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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #7606
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  2. #7607
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    A powerful new litigant has joined one of the most momentous cases slated to be heard by the Supreme Court this term. The respondents in the case of Moore v. Harper filed a brief today that included a surprising new signatory: J. Michael Luttig, who has been known for years as perhaps the most conservative Republican judge in the country. Now, though, he has joined a coalition of veteran lawyers and nonpartisan government-watchdog groups who are fighting against a far-right Republican election-law challenge—one so radical that critics say it has the potential to end American democracy as we know it.
    The former judge is a surprising co-counsel to Neal Katyal, the well-known Supreme Court litigator. Katyal is a counsel of record in the case for several respondents, including Common Cause and the North Carolina League of Conservation Voters, that are opposing the far-right groups. The case is scheduled to be heard by the Court on December 7th. Luttig told me that he signed on as Katyal’s co-counsel because he regards Moore v. Harper as “without question the most significant case in the history of our nation for American democracy.” Putting it more colloquially, he said, “Legally, it’s the whole ballgame.”

    If the Supreme Court rules against these guys it means individual state legislatures can throw out the results of democratic elections and appoint their own electors. So in 2024 Biden could win the election in the half dozen battleground states that decide the election and the legislatures in those states decide that their state really voted for Trump and Trump becomes president. It really would be the end of democracy and it's frightening that the Supreme Court are even hearing the case.

    In related news:

    Ben Sasse is retiring from the Senate at the youthful age of 50. We
    know why. Politicians who thought they could wait out Trump now see the writing on the wall.
    The party’s over.
    For years we watched the GOP defenestrations: Will Hurd, Jeff Flake, George W. Bush, the memory of John McCain, Paul Ryan, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, and any other Republican who stood up to Donald Trump—or even just opposed Trump’s attempted coup. Some fell on their swords. Some were tossed aside involuntarily. The result was the same.
    Simultaneously, we watched the progress on the other side of the spectrum as normie Republican moderates such as Lindsey Graham, Kevin McCarthy, Elise Stefanik, Ronna Romney McDaniel, and J.D. Vance became unquestioning Trump maximalists.

    What these two dynamics proved was a simple fact: In the Republican party as it is currently constituted, political power emanates completely and totally from Donald Trump.

    In the 2020 election about 150 House Republicans and about ten Senators voted against certifiying the election result. There's no way the House will vote to certify in 2024 if Biden wins. The situation as far as elected representatives go is only going to get worse in the future. It's hard to see democracy lasting much longer in America.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    If the Supreme Court rules against these guys it means individual state legislatures can throw out the results of democratic elections and appoint their own electors. So in 2024 Biden could win the election in the half dozen battleground states that decide the election and the legislatures in those states decide that their state really voted for Trump and Trump becomes president. It really would be the end of democracy and it's frightening that the Supreme Court are even hearing the case.

    That would cause massive civil unrest in the nation, to say the least. Notice I abstained from saying civil war... 'cause something tells me even with the nitwits running around today (unfortunately, with the same right to vote as sane people)... someone(s) would step in before an armed conflict actually occurred.

    Trump has unleashed all kinds of hell on the States. All the undesirables (yes... I used that word) that were hidden before then, have come crawling out from under their respective rocks. What used to be arguments about policy are now mud-slinging contests. Trumpeteers are more interested in meme'ing and magnifying every stumble/gaffe of Biden's, than in using one nano-microbe of their brain to think about improving the nation.

    When you can't win legally... you rig the scoreboard and buy the referees.

    Yep... this is headed in the wrong direction.

  4. #7609
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    If the Supreme Court rules against these guys it means individual state legislatures can throw out the results of democratic elections and appoint their own electors. So in 2024 Biden could win the election in the half dozen battleground states that decide the election and the legislatures in those states decide that their state really voted for Trump and Trump becomes president. It really would be the end of democracy and it's frightening that the Supreme Court are even hearing the case.

    That would cause massive civil unrest in the nation, to say the least. Notice I abstained from saying civil war... 'cause something tells me even with the nitwits running around today (unfortunately, with the same right to vote as sane people)... someone(s) would step in before an armed conflict actually occurred.

