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Thread: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

  1. #1
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    Default Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    Just for fun I thought I'd run a census to see what the resident Saddonian's feelings are to a range of topical religious, moral, philosophical and societal questions.

    Ok just give your replies and reasons and we can see where people stand on the big questions of our day.

    1. God, yes or no?

    The options as follows.

    1) I believe in the Christian God as revealed in the Bible and accept Jesus as my Saviour
    2) I believe in Allah as revealed through the Koran and accept Muhammad as his prohet.
    3) I am Jewish
    4) I believe in one of the polytheistic religionas, Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism etc.
    5) I simply do not know nor care
    6) I am an athiest, there is no such thing as God
    7) I believe in the devil and worship him.
    8 ) I am God

    Ok question 2.

    Is there an afterlife?

    1) Yes I will live forever with Christ in heaven
    2) I think we are all reincarnated
    3) I believe there is a hell and I will go there
    4) I don't know, let's just see when we get there.
    5) Fuck no, it's a load of superstitious crap

    Ok question 3.

    Abortion. What is your view on abortion?

    1) Abortion is the legalised murder of innocents, it is no different from Herod's slaughtering of all the babies in the time of Jesus or of the practice of slaughtering all males in the days of Moses. It is a sin against God. It is never acceptable

    2) Abortion is accetable only when the health of the mother or child is at severe risk, or if the birth was a result of abuse or rape.

    3) If a woman feels like she isn't ready for kids yet then it is ok to terminate as long as it is done quickly

    4) It is the woman's choice. The baby is not a person until it is born and therefore if a woman doesn't want to have the baby then that's her right. There is nothing wrong with this and such women should not be judged

    Ok Question 4, Prostitution, ok or not?

    1) Prostitution is an abomination, sinful, wrong and a cruel exploitation of women. It should be combated whereever possible and any men found guilty of soliciting for such services should face prosecution.

    2) It certainly shouldn't be legalised but I think the police should largely turn a blind eye and instead just try to ensure women are kept safe and go after the crime gangs pimping women rather the average punter.

    3) Prostitution is the oldest profession and should by now finally be accepted. Proper legal lawas should be put in place so that acts of prostitution could take place in a safe enviroment under properly regulated conditions.

    4) It's fine by me, they are just crack whores and sluts. Where else are they going to get their money, stealing?

    Next Question Drugs.

    1) All drugs should be legalised, it is the choice of the consumer whether they take them or not. Fuck the restraints of the govornments, how dare they tell me what I can and can't do.

    2) Hard drugs like Heroin should be banned and fought against but soft drugs such as cannabis and social drugs such as cocaine should be allowed.

    3) Only the softest of drugs such as cannabis should be legalised, the rest banned.

    4) All drugs should be banned, it is harfmul both to the user and society.

    5) All drugs should be banned and by that I aslo mean cigarretes and alcholol. Get rid of all these dependencies that people have and we would all be much healthier.

    Ok that's all my questions for now. Please reply with reasons so I can compile a report on the moral state of members of Saddo Boxing.


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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    Just for fun I thought I'd run a census to see what the resident Saddonian's feelings are to a range of topical religious, moral, philosophical and societal questions.

    Ok just give your replies and reasons and we can see where people stand on the big questions of our day.

    1. God, yes or no?

    The options as follows.

    1) I believe in the Christian God as revealed in the Bible and accept Jesus as my Saviour
    2) I believe in Allah as revealed through the Koran and accept Muhammad as his prohet.
    3) I am Jewish
    4) I believe in one of the polytheistic religionas, Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism etc.
    5) I simply do not know nor care
    6) I am an athiest, there is no such thing as God
    7) I believe in the devil and worship him.
    8 ) I am God

    Ok question 2.

    Is there an afterlife?

    1) Yes I will live forever with Christ in heaven
    2) I think we are all reincarnated
    3) I believe there is a hell and I will go there
    4) I don't know, let's just see when we get there.
    5) Fuck no, it's a load of superstitious crap

    Ok question 3.

    Abortion. What is your view on abortion?

