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Thread: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC losers

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    Default Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC losers

    I find Trump very enlightening. Being that 90% of all politicians are paid for stooges that haven't had an original thought in their careers, Trump is saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by some lobbyist or financial backer. Good for him. Our politicians have managed to give away our country and all its wealth with bad trade deals. Ross Perot said it best, "IF WE SIGN THESE TRADE DEALS YOU WILL HEAR THIS GREAT SUCKING SOUND" and we did and then we re-elected these same officials' back into office. What a country!!!!

    People need to watch which republicans are attacking trump. Those people like Jeb Bush and Rick Perry are new world order rinos. They have control of Congress right now and have pushed true conservatives off of most committees and purge them from leadership positions. Boehner, Graham, Mcconnell, Mccain, all of these "republicans" have managed to block any effective legislation that the real republicans can come up with. They've supported Obama on nearly everything and fight him on nothing. It's crazy how the Republican party had been taken over by these chamber of commerce liberal proxies. Watch what they say they're revealing their true identites...

    There are more people trying to 'nitpick' what Mr. Trump said without admitting that the broader message is true. Fortunately, it appears, that the folks are getting it right. If nothing else, Mr. Trump has forced the politically correct crowd to address this horrendous problem that the Democrats are happy to ignore and the Republicans are scared to touch. Underlying this is a fight for votes. Americans from all walks of life and all parties should send a message to the professional politicians. We want our borders protected and the criminals brought to justice. "if we don't have secure borders, we don't have a country" Donald Trump.

    How many more American women must die from ILLEGAL immigrates before somebody saves us.
    "Other media had reported that Francisco Sanchez had been deported three times to Mexico, returning and committing crimes each time. The top ten wanted list in Los Angeles is dominated by illegal immigrants. I am all for immigration reform, but not until we gain total control of our borders first. The reality is that thousands of criminals have come here through our broken borders. This casts an awful light on the hard working and honest immigrants simply wanting a better life. It is past due by decades, close the border as step one to immigration reform "

    Trump is spot-on correct. Who gives a flying hoot what the brain-dead, ignorant PC morons think? The truth is the truth, no matter how much it affects the sensibilities of the mindless liberal drones who couldn't find their posteriors with both hands.

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    Default Re: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC los

    It's just common sense to secure borders. There is a very good border here and people have a very hard time crossing it. It isn't that hard to create a secure border. There is a reason why America has porous, under funded, open borders, and it is because it is purposeful.

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    Default Re: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC los

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    It's just common sense to secure borders. There is a very good border here and people have a very hard time crossing it. It isn't that hard to create a secure border. There is a reason why America has porous, under funded, open borders, and it is because it is purposeful.
    Yeah, God forgive anyone escaping North Korea. Sponging Bastards.
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    Default Re: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC los

    Quote Originally Posted by Greenbeanz View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    It's just common sense to secure borders. There is a very good border here and people have a very hard time crossing it. It isn't that hard to create a secure border. There is a reason why America has porous, under funded, open borders, and it is because it is purposeful.
    Yeah, God forgive anyone escaping North Korea. Sponging Bastards.
    It's just an example of an effective border. You can control borders if you really want to. If you want to work, and over a million immigrants do, then you can apply and likely be permitted to. Some people even choose to go to North Korea for work. It's just you are not getting through the fortified border. Even the beaches towards the north have military and barbed wire. Very difficult to get through.

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    Default Re: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC los

    Donald Trump is a real dude, hopefully since he's not afraid to say anything or address any topic he can force some of the other candidates to have to address hard topics.

    Trump rules
    David Lemieux = Future MW Champ and P4P King

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    Default Re: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC los

    He's right on about securing the borders.

    Who comes over the borders? Mostly the dregs of society.
    David Lemieux = Future MW Champ and P4P King

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    Default Re: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC los

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanflicker View Post
    Who comes over the borders? Mostly the dregs of society.
    And I'm not talking about the Dixie Dregs, with the incredible Steve Morse, either.

    David Lemieux = Future MW Champ and P4P King

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    Default Re: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC los

    The hispanic kid knows....

    David Lemieux = Future MW Champ and P4P King

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    Default Re: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC los

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    I find Trump very enlightening. Being that 90% of all politicians are paid for stooges that haven't had an original thought in their careers, Trump is saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by some lobbyist or financial backer. Good for him.

    I like to Keep it Real- & U- R forcing me to keep it. Ok. You- R- dead on correct. at face value: Trump aint talking like no lobbyist's chump. Like him or not- He hasn't shown puppet skills (yet).:D

    Our politicians have managed to give away our country and all its wealth with bad trade deals. Ross Perot said it best, "IF WE SIGN THESE TRADE DEALS YOU WILL HEAR THIS GREAT SUCKING SOUND" and we did and then we re-elected these same officials' back into office. What a country!!!!

