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Thread: troubleBound's log

  1. #1
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    Default troubleBound's log

    Goal: Cutting the fat that's holding me down and getting in good enough shape to spar again ASAP and gaining strength, more than I ever did before (not necessarily gaining muscle size or weight. In fact, I think I'd rather lose weight. I'd like to be able to do pullups, 1-arm pushups and pistols, and eventually plache pushups).

    EDIT: I also stretch everyday before I do anything. I do a few yoga hasanas, focus mainly on my glutes, hamstrings and thighs which are the muscles that get the sorest. I also do a few upper body stretching exercises to maintain arm and upper body flexibility and bridges for back flexibility.

    Well started last week, first week of march. Started fresh going to the boxing gym. Went to the boxing gym only twice, Monday and Friday afternoon. Monday morning I did tabata thrusters. Then Wednesday and Friday mornings I did tabata burpees.

    Tuesday afternoon I ran 3 miles in about 25 minutes (not constant speed. I'd bump of the speed for a minute or so, then go back down and so on) and thursday morning I ran 3 miles, but quite a bit slower at 27 minutes. In the boxing gym I did 3 rounds skipping rope, 3 rounds shadow boxing, 3 rounds heavy bag, 1 round uppercut bag, 1 round up and under, 2 rounds speedbag.

    EDIT: On the heavy bag, as well as shadowboxing, I focused mostly on jabs and a few 1-2's. I also tried to move around and use footwork as much as I could.

    Towards the end of the week (Thursday and Friday) I started doing again, strength exercises like in the book "The Naked Warrior." Still can't really do 1-arm pushups (I've been doing these against a wall) or pistols (I do these either pole-assisted or using a low chair), but I'm working towards it. I feel like I'm getting close on those pistols, but not so much on the 1-armed pushups. I've been trying to focus on gaining strength outside the boxing gym, and focus on endurance IN the boxing gym (as well as with my 3-mile runs and tabata exercises).

    Over the weekend I got kinda sick. I woke up yesterday (Monday) early enough to do some tabata, but felt like dying so instead decided to sleep a bit longer. Towards the afternoon I felt good, and decided to go to the boxing gym. I went a bit easier. Did 3 rounds rope skipping, 3 rounds shadowboxing, 3 rounds heavy bag, 2.5 rounds speedbag. No up and under, no uppercut bag this time. At night I did a few pole-assisted pistols and a few 1-armed pushups against the wall.

    Today I still feel kinda crappy (not nearly as bad as I did yesterday morning) so I haven't done anything. Thinking about going to bed early cause I know what I'm lacking is some sleep. Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel in top shape and I'll be able to do tabata in the morning and go to the boxing gym in the afternoon. Since the weather seems to be improving, I think I might do sprints tomorrow morning. Might do a couple of pole-assisted pistols and assisted 1-arm pushups again.

    Will post tomorrow.
    Last edited by troubleBound; 03-10-2009 at 07:41 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: troubleBound's log

    Went to the boxing gym today. Did 3 rounds rope, 3 rounds shadow, 3 rounds heavy bag (same thing, again focusing on jabs and moving around mostly and some 1-2. Felt pretty good, so I was able to throw many more punches this time), 2/3 a round of uppercut bag, 2 rounds speed bag. Didn't do tabata today because I couldn't wake up early enough (slept through the alarm. Had a very long night). Have done a few sets of assisted pistols and assisted 1-arm pushups. Planning on doing some core work and more pistols and 1-arm pushups after I finish digesting dinner. Tomorrow I will run 5k... Thinking about doing it in the afternoon rather than the morning. We'll see. If I wake up early enough I'd rather do morning and be done with it.
    Last edited by troubleBound; 03-12-2009 at 12:14 AM.

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    Default Re: troubleBound's log

    Also visit that site is gold for body weight tutorials and progression ideas. Good luck and keep it up
    "There are no ordinary moments"

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    Default Re: troubleBound's log

    good to see you made a training log, troubleBound.

    Welcome and good luck.

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    Default Re: troubleBound's log

    Thank you all for the information. I haven't posed in a while, I know. Alright so here's what happened the rest of last week:

    Thursday - ran 3 miles in about 25:30. Did several sets of assisted pistols and 1-arm pushups.
    Friday - again, boxing gym. 3 rounds skipping, 3 shadow, 3.5 heavy bag this time, and then did some torso pivoting exercises (put a broomstick or rope at a certain height and without bending the knees swing your torso from one side of the obstacle underneath it to the other side) for the rest of the round. 2 rounds up and under, then 2 rounds speed bag. Afterward did very few sets of assisted 1-arm pushups and pistols.
    Saturday- did many sets of assisted 1-arm pushups and pistols and I think I kinda made a breakthrough in getting the form right. I'm also hoping I will soon have the strength to do proper pullups/chinups and handstands.

    Today, monday, will go to the boxing gym and will do about the same. Then more assisted pistols, etc. I'm bent on getting those soon, and I think I will.
    Last edited by troubleBound; 03-16-2009 at 01:56 PM.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: troubleBound's log

    You should balance your push ups with chin ups so you dont get a muscle imbalance.

