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Thread: Facing ali

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    Default Facing ali


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    Default Re: Facing ali

    I watched this when it first came out. It's interesting to hear what fighters have to say about other fighters they've faced.
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    Default Re: Facing ali

    Yeah, I saw this recently. Very very interesting.

    Leon Spinks sounded like a wookie.

    George Chuvalo is such a badass!

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    Default Re: Facing ali

    Quote Originally Posted by Slim the BoxingManiac View Post
    Yeah, I saw this recently. Very very interesting.

    Leon Spinks sounded like a wookie.

    George Chuvalo is such a badass!
    Spinks was real bad. On occasions what he said didn't sound nowhere near to how the subtitles read.
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    Default Re: Facing ali

    There is an interesting book similarly about facing Tyson, it had opponents like Tucker, Berbick and Carl the truth Williams in it.
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    Default Re: Facing ali

    "Facing Ali"

    I just finished watching this program on TV, and figured it had to have been mentioned on the forum before... so I did a search. It's from 2009, and I'm glad I watched it now, although I didn't get it from the beginning. It was a great program.

    Couldn't help but think about the few Ali haters in here, most notably Bill Paxtom. Like an earlier post in the thread said, nothing like hearing from the very fighters who faced Ali. It gave me a perspective I didn't have before. You saw Henry Cooper speak... George Chuvalo, Ernie Terrell, Ron Lyle, Joe Frazier, Ken Norton, George Foreman, Earnie Shavers, Leon Spinks, Larry Holmes. What stood out was how each man had nothing but wonderful things to say about Ali, both the fighter and the man. Something that surprised the hell out of me was seeing Frazier shed a few tears when talking about Ali and his condition. I had seen other programs where Frazier seemed lost in resentment toward Ali and that he would never forgive him. But seeing this was eye-opening. I loved seeing the video clips of the fights with all those guys, and how Ali changed over time. Seems to me the Thrilla in Manila should've been Ali's last fight, but even after that he fought Ken Norton for a 3rd time, and even got in the ring with Earnie Shavers. Man... he took some bombs in that fight as well. Even Holmes, who I can't stand... showed a kind side when referring to Ali, although IMO he should've never taken that fight in the first place.

    I've always defended Ali, not because I think he was the greatest HW to ever live... but because he pretty much transcended boxing and did a lot of things for the sport. But to hear the adulation from all his opponents throughout the years was the cherry on the top.

    Which is why I take new issue with Bill making up these cockamamie quotes about Ali. I figure, if the guys who fought Ali don't hate him.... then why should we? Even Frazier, who Ali insulted so much.... doesn't hate Ali.

    In any case, I hope they show the program again, so I can catch it from the beginning.

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    Default Re: Facing ali

    Glad you started the thread. I meant to do so after watching it a couple weeks ago. Excellent film. Right up there with my favorite doc about Foreman v Ali in Zaire. I was surprised to hear Foreman say he wasn't making contact with Ali. In the Zaire documentary Foreman stated he was getting nervous hitting Ali with all those bombs fearing he Might kill him. Also, first time I heard Foreman speak of his getting hit with the visions of Christianity turning his life around.

    And yes, not one of those guys, even Frazier, said anything bad about Ali. It really was done very well and quite unique for its genre. Foreman New why he lost that fight and I still think Foreman could have whooped Ali had he trained better instead of not taking Ali seriously, those are Foremans words. I'm a Foreman freak, my favorite boxer so any Doc with him in it fascinates me. A couple of the guys who fought Foreman mentioned the power of his punch, Damn Foreman Was a bad ass.

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    Default Re: Facing ali

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    Glad you started the thread. I meant to do so after watching it a couple weeks ago. Excellent film. Right up there with my favorite doc about Foreman v Ali in Zaire. I was surprised to hear Foreman say he wasn't making contact with Ali. In the Zaire documentary Foreman stated he was getting nervous hitting Ali with all those bombs fearing he Might kill him. Also, first time I heard Foreman speak of his getting hit with the visions of Christianity turning his life around.