    I can dig how U put it here. Not a side or party or faction- the whole damn Senate & Congress are responsible election after election.

    People need to watch which republicans are attacking trump.
    Tricky here. As attacking him on this issue, sure we should watch. But once he finishes wooing U & others on his stance..remember : John McCain was once also considered a "maverick" for speaking his mind. Then as soon as he stood to become the RNC's nominee, he bent over ass backwards- even dropped his VP pick for a chick he (never) met. SO I would think we have to listen to Trump on (ALL) issues relevant to domestic & foreign policies. For now he in my book is a one-trick pony. Takes more to being prez than calling the facts of the ills of our border.

    Those people like Jeb Bush and Rick Perry are new world order rinos. They have control of Congress right now and have pushed true conservatives off of most committees and purge them from leadership positions. Boehner, Graham, Mcconnell, Mccain, all of these "republicans" have managed to block any effective legislation that the real republicans can come up with.
    Hot damn U-- call them mofos out by name Bash em..don't be scurred. X-posed them suckas!!!!

    They've supported Obama on nearly everything and fight him on nothing.
    I dunno. I could show U about 40-75 pieces of legislation from troop deployment to American workers that have all failed under the guise of Obstructionism as means to defeat Obama.
    Mitch McConnell is one name to type to research how much shit they turned down.
    Another is Type in:republicans who rejected their own bills.
    I think U know Im good for backin' my game-so no need to link it here.

    Also the gang of 8 that claimed to have had immigration nailed...this was 2013 LMAO~ And Lindsey Graham was one of em.

    It's crazy how the Republican party had been taken over by these chamber of commerce liberal proxies. Watch what they say they're revealing their true identites...
    Names that go undeterred as the likes of Richard Perle to Paul Wolfowitz, not sure if U dig them or not, but those names don't run for office but they forced the hands of both Dems & Repubs. Political office for sale. Anyone willing to sell their soul, sellout their constituents need only apply.

    There are more people trying to 'nitpick' what Mr. Trump said without admitting that the broader message is true.
    Its true, but one has to take into consideration that again: this message is echoed by everyone who wants to be a republican politician. Then what happens once they get initiated? Like Richard Pryor said on one of his comedic masterpieces "How LONG!!" How long..will this bullshit go on" I ask U bro- how long till we ask "why is this worth mentioning during election season and not post? How long..will this bullshit of caring for securing the borders...until elected go on???

    Fortunately, it appears, that the folks are getting it right. If nothing else, Mr. Trump has forced the politically correct crowd to address this horrendous problem that the Democrats are happy to
    damn skippy they will ignore it..thats their voters. legal and Ilegal But as I stated to the conservatives here....dems don't run on that issue. So don't expect them to care about the border one way or the other.

    and the Republicans are scared to touch.
    Agreed. They talk big shit about immigration-which is to denounce Democrats as doing nothing.

    Underlying this is a fight for votes. Said it again!!!
    Americans from all walks of life and all parties should send a message to the professional politicians. We want our borders protected and the criminals brought to justice. "if we don't have secure borders, we don't have a country" Donald Trump.

    Right words, from the wrong person. Identifies the problem- but what is the solution? Its like Floyd telling us to clean up boxing from its ped'ers. Right words from the wrong dude.

    How many more American women must die from ILLEGAL immigrates before somebody saves us.
    "Other media had reported that Francisco Sanchez had been deported three times to Mexico, returning and committing crimes each time. The top ten wanted list in Los Angeles is dominated by illegal immigrants. I am all for immigration reform, but not until we gain total control of our borders first. The reality is that thousands of criminals have come here through our broken borders. This casts an awful light on the hard working and honest immigrants simply wanting a better life. It is past due by decades, close the border as step one to immigration reform "

    I'd say we have to look at the border governors and how we gave them free pass to blame democrats. Be it Bush in Texas or the governator who left Caleefonia in debt -borderless fucking hoes on his woman..and now he's back to doing movies. State by state it has to be done is my argument. The federal government can allocate resources, but they cant determine how a state can effectively fight immigration anymore than the federal government can deem how health care should be run in all the state. How education should be run in all states. Blaming the current president is the easy way out-scape goat. and we will sooner be able to herd 500 feral cats in a 2 mile radius before we can make a dent in the illegals who are here.

    Trump is spot-on correct. Who gives a flying hoot what the brain-dead, ignorant PC morons think? The truth is the truth, no matter how much it affects the sensibilities of the mindless liberal drones who couldn't find their posteriors with both hands.
    Leave it to Brock to find a way to get me to agree...dang it U!!

    Yet- I stand firm_ right statement from the wrong dude. If he was presidential material- he'd do more than point out the problem. He'd have (several) scenarios to combat it. Now he has zero-jack.

    He then needs allies in the senate & congress or risk being obstructed, filibustered.