    1) Abortion is the legalised murder of innocents, it is no different from Herod's slaughtering of all the babies in the time of Jesus or of the practice of slaughtering all males in the days of Moses. It is a sin against God. It is never acceptable

    2) Abortion is accetable only when the health of the mother or child is at severe risk, or if the birth was a result of abuse or rape.

    3) If a woman feels like she isn't ready for kids yet then it is ok to terminate as long as it is done quickly

    4) It is the woman's choice. The baby is not a person until it is born and therefore if a woman doesn't want to have the baby then that's her right. There is nothing wrong with this and such women should not be judged

    Ok Question 4, Prostitution, ok or not?

    1) Prostitution is an abomination, sinful, wrong and a cruel exploitation of women. It should be combated whereever possible and any men found guilty of soliciting for such services should face prosecution.

    2) It certainly shouldn't be legalised but I think the police should largely turn a blind eye and instead just try to ensure women are kept safe and go after the crime gangs pimping women rather the average punter.

    3) Prostitution is the oldest profession and should by now finally be accepted. Proper legal lawas should be put in place so that acts of prostitution could take place in a safe enviroment under properly regulated conditions.

    4) It's fine by me, they are just crack whores and sluts. Where else are they going to get their money, stealing?

    Next Question Drugs.

    1) All drugs should be legalised, it is the choice of the consumer whether they take them or not. Fuck the restraints of the govornments, how dare they tell me what I can and can't do.

    2) Hard drugs like Heroin should be banned and fought against but soft drugs such as cannabis and social drugs such as cocaine should be allowed.

    3) Only the softest of drugs such as cannabis should be legalised, the rest banned.

    4) All drugs should be banned, it is harfmul both to the user and society.

    5) All drugs should be banned and by that I aslo mean cigarretes and alcholol. Get rid of all these dependencies that people have and we would all be much healthier.

    Ok that's all my questions for now. Please reply with reasons so I can compile a report on the moral state of members of Saddo Boxing.

    Question 1 I'd go with answer 5, really couldn't give a shit about religion or god, did god put us here to worship him?

    Question 2 I'd say no theres no afterlife, when u die u go back to where u were before u were born, nowhere

    Question 3 I'd go with answer 4, its the mothers choice, if she don't want the baby she shouldn't have to have it. Some mothers(junkies) should be made have abortions

    Question 4 Prostitution's grand, theres alot of ugly fucks out there who can't get a rattle, better they pay for it rather that hairy apeing some young one.

    Question 5 Ill go with answer 2, funny they legalise drink but cannabis is a no no, bullshit

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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    This is interesting:

    1) 6. But I am spiritual as in a natural order decided by nature.

    2) 5.

    3) 4. None of my business if a woman wants to abort her child or not, unless it is mine.

    4) 4.

    5) 3. Herb is one of the few drugs someone in withdrawal wouldn't kill for. I would say 1, but there would be a lot of addicts around. People dont know how to respect drugs. Overindulgence. It is a lifestyle choice, not the drugs fault. I dont like Government restriction, but it is prob a necessary evil here.

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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    1. 5
    2. 4
    3. 4
    4. 3
    5. 1
    "If there's a better chin in the world than Pryor's, it has to be on Mount Rushmore." -Pat Putnam.

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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    Question 1: God, yes or no?
    I don't know, so I'm not ruling anything out. I just don't know, it's nothing that concerns me at the moment but I think anything is possible.

    Question 2: Is There An Afterlife?
    I really don't know. I have no idea. Would like to think there is but whatever the case I have no idea. Definitely possible imo.

    Question 3: Views on Abortion?
    I think it's the woman's right, as long as it is done quickly it is OK I think. Touchy issue but who am I to force a woman to possibly ruin her life by having a baby?

    Question 4: Prostitution, ok or not?
    A combination of answers 2 and 4. I don't have a very high opinion of prostitutes but it's really not harming anyone. Actually in Monterey there used to be a lot of hookers but apparently they all got beat up. In that case I can see a crack down being needed but otherwise, if both are willing who are they harming? If a woman would rather suck dick then starve then that's their choice.

