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Thread: A Collection of Useful/Helpful Posts

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    Default A Collection of Useful/Helpful Posts

    A Collection of Useful/Helpful Posts

    Even with all the useful threads that are here, there are still a lot more quality posts scattered throughout the back pages of the 'Ask the Trainer' section that have not seen light of day since they were first posted. Many of these helpful posts are by different people and deserve to be in place people can read them.

    So enjoy the following posts, and if you find any more posts that you find helpful then by all add them here for all to see.
    If you hear a voice within you saying that I am not a painter, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.

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    Default Re: A Collection of Useful/Helpful Posts

    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by AdamGB
    Your not screwed, just don't try and beat a guy by fighting him on the outside... once you get inside some one with long arms they're the ones who are screwed because they loose the space to punch.
    Yeah ! train to take your natural negatives into natural abilities.

    You beat anyone anytime if you tick all the boxes in your minds eye first.

    Practice stuff like throwing a straight shot simultanously at their exposed ribs right underneath their underarm as they jab and you circle your head down under it and head out to the outside of their elbow point. Start on the bag duck and throw ,then move while your down there further and play around with your own comfort zones;(you can move while your legs are bent withthe shuffle and then twist in and rise once your out side and throw a shot into them that they are turning into if you practice it and catch them right.)

    Stretch alot your legs and hips so you can add to the freedom of in fighting.

    Practice chocking the opponent down; by moving further in on their arm while thrrowing a shot over the top with your other arm while moving away from their free hand or firing right through their free hands path etc.

    Slight twists in ankle placment of only a quarter of a circle when in close can make them miss and you hit harder if you can adapt a simultanous block and hit approach to in fighting.

    Shuffles or heel to toe front foot and slide up the rear foot gets you in there and has you set down correctly to throw hard instantly.

    Play around enjoy what you find.
    It takes imagination and practice from dry runs to bag drills to your sparing then to the ring but what the hell, if you dont go there and find new ground who will?

    (The next champion).
    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Knowing where and why your doing certain moves.
    its one thing doing the moves ,its another knowing the benifits and pitfalls.
    Watch pros and take note what suits your style.
    Think outside the square.. like imagine different situations and work out of them
    Eg ;what footplacment you could do if you were hit and wanted to lessen that hit; but at the same time get your counter shot further in with more power.(you'd be suprized how little you have to move your feet for your head to slip a punch or go with the flow of it.
    Everything works in reverse too and you can get caught with your weight comming forward at the wrong time,so study what to do for sure; but (Mostly) when to do and why.
    And thats a mind thing .
    If you can get the move into the game when its safe or advantagous to do so,you can really claim the move and work on it even further to suit your style.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by hitman333
    there is no "right" style.. there are only guidlines.. depends on how you want to fight.. but you have to do what flows.. not be all stiff
    No "right" style is great comment.

    The basics do have to be stuck with to start with so you dont get into any bad habits though.
    Dont drop your arms after throwing a shot ,bring them back to your upper guard position before throwing another shot.
    (unless your imagining bouncing off the other guys arms as they react ,as in a double hook off the inside etc.

    Imagine and move around accordingly.

    Stay on balance and dont overcommitt your throws or your body movements,stay in the middle so you can change and interupt your movment at will ;Keeping yourself safe and covered while throwing shots and Balance throughout all movment is the key to start with,for both upper body and lower.

    Regarding your style; steal what ever you like from the best you see and adapt it to suit your own body make up and pull it all into your own style.

    Like they say ,go to a gym /get a trainer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Everyones differnt ,do as many rounds and increase to what you feel is natural progression for you.

    Imagine everything,make stuff up and try it out.

    There is so much you can use at the right time,but you dont see it happen becuase not many boxers think for themselves,they just follow whats taught only ,not many think and set great moves into their heads first with intent and practice it for the right time.

    Champoins do it when they spot a weakness on a tape of their next opposition.

    Remember to move for reasons, its great to be flexable but ; loose fighters who move for no real reason often get caught.

    I think personally to practice and cover the bases for close up inside work is one major key to econemy of movment, so you can utilize slight foot shifts,hip bends and knee bends with added footwork for evasion and stunning finishes.

    To visulize where your head ends up and why on all the footwork.
    how to close the gap safley by taking control of one of his arms, closing the gap while moving away and avoiding his other one ,making your weight count 100 per cent behind the move.

    There is no end to what you can practice;

    Visualize moving away from the danger of the shot and the other arm if posible ,put your counter shot through their centre line so it cuts off the path of their other arm.So they have one spent arm and one that is cut off at the pass (imagine their reaction,their arms will fold in on your shot just through instinct, so you roll and slip again and take them out from the side, or double or triple up the one shot high and low and high.

    Practice everything that works, ducking a jab and follow its path back to the source with your rear hand (so its hidden from their view which is a Ko shot when its not seen comming ).

    Counter shots utilizing their extended arm as a cover so the replys are hidden etc.
    Think about your footwork ,body twists ,leg lifts that will allow you to bodily avoid them in complete saftey and reply with full weight and hidden intent.

    Go under a straight shot,pull your front foot backand put your back foot forward as you go under; switch stance as your going under then you drop a bomb over the top off your rear arm with full weight shift and its covered from sight by their own shoulder, you go over the shoulder and you land a temple bomb backed by full weight shift.You move out and in all in one shot.

    You can even do the same footowrk around punch that comes straight at you!you just have to make the moves one then two so it takes you out of danger around the shot and back into full contact range out of reach of their other arm.

