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Thread: Can 'Wilder' ~foreman~ his way to a "Lennox"reign?

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    Default Can 'Wilder' ~foreman~ his way to a "Lennox"reign?

    Cab Deontay eventually "Foreman" himself to a "Lennox-type" heavyweight reign? Meaning ~slug~ his "way" to an "ONLY-GET-SPARKED-TWICE" championship reign?

    I think Wilder will have his "'Oliver McCall'"(2017) and ~his~ "'Hashim Rahman'"(2020) but otherwise >>DOMINATE << the HW division for "'"5'" •••years•••…••°°°°°from 2016-2021...………°`````„„„…„„„…„ „„…™™™™™„„„………„„†žâ€¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â„¢â„¢â„¢â„¢â€žâ€žâ€žâ€žâ€žâ€žâ€¦â€¦â €¦â€¦â€¦â€¦â€žâ€žâ€žâ€žâ€žÂ°Â°Â°Â°Â°Â°Â°Â°Â°Â°Â°Â° °°………„„„„„„…………_______ _________•••••••………………†¦â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢â€¢________________ ___°°°°°°°°°°°°°…„„„„„"'" '''"""'''''''''""""'''""""''"""''""'''''''''""''"' "'''"'''"'''"""''''''''……„„„„„„„ „„„„,,,,„„„„„„„„„„,,,, ,,,,,,,,,„„„„„„„„„„,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,„„„„„„„„„„„„„ ™™™™™™™•••••••••†¢â€¢â€¢_______\__________\____________\\\\\\\\\\\\ ||||||||||||||lllllllllllllll|||||||||||||||||/////////////////////|||||||||||||||\\\\\\\\\\\\\\__________________/////////////////::::::

    What do you think about Deontay's ~chances~ for a 5 Year Reign? @Dia bando
    @Bazooka Bob
    Last edited by brocktonblockbust; 11-25-2015 at 12:53 PM.

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    Default Re: Can 'Wilder' ~foreman~ his way to a "Lennox"reign?

    Wilder will dominate nothing but the State fair and he'll love it ..then end on it. Say what you want about young Foreman but he had commitment to his strength, he knew his identity in raw brutal style where Wilder preforms like a guy just busy memorizing the script and reenacting favorite scenes..

    Foreman would shit in Wilders hat and hand it back to him is what I'm saying

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    Default Re: Can 'Wilder' ~foreman~ his way to a "Lennox"reign?

    No! He haz a suspect chin for a start. Moli a had him rocked so imagine what Wlad does to him.

    Anthony Joshua beats him now inside a couple rounds.
    You say tomato,
    ‘n I say …… it correctly.

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    Wilder has good power and if he straightens out his punches. He needs a guy like Clancy Gil Clancy to teach him to punch straight. The guy is a great athlete and a fine physical specimen and when you combine that with his size and athleticism then technically nothing should be able to stop him from catapulting to the top for the next five years. He also has his family and daughter to inspire him

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    Default Re: Can 'Wilder' ~foreman~ his way to a "Lennox"reign?

    It depends (when will the reign start? )

    Foreman had a formula (size+ demeanor +athleticism) that worked against most everyone he was facing at the time. Who else during that era pulls off what Ali did in Zaire? Foreman believed in himself. Wilder is just buying his own hype and milking it for publicity.

    Lewis understood that he couldn't fight everyone that same way. Limited fighters (old tyson, Tua, could be outboxed or picked apart in a chess like fashion; some guys that were closer to his dimension could still be outboxed (mavrovic, akinwande); and there were other guys (some close to dimensions, athleticism, hungry) he couldn't let build any momentum so it was important to jump them and establish a pace early (golota--based on the bowe fights; briggs who did good for a minute ; a greenie like Grant). Wilder is less savvy on competition.

    Wilder is fed a diet of almosts and never haves with the exception of stiverne (and his un stiverne-esque performance). He could have taken on a weathered arreola for an impressive knockout win, but instead chose to fight the unknown Frenchman for a anticlimactic showcase because i think he knows as underperforming as arreola can be, he still knows/remembers enough to cash in on a giftwrapped opportunity. After foreman's 1st ko loss, he wailed away on five bums like the ones wilder is choosing, trying to prove he was still a bad mofo.

    After Wilders first KO loss, the hype will end and Wilder will try to look for a brief comeback (he has the heart to get up, but deep down....I don't think he has a tolerance for the pain or the brutality--Savagery is easy when you're the one holding the axe but once someone puts him down, it'll be open season and guys will be lining up-- in fact its a kind of mystery why noone has spent a camp practicing slipping the jab, right hand, stepping around and dropping the right hand over the top and starching this kid- as much as im not a david haye fan-- i think he was milking the hell out of it in a sparring session if anyone can find it.)...