    Trump has unleashed all kinds of hell on the States. All the undesirables (yes... I used that word) that were hidden before then, have come crawling out from under their respective rocks. What used to be arguments about policy are now mud-slinging contests. Trumpeteers are more interested in meme'ing and magnifying every stumble/gaffe of Biden's, than in using one nano-microbe of their brain to think about improving the nation.

    When you can't win legally... you rig the scoreboard and buy the referees.

    Yep... this is headed in the wrong direction.

    Who would step in? State law enforcement are solidly MAGA. They'll quite happily stand back and watch or join in attacking any pro democracy people. I just posted something from a senior FBI guy saying the majority of the FBI supported the insurrection. The US army general staff, god bless them, are solidly pro democracy. Colonels on down in the officer corps not so much and the rank and file would definitely tilt MAGA.

    As far as the civilian population goes one side has all the guns here and a lot of them have spent decades itching to use them. Maybe the only thing that saves democracy in 2024 is the fact that inflation and the gas price are still going to be elevated and it means 1970s politics of one term presidents. Biden loses comfortably even to Trump. Or maybe Trump isn't the nominee and the actual nominee wins a clean election. But at some point after 2024 the legal changes that the courts and the state legislatures are making to election laws coupled with the people being elected to congress are going to mean that in some future election the will of the people is overridden by politicians. It could happen even sooner if the Supreme Court rule the wrong way with this case. There'll be huge demonstrations and MAGA counter demonstrations. It will push the whole GOP/MAGA movement in an explicitly antidemocratic/autocratic direction even if somehow ongoing mass violence is avoided. And mean the country has an explicitly antidemocratic/autocratic Supreme Court just waiting for the equivalent president and congress to legally sew the whole thing up for good. The Supreme Court shouldn't have even allowed this case onto their docket which is why the US legal establishment is so terrified. Now they have they should reject it 9-0.

  5. #7610
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Steve Bannon: Former Trump strategist facing jail time in contempt case.

    Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon is facing up to six months in jail for refusing a summons to testify before Congress about the January 6 US Capitol riot.

    Bannon, 68, was found guilty in July of two counts of contempt for defying a congressional committee's legal summons.

    Prosecutors say his refusal to cooperate has "exacerbated the assault on the Capitol".

    He has denied any wrongdoing.

    Earlier this week, the Justice Department called on Bannon to receive six months in prison as well as a $200,000 (£176,916) fine - on the high end of what's permitted under sentencing guidelines for the two counts.

    Each count is punishable by between 30 days to one year in prison and a fine ranging between $100 to $100,000.

    A key figure in Donald Trump's successful 2016 electoral bid, Bannon went on to become the White House's chief strategist before being abruptly ousted in the wake of a violent far-right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Even after leaving the White House, Bannon remained in close contact with Mr Trump and his key political allies.

    In the wake of the January 6 riot in 2021, Bannon did not comply with a summons - known as a subpoena - seeking testimony and records about efforts to overturn the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, as well as about the events that lead up to the storming of Congress.

    In a strongly worded memorandum filed to the court earlier this week, prosecutors said that Bannon's failure to cooperate "exacerbated the assault on the Capitol" .

    "To this day, he continues to unlawfully withhold documents and testimony that stand to help the committee's authorised investigation to get to the bottom of what led to January 6 and ascertain what steps must be taken to ensure that it never happens again," the filing added. "That cannot be tolerated".

    Lawyers for Bannon argued that the case was driven by political retribution and that, rather than ignoring the subpoenas, he was negotiating them. They added that he believed the deadlines in the summons were flexible.

    On Monday, his lawyers filed a sentencing memo saying their client should be sentenced to probation only, and if the judge insists on jail, then Bannon should be permitted to serve his sentence at home.

    His lawyers argued that contempt of Congress charges are rare and were not filed in the case of two other Trump administration figures - Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and his deputy, Dan Scavino Jr - who had also ignored committee subpoenas.

