Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post
COVID vaccines: Tens of thousands of “breakthrough” infections after shots
CDC reports 25,900 COVID-19 infections and 274 deaths in fully vaccinated people

and thats just in the US..... and its only April.

No wonder you loved liars like Clinton and Trump. What a misleading way to misrepresent truth and sensationalize things so that you turn reality on it's head.

It is not even surprising that you would pull that quote from an article and then neglect to also tell us the same studies show that in the 77 Million vaccinated in the US there were only 5,800 cases of breakthrough infections (that’s .0075 percent of vaccinations); 396 resulted in hospitalization, and 74 in death. So not even 0.1 % of Vaccinations.

You are talking about vaccines with 95 and 97% success rates as though they were abject failures or some kind of lucky dip.

It is an incredibly dishonest way to try and convince yourself that you don't need to have the vaccine. You have already admitted it is because you are scared of needles so there is no need to pretend it is because they are some random untested, unproven quack medicine like you and your mates used to buy off Alex Jones for fucks sake.