    After Wilder has gotten a taste, he'll then realize its better to find a smart place to invest his money. -- This is just my opinion of course.... I could be wrong.
    They want your @$$ beat because upsets make news. News brings about excitement, excitement brings about ratings. The objective is to bring you up to the tower and tear your @$$ down. And if you don't believe that, you're crazy.

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    Default Re: Can 'Wilder' ~foreman~ his way to a "Lennox"reign?

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Wilder has good power and if he straightens out his punches. He needs a guy like Clancy Gil Clancy to teach him to punch straight. The guy is a great athlete and a fine physical specimen and when you combine that with his size and athleticism then technically nothing should be able to stop him from catapulting to the top for the next five years. He also has his family and daughter to inspire him
    On the straight punch issue, its partly because of his fight IQ, which is why i think some of us have ripped him. Its something he should have figured out earlier into his career with as many fights as he's had. Perhaps he was never forced to but its better to find out early than find out too late. Wilder has 2 ranges, "Throw" or "cover". When guys shorten the distance on him but are not buried in his chest, rather than adjust his positioning, move his feet, tuck his elbows, pivot at the waist and get the leverage back on his punches, he goes into crab mode, flares his elbows and shortens his punch buy looping and throws arm punches from the shoulders without turning his hands over. Which leaves him very WIIIIIDE... and creates a Bay window of opportunity.

    I think you point out something very important here. He's a physical specimen and quite the athlete... Just my opinion, but it takes something extra to be a fighter. It has been said Michael grant was a good multi sport athlete. He had some good trainers trying to help him take advantage of his physical abilities including don turner, teddy atlas, buddy mcgirt, etc. but he just couldn't pull it off. People say said roy jones was a good athlete but did everything wrong technically, but got away with it in a boxing ring. The difference might be competitive nature, focus, reflexes, heart or it may lay in the intangibles... I tend think of it as warrior spirit. You can almost tell just by looking at a fighter, whether he'll fight to the death/ refuses to be beat/ will jump both feet into the fray/feels alive receiving it as much as he does dishing it out.....or..... if they are happy to just get paid, act the part or go through motions while the odds are in their favor/ will stop fighting if they don't think they can win.

    It's amazing what a fighter can accomplish out of acts of pure stubbornness, will, ignorance, purpose or valor (or a combination of 2 or more) as long as the body is willing /partly willing (Like Kevin Kelley vs. derrick Gainer). Just as it's amazing how a guy without that spirit can be on the doorstep of an opportunity and be deterred easily or convince himself to turn around and run. (Like Kermit Cintron vs. Kermit Cintron). Then of course there are those bubble guys (Victor Ortiz/ Maidana Vs. Victor Ortiz/Berto).
    They want your @$$ beat because upsets make news. News brings about excitement, excitement brings about ratings. The objective is to bring you up to the tower and tear your @$$ down. And if you don't believe that, you're crazy.

    Roy Jones, Jr. "What I've Learned," Esquire 2003

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    Default Re: Can 'Wilder' ~foreman~ his way to a "Lennox"reign?

    He needs to up his competition level, lots of questions still need to be answered. He is ranked merely on his wins being KO's. He has beat only a handful of decent fighters.

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    Default Re: Can 'Wilder' ~foreman~ his way to a "Lennox"reign?

    awesome replies from @J_Undisputed

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    As flawed as he is, Wilder will reign for quite some time simply because there aren't many credible heavyweights out there.

    I guess the "Potential Great Heavyweights are now playing Tight End in NFL" theory may hold some merit.

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    Default Re: Can 'Wilder' ~foreman~ his way to a "Lennox"reign?

    Quote Originally Posted by Sleepwalker View Post
    As flawed as he is, Wilder will reign for quite some time simply because there aren't many credible heavyweights out there.

    I guess the "Potential Great Heavyweights are now playing Tight End in NFL" theory may hold some merit.
    I support Deontay Wilder now, he will fight an amazing trilogy with Big Tyson Fury after Fury sparks the Charlatain of Kiev this weekend. @El Kabong don't drop your drumsticks after that comment

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    When i think of Foremaning i think of only winning 5 title fights in 67 years of boxing.

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    Default Re: Can 'Wilder' ~foreman~ his way to a "Lennox"reign?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron Swanson View Post
    When i think of Foremaning i think of only winning 5 title fights in 67 years of boxing.
    who won 5 titles? I dont get it

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    Default Re: Can 'Wilder' ~foreman~ his way to a "Lennox"reign?

    If Wilder wins out like Mayweather, then what would we say?
    Bigger man George, bigger punch!

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    Wilder can ~Foreman~ his way to a Lennox £€\/\/ |$ type of reign

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