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Thread: recent books you read

  1. #1
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    Default recent books you read

    I think I are someone else started a thread like this sometime ago but it has long sunken into obscurity. I'm reading killing Jesus by Bill O`Riley and Martin Sugars. I have to say it is very interesting and I think even non Christians would enjoy it as it goes into depth of life in those times. Just curious if anyone has read anything interesting lately.

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    Default Re: recent books you read

    My reading is dismal at the moment. Im just about treading water keeping up with the news, but I would be better off reading fiction than following some of that BBC/CNN Goebbels tripe.

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    Default Re: recent books you read

    Henry Kissinger's latest book is a good read.

  4. #4
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    The Ulitmate Book of Boxing Lists by Bert Sugar & Teddy Atlas. It's like a boxing forum in the form of a book. Best this or Worst that by both guys. & Ali's top 10's HW's & some funny ones like Thomas Hearns Top 10 reasons why I won against Leonard.

    My favorite list is boxing's top 10 dirtiest fights. Totally subjective read (opinion based) but in lieu some great nostalgic facts listed to back their opinions up.

    To stay up on my political shlacking of masochists who dare tread my path- I'm still reading the Federalist Papers & The Anti-Federalist papers.
    Federalist papers details those who supported the implementing of the American Constitution like James Madison to Alexander Hamilton -their philosphy is conservative. They argued constitution to supersede the Articles of Confederation would allow a standard, but unified army from possible dangers -citing France & Spain. One Governor Randolph cited Bible (there would be wars & rumors of wars if we do not take heed). Interesting to note yesterday's conservatives were pro-government, thus calling themselves Federalists.

    The Anti-federalists mostly commoners, farmers who questioned the (way) the constitution was being implemented. Their argument is exactly the same as those of today who claim the Health care reform Act was rammed down our throats without due time to review. Well there were 85 of these papers collected that stated this was how the Constitution was given-without due process.

    Anti- Federalists questioned how would we encounter a hostile France & Spain? -
    -when President Hanson via the Articles of Confederation made a peaceful transition of the French withdrawing their troops.

    And do they dare believe savage Indians will come from the opposite side? How so: mounted on Alligators charging from the carolinas? & the small states are not to our detriment, but rather would be quickly alligned to unite against bigger foes. I quote this specific from the book "Little men are seldom seen quarrelling among giants."

    They quoted those who were pro-constitution; were the wealthy, with much to gain. Citing the Noble Order of Cincinati holders of public securities like George Washington (<<--anyone know 'bout this? )

    The most recent chapters I am on makes claim that those proponents of the paper (constitution)of this consolidated government would allow them to multiply employment for their financial friends.
    & that all nations that have given way to a consolidate government- created sub departments within the government that became subordinate to a corporation of sorts. (Today, I think this means Department of Education, Department of labor, etc).

    Thus the common people should avert & avoid that which afflicted nations like Spain & France. Painfully forcing various states together under one government whose legislative powers are given to so few-who then will have what in common with the locals? Or more so in common with nobility, thus turning a democracy into either a aristocracy or monarchy.

    I gather the Anti-Federalists were not against the Constitution-rather; they argued that time was not used to allow the people to see it fit, rather men of wealth & influence claimed it would be to the detriment of the people- if they didnt adopt it. Quickly at that.
    I kinda understand why Hamilton was shot dead via a dual. Federalists like him benefited financlally from this consolidated form of government---- that simultaneously steeped American into her first deficit.

    Oh, and I am reading Comedian Bernie Mac's "maybe you never cry again".
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 04-01-2015 at 11:48 PM.

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    Default Re: recent books you read

    If comic books count I am getting ready for Avengers 2.

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    Truly, a man of the world.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: recent books you read

    Good Boxing Books

    Larry Holmes Against the Odds
    George Forman By George

    Telling moment as Holmes in the dressing room pre-Tyson bout- he confesses it was the only time he wanted to cancel a fight.

    George- I think he owes his auntie a great deal. She kept telling him he would amount to be nothing.
    He really wanted to play football, but quit one day- when he his coach saw him smoking cigarettes. he was so embarrassed he went home- laid down and his aunt came in and said_ See I told you wouldn't gonna amount to be nothing.

    That led him to join the job corp- which got him into boxing. Or at least that's what I got from the book. Good read- oh & he was always hungry. Every other chapter states it to much humor.

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    Default Re: recent books you read

    Just read Fahrenheit 451 again, awesome damn book.
    In the middle of Rhetoric by Aristotle.
    Also, Jorge Luis Borges' "The Garden of Forking Paths" is a trip.

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    Default Re: recent books you read

    My view from the Corner by Angelo Dundee.

    Bert Sugar helps with it and Forward by Ali.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: recent books you read

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    I think I are someone else started a thread like this sometime ago but it has long sunken into obscurity. think even non Christians would enjoy it as it goes into depth of life in those times. Just curious if anyone has read anything interesting lately.
    Bill's got a few books starting off with Killing- A series of them? There is another book same title written by a dude named Stephen Mansfield, familliar with it?

    How is the book?

    Myself; I found it a bit interesting the book describes Herod's physical condition, hart ailments, sexually transmitted diseases, amazing detail about his health.
    Also intrigued that Bill doesn't seem to consider Herod too powerful, rather a puppet who owes his kngdom completely to that brutal and all powerful republic (pg 217). And that he looked to slaughter new borns for Caesar Augustus?

    Haven't read the whole book rather a sample of it.

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    Default Re: recent books you read

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    I think I are someone else started a thread like this sometime ago but it has long sunken into obscurity. think even non Christians would enjoy it as it goes into depth of life in those times. Just curious if anyone has read anything interesting lately.
    Bill's got a few books starting off with Killing- A series of them? There is another book same title written by a dude named Stephen Mansfield, familliar with it?

    How is the book?

    Myself; I found it a bit interesting the book describes Herod's physical condition, hart ailments, sexually transmitted diseases, amazing detail about his health.
    Also intrigued that Bill doesn't seem to consider Herod too powerful, rather a puppet who owes his kngdom completely to that brutal and all powerful republic (pg 217). And that he looked to slaughter new borns for Caesar Augustus?

    Haven't read the whole book rather a sample of it.
    Yes, you brought up Herods ailments, certainly stuck out in my mind as well. Maggots in his private parts WTF. I'm sure the documentation must be out there to back it up but I've never come across anything like that. On the whole. I think the book is very well done, catches you from the fist sentence. I haven't read any of his other books but I'd like to pick up killing Patton.

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    Default Re: recent books you read

    Im reading "The road to Nowhere: a journey through boxing so wasteland" by Tris Dixon.

    It's a good read, he goes out to find former fighters who were never huge megastars to see what's happened to them and what they make of their careers in retrospect. People like Don Fullmer, Jeff Chandler, Dwight Qawi and the like.

    I'm really enjoying it, and would recommend it
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    Default Re: recent books you read

    Quote Originally Posted by X View Post
    Im reading "The road to Nowhere: a journey through boxing so wasteland" by Tris Dixon.

    It's a good read, he goes out to find former fighters who were never huge megastars to see what's happened to them and what they make of their careers in retrospect. People like Don Fullmer, Jeff Chandler, Dwight Qawi and the like.

    I'm really enjoying it, and would recommend it
    I think I'll put it on my list, I have yet to read a boxing book

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    I read bible and study hebrew a bit
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    Default Re: recent books you read

    Quote Originally Posted by NVSemin View Post
    I read bible and study hebrew a bit
    @NVSemin, the scribes and the Pharisee also read the bible, you know what happened to them.

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