    Another official, former Trump White House trade advisor Peter Navarro, was also charged with contempt, however, and is scheduled to go on trial in November. The January 6 congressional committee also voted to issue a subpoena to Mr Trump last week and it remains unclear whether he would comply.

    While a silent figure during court proceedings, outside of court Bannon continued to be a vocal critic of the committee probing the 6 January riot. In late July, for example, he challenged committee chairman Bennie Thompson to have "the courage to come to this courthouse" and "say exactly why this is a crime".

    Prosecutors argued that his comments displayed "overall disdain and disrespect for the rule of law".

    Bannon is also facing separate fraud, conspiracy and money laundering charges in New York after being accused of cheating donors to a fundraiser aimed at helping Mr Trump build a wall at the US-Mexico border.

    He previously faced federal charges over the same allegations before being pardoned by Mr Trump.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  6. #7611
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Steve Bannon: Former Trump strategist facing jail time in contempt case.

    Former Trump strategist Steve Bannon is facing up to six months in jail for refusing a summons to testify before Congress about the January 6 US Capitol riot.

    Bannon, 68, was found guilty in July of two counts of contempt for defying a congressional committee's legal summons.

    Prosecutors say his refusal to cooperate has "exacerbated the assault on the Capitol".

    He has denied any wrongdoing.

    Earlier this week, the Justice Department called on Bannon to receive six months in prison as well as a $200,000 (£176,916) fine - on the high end of what's permitted under sentencing guidelines for the two counts.

    Each count is punishable by between 30 days to one year in prison and a fine ranging between $100 to $100,000.

    A key figure in Donald Trump's successful 2016 electoral bid, Bannon went on to become the White House's chief strategist before being abruptly ousted in the wake of a violent far-right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. Even after leaving the White House, Bannon remained in close contact with Mr Trump and his key political allies.

    In the wake of the January 6 riot in 2021, Bannon did not comply with a summons - known as a subpoena - seeking testimony and records about efforts to overturn the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, as well as about the events that lead up to the storming of Congress.

    In a strongly worded memorandum filed to the court earlier this week, prosecutors said that Bannon's failure to cooperate "exacerbated the assault on the Capitol" .

    "To this day, he continues to unlawfully withhold documents and testimony that stand to help the committee's authorised investigation to get to the bottom of what led to January 6 and ascertain what steps must be taken to ensure that it never happens again," the filing added. "That cannot be tolerated".

    Lawyers for Bannon argued that the case was driven by political retribution and that, rather than ignoring the subpoenas, he was negotiating them. They added that he believed the deadlines in the summons were flexible.

    On Monday, his lawyers filed a sentencing memo saying their client should be sentenced to probation only, and if the judge insists on jail, then Bannon should be permitted to serve his sentence at home.

    His lawyers argued that contempt of Congress charges are rare and were not filed in the case of two other Trump administration figures - Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and his deputy, Dan Scavino Jr - who had also ignored committee subpoenas.

    Another official, former Trump White House trade advisor Peter Navarro, was also charged with contempt, however, and is scheduled to go on trial in November. The January 6 congressional committee also voted to issue a subpoena to Mr Trump last week and it remains unclear whether he would comply.

    While a silent figure during court proceedings, outside of court Bannon continued to be a vocal critic of the committee probing the 6 January riot. In late July, for example, he challenged committee chairman Bennie Thompson to have "the courage to come to this courthouse" and "say exactly why this is a crime".

    Prosecutors argued that his comments displayed "overall disdain and disrespect for the rule of law".

    Bannon is also facing separate fraud, conspiracy and money laundering charges in New York after being accused of cheating donors to a fundraiser aimed at helping Mr Trump build a wall at the US-Mexico border.

    He previously faced federal charges over the same allegations before being pardoned by Mr Trump.
    Like it says at the bottom he's going on trial next year facing charges of being part of a bunch of crooks who stole fifteen million dollars from people who thought their money was going to build a border wall. Trump pardoned him for this particular crime but he's being charged by New York, pardons only cover federal crimes. He'll probably end up gaining supporters here rather than losing them. He has some kind of streaming show and I bet he gets better ratings or engagement or however you measure that stuff. The public are just fucking idiots.