    Question 5: Drugs.
    Marijuana should be legal there is no convincing me otherwise really. A lot of people think the cigarette companies are the ones who keep marijuana illegal but it's actually the pharmaceuticals. It's not even close to as bad as alcohol or any of the pain killers on the market. Marijuana was made illegal shortly after Asprin hit the market and the modern age of big pharmaceuticals got going. That's reason enough right there to legalize imo. Cocaine though is deadly, maybe not powder cocaine but crack cocaine and especially meth (where I live there is A LOT of meth) are just nasty terrible drugs where the users probably could use saving by the government.

  6. #6
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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    [quote=Bilbo;542528]Just for fun I thought I'd run a census to see what the resident Saddonian's feelings are to a range of topical religious, moral, philosophical and societal questions.

    Ok just give your replies and reasons and we can see where people stand on the big questions of our day.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    1. God, yes or no?

    The options as follows.

    1) I believe in the Christian God as revealed in the Bible and accept Jesus as my Saviour
    2) I believe in Allah as revealed through the Koran and accept Muhammad as his prohet.
    3) I am Jewish
    4) I believe in one of the polytheistic religionas, Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism etc.
    5) I simply do not know nor care
    6) I am an athiest, there is no such thing as God
    7) I believe in the devil and worship him.
    8 ) I am God
    I believe in Karma, so some sort of buddhism, not the full wack.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    Ok question 2.

    Is there an afterlife?

    1) Yes I will live forever with Christ in heaven
    2) I think we are all reincarnated
    3) I believe there is a hell and I will go there
    4) I don't know, let's just see when we get there.
    5) Fuck no, it's a load of superstitious crap
    You die, decompose into the ground and become part of the earth

    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    Ok question 3.

    Abortion. What is your view on abortion?

    1) Abortion is the legalised murder of innocents, it is no different from Herod's slaughtering of all the babies in the time of Jesus or of the practice of slaughtering all males in the days of Moses. It is a sin against God. It is never acceptable

    2) Abortion is accetable only when the health of the mother or child is at severe risk, or if the birth was a result of abuse or rape.

    3) If a woman feels like she isn't ready for kids yet then it is ok to terminate as long as it is done quickly

    4) It is the woman's choice. The baby is not a person until it is born and therefore if a woman doesn't want to have the baby then that's her right. There is nothing wrong with this and such women should not be judged
    4 - end of the day if the women doesnt want the kid, what sort of life would it have if the mother was forced ot have it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    Ok Question 4, Prostitution, ok or not?

    1) Prostitution is an abomination, sinful, wrong and a cruel exploitation of women. It should be combated whereever possible and any men found guilty of soliciting for such services should face prosecution.

    2) It certainly shouldn't be legalised but I think the police should largely turn a blind eye and instead just try to ensure women are kept safe and go after the crime gangs pimping women rather the average punter.

    3) Prostitution is the oldest profession and should by now finally be accepted. Proper legal lawas should be put in place so that acts of prostitution could take place in a safe enviroment under properly regulated conditions.

    4) It's fine by me, they are just crack whores and sluts. Where else are they going to get their money, stealing?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    Next Question Drugs.

    1) All drugs should be legalised, it is the choice of the consumer whether they take them or not. Fuck the restraints of the govornments, how dare they tell me what I can and can't do.

    2) Hard drugs like Heroin should be banned and fought against but soft drugs such as cannabis and social drugs such as cocaine should be allowed.

    3) Only the softest of drugs such as cannabis should be legalised, the rest banned.

    4) All drugs should be banned, it is harfmul both to the user and society.

    5) All drugs should be banned and by that I aslo mean cigarretes and alcholol. Get rid of all these dependencies that people have and we would all be much healthier.
    2 defo

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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    1. - Choice #1.

    2. Hopefully Choice #1 but possibly Choice #3.

    3. Choice #2 and Choice #3.

    4. Even though it's a sin, I'd be fine with either Choice #s 3 or 4.

    5. Choice #4. Although I'd like to say Choice 5, it'd be easy for me to say it because I don't drink or smoke. I can't judge unless I too had been there.

