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Thread: Jordan Peterson: Pop Psychology+Pseudo Intellectual

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    Default Jordan Peterson: Pop Psychology+Pseudo Intellectual

    "things you can never technically prove" basically sums up this guy's whole schtick.

    "The stupid man's smart person" is also a really good label for him.

    This intellectual shallowness is off the charts. Jordan Peterson is clueless when it comes to his theories on parenting and child psychology. (That is specifically what I am addressing here in this post, not necessarily his political views in this particular post right here). One of my neighbors put it very succinctly about Jordan Peterson like this: "The obscurity and inscrutability of Peterson’s claims serve him well. He can offer no structural critique, only hot takes."

    Basically Jordan Peterson cannot back anything up. A very excellent critique of Jordan Peterson can be found here:. All of his tricks and sleights of hand are exposed here. They only seem to work on pseudo intellectuals. These are people who go for shallow pop psychology and dismiss the hard sciences of biopsychology and the DSM IV.

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    Default Re: Jordan Peterson: Pop Psychology+Pseudo Intellectual

    Peterson is the most intelligent and well-argued advocate of aggressive parenting that I’m aware of. Yet he makes no valid arguments for the use of aggression in parenting. He can’t, because there are no good arguments for using aggression on children.

    To make his defence of corporal punishment he had to ignore all the research literature on the bad effects of spanking. He had to rely on a controversial and outdated school of thought in psychology (behaviourism) as the only authority he could appeal to in trying to justify his aggressive style of dominance assertion against children. He had to ignore the entire field of child psychology, none of which supports spanking or aggressive parenting. He had to cherry-pick ideas from evolutionary psychology that seem to support aggression, whilst ignoring evolutionary psychology when it leads to promotion of practices such as co-sleeping. His arguments are so weak that he resorts to rhetorical techniques like asserting that anyone who disagrees with him is wrong and holds views that are “too simple”.

    Peterson’s chapter on parenting is called “Don't Let Your Kids Do Anything That Makes You Dislike Them”. But that that is a mealy-mouthed way of stating his views. He should heed his own advice and take responsibility for his views, which means not using the passive tense. His chapter should be titled “Don't Let Your Kids Do Anything That You Dislike Them Doing”, because that's what he is really saying. When you put it like that, it amounts to merely saying “Don't Let Your Kids Do Anything That You Don't Want Them To”, which is neither deep nor enlightened. It is merely a sophisticated excuse for indefensible aggression against children.

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    Default Re: Jordan Peterson: Pop Psychology+Pseudo Intellectual

    I have been saying this for many years for good reason. Look at the replies to this well laid out argument and you can see how uninterested his sycophantic disciples are in contemplating even the idea that he may be wrong.

    That is not a rational way to react to criticism of someone they think is some kind of intellectual giant.

    The same cherry picking is there with his advocation of religious conservatism and his myopic refusal to consider any evidence that challenges his attraction to mysoginistic bullying and extreme orthodoxy.

    He is a hypersensitive bullied child who has made a career pretending to be a tough academic whilst delighting in bullying and encouraging the bullying of others. Look simply at the fact that for years he portrayed anyone using medication for their mental health issues as being weak, when all the time he was popping pills himself and then rather than facing the challenge of withdrawal, (admittedly harder than tidying your room) he underwent the extraordinary process of going to Russia and being comatosed in order to give up.

    It also turns out that this intellectual giant, thought listening to his daft daughter and copying her in eating only beef, salt and water was a good idea. No fruit, veg or grains.

    As someone who like his daughter has suffered from an arthritic auto immune condition all my life, I am aware how certain foods can exacerbate inflammation, pain, brain fog etc but I also can not ignore the scientific fact that vegetables and fruit, with their vitamins, fibre etc are essential for a healthy life.

    The guy is a loon.
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    Default Re: Jordan Peterson: Pop Psychology+Pseudo Intellectual

    Look at his pathetic response to the difficult truths Nietzsche's death of Gd confronts us with.

    He decides to advocate JudeoChristian principles and morality, and suggests that his followers should delude themselves by subscribing to this fantasy, whilst admitting it isn't actually based on truth. He as a psychologist is advocating people lead a double life acting out something they don't truly believe. Look at the knots he tied himself in, trying to explain how he both believes and doesn't believe in God.

    He is messed up, as many modern humans are, but his refusal to address this has harmed thousands of others who think he is some kind of guru. His tips are all projections of his own issues he has refused to address.
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    Default Re: Jordan Peterson: Pop Psychology+Pseudo Intellectual

    @Beanz all excellent insights and observations there. He tries to apply a Band-Aid to deeply complex issues, which leads people to poo-poo the idea that humans can have emotional/psychiatric issues which they cannot simply "solve" by "snapping out of it" or "having agency" -- which is all just wishful thinking and oversimplification. And they then demonize those who disagree as being "lazy" for not being able to get their lives together. They lump together the worst lazy people with those who genuinely suffer from previous abuse or neglect, saying "get over it! Get out there and succeed!", and when you try to teach them a little bit about how it just doesn't work that way, they say you are a misanthrope in that you are underestimating peoples' ability to "snap out of" their illnesses. To these people, nobody has any excuses except those who are physiologically impaired. They completely and sophomorically dismiss and poo-poo all the hard-core facts about disorders like Dissociative Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, crippling Obsessive-Compulsive Disorders, Tourettic OCD, and how those are plenty enough to stop people from really succeeding in life no matter how hard they try. It is a cold, unfeeling, unfair, almost fascistic way of seeing people, but disguised by a phony mask of "having hope and faith in the power of people to just snap out of these things". Very shallow.

