Muslim countries? That's fooking dumb firstly and secondly,no offence to anyone but like Punisher said,if someone came on my land and started kicking peeps out and taking jobs,bulindg settlements and basically punishing me for something I didn't do,I'd whoop their ass. If America loves Israel so much,why not make a fooking state in the states for them then? That's land too right? I'd bet that would stop alot of tension and turmoil there in the mid east first and second,it would stop terrorist groups from operating in Palestine and Lebanon as they would not have much of a purpose.

  10. #55
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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Aside from canada i have an extreme dislike of ohio so im all for changing in ohio residents for the people in israel.

  11. #56
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Well then you just go and fucking move won't solve shit!!!

    The Crusades happened before the Holocaust and the muslims took over most of Europe before the state of Israel was formed....the problem is not with the jews or the people it's with the leadership of the religions and countries.

    Palestine is controlled by Syria as is Lebanon and Syria is in turn controlled by Iran. Iran is full of Shia and that is why they have such a big intrest in Iraq's future.....we created Iraq to keep them seperate from Iran....which is why we supported Saddam to begin with.

    Honestly watch "Power of Myth" it explains so much

  12. #57
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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    did anyone see the real hanging of the video?

    right before he goes down he says a prayer and he kind of doesn't get to finish his prayer.

    this video is not images like they had on news, so if you don't want to see it, believe me its better you don't.

    you can search on youtube real saddam hanging.

  13. #58
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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Seriously give them their land back and (there won't be world peace because they'll still be random shootings, stabbing and fights around the world) it'll be a lot better. As an atheist i have no interest in religious beliefs and how people act because of them. Seeing what happened for just what it was: we took their land from them for no good justifiable reason and filled it with people they didn't like to begin with. That caused dislike to turn into hate.

    I don't like when atheists try and take christmas stuff out of the public either. So what if you don't like it, the world wasn't made to cater to just one persons wants. You wanna be the only person in your neighborhood to not decorate? do it! That's what you're allowed to do. Don't take it away from other people because you don't think it's right.

  14. #59
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    You're a fucking idiot if you think that will help

    #1 those people just won't move

    #2 more issues will cause trouble than just the jews for example Shia, Kurds, Sunni....they all hate each other just as much as they hater Christians and Jews

    Moving them just gives the people the option to change who or why they hate

  15. #60
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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by Lyle
    Well then you just go and F****** move won't solve S***!!!

    The Crusades happened before the Holocaust and the muslims took over most of Europe before the state of Israel was formed....the problem is not with the jews or the people it's with the leadership of the religions and countries.

    Palestine is controlled by Syria as is Lebanon and Syria is in turn controlled by Iran. Iran is full of Shia and that is why they have such a big intrest in Iraq's future.....we created Iraq to keep them seperate from Iran....which is why we supported Saddam to begin with.

    Honestly watch "Power of Myth" it explains so much
    "Hey what happened to the people that took over our land and filled it with people that we hated?" "They moved those wretched beings into their own country." "Hmm guess we need to move over there to continue our fight." "Ok, now what?" "I dunno."

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