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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    Just for fun I thought I'd run a census to see what the resident Saddonian's feelings are to a range of topical religious, moral, philosophical and societal questions.

    Ok just give your replies and reasons and we can see where people stand on the big questions of our day.

    1. God, yes or no?

    The options as follows.

    1) I believe in the Christian God as revealed in the Bible and accept Jesus as my Saviour
    2) I believe in Allah as revealed through the Koran and accept Muhammad as his prohet.
    3) I am Jewish
    4) I believe in one of the polytheistic religionas, Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism etc.
    5) I simply do not know nor care
    6) I am an athiest, there is no such thing as God
    7) I believe in the devil and worship him.
    8 ) I am God

    Ok question 2.

    Is there an afterlife?

    1) Yes I will live forever with Christ in heaven
    2) I think we are all reincarnated
    3) I believe there is a hell and I will go there
    4) I don't know, let's just see when we get there.
    5) Fuck no, it's a load of superstitious crap

    Ok question 3.

    Abortion. What is your view on abortion?

    1) Abortion is the legalised murder of innocents, it is no different from Herod's slaughtering of all the babies in the time of Jesus or of the practice of slaughtering all males in the days of Moses. It is a sin against God. It is never acceptable

    2) Abortion is accetable only when the health of the mother or child is at severe risk, or if the birth was a result of abuse or rape.

    3) If a woman feels like she isn't ready for kids yet then it is ok to terminate as long as it is done quickly

    4) It is the woman's choice. The baby is not a person until it is born and therefore if a woman doesn't want to have the baby then that's her right. There is nothing wrong with this and such women should not be judged

    Ok Question 4, Prostitution, ok or not?

    1) Prostitution is an abomination, sinful, wrong and a cruel exploitation of women. It should be combated whereever possible and any men found guilty of soliciting for such services should face prosecution.

    2) It certainly shouldn't be legalised but I think the police should largely turn a blind eye and instead just try to ensure women are kept safe and go after the crime gangs pimping women rather the average punter.

    3) Prostitution is the oldest profession and should by now finally be accepted. Proper legal lawas should be put in place so that acts of prostitution could take place in a safe enviroment under properly regulated conditions.

    4) It's fine by me, they are just crack whores and sluts. Where else are they going to get their money, stealing?

    Next Question Drugs.

    1) All drugs should be legalised, it is the choice of the consumer whether they take them or not. Fuck the restraints of the govornments, how dare they tell me what I can and can't do.

    2) Hard drugs like Heroin should be banned and fought against but soft drugs such as cannabis and social drugs such as cocaine should be allowed.

    3) Only the softest of drugs such as cannabis should be legalised, the rest banned.

    4) All drugs should be banned, it is harfmul both to the user and society.

    5) All drugs should be banned and by that I aslo mean cigarretes and alcholol. Get rid of all these dependencies that people have and we would all be much healthier.

    Ok that's all my questions for now. Please reply with reasons so I can compile a report on the moral state of members of Saddo Boxing.

    1. #7 The Old One; Satan.

    2. #3 Hell. I hope to live eternally between cold and fire. On my 7 headed flying steed will I roam the wastelands. It should also be noted I was diagnosed a schizophrenic

    3. #4 It is always a woman's choice. Who cares what God thinks; he gave us the drive to fornicate yet expects us to sit around and let our passions smother in his lies. If a woman wants to stick a vacuum inside her and suck that peanut out of her body, so be it. It's not my choice nor God's. If HE truly creates all life, then HE should knock on the woman's door and tell her not to do it; and give her some $$$ to take care of it. What a stupid question.

    4. #3 Though I don't really condone prostitution, I am in no place to tell another person what to do with their life. If a woman wants/needs to have sex to make $$$, more power to her. Some people are born into poverty and have to eat; and again, since us guys have such large libidos, it is easy for a woman to take advantage of that fact. Men have held down women 4-ever; so choices were always minimal when a woman had to survive. Some women just like to f#ck and enjoy the physical as well as the monetary benefits. I think it's funny.