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    Default Re: troubleBound's log

    You're absolutely right. I haven't even been doing many regular pushups, just the assisted 1-handed ones. The thing is, I can't do pullups and chinups. I thought I came close to getting them at one point, but then pretty much stopped trying and started trying those other exercises. Last night I tried again and didn't even come close (well was kinda close with the chinup)... But I dunno, for some reason last night, and today I've felt so lazy and weak. I think I need to sleep a little bit longer (I did go to bed after 3 am last night. Woke up at 10, so I didn't sleep THAT long). I'm not strong enough. It's why I've been working on getting stronger so I can get started on those other exercises finally.

    I'm also thinking about changing some things already... Working endurance on separate days as strength/high intensity... cause when I go to the boxing gym and when I run the 3 miles I'm just too beat to do much else that day. I'm considering dropping the 3 miles and doing tabata on those days instead of on the same day as boxing, cause when I do tabata I do have energy the rest of the day to do strength exercises, but not so much when I run the 3 miles... and I don't think I'm over exerting myself when I do 3 miles in the 25 minute mark (because I've never gotten headaches or anything that might indicate so... I could be wrong, but I thought all sorts of things indicated fatigue: from bad mood to head aches or cold-like symptoms, but I haven't felt any of those really).

    I take suggestions.

    Monday (today) - I pretty much got out of the boxing gym today and did the usual 3 rounds skipping and 3 rounds shadow boxing. Then did 3 rounds heavy bag, but the first 2, especially the 1st one was so bad, I was so mad. I felt like I was just tapping the bag... Like I said, I've felt so lazy since last night... Anyway, I did an extra 2 mins 30 sec round on which I gave it my all in each punch and that one went pretty well. Then did 2 rounds up and under, and 2 rounds speed bag. Gonna try to do some strength exercises... 100% certainly some core exercises, but I dunno about anything else cause at least at the moment my arms, shoulders and back feel very tired.

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    Default Re: troubleBound's log

    This will help you get better at chins and pull ups.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: troubleBound's log

    thanks! I've read some of the Ross links. Very helpful, thanks again.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: troubleBound's log

    Quote Originally Posted by wesrman View Post
    This will help you get better at chins and pull ups.
    Is there any substitute to the exercises that require squat racks and barbells? I don't have access to those. What can I get?

    EDIT: I also have a question about strength training. From reading the naked warrior I had read that you shouldn't go until failure. Many other sources agree with that. However there programs like this: - Free Body Weight Exercises for muscle gain, weight loss and more that want you to do "maximum" sets. However in "The Naked Warrior" it is indicated that it is more efficient to do just enough that you could do some more reps, but do vast numbers of sets and used and example of an ex-marine, I think, who would do 5 sets of chin ups whenever he got the chance throughout the day usually totaling 100 chinups (I don't have the book in hand so I'm not using the exact numbers) a day, and this is how he got to up his number of chinups incredibly quickly and without ever fatiguing when training for it. So wouldn't the best way to get to 100 pushups would be, say you can do 20 pushups max, then do 16, but lots of times per day, and test you max (which should've gone up drastically) and repeat until you get 100 max?
    Last edited by troubleBound; 03-16-2009 at 10:37 PM.

  12. #12
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    Default Re: troubleBound's log

    Doing the negatives on a pull up bar once per week and hanging from the bar should help a bit.

    Stopping before failure will help you get stronger faster i think, but sometimes its good to push it so id say do a mix of both.

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    Default Re: troubleBound's log

    Cool. They do have a pull up bar at the gym. Alright, tomorrow I'm planning on doing tabata burpees, some shadow boxing and some strength exercises (today, for some reason, my shoulders felt so sore I couldn't even do pushups).

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    Default Re: troubleBound's log

    Tuesday - ran 3 miles in 24:56, probably my best time ever. And for the last mile or so I could've gone a bit faster, probably, I just didn't wanna push it too far. Didn't do much else... Did a couple of sets of clap pushups but that was it. For some reason my shoulders were incredibly sore. Still managed to fool around with a friend's trapeze (he's got one at home. It's lots of fun, lol).

    Wednesday (today) - just got out of the boxing gym. I felt much MUCH better than monday. I did 3 rounds of skipping, and they were good rounds too, and then did 3 rounds of shadow boxing, 3 rounds of heavy bag and an extra 2:30 round. This time I felt like I was throwing effective punches not lazy pattering like I did on the first 2 rounds on monday. Then 2 rounds up and under, two rounds speed bag and I'm gonna do some assisted pistols, assisted 1-arm pushups, clap pushups, t pushups, negative chinups and core-work. I feel so much stronger today than I did on monday. Lots of energy today.

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    Default Re: troubleBound's log

    Thursday - tabata burpees
    Friday - boxing gym. 3 rounds skipping, 3 rounds shadowboxing, 3 rounds heavy bag and an extra 2:30 round, 1 round up and under, 2:30 round speed bag and did some lower back exercises for the remaining 30 seconds, then 2 more rounds speed bag. Did some negative chinups.
    Saturday(today) - Did core work and some pushups and thinking about doing some 1-arm assisted pushups, some clap pushups, some assisted pistols and such.

    I think a coach will have me work the pads on monday. I hope so. He was like "done already?!" on friday and asked what I did so I told him and he didn't say nothing but asked when I would come back and I said monday and what time. I really wanna work the pads anyway. So I think monday's gonna be a long gym day.

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