    And yes, not one of those guys, even Frazier, said anything bad about Ali. It really was done very well and quite unique for its genre. Foreman New why he lost that fight and I still think Foreman could have whooped Ali had he trained better instead of not taking Ali seriously, those are Foremans words. I'm a Foreman freak, my favorite boxer so any Doc with him in it fascinates me. A couple of the guys who fought Foreman mentioned the power of his punch, Damn Foreman Was a bad ass.

    Actually I bumped the thread, from 2012. I figured a documentary like this from 2009 must've been commented, and I didn't want to repeat an old thread. But yeah it's a great film which I enjoyed thoroughly. Hearing about Ali from guys like Chuvalo, Shavers, Frazier, and Foreman is a lot different than hearing it from fellow fans.

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    Default Re: Facing ali

    Anyone who says Ali is not the greatest heavyweight of all time for what he achieved, who he fought and when he did it knows nothing about boxing. No one comes close. He is an amazing man and boxer. Absolutely foolish to say otherwise. Just madness.
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    Default Re: Facing ali

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Anyone who says Ali is not the greatest heavyweight of all time for what he achieved, who he fought and when he did it knows nothing about boxing. No one comes close. He is an amazing man and boxer. Absolutely foolish to say otherwise. Just madness.
    I don't think he was the greatest he got quite a few gifts IMO he was an amazing man and boxer but not the greatest

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    Default Re: Facing ali

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    "Facing Ali"

    I just finished watching this program on TV, and figured it had to have been mentioned on the forum before... so I did a search. It's from 2009, and I'm glad I watched it now, although I didn't get it from the beginning. It was a great program.

    Couldn't help but think about the few Ali haters in here, most notably Bill Paxtom. Like an earlier post in the thread said, nothing like hearing from the very fighters who faced Ali. It gave me a perspective I didn't have before. You saw Henry Cooper speak... George Chuvalo, Ernie Terrell, Ron Lyle, Joe Frazier, Ken Norton, George Foreman, Earnie Shavers, Leon Spinks, Larry Holmes. What stood out was how each man had nothing but wonderful things to say about Ali, both the fighter and the man. Something that surprised the hell out of me was seeing Frazier shed a few tears when talking about Ali and his condition. I had seen other programs where Frazier seemed lost in resentment toward Ali and that he would never forgive him. But seeing this was eye-opening. I loved seeing the video clips of the fights with all those guys, and how Ali changed over time. Seems to me the Thrilla in Manila should've been Ali's last fight, but even after that he fought Ken Norton for a 3rd time, and even got in the ring with Earnie Shavers. Man... he took some bombs in that fight as well. Even Holmes, who I can't stand... showed a kind side when referring to Ali, although IMO he should've never taken that fight in the first place.

    I've always defended Ali, not because I think he was the greatest HW to ever live... but because he pretty much transcended boxing and did a lot of things for the sport. But to hear the adulation from all his opponents throughout the years was the cherry on the top.

    Which is why I take new issue with Bill making up these cockamamie quotes about Ali. I figure, if the guys who fought Ali don't hate him.... then why should we? Even Frazier, who Ali insulted so much.... doesn't hate Ali.

    In any case, I hope they show the program again, so I can catch it from the beginning.
    I haven't seen this program. I usually don't pay a lot of attention to this kind of thing, as these fighters are trying to justify their loses by building up the fighter that beat them, in my opinion. As for Frazier tearing up, us oldsters are prone to that as we can see the Grim Reaper when we look a few years ahead. Do I think I'm a prick? No. Do I know I sound like a prick? Yes. Do I care? No. I know what I saw him do, and I know what I read about him! I have no forgiveness for the prick that Ali was. He did some good things and he did some bad things, the bad outweigh the good, in my opinion.
    I am not saying Ali was not a great fighter!

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    Default Re: Facing ali

    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    "Facing Ali"

    I just finished watching this program on TV, and figured it had to have been mentioned on the forum before... so I did a search. It's from 2009, and I'm glad I watched it now, although I didn't get it from the beginning. It was a great program.

