The reaction to Obama's reelection has been unprecedented. States talking of recession... companies laying off employees in some sort of sick, twisted, vengeful manner... etc, etc, etc.

Seriously, how is a President supposed to get a fair shake in an attempt to direct the country on the path to prosperity? The President is calling for unity, and he's got half the country trying to defect. WTF is wrong with people nowadays?

Lyle, I'm sure you'll have some witty response as to why all of this is ok... but it still reeks to the rest of us. WTF is this?

Whatever happened to the democratic process? You have elections... the people vote for their candidate... the candidate with the most electoral votes wins... the country MOVES ON. It's been this way since the Stone Age. Why the epic butthurt... to paraphrase @Youngblood?

Is any of this supposed to help fix the country? I thought the U.S. was bigger than that. You know that TV commercial where the white guy named Michael Jordan gets a bunch of disappointed "oh"s from pizza delivery guys, restaurantiers, limo drivers... who were expecting the "real" Michael?

Well.... that's about the same reaction the rest of the world must be having to these silly, stupid antics by the butthurt rightists.