  7. #7612
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    The Yankees are in the process of going three nil down and I'm pleased I didn't take the bandwagon option and watch in person. I'm going to avoid sports bars tonight and miss the rest of the game. I'll leave you with this encouraging news. The whole article should be available at the link, if it doesn't work and anybody actually wants to read it let me know and I'll post it:

    PAHRUMP, Nev. — If the midterm elections degenerate into chaos in a couple of weeks — a very real possibility — then Nevada is poised to lead the way. Indeed, the chaos here has already begun.

    The election supervisors in 10 of the state’s 17 counties have already quit, been forced out or announced their departures. Lower-level election workers have quit in the face of consistent abuse. The state’s elections staff has lost eight of its 12 employees.

    The (Republican) secretary of state, who vigorously defends the integrity of the 2020 election, is term-limited, and the GOP nominee to replace her, Jim Marchant, leads a national group of election deniers running for office. Marchant is on record saying that if he and his fellow candidates are elected, “we’re going to fix the whole country, and President Trump is going to be president again.”

    In Reno’s Washoe County, the state’s second largest, an antisemitic conspiracy theorist led a harassment campaign against the registrar of voters, accusing her of treason and addiction, and she quit in fear for her family’s safety. In her absence, the county recently mailed a sample ballot to voters laced with errors: a missing contest, a missing candidate, a contest that didn’t belong on the ballot and a misspelling.

    In Storey County, the clerk resigned earlier this year and was replaced by Jim Hindle, vice chairman of the Nevada GOP and one of the fake electors put forth as part of the attempt to overturn the results of the 2020 election.

    Officials expect the eventual losers of several contests, perhaps a dozen, to contest the results, and they are bracing for the possibility that conspiracy-minded county commissioners might refuse to certify the results, as several threatened in 2020. This raises the likelihood that the state legislature could step in and throw out the results in any contested state election, from Assembly up to governor, and install the candidate of their choice — something that is allowed under Nevada law.

    A few Nevada counties, meanwhile, are in the process of sabotaging their vote-counting procedures. After Marchant traveled the state making presentations with false allegations of voting machine fraud, at least four counties have taken steps toward abandoning voting machines and running elections by paper ballot and hand counting — a process certain to delay results and introduce more errors.

    The furthest along in this return to the 19th century is Nye County, a rural stretch of desert where Donald Trump won 69 percent of the vote in 2020. After Marchant urged the county commission to “dispose of your electronic voting and tabulation machines,” it moved toward doing just that. The longtime county clerk, a Republican, resigned in frustration, and the commission appointed as clerk Mark Kampf, who has touted various election conspiracies and is now seeking election on the same ballot he is administering.

    Mark Kampf. Seriously. A little too on the nose.

    You really need to read the rest.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    "For months, Trump has 'repeatedly' discussed choosing Marjorie Taylor Greene as his 2024 running mate: journalist"

    First things first. Obviously my hopes are that Trump doesn't get anywhere NEAR candidacy for POTUS in 2024. The fact that it's even a remote possibility speaks badly about the mentality of many in the U.S.

    But say he does run. OMG... I would only wish that he would choose MTG as his running mate. Please.

    People thought Sarah Palin was bad when she ran. MTG would make people forget all about Sarah.

    The Clown of All Clowns in American politics.

    If somehow Trump does get to run for POTUS... I hope he chooses Marjorie. It'll be like the Titanic, Hinderburg, and Little Bighorn all rolled into one.

  9. #7614
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    "For months, Trump has 'repeatedly' discussed choosing Marjorie Taylor Greene as his 2024 running mate: journalist"

    First things first. Obviously my hopes are that Trump doesn't get anywhere NEAR candidacy for POTUS in 2024. The fact that it's even a remote possibility speaks badly about the mentality of many in the U.S.

    But say he does run. OMG... I would only wish that he would choose MTG as his running mate. Please.

