Holding is one of the most obvious poor tactics in the sport of boxing. It not only infuriates the fans, but it negates action during the bout. Add a tad bit of running to the mix and you got a real shit storm watch

Referees need to be on their A game and put holding to rest. Refs like Jay Nady are doing a great job, keeping the action going.. can you imagine watching Rachman -vs.- Maskaev with a different referee ? Those fighters would have been hugging each other to death in there. , and boring the shit out of the fan ~! However with Nady in there constantly reminding the two not to hold, and issuing warnings , the match turned out to be one of the best HW watches in recent years !

Fighters who are known to use holding as strategy need to be dealt with fast. , right from the gate they need to be warned.. You have Tall opponent who uses the referee over and over again in order to get their desired distance , without working for it.. ,a short fighter is at a huge disadvantage when this happens.. The short fighter has to work hard to get their desired distance, they deserve the opportunity when they get it , to fight on the inside.. Its up to the tall fighter to box his way out of there. Not to clinch and simply have the ref give him his distance back.. Think about it. Its unfair. Its not an even platform when that is allowed over and over again.. People need to understand that holding is a huge foul in boxing. Referees need to understand this.. And the boxing organizations need to encourage point deductions when this happens repeatedly , just as if it were a low blow.

Fighters using Holding as a strategy is killing the sport of boxing .