    Imagine having your head right next to theirs, you are cheek to cheek as often happens after close in work and your both leaning in tieing up and fighting for a gap, Make a gap by leaning out slightly ,Cover both his arms with your inside arm ,pull your head back to create an opening and short hook him right to the temple as you turn in.

    Even a slight foot shift under your firing arm will often give you a gap for that shot.

    Have fun ,but do everything for a valid reason.
    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Did you see that interview with MAywheather on Espn latley ? We got it last night here and he was actually showing you some moves and how to think in close.
    I know he is full of himself (disrespectful and rude too)and i'd love to see him go down off hard hit for it (go Gatti),but he is the man to watch for boxing finess and his state of mind and blunt honesty comes from knowing it.
    Keep you eyes on him he does subtle centerline changes , arm pins and utilizes stance shifts and timing disruptions that most people wouldnt know happened.
    If you hear a voice within you saying that I am not a painter, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.

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    Default Re: A Collection of Useful/Helpful Posts

    Quote Originally Posted by DaxxKahn View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by the phenom
    i disagree that its bad because that way the intensity is ten times harder and it teches u to dig deep now u may lose the sparring match but it will help u when u compete
    That intensity is something from the inside it is mental not physical...Sparring is not a match...It is not meant to be won or lost. It is meant to develope your craft. Fine tune your skills and work on mistakes...if you get your ass kicked while doing it shows you what needs to be worked prevent it from happening again...If you are not at your best while doing it then you cheat yourself...You don't know how much of it was you or how much was the fact you were tired?...When was the last time you saw a world champion fight twice in one night so he could prove to the world he was the best champion?...Thats just silly talk...Any trainer or manager that tells you sparring should be done after working out is an idiot who knows nothing...
    I'll let you in on something...There have been thousands of fighters or should I say potential fighters who have has those sparring matches in the gym trying to win...You end up leaving your best in the gym...You end up taking the abuse in the gym that wears you out..Leaving you at your second best in the ring when it counts...Just because you have head gear on doesn't mean your not absorbing shots
    If you hear a voice within you saying that I am not a painter, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.

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    Default Re: A Collection of Useful/Helpful Posts

    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by hitmandonny View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Donny it works in anything. I staked my claim as being the best in my business in the southern hemisphere way before I actually was. I listened to a mate one day and he got me thinking and doing so I just climbed the hill and tapped the flag in and made the claim out loud in the right places.
    Now I am, because the oppertunity to prove it came my way fast and still does all the time with no advertizing at all.I get all the hard work that others shit themselves over.That has brought frustration as well as hard times actually doing some things but hey; hahahhaa ; or I go crazy by my own design. The whole thing is actually just a big game; we choose to play it and chooce to take some of it way too seriously at times. Being and doing can arise together or we can have them seperatley,you see clearer and have more time to move in the latter.
    Cool Andre, I just learned a lot!

    I once asked why expierience brought so much "skill and ability."
    The reason I was given was "No Fear."
    I guess he meant confidence in one's ability, faith in one's self.

    In the past year I've applied this. I'm no longer nervous before fights and I get relaxed. I don't get afraid anymore and I find I perform so much better now.
    Fear and nerves is two matters as well, one can be blind and binding the other can help like a hair trigger.

    Sounds like you already got the space to work and think freely in the moment or in the zone. (We see so many people in life and fighters) out thinking themselves into a clog up and fixed mindset and not being able to react freely and then worse when the shit hit s the fan ;not be able to even rethink the right way out -so that they can get a space to move the way they need to. The first over thought or over worry; smacks both options clean out of the water.Thats why I think humour about any event or problem. Brings relaxation,and gives you that space. If you smile your brain follows the smile and you start to relax even with some twit swing a sword at you. Practicing having fun even under immence pressure is the doorway to the zone, or the time and space you require to seeing and reacting properly to way out. People who over emotionalize events that are about to happen are the ones who have only their training and hard work to rely on, cause they have formed the mental block before stepping up to the plate. In life people who already realize that "Hey you know something it is all the game of life, we chooce to play and it does all work out in the finish anyway"! These people go into anything open to anything.
    If you hear a voice within you saying that I am not a painter, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.

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    Default Re: A Collection of Useful/Helpful Posts

    For Sleeping:
    Quote Originally Posted by Andre View Post
    Sleep is a habit.
    If you break the habit of what time your retiring to bed it is a good start.
    Go to bed early, eat heavy first thing in the morning not so heavy during the day so your work or training works it off and your body isnt doing it while you try to sleep.
    Eat very light before retiriing that helps drop weight and helps sleep.
    Cut down on coffee and tea etc.
    Try decaf towards the latter end of the day if you have to have it.
    Try a bath with epson salts in it before bed.
    Try rubbing a small amount of lavender oil onto your temples.
    Dont put ya fingers near ya eyes :-)
    Try laying in bed and tensing up your toes and relaxing them ,then go up your body piece by piece until you have tensed then fully relaxed each section.
    You can go from the top of your head to your face to your ears to your neck,shoulders ,arms fingers,chest upper back ,mid , lower ,hips upper legs ,lower etc etc or reverse way around or both.
    To really relax you have to experience the reverse first.
    You have to give your self the gift of time for your self in order to relax.
    People who feel that they are ran by life have sleep and relax probs.
    people who feel that they run their own time find peace in their own time.
    Try to simply watch your thoughts go through your mind like clouds passing through instead of gettting emotionally tied into them.this will eventually free you from the ones that keep you thinking and awake. IT will also eventually make you realize that you are not what you think,you are seperate and observing what you think until you get emotionally attached.
    If you hear a voice within you saying that I am not a painter, then by all means paint and that voice will be silenced.

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