    People thought Sarah Palin was bad when she ran. MTG would make people forget all about Sarah.

    The Clown of All Clowns in American politics.

    If somehow Trump does get to run for POTUS... I hope he chooses Marjorie. It'll be like the Titanic, Hinderburg, and Little Bighorn all rolled into one.

    If he did pick her it would be because his internal polling said she'd give him the best chance to get elected. But she's from the MAGA part of the party, which these days is basically the majority of the party and he's got those votes already. She's a big star in the GOP these days. He'd be fine with her campaigning for him but probably wouldn't want to elevate her brand to the extent that she'd be any kind of competition for him with the base. Same with Lake(?) in Arizona. They are women though and suburban women voting against him lost him the 2020 election. Maybe the Arizona lady gets elected without any bad publicity over the vote and acts moderate for a couple of years. If polling says she has traction with suburban women she'd be a good bet but maybe he couldn't handle the attention she'd get.

    He'll be talking to a whole bunch of people. He'll use who gets the gig as a plotline during the election campaign and then pick the person who ticks the most boxes in terms of compensating for his weaknesses with the electorate. That black Senator is also a good bet. From the noncrazy establishment part of the party and will peel off a few black votes, not to mention another charisma free zone and no threat to Trump. Whether he goes squishy the first time Trump sends security forces in to shoot demonstrators is another thing but he'll have served his purpose by then. Maybe Trump can then appoint Marjorie or some other nutcase as acting VP if he buggers off. The first ever acting VP. Another Trump first.

  10. #7615
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    and also here:

    This is what happens when you try GOP economic policies in a country that doesn't have the world's reserve currency, gigantic capital markets that dominate the global financial world, world's largest and vastly most advanced economy etc etc. Markets know the tax cut/deregulation stuff is a load of bullshit and reacted accordingly when Britain tried it. Will it stop the GOP from keeping on keeping on? It will not. Their current plan is to threaten to default on the debt, to nuke the global economy unless Biden cuts Medicare and Social Security. And if they get cuts they'll use the drop in spending to enact another gigantic tax cut for the top one percent. This is all actual consequential stuff and the population is consumed by irrelevant culture war bullshit instead. People get the government they deserve.

    Note the fuckers in these videos have forty year track records of being endlessly wrong about the snake oil they've been selling but they're all still out there in top jobs pushing their bullshit. Three of the people in those videos were even Trump economic advisors when he was president. They'll never be out of work no matter their track record because the guys who keep them employed need people to sell policies that redistribute wealth upwards and which when enacted save them billions in taxes.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    "For months, Trump has 'repeatedly' discussed choosing Marjorie Taylor Greene as his 2024 running mate: journalist"

    First things first. Obviously my hopes are that Trump doesn't get anywhere NEAR candidacy for POTUS in 2024. The fact that it's even a remote possibility speaks badly about the mentality of many in the U.S.

    But say he does run. OMG... I would only wish that he would choose MTG as his running mate. Please.

    People thought Sarah Palin was bad when she ran. MTG would make people forget all about Sarah.

    The Clown of All Clowns in American politics.

    If somehow Trump does get to run for POTUS... I hope he chooses Marjorie. It'll be like the Titanic, Hinderburg, and Little Bighorn all rolled into one.

    If he did pick her it would be because his internal polling said she'd give him the best chance to get elected. But she's from the MAGA part of the party, which these days is basically the majority of the party and he's got those votes already. She's a big star in the GOP these days. He'd be fine with her campaigning for him but probably wouldn't want to elevate her brand to the extent that she'd be any kind of competition for him with the base. Same with Lake(?) in Arizona. They are women though and suburban women voting against him lost him the 2020 election. Maybe the Arizona lady gets elected without any bad publicity over the vote and acts moderate for a couple of years. If polling says she has traction with suburban women she'd be a good bet but maybe he couldn't handle the attention she'd get.

