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Thread: Today in Trump

  1. #1156
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    How is Putin wrong?

  2. #1157
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Typical over recation. Trump is always right with you and does no wrong.

    We do not want a nuclear war but we do want Putin told when he is wrong.
    Trump has been more correct than Obama and Hillary so yes Trump has more leeway with me than either of those two.

    Oh you don't want a nuclear war, so you just want Trump to help you attempt to undermine the legitimacy of his own Presidency? That's exactly what you're asking for and when America's intelligence community has found 0....wait wait what was that number again 0...none, nil, zilch, nada....votes were changed what exactly are you complaining about Russia doing? Running Facebook ads and doing the exact same stuff that America does in other nations elections? Is that your worry....I can't recall the last time we got chastised for that.

    Vladimir Putin might be an evil guy, but he's not a fucking idiot...Trump can either slice his nose off to spite his face ruining US-Russia relations immediately in his presidency only for the media to turn around and say "Hey why isn't Trump making headway in relations with Russia?" (because Putin ain't going anywhere) or should Trump play the cards close to the chest, keep his enemies closer, win more flies with honey than with vinegar and wait until he's in a position of strength to get exactly what he wants OR hell maybe Putin will be so charmed he willingly gives up certain things that Trump wants.

    It's not all about what's happening on the surface and it's not all about immediate gratification....grow up, watch some game of thrones for fucks sake.....Trump isn't stupid either although the media think he is, he knows full well what he's doing and how he's going to achieve what he's kinda how he won the election which Hillary and the DNC attempted to rig in their favor.

  3. #1158
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    All this worrying about Russia and Russian hacking.....well then I guess we should take a gander at those servers then right everyone?

  4. #1159
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Since the creation of the CIA the US has meddled in at least 86 elections. Russia’s tally is 36. I would think these are low estimates. I do think Putin is part gangstah. I just find this whole thing so hypocritical and full of bullshit it makes me sick. What we should focus on is trump setting up the 1,000 year reign for Barron

  5. #1160
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Since the creation of the CIA the US has meddled in at least 86 elections. Russia’s tally is 36. I would think these are low estimates. I do think Putin is part gangstah. I just find this whole thing so hypocritical and full of bullshit it makes me sick. What we should focus on is trump setting up the 1,000 year reign for Barron
    Shiiiiit the CIA has software so that the United States can interfere in elections and BLAME Russia or's Vault 7 look it up for yourselves!

  6. #1161
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Tito fan of course I support Joe Arpaio. Are you kidding me?

    The prosecution rests......

  7. #1162
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Obama defends handling of Russian meddling ahead of election: ‘We handled it the way we should have’
    President Obama said Friday that his administration did not ascribe motives to Russia's alleged meddling in the 2016 campaign ahead of Election Day because he did not want to be seen as influencing the outcome in favor of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, or risk exposing the nation's electoral system to greater attack.

    Speaking at a year-end news conference, Obama said, “We did not — and the reason we did not was because in this hyper-partisan atmosphere, at a time when my primary concern was making sure that the integrity of the election process was not in any way damaged, at a time when anything that was said by me or anybody in the White House would immediately be seen through a partisan lens. I wanted to make sure that everybody understood we were playing this thing straight, that we weren't trying to advantage one side or another.”

    “Imagine if we had done the opposite, it would become immediately just one more political scrum,” he added. “And part of the goal here was to make sure that we did not do the work of the leakers for them by raising more and more questions about the integrity of the election right before the election was taking place -- at a time, by the way, when the president-elect himself was raising questions about the integrity of the election.”

    "He denies it. So the idea that somehow public shaming is gonna be effective, I think doesn't read the thought process in Russia very well.” - 44th President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama on Vladimir Putin and allegations of Russian meddling in our election.

    Awwwww ya got some sads better luck next time folks

  8. #1163
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Since the creation of the CIA the US has meddled in at least 86 elections. Russia’s tally is 36. I would think these are low estimates. I do think Putin is part gangstah. I just find this whole thing so hypocritical and full of bullshit it makes me sick. What we should focus on is trump setting up the 1,000 year reign for Barron
    Shiiiiit the CIA has software so that the United States can interfere in elections and BLAME Russia or's Vault 7 look it up for yourselves!
    That was one thing one of those hack groups released. The us developed shit so they could hack and make it look like it came from other countries. The code or whatever it is was dumped on the dark web. This is off the top of my head, I read several articles on it I’ll need to look up the details. Might have been on Wikileaks as well.
    Last edited by walrus; 07-18-2018 at 11:27 AM.

