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Thread: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

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    Default What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Diplomacy doesn't seem to work. Economic sanctions don't seem to work. Giving Baby Huey Kim Jong-Un a seat at the adults table doesn't seem to work. Paying him more attention than previous administrations doesn't seem to work.

    In short, Jong-Un basically says..... "shove all those things up your collective asses... we will continue to manufacture and develop our nuclear capability, regardless of what anybody says."

    Their people live a choreographed charade for the outside world.... the country itself is devoid of much progress, especially when compared to its southern neighbor.... but to hell with all that. Let's just plow ahead with the damn nukes.

    What's it gonna take? I'd say a perfectly planned hit on Baby Huey and problem solved.

  2. #2
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    "new satellite images obtained exclusively by CNN"

    Should be a WHOPPER of a caveat.

    Is it a new super secret missile base? If so how did CNN and CNN alone get this information?

    Who is telling their audience what this means, what those satellite images are?

    We'll see what happens, but I doubt CNN and CNN alone having this because they've blatantly lied before " hey don't read those Wikileaks emails that's illegal for you to do we are supposed to read them and we will tell you what's in them" member that? I member

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    "new satellite images obtained exclusively by CNN"

    Should be a WHOPPER of a caveat.

    Is it a new super secret missile base? If so how did CNN and CNN alone get this information?

    Who is telling their audience what this means, what those satellite images are?

    We'll see what happens, but I doubt CNN and CNN alone having this because they've blatantly lied before " hey don't read those Wikileaks emails that's illegal for you to do we are supposed to read them and we will tell you what's in them" member that? I member

    Oh ok....... so it's NOT true.

    I forgot about the Fake News angle. My bad.... I gotta get used to using this new filter.

    Ok so let's roll with the "CNN is fabricating this whole thing" angle.

    So is this just to discredit Trump in some way? Damn..... those bastards.... they'll stop at nothing.

    So.... there's ZERO chance that Kim Jong-Un is just some unhinged fuck who doesn't give a shit what the rest of the world says.... he's just going ahead with his nukes. ZERO chance.

    So here we have two roads to follow, seeing as to how neither you nor I have ever gone to North Korea for any reason, much less verify the de-nuking process.

    You can choose to believe what CNN says THIS TIME..... or you can say nope