    He'll be talking to a whole bunch of people. He'll use who gets the gig as a plotline during the election campaign and then pick the person who ticks the most boxes in terms of compensating for his weaknesses with the electorate. That black Senator is also a good bet. From the noncrazy establishment part of the party and will peel off a few black votes, not to mention another charisma free zone and no threat to Trump. Whether he goes squishy the first time Trump sends security forces in to shoot demonstrators is another thing but he'll have served his purpose by then. Maybe Trump can then appoint Marjorie or some other nutcase as acting VP if he buggers off. The first ever acting VP. Another Trump first.

    Coincidentally, I watched part of a "mockumentary" on MTG last night. Caught it somewhere in the middle, then switched channels when I realized I can't stomach too much air time devoted to that clown.

    Yeah, that's the way politics moves unfortunately. Politicians, no matter how inept, crooked, or moronic, move in whichever way the wind blows. If the winds are blowing toward the bombastic, ridiculous, confrontational, and divisive... then that's what candidates are going to do. No one better than Trump for that... and no one better than MTG... who could've easily been cast out of "Mindless Politicians Anonymous."

    One asterisk on that polling thing, though. Polling is not without its faults, obviously. Polling probably told John McCain that he needed a nice looking, young woman as his running mate and so he chose Sarah Palin. We all know how that turned out. Hopefully Trump's "internal polling" is defective in that same manner, and he'll decide to throw his total backing behind MTG. I'm still holding out hope that there's enough Americans out there with more than an amoeba's worth of gray matter between the ears to make a difference.

  12. #7617
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post

    "For months, Trump has 'repeatedly' discussed choosing Marjorie Taylor Greene as his 2024 running mate: journalist"

    First things first. Obviously my hopes are that Trump doesn't get anywhere NEAR candidacy for POTUS in 2024. The fact that it's even a remote possibility speaks badly about the mentality of many in the U.S.

    But say he does run. OMG... I would only wish that he would choose MTG as his running mate. Please.

    People thought Sarah Palin was bad when she ran. MTG would make people forget all about Sarah.

    The Clown of All Clowns in American politics.

    If somehow Trump does get to run for POTUS... I hope he chooses Marjorie. It'll be like the Titanic, Hinderburg, and Little Bighorn all rolled into one.

    If he did pick her it would be because his internal polling said she'd give him the best chance to get elected. But she's from the MAGA part of the party, which these days is basically the majority of the party and he's got those votes already. She's a big star in the GOP these days. He'd be fine with her campaigning for him but probably wouldn't want to elevate her brand to the extent that she'd be any kind of competition for him with the base. Same with Lake(?) in Arizona. They are women though and suburban women voting against him lost him the 2020 election. Maybe the Arizona lady gets elected without any bad publicity over the vote and acts moderate for a couple of years. If polling says she has traction with suburban women she'd be a good bet but maybe he couldn't handle the attention she'd get.

    He'll be talking to a whole bunch of people. He'll use who gets the gig as a plotline during the election campaign and then pick the person who ticks the most boxes in terms of compensating for his weaknesses with the electorate. That black Senator is also a good bet. From the noncrazy establishment part of the party and will peel off a few black votes, not to mention another charisma free zone and no threat to Trump. Whether he goes squishy the first time Trump sends security forces in to shoot demonstrators is another thing but he'll have served his purpose by then. Maybe Trump can then appoint Marjorie or some other nutcase as acting VP if he buggers off. The first ever acting VP. Another Trump first.

    Coincidentally, I watched part of a "mockumentary" on MTG last night. Caught it somewhere in the middle, then switched channels when I realized I can't stomach too much air time devoted to that clown.

    Yeah, that's the way politics moves unfortunately. Politicians, no matter how inept, crooked, or moronic, move in whichever way the wind blows. If the winds are blowing toward the bombastic, ridiculous, confrontational, and divisive... then that's what candidates are going to do. No one better than Trump for that... and no one better than MTG... who could've easily been cast out of "Mindless Politicians Anonymous."