  9. #1164
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Since the creation of the CIA the US has meddled in at least 86 elections. Russia’s tally is 36. I would think these are low estimates. I do think Putin is part gangstah. I just find this whole thing so hypocritical and full of bullshit it makes me sick. What we should focus on is trump setting up the 1,000 year reign for Barron
    Shiiiiit the CIA has software so that the United States can interfere in elections and BLAME Russia or's Vault 7 look it up for yourselves!
    That was one thing one of those back groups released. The us developed shit so they could hack and make it look like it came from other countries. The code or whatever it is was dumped on the dark web. This is off the top of my head, I read several articles on it I’ll need to look up the details. Might have been on Wikileaks as well.
    It WAS on WikiLeaks.

    Notice how we've only HEARD about this meddling, we haven't SEEN evidence...wouldn't the media be SHOWING us the evidence if they had it?

  10. #1165
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Since the creation of the CIA the US has meddled in at least 86 elections. Russia’s tally is 36. I would think these are low estimates. I do think Putin is part gangstah. I just find this whole thing so hypocritical and full of bullshit it makes me sick. What we should focus on is trump setting up the 1,000 year reign for Barron
    Shiiiiit the CIA has software so that the United States can interfere in elections and BLAME Russia or's Vault 7 look it up for yourselves!
    That was one thing one of those back groups released. The us developed shit so they could hack and make it look like it came from other countries. The code or whatever it is was dumped on the dark web. This is off the top of my head, I read several articles on it I’ll need to look up the details. Might have been on Wikileaks as well.
    It WAS on WikiLeaks.

    Notice how we've only HEARD about this meddling, we haven't SEEN evidence...wouldn't the media be SHOWING us the evidence if they had it?
    The CIA had a special programme allowing it to trick people into thinking they had been hacked by other countries, according to WikiLeaks.

    The agency was cataloguing the hacking methods of outside cyber attackers, including those from Russia, according to files published by the organisation. Once it had them catalogued, it could use them to break into other countries or people's computers or phones – making it look like a different country had done so.

    WikiLeaks made specific reference to the Russian Federation. Tensions between the US and Russia have escalated in recent months, in particular since American intelligence agencies blamed the hack of Democratic emails – credited with swaying the election of Donald Trump – on the country.

    Ya here is some of it from the independent

  11. #1166
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    When wanting to read up on politics, including international issues, I try to look for sources that at least give the impression of being neutral and objective. I try to weed out the subjective, biased, frothing-at-the-mouth articles where the author's biases seem to ooze out of their pores. But I do like to read what others have to say, especially the opinions of those who live in the place where the events or issues are going on. All of this is to say that I've been very interested in what the typical Brit has to say about Trump, his visit, and his politics.

    My own opinions about Trump I think I've said numerous times. The guy's like a bull in a china shop. No regard for protocol, courteous human interaction, or even looking or sounding the part of the leader of the most powerful nation in the free world. He spits out comments and Tweets like he's in a back alley conversation, without caring whose feelings are hurt or who he offends. He makes unfortunate comments and generalizations, hurting good people in the process. But on the other hand he has clearly stated goals, which he has communicated, and is hell bent on achieving those goals, come hell or high water. His opponent in the 2016 Presidential race couldn't have been worse. Hillary Clinton would've made a worse POTUS than the captain of the Titanic turned out to be for his ship. Apparently, the US public was "up to here" with cookie cutter politicians, spouting the same shit over and over and never doing a damn thing to help the US public. Electing Trump was their statement. That the guy has zero decorum and is a total asshole as a person.... that's beside the point. Hopefully, Washington has gotten the message, and the next President after Trump will learn The Lesson. That American voters won't put up with meaningless politicians anymore.

    But now that he's abroad, how do other countries' citizens feel about him? Again, I look for articles that at least seem objective, with points of view only those living in those countries could have.
    With that in mind, I'll post this link from The Spectator.
    The Spectator is probably the most right wing mainstream publication in Britain. It is nowhere close to objective. I read it for years because it had a fantastic column written by somebody called Jeffery Bernard. At the same time it used to publish a column written by an outright fascist and a guy who now financially backs the Greek fascist party.