    Couldn't help but think about the few Ali haters in here, most notably Bill Paxtom. Like an earlier post in the thread said, nothing like hearing from the very fighters who faced Ali. It gave me a perspective I didn't have before. You saw Henry Cooper speak... George Chuvalo, Ernie Terrell, Ron Lyle, Joe Frazier, Ken Norton, George Foreman, Earnie Shavers, Leon Spinks, Larry Holmes. What stood out was how each man had nothing but wonderful things to say about Ali, both the fighter and the man. Something that surprised the hell out of me was seeing Frazier shed a few tears when talking about Ali and his condition. I had seen other programs where Frazier seemed lost in resentment toward Ali and that he would never forgive him. But seeing this was eye-opening. I loved seeing the video clips of the fights with all those guys, and how Ali changed over time. Seems to me the Thrilla in Manila should've been Ali's last fight, but even after that he fought Ken Norton for a 3rd time, and even got in the ring with Earnie Shavers. Man... he took some bombs in that fight as well. Even Holmes, who I can't stand... showed a kind side when referring to Ali, although IMO he should've never taken that fight in the first place.

    I've always defended Ali, not because I think he was the greatest HW to ever live... but because he pretty much transcended boxing and did a lot of things for the sport. But to hear the adulation from all his opponents throughout the years was the cherry on the top.

    Which is why I take new issue with Bill making up these cockamamie quotes about Ali. I figure, if the guys who fought Ali don't hate him.... then why should we? Even Frazier, who Ali insulted so much.... doesn't hate Ali.

    In any case, I hope they show the program again, so I can catch it from the beginning.
    I haven't seen this program. I usually don't pay a lot of attention to this kind of thing, as these fighters are trying to justify their loses by building up the fighter that beat them, in my opinion. As for Frazier tearing up, us oldsters are prone to that as we can see the Grim Reaper when we look a few years ahead. Do I think I'm a prick? No. Do I know I sound like a prick? Yes. Do I care? No. I know what I saw him do, and I know what I read about him! I have no forgiveness for the prick that Ali was. He did some good things and he did some bad things, the bad outweigh the good, in my opinion.
    I am not saying Ali was not a great fighter!

    I would watch it, @beenKOed .

    Not saying it would change your mind or anything... it's just a pretty cool documentary. There's a few fighters I had never heard speak before. Just that part of it was pretty interesting. I think the only fighter who was trying to build himself up through Ali was Spinks. Other than that, the rest were just pretty good human interest stories. It was great hearing a bit about Chuvalo's life... and Lyle's... and Norton's.

    You probably lived through and remember Ali's antics, and thus your dislike is pretty engrained. That's fine. My only issue is with Bill, making up supposed quotes when in reality, hearing different things from the men themselves speaks volumes. Sort of makes Bill out to be a psychopathic liar.

    Still, liking and disliking Ali is a personal thing... and it's hard to change the mind of someone who has had that mindset for decades.

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    Default Re: Facing ali

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Anyone who says Ali is not the greatest heavyweight of all time for what he achieved, who he fought and when he did it knows nothing about boxing. No one comes close. He is an amazing man and boxer. Absolutely foolish to say otherwise. Just madness.
    I hear you master. Ali was an amazing man. It was terrible watching some of his comeback fights. He looked ill in the ring prior to the fight and worse during the fight. He did amazing things for boxing, was a real dick to Frazier but an incredible boxer. Still, I don't think he is the greatest heavyweight of all time. He is certainly one of the greatest but I can't see the greatest. Like a number of us here he was before my time. I was surprised to see some of his dirty tactics but that was probably a bigger part of the game back then, not that we don't see it now. He certainly put on some of the greatest fights in boxing history. Just the Frazier fights and Foreman cement his name as a great.

    That Liston fight that Liston threw was also amazing to see. Is it known if Ali knew that was going on prior to the fight, damn that was bad. Think I'm going to YouTube it this eve.