    One asterisk on that polling thing, though. Polling is not without its faults, obviously. Polling probably told John McCain that he needed a nice looking, young woman as his running mate and so he chose Sarah Palin. We all know how that turned out. Hopefully Trump's "internal polling" is defective in that same manner, and he'll decide to throw his total backing behind MTG. I'm still holding out hope that there's enough Americans out there with more than an amoeba's worth of gray matter between the ears to make a difference.
    Palin came up in the Lincoln Project documentary which is worth watching by the way. It was on Showtime, if it isn't available now I can send you a copy. Long story short the guy who was running McCain's campaign said the polling showed he needed help with the base and she was suggested. She turned up, met McCain and bedazzled the old geezer and he gave her the gig before any of his team could give her a once over. Then after they announced her they started asking her questions to find out whether she was up to speed on everything...........

    Trump knows he has the crazy wing of the party sewn up. It's the other ten percent he needs help with. The Liz Cheney wing. The small c conservatives who think insurrections are bad. That black dude from Alabama looks good to me.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post

    He'll be talking to a whole bunch of people. He'll use who gets the gig as a plotline during the election campaign and then pick the person who ticks the most boxes in terms of compensating for his weaknesses with the electorate. That black Senator is also a good bet. From the noncrazy establishment part of the party and will peel off a few black votes

    Most firms and companies have pretty much a "whites only" and "no blacks policy" so I don't know what you are talking about

    That's how much whites are given preference in the job market. Even when blk ppl are clean and the white man has a record, the white guy still has more chance of getting the job.

    Or if they do employ a black man they will have him work on the door as security "You're big and black...and well you guys are kinda ugly anyway, so you work on the door" or they employ black women are cleaners
    Last edited by Denilson3.0; 10-25-2022 at 01:07 PM.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post

    He'll be talking to a whole bunch of people. He'll use who gets the gig as a plotline during the election campaign and then pick the person who ticks the most boxes in terms of compensating for his weaknesses with the electorate. That black Senator is also a good bet. From the noncrazy establishment part of the party and will peel off a few black votes

    Most firms and companies have pretty much a "whites only" and "no blacks policy" so I don't know what you are talking about

    That's how much whites are given preference in the job market. Even when blk ppl are clean and the white man has a record, the white guy still has more chance of getting the job.

    Or if they do employ a black man they will have him work on the door as security "You're big and black...and well you guys are kinda ugly anyway, so you work on the door" or they employ black women are cleaners
    Looks Like a good Source!
    So if i mocked up a headline saying "I've got a 12" Dick and I fuck Michelle Keegan every night" does that make it true ? fucks sake. smfh
    Former Undisputed 4 belt Prediction champion. Still P4P and People’s Champion.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Primo Carnera View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Denilson3.0 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post

    He'll be talking to a whole bunch of people. He'll use who gets the gig as a plotline during the election campaign and then pick the person who ticks the most boxes in terms of compensating for his weaknesses with the electorate. That black Senator is also a good bet. From the noncrazy establishment part of the party and will peel off a few black votes

    Most firms and companies have pretty much a "whites only" and "no blacks policy" so I don't know what you are talking about

    That's how much whites are given preference in the job market. Even when blk ppl are clean and the white man has a record, the white guy still has more chance of getting the job.

    Or if they do employ a black man they will have him work on the door as security "You're big and black...and well you guys are kinda ugly anyway, so you work on the door" or they employ black women are cleaners
    Looks Like a good Source!
    So if i mocked up a headline saying "I've got a 12" Dick and I fuck Michelle Keegan every night" does that make it true ? fucks sake. smfh

    Nthing mock about it. If you were to say to any white person "You are going to get treated like a blk person for the rest of your life"


    So stop with the dumb act. Blk ppl are always the last hired and first fired. That's not even debatable

    And who is Michelle Keegan ?

    "Denilson googles Michelle Keegan"

    O yeah she used to be in Coronation Street

    Beauty is subjective. It really is. Honestly ? I see women that look like her all the time in Liverpool on a night out. Nothing outstanding about her but as I say the women I think are hot, You'll probably turn your nose up at. Because beauty is subjective.

    I think these women of insta blow her away

    They tend to over hype white women

    Seriously ?

    Last edited by Denilson3.0; 10-26-2022 at 02:03 AM.

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