    But then we can probably throw rocks at just about ANY publication and accuse it of leaning one way or the other can't we.

    In the spectrum of 1-100 where 1 is Trump's immediate family and 100 is Robert DeNiro, show me a publication that is right down the middle, a 50....... and I'll show you some beachfront property I own in Nebraska.

    Forget the source then. Focus on what is being said. Trump is being criticized. But with at least the veil of objectivity, some rhyme is given to the reason.

    Personally, I can't stand Trump. But for the life of me I can't remember a public figure where the polarization went to such extremes.

    It's ridiculous, FFS.
    The article could be a Fox News article. It's just parroting the Trump administration line.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Disappointing and pretty damn disheartening is first to mind. Honestly I have zero confidence in my Presidents leadership and frankly today I do not trust him. He looked Putin in the eyes today and stood before this Nation and instead of defending those before him regarding interference in OUR free elections and those to follow he went completely in for himself, tucked his tail firmly between his legs and pussed out. Clearly, simply and unapologetically he acted a meek compromised man. Believe it or not I get no joy in that.

    as to 'lets just see what happens'...we're seeing it. It's happening right in front of us. FFS we are detrimentally stuck as far as Trump is concerned to either relive, reargue, remake what has already happened years ago or 'what may happen'. Well keep it in mind men set patterns and have history and dictators know how to manipulate other men in power. All the while I see more and more ignoring the now and present day.

    Don't forget the North Korean debacle. Trump announces he's solved the NK problem and Americans can sleep easy, he's ended the nuclear threat. Then we hear that NK are expanding their nuclear facilities. Then the Secretary of State turns up to meet Kim and Kim decides to visit a potato farm instead of turning up. Some General sits in for him and calls the Trump administration a bunch of gangsters afterwards. Americans who were there say the meeting went as badly as it could have gone. Then at another meeting to arrange the return of the remains of US soldiers the NKs don't even turn up leaving the Americans sitting there. If the previous president had done this and was still claiming things were going well I can only imagine...........
    Last edited by Kirkland Laing; 07-18-2018 at 11:46 AM.

  13. #1168
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Russian Hack
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    loads { FUCKING LOADS } of earwax

  14. #1169
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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    A couple things to keep in mind

    1. Just because Trump didn't berate Putin in public doesn't mean that they didn't have a knock down drag out in private (as is more typical with diplomacy)

    2. The indicted Russians are accused of doing exactly what Americans do in other nations' elections.

    3. Russia apparently played both sides against each other so it's not as if Putin said "OK comrades, go win Trump this election".

    4. Demanding Trump attack Putin about election meddling is demanding Trump weaken the legitimacy of his own presidency....what bright person (let alone a politician) would open themselves up for that? Trump gets 90% negative press anyway why give the rabid anti-Trump press red meat?

    5. Does no one remember "Tell Vladimir after I win the election I'll have more flexibility" - Obama OR the plastic "Reset" button handed to the Russians by Hillary? I guess those don't matter because Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.
    From Trump's own version of the private meeting it's clear he was even worse in private. He spent the Putin meeting and the press conference reciting conspiracy theories and blaming everybody else but Russia.

    Putin admitted he wanted Trump to win.

    According to the dozen indictments from last Friday Mueller has evidence that will prove beyond reasonable doubt in a court of law that Russian intelligence hacked the DNC server and a whole load of other stuff with the intention of helping Trump win the election. The Director of National Intelligence, the head of all the intel agencies says that there's no doubt that Russia was responsible for the hacking and they used the results of their hacking to try and help Trump win. He also says the system is blinking red regarding ongoing Russian hacking attempts of the electoral system for the November elections and various other Russian shenanigans. Bearing all this in mind is it now time to retire the Seth Rich conspiracy theory that he was respoinsible for the DNC server leaks or are you still going to cling to that one?

    And here's what happened to the DNC server. Long story short, Trump is full of shit about this too. This was one of the conspiracy theories he was bitching about yesterday.

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    Default Re: Today in Trump

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Since when does Trump do diplomacy in public, stop making excuses for him.

    Russians tried to affect your nations' elections and that is out of order

    Trump should have attacked Putin about election meddling and not not his own side.

    Stop using Obama as Titofan says he is the past.
    To be fair to Trump employee evaluations are normally done in private, it was wrong for Putin to force him into all those public admissions.

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