    Then all those senators & congress people who are under cover reps for the lobbyists will be too busy saving their own hide, than to make America a better place for Americans and not illegals & nations that we're indebted too-some who now lease and own some of our highways and tolls.
    Last edited by SlimTrae; 07-10-2015 at 03:35 AM.
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC los

    Trump could be a blessing for Hillary. The established Repubs are forced via microphone to address his recent comments. This could be how it goes for a time. The repubs will be to busy focused on the nonsense and commenting on what another commented about what Trump commented on ad infinitum.

    I recently heard a couple responses from the candidates and one of the comments really hit me. It was a sound bite so I'm not sure who said it but it went as follows " Donald Trump does not speak for the republican brand". Now I put it in quotations but I'm not saying it was word for word but I do know that the words "republican brand" were used. Is that what republicans are now, a brand. You know what they are, the republican party is special interest and lobbyists wrapped in a flag. There are more lobbyists in the Senate than senators, same with congressmen. All of Washington had a collective orgasm when the Supreme Court ruled that money is free speech. And don't think I'm a Democrat knocking Republicans because the Democrats are the same thing. Shit, you know how much money the Donald has given to Democrats over the years, I don't know the exact amount but he has given a lot of money to Dems as well as Repubs as he is a businessman and that's how you get Shit done. We sit here and argue the Dem / Repub thing like there is a difference. What big change took place when the voters shook up the house with a landslide vote that eventually brought Boehner into his seat. I thought it was a great move, people were making a statement with their votes but it seemed status quo after the celebration. I'm proud to be an independent. The repubs and the dems are the same thing, do and say whatever need be to get elected than once elected, do what is necessary to keep that power. We are voting for brands, we are voting for lobbyists wrapped in a flag. It is a very sad state of affairs @SlimTrae @El Kabong @brocktonblockbust @Gandalf @bill Paxtom @NVSemin
    Last edited by walrus; 07-10-2015 at 04:44 AM.

  11. #11
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC los

    Donald Trump is very good at bringing attention to himself and that's all well and good right now, but he's painting a huge target on his back right now for when the debates come up.

    Yes illegal immigration IS an issue that needs to be addressed, as are "sanctuary cities" like San Francisco. Thanks to Donald Trump those things are being talked about, but no thanks to Donald Trump, the people who oppose illegal immigration and sanctuary cities are now called "racists, bigots, xenophobes" because of how he has chosen to address those issues.

    Trump isn't a Conservative, nor is he Libertarian, he might be the happy middle ground between Republican and Democrat....but I assure you, I would fear the future of this nation even more should Trump be elected. Politicians in general are professional narcissists, Trump has been that his entire life, and given his views on eminent domain I believe he would be one of our more tyrannical Presidents ever.

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    Default Re: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC los

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Trump could be a blessing for Hillary. The established Repubs are forced via microphone to address his recent comments. This could be how it goes for a time. The repubs will be to busy focused on the nonsense and commenting on what another commented about what Trump commented on ad infinitum.

    I recently heard a couple responses from the candidates and one of the comments really hit me. It was a sound bite so I'm not sure who said it but it went as follows " Donald Trump does not speak for the republican brand". Now I put it in quotations but I'm not saying it was word for word but I do know that the words "republican brand" were used. Is that what republicans are now, a brand. You know what they are, the republican party is special interest and lobbyists wrapped in a flag. There are more lobbyists in the Senate than senators, same with congressmen. All of Washington had a collective orgasm when the Supreme Court ruled that money is free speech. And don't think I'm a Democrat knocking Republicans because the Democrats are the same thing. Shit, you know how much money the Donald has given to Democrats over the years, I don't know the exact amount but he has given a lot of money to Dems as well as Repubs as he is a businessman and that's how you get Shit done. We sit here and argue the Dem / Repub thing like there is a difference. What big change took place when the voters shook up the house with a landslide vote that eventually brought Boehner into his seat. I thought it was a great move, people were making a statement with their votes but it seemed status quo after the celebration. I'm proud to be an independent. The repubs and the dems are the same thing, do and say whatever need be to get elected than once elected, do what is necessary to keep that power. We are voting for brands, we are voting for lobbyists wrapped in a flag. It is a very sad state of affairs @SlimTrae @El Kabong @brocktonblockbust @Gandalf @bill Paxtom @NVSemin
    Now this is Hemmingway material. So whose taken' over Walrus? pc?
    All's lost! Everything's going to shit!

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    Default Re: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC los

    I would never trust anyone who thinks its OK to have hair like that
    If God wanted us to be vegetarians, why are animals made of meat ?

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    Donald Trump lost Michael Spinks 50's and then meet you and the Batman and Robin Catwoman t-rex piece of s***

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    Default Re: Trump saying what's on his mind rather than what's been written for him by PC los

    I listened to Trump earlier and honestly thought he was half insane. He doesn't look right, he doesn't sound right, just maybe it would work.

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