    5. #1 I could care less if people want to ruin themselves ingesting drugs. It's their life and the consequences are their's alone. Who am I to tell someone not to tap the vein with some junk? Do I advise it? No. Do I find humor in people's addiction? No. But we all make choices as individuals, so I could care less. As long as it doesn't affect me and mine let people do what they will. Billions spent in the 80's trying to stop people taking dope and all $$$ wasted.
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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    I believe religion is genetic programming, as I attempt my best to rid of these manipulation. Coming from a Catholic bloodline, my beliefs today are unique. Far from the average young men.

    I believe in 1 God, the almighty. He is nor strict to men nor is he unreasonable, like the christian priest would preach.

    I believe Jesus lived like an average men preach the truth as much as possible, died then later use as the character to lure gullible believers that a man born from a virgin was possible.

    I believe in Mother Nature as the Queen of God, she is my closes aid when I am in need. I pray to her as much as I pray to God as to me they are equal. My belief tells me no mother can ever be away from her offsprings therfor she dwells in earth as hidden as the woderful air we breath. God our holy father remains in a place that awaits us. I believe in Heaven and also reincarnation. Like the buddist believe all forms take shape as a circle. I believe we will be given a choice that once we make it back to our heaven, we can either stay or be reborn to earth.

    My life is streghten by a sentence by Jesus himself our brother who sacrifice for all of us. "You can reach our holy father, God himself through your prayers", this conclude me that I have no need for a priest nor a church. So I pray only within myself, I trust my messages to no other mortal. Especially one that claims he is above me and closer to my God. I believe Muslims,Jewish, Buddism are ones of four of our brothers. I believe like I born of four, Christian is the youngest son of God. My God is not of any, but he is 1. He is simply God unlabled to any religion because he is truly the almighty. That is why my religion is Unnamed.

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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    Quote Originally Posted by Bilbo View Post
    Just for fun I thought I'd run a census to see what the resident Saddonian's feelings are to a range of topical religious, moral, philosophical and societal questions.

    Ok just give your replies and reasons and we can see where people stand on the big questions of our day.

    1. God, yes or no?

    The options as follows.

    1) I believe in the Christian God as revealed in the Bible and accept Jesus as my Saviour
    2) I believe in Allah as revealed through the Koran and accept Muhammad as his prohet.
    3) I am Jewish
    4) I believe in one of the polytheistic religionas, Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism etc.
    5) I simply do not know nor care
    6) I am an athiest, there is no such thing as God
    7) I believe in the devil and worship him.
    8 ) I am God

    Ok question 2.

    Is there an afterlife?

    1) Yes I will live forever with Christ in heaven
    2) I think we are all reincarnated
    3) I believe there is a hell and I will go there
    4) I don't know, let's just see when we get there.
    5) Fuck no, it's a load of superstitious crap

    Ok question 3.

    Abortion. What is your view on abortion?

    1) Abortion is the legalised murder of innocents, it is no different from Herod's slaughtering of all the babies in the time of Jesus or of the practice of slaughtering all males in the days of Moses. It is a sin against God. It is never acceptable

    2) Abortion is accetable only when the health of the mother or child is at severe risk, or if the birth was a result of abuse or rape.

    3) If a woman feels like she isn't ready for kids yet then it is ok to terminate as long as it is done quickly

    4) It is the woman's choice. The baby is not a person until it is born and therefore if a woman doesn't want to have the baby then that's her right. There is nothing wrong with this and such women should not be judged

    Ok Question 4, Prostitution, ok or not?

    1) Prostitution is an abomination, sinful, wrong and a cruel exploitation of women. It should be combated whereever possible and any men found guilty of soliciting for such services should face prosecution.

    2) It certainly shouldn't be legalised but I think the police should largely turn a blind eye and instead just try to ensure women are kept safe and go after the crime gangs pimping women rather the average punter.

    3) Prostitution is the oldest profession and should by now finally be accepted. Proper legal lawas should be put in place so that acts of prostitution could take place in a safe enviroment under properly regulated conditions.

    4) It's fine by me, they are just crack whores and sluts. Where else are they going to get their money, stealing?

    Next Question Drugs.

    1) All drugs should be legalised, it is the choice of the consumer whether they take them or not. Fuck the restraints of the govornments, how dare they tell me what I can and can't do.

    2) Hard drugs like Heroin should be banned and fought against but soft drugs such as cannabis and social drugs such as cocaine should be allowed.

    3) Only the softest of drugs such as cannabis should be legalised, the rest banned.

    4) All drugs should be banned, it is harfmul both to the user and society.

    5) All drugs should be banned and by that I aslo mean cigarretes and alcholol. Get rid of all these dependencies that people have and we would all be much healthier.

    Ok that's all my questions for now. Please reply with reasons so I can compile a report on the moral state of members of Saddo Boxing.

    1. 6. 2. 5. 3.4 4.3 5.1.

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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    Quote Originally Posted by Julius Rain View Post
    I believe religion is genetic programming, as I attempt my best to rid of these manipulation. Coming from a Catholic bloodline, my beliefs today are unique. Far from the average young men.

    I believe in 1 God, the almighty. He is nor strict to men nor is he unreasonable, like the christian priest would preach.

    I believe Jesus lived like an average men preach the truth as much as possible, died then later use as the character to lure gullible believers that a man born from a virgin was possible.

    I believe in Mother Nature as the Queen of God, she is my closes aid when I am in need. I pray to her as much as I pray to God as to me they are equal. My belief tells me no mother can ever be away from her offsprings therfor she dwells in earth as hidden as the woderful air we breath. God our holy father remains in a place that awaits us. I believe in Heaven and also reincarnation. Like the buddist believe all forms take shape as a circle. I believe we will be given a choice that once we make it back to our heaven, we can either stay or be reborn to earth.

    My life is streghten by a sentence by Jesus himself our brother who sacrifice for all of us. "You can reach our holy father, God himself through your prayers", this conclude me that I have no need for a priest nor a church. So I pray only within myself, I trust my messages to no other mortal. Especially one that claims he is above me and closer to my God. I believe Muslims,Jewish, Buddism are ones of four of our brothers. I believe like I born of four, Christian is the youngest son of God. My God is not of any, but he is 1. He is simply God unlabled to any religion because he is truly the almighty. That is why my religion is Unnamed.

    Well done and good for you.

    Oh have you completly forgiven me yet ? .
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    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Julius Rain View Post
    I believe religion is genetic programming, as I attempt my best to rid of these manipulation. Coming from a Catholic bloodline, my beliefs today are unique. Far from the average young men.

    I believe in 1 God, the almighty. He is nor strict to men nor is he unreasonable, like the christian priest would preach.

    I believe Jesus lived like an average men preach the truth as much as possible, died then later use as the character to lure gullible believers that a man born from a virgin was possible.

    I believe in Mother Nature as the Queen of God, she is my closes aid when I am in need. I pray to her as much as I pray to God as to me they are equal. My belief tells me no mother can ever be away from her offsprings therfor she dwells in earth as hidden as the woderful air we breath. God our holy father remains in a place that awaits us. I believe in Heaven and also reincarnation. Like the buddist believe all forms take shape as a circle. I believe we will be given a choice that once we make it back to our heaven, we can either stay or be reborn to earth.

    My life is streghten by a sentence by Jesus himself our brother who sacrifice for all of us. "You can reach our holy father, God himself through your prayers", this conclude me that I have no need for a priest nor a church. So I pray only within myself, I trust my messages to no other mortal. Especially one that claims he is above me and closer to my God. I believe Muslims,Jewish, Buddism are ones of four of our brothers. I believe like I born of four, Christian is the youngest son of God. My God is not of any, but he is 1. He is simply God unlabled to any religion because he is truly the almighty. That is why my religion is Unnamed.

    Well done and good for you.

    Oh have you completly forgiven me yet ? .
    Thank you, and Yes and yes I still find myself reading and relating to your posts. Still a good advisor of mine andre!

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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    We have been given eyes to see, ears to hear and brain to work out stuff; these are gifts and are measuring devices to help you feel things for experience sake.

    If you have felt love ,you have felt GOD.This is the largest gift ;the one that allows you to know the great unseen ONE force behind all things.

    Hell is a state of consiusness of having none, or diminishing Love;
    This state can grow and it has power to enslave because slipping down is the easiest route; it creates the 'sins' or false ways that keep you eternally seperate from love.

    Judgement is one such slide that creates seperatness and no love.

    Jesus is great! or Yeshua Ben Josheph if you want to get real honest.

    He pointed to the easiest 10 ways to saving yourself from slipping, he didnt point at himself,others did that 300 years after he left here physically.But he is the way and the light I belive,not the destination, that is up to you.

    Millions now use the name "Jesus Christ" as a swear word, the joke is on them; The spirit that can answer to that name, remains unaffected.

    First rule of God or Unconditional Love is : total freedom of choice for souls that have chosen individualization;
    that covers abortion, drugs and homosexuality and every other nook and cranny you may wish to hide in.

    IF you give thanks for what has been given to you freely through the mother nature which you phisically rose out of; or from the father spirit where you were spiritually forged, then more will come your way.

    If you cease,just through bad manners alone and your free choice, it will end and you will have all that is yours ,freely.

    Fortuantley a line has been drawn in the sand for the protection of others ; that line is what seperates dimensions.That line has been crossed by us all.
    Our tallest buildings are now in worship of the dollar. Lust has overtaken Love. Forgivness is rare and love is mostly now conditional.
    As is everything else by our doing,we are killing our mother planet and the natural gifts that are ourselves.

    We are already living the afterlife.It is a free gift too ,how and which side of the line you spend some of it, is down to your free will.
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    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

  14. #14
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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    We have been given eyes to see, ears to hear and brain to work out stuff; these are gifts and are measuring devices to help you feel things for experience sake.

    If you have felt love ,you have felt GOD.This is the largest gift ;the one that allows you to know the great unseen ONE force behind all things.

    Hell is a state of consiusness of having none, or diminishing Love;
    This state can grow and it has power to enslave because slipping down is the easiest route; it creates the 'sins' or false ways that keep you eternally seperate from love.

    Judgement is one such slide that creates seperatness and no love.

    Jesus is great! or Yeshua Ben Josheph if you want to get real honest.

    He pointed to the easiest 10 ways to saving yourself from slipping, he didnt point at himself,others did that 300 years after he left here physically.But he is the way and the light I belive,not the destination, that is up to you.

    Millions now use the name "Jesus Christ" as a swear word, the joke is on them; The spirit that can answer to that name, remains unaffected.

    First rule of God or Unconditional Love is : total freedom of choice for souls that have chosen individualization;
    that covers abortion, drugs and homosexuality and every other nook and cranny you may wish to hide in.

    IF you give thanks for what has been given to you freely through the mother nature which you phisically rose out of; or from the father spirit where you were spiritually forged, then more will come your way.

    If you cease,just through bad manners alone and your free choice, it will end and you will have all that is yours ,freely.

    Fortuantley a line has been drawn in the sand for the protection of others ; that line is what seperates dimensions.That line has been crossed by us all.
    Our tallest buildings are now in worship of the dollar. Lust has overtaken Love. Forgivness is rare and love is mostly now conditional.
    As is everything else by our doing,we are killing our mother planet and the natural gifts that are ourselves.

    We are already living the afterlife.It is a free gift too ,how and which side of the line you spend some of it, is down to your free will.
    I know I asked for reasons but in your case I'd rather you just picked the numbers

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    Default Re: Bilbo's Religious and Moral Census

    oww alwight;

    Q1 1234 but mostly (8,you all as well).

    q2 mostly 2 but the big answer isnt all right there.

    q3 ahh 2

    q4 ahhh 3

    Q5 ahhhh 5.

    In conclusion: if you loved with unconditional love the whore who beared your children and ceased judment on her and her family she wouldnt need drugs and you would stop experiencing hell on Earth.
    Hidden Content " border="0" />

    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

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