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    Default Re: Jordan Peterson: Pop Psychology+Pseudo Intellectual

    Jordan Peter speaks to the people who are looking to hear the word.
    Bigger man George, bigger punch!

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  7. #7
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    Default Re: Jordan Peterson: Pop Psychology+Pseudo Intellectual

    Quote Originally Posted by ykdadamaja View Post
    Jordan Peter speaks to the people who are looking to hear the word.
    Some people need to convince themselves they are totally "over" childhood abuse & emotional neglect, "done and dusted", etc. and that they actually were able to do it by a stiff upper lip, and having "agency". For me it is easy to admit I and my sister suffered physical, verbal and emotional abuse as children as well as emotional neglect. It is common knowledge that these things effect you for life -- for some people it incapacitates them completely and they cannot really succeed in life -- for others it effects them for life in their interpersonal/emotional relationships with others, etc. but they can pretty well hold a job and get by, etc. BUT FOR THESE SHALLOW PSEUDO-INTELLECTUAL POP-PSYCHOLOGISTS they condemn those victims as merely being "lazy" or "looking for excuses" or "not having agency". WHO THE FUCK ARE THEY TO JUDGE WHAT OTHERS HAVE SUFFERED? Just because one particular person was beaten cruelly by their parents (or suffered some kind of childhood emotional neglect or abuse) and managed to "succeed" in life DOES NOT MEAN that another person may NOT be traumatized or fall to pieces from even 50% of that abuse and neglect. Peterson tries to argue in broad terms and it is very ignorant to do so. It is a case-by-case basis when assessing a human beings psychiatric and emotional condition.
    These pseudo-intellectuals try to impose a fascistic, cruel and unreasonable responsibility onto the victims of abuse & neglect, all under the guise of "altruism" and "believing in people" -- when in fact they are blanketly, sweepingly and immaturely judging those poor victims to be lazy and irresponsible if they cannot just "snap out of it" and "have agency". These pop-psychologists then champion themselves to be enemies of "misanthropes" -- they label anyone a misanthrope who believes that permanent damage can be done in childhood which cannot be overcome.

    It's these very same pseudo-intellectuals who know zero about psychobiology, biopsychology, behavioral and psychological determinism, psychopharmacology, etc. and will actually poo-poo those things -- which they do not understand -- as "quackery". It's too complicated and complex for their POP psychology personalities that want quick shallow fixes to life-long cognitive/emotional/psychiatric conditions. They cannot function if they have to admit there is something abnormal about themselves, they cannot accept that idea. It would make them want to jump off a bridge, and they cannot have that. Everything MUST BE SORTED, perfect, DONE & DUSTED, it's preposterous to think otherwise I tell you! You must be a misanthrope!

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    Default Re: Jordan Peterson: Pop Psychology+Pseudo Intellectual

    Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by ykdadamaja View Post
    Jordan Peter speaks to the people who are looking to hear the word.
    Some people need to convince themselves they are totally "over" childhood abuse & emotional neglect, "done and dusted", etc. and that they actually were able to do it by a stiff upper lip, and having "agency". For me it is easy to admit I and my sister suffered physical, verbal and emotional abuse as children as well as emotional neglect. It is common knowledge that these things effect you for life -- for some people it incapacitates them completely and they cannot really succeed in life -- for others it effects them for life in their interpersonal/emotional relationships with others, etc. but they can pretty well hold a job and get by, etc. BUT FOR THESE SHALLOW PSEUDO-INTELLECTUAL POP-PSYCHOLOGISTS they condemn those victims as merely being "lazy" or "looking for excuses" or "not having agency". WHO THE FUCK ARE THEY TO JUDGE WHAT OTHERS HAVE SUFFERED? Just because one particular person was beaten cruelly by their parents (or suffered some kind of childhood emotional neglect or abuse) and managed to "succeed" in life DOES NOT MEAN that another person may NOT be traumatized or fall to pieces from even 50% of that abuse and neglect. Peterson tries to argue in broad terms and it is very ignorant to do so. It is a case-by-case basis when assessing a human beings psychiatric and emotional condition.
    These pseudo-intellectuals try to impose a fascistic, cruel and unreasonable responsibility onto the victims of abuse & neglect, all under the guise of "altruism" and "believing in people" -- when in fact they are blanketly, sweepingly and immaturely judging those poor victims to be lazy and irresponsible if they cannot just "snap out of it" and "have agency". These pop-psychologists then champion themselves to be enemies of "misanthropes" -- they label anyone a misanthrope who believes that permanent damage can be done in childhood which cannot be overcome.

    It's these very same pseudo-intellectuals who know zero about psychobiology, biopsychology, behavioral and psychological determinism, psychopharmacology, etc. and will actually poo-poo those things -- which they do not understand -- as "quackery". It's too complicated and complex for their POP psychology personalities that want quick shallow fixes to life-long cognitive/emotional/psychiatric conditions. They cannot function if they have to admit there is something abnormal about themselves, they cannot accept that idea. It would make them want to jump off a bridge, and they cannot have that. Everything MUST BE SORTED, perfect, DONE & DUSTED, it's preposterous to think otherwise I tell you! You must be a misanthrope!
    IHY man.
    Bigger man George, bigger punch!

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