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Thread: The greatest 3 who ever lived.

  1. #1
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    Default The greatest 3 who ever lived.

    If you could travel back in time and meet (3) people who would they be and why?

    If I could only choose 3? just 3? damn.

    3. Bruce Lee . Have to get me some lessons & he seemed to be cool as shit to kick it with.
    2. Jesus. Any man who is still being talked about 2 thousand years later has to be a great orator.

    1. Imhotep. Any man who built something that took 4 thousand years to duplicate- is the shit. The father of medicine Hippocrates called him the god of medicine. He was deified-yet artifacts prove he is not a mythical dude. He was a real human.
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  2. #2
    El Kabong Guest


    1. W.C. Fields, greatest comedian of all time

    And with 2. & 3. I'm at a loss. Do I select an athlete, to tell me great tales of glories past? A thinker, to open up my mind to their ideas? A great leader, to learn more about their successes and how they were achieved?

    I might have 10, but 3?

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    Default Re: The greatest 3 who ever lived.

    I will leave out religious as that would be my top three so I will say and this is assuming since I have the ability to time travel I'll be able to have a conversation with them

    1 Ghengis Khan, always been fascinated with him, read so much about him despite so little being known

    2 Tesla I'd explain to him that the government is withholding his secrets and convince him to give me the plans for some cheap energy so I could make a billion, I'll promise him I'll give some to charity.

    3 one of the US founding fathers, either Madison or Washington, probably Madison. I'd go armed with documentation about police action, government action and supreme court decisions and I'd be very interested to hear his take on things. I would wait until the constitution is ratified as it wouldn't be fair to the guy to expect him to fix the ills of the US.

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    Default Re: The greatest 3 who ever lived.

    0. Sugar Ray Robinson
    1. Ali
    2. Tyson
    3. Roy Jones
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    Default Re: The greatest 3 who ever lived.

    Quote Originally Posted by NVSemin View Post
    0. Sugar Ray Robinson
    1. Ali
    2. Tyson
    3. Roy Jones
    @NVSemin it was suggested that you give meaning for each encounter.

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    Default Re: The greatest 3 who ever lived.

    Thoth Hermes Trismegistus, the founder of Egyptian learning, the Wise Man of the ancient world, gave to the priests and philosophers of antiquity the secrets which have been preserved to this day in myth and legend. These allegories and emblematic figures conceal the secret formulæ for spiritual, mental, moral, and physical regeneration commonly known as the Mystic Chemistry of the Soul (alchemy). These sublime truths were communicated to the initiates of the Mystery Schools, but were concealed from the profane. The latter, unable to understand the abstract philosophical tenets, worshiped the concrete sculptured idols which were emblematic of these secret truths. The wisdom and secrecy of Egypt are epitomized in the Sphinx, which has preserved its secret from the seekers of a hundred generations. The mysteries of Hermeticism, the great spiritual truths hidden from the world by the ignorance of the world, and the keys of the secret doctrines of the ancient philosophers, are all symbolized by the Virgin Isis. Veiled from head to foot, she reveals her wisdom only to the tried and initiated few who have earned the right to enter her sacred presence, tear from the veiled figure of Nature its shroud of obscurity, and stand face to face with the Divine Reality.

    Da vinci

    Jacques de Molay
    Last edited by Andre; 07-10-2015 at 08:41 AM.
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    I can explain it.
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    Default Re: The greatest 3 who ever lived.

    I like that Tesla pick.

    @ Andre. Deep as always.
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    Default Re: The greatest 3 who ever lived.

    I should choose Jesus, muhammid and Buddha or Tyson, Ali and Louis or Maradona, Pele and Messi but I will choose another 3
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    Default Re: The greatest 3 who ever lived.

    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    I like that Tesla pick.

    @ Andre. Deep as always.
    Well not really deep mate.
    I just want to know the origins of the ancient worlds amazing knowledge. I expect it may have came through a couple of men who could of easily been the same man born into different times.
    Maybe Due to the fact their knowledge was born into them maybe Thoth was the second reincarnation of or of the same dna line as Melcheizedek the old testaments highest of high priests.
    I would of gone for meeting the later but the former would know so I could ask him that as well as other guarded secrets that are still buried in Egypt and Iran.

    I believe Jacques Molay to be one of the bravest men to have ever existed and I've some pretty fancy questions for him regarding a blood line that went through Ireland from Israel just after the supposed crucifixion and also a certain family blood line in Scotland that came out of that later too,as well as the subject of the Black Maddona in Chartes and many other things I would love confirmed about some mountains and other chapels they built.

    Then theres the other stone mason~artist in Leonardo who shared my work in stone, as well as some of the other interests as above and where sacred geometry leads you when studied.

    Not deep, just need to confirm some feelings.
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    I can explain it.
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    Default Re: The greatest 3 who ever lived.

    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
    I like that Tesla pick.

    @ Andre. Deep as always.
    Well not really deep mate.
    I just want to know the origins of the ancient worlds amazing knowledge. I expect it may have came through a couple of men who could of easily been the same man born into different times.
    Maybe Due to the fact their knowledge was born into them maybe Thoth was the second reincarnation of or of the same dna line as Melcheizedek the old testaments highest of high priests.
    I would of gone for meeting the later but the former would know so I could ask him that as well as other guarded secrets that are still buried in Egypt and Iran.

    I believe Jacques Molay to be one of the bravest men to have ever existed and I've some pretty fancy questions for him regarding a blood line that went through Ireland from Israel just after the supposed crucifixion and also a certain family blood line in Scotland that came out of that later too,as well as the subject of the Black Maddona in Chartes and many other things I would love confirmed about some mountains and other chapels they built.

    Then theres the other stone mason~artist in Leonardo who shared my work in stone, as well as some of the other interests as above and where sacred geometry leads you when studied.

    Not deep, just need to confirm some feelings.
    Would you warn Jaques about them coming to hang him on a door and wrap him in what would later be described as the turin shroud though?
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    Default Re: The greatest 3 who ever lived.

    Bruce Lee, Sam Cooke, and maybe I'd go back and tell Hitler to stay out of Russia. SEIG HEIL!!!
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    Default Re: The greatest 3 who ever lived.

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanflicker View Post
    Bruce Lee, Sam Cooke, and maybe I'd go back and tell Hitler to stay out of Russia. SEIG HEIL!!!
    Sam Cooke lol.

    I pondered Jimi Hendrix, but think he would have offered some acid.

    I'd prefer to tell Jimi, no I've never been experienced.
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    Default Re: The greatest 3 who ever lived.

    The 3 greatest who ever lived are as follows.

    1. David Bowie
    2. Noam Chomsky
    3. William Burroughs

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