    PS props to my boy @Bill Paxtom for staying out of this thread, his fingers must be burning.
    Last edited by walrus; 10-01-2015 at 05:48 AM.

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    Default Re: Facing ali

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    "Facing Ali"

    I just finished watching this program on TV, and figured it had to have been mentioned on the forum before... so I did a search. It's from 2009, and I'm glad I watched it now, although I didn't get it from the beginning. It was a great program.

    Couldn't help but think about the few Ali haters in here, most notably Bill Paxtom. Like an earlier post in the thread said, nothing like hearing from the very fighters who faced Ali. It gave me a perspective I didn't have before. You saw Henry Cooper speak... George Chuvalo, Ernie Terrell, Ron Lyle, Joe Frazier, Ken Norton, George Foreman, Earnie Shavers, Leon Spinks, Larry Holmes. What stood out was how each man had nothing but wonderful things to say about Ali, both the fighter and the man. Something that surprised the hell out of me was seeing Frazier shed a few tears when talking about Ali and his condition. I had seen other programs where Frazier seemed lost in resentment toward Ali and that he would never forgive him. But seeing this was eye-opening. I loved seeing the video clips of the fights with all those guys, and how Ali changed over time. Seems to me the Thrilla in Manila should've been Ali's last fight, but even after that he fought Ken Norton for a 3rd time, and even got in the ring with Earnie Shavers. Man... he took some bombs in that fight as well. Even Holmes, who I can't stand... showed a kind side when referring to Ali, although IMO he should've never taken that fight in the first place.

    I've always defended Ali, not because I think he was the greatest HW to ever live... but because he pretty much transcended boxing and did a lot of things for the sport. But to hear the adulation from all his opponents throughout the years was the cherry on the top.

    Which is why I take new issue with Bill making up these cockamamie quotes about Ali. I figure, if the guys who fought Ali don't hate him.... then why should we? Even Frazier, who Ali insulted so much.... doesn't hate Ali.

    In any case, I hope they show the program again, so I can catch it from the beginning.
    I haven't seen this program. I usually don't pay a lot of attention to this kind of thing, as these fighters are trying to justify their loses by building up the fighter that beat them, in my opinion. As for Frazier tearing up, us oldsters are prone to that as we can see the Grim Reaper when we look a few years ahead. Do I think I'm a prick? No. Do I know I sound like a prick? Yes. Do I care? No. I know what I saw him do, and I know what I read about him! I have no forgiveness for the prick that Ali was. He did some good things and he did some bad things, the bad outweigh the good, in my opinion.
    I am not saying Ali was not a great fighter!

    I would watch it, @beenKOed .

    Not saying it would change your mind or anything... it's just a pretty cool documentary. There's a few fighters I had never heard speak before. Just that part of it was pretty interesting. I think the only fighter who was trying to build himself up through Ali was Spinks. Other than that, the rest were just pretty good human interest stories. It was great hearing a bit about Chuvalo's life... and Lyle's... and Norton's.

    You probably lived through and remember Ali's antics, and thus your dislike is pretty engrained. That's fine. My only issue is with Bill, making up supposed quotes when in reality, hearing different things from the men themselves speaks volumes. Sort of makes Bill out to be a psychopathic liar.

    Still, liking and disliking Ali is a personal thing... and it's hard to change the mind of someone who has had that mindset for decades.
    Many thanks for trying to help me out, but I'll get by somehow.

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    Default Re: Facing ali

    Quote Originally Posted by g3org3 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Anyone who says Ali is not the greatest heavyweight of all time for what he achieved, who he fought and when he did it knows nothing about boxing. No one comes close. He is an amazing man and boxer. Absolutely foolish to say otherwise. Just madness.
    I don't think he was the greatest he got quite a few gifts IMO he was an amazing man and boxer but not the greatest
    No one is greater I am not saying he would beat Lennox but Ali achieved more and was never knocked out in 2 rounds. Ali is the greatest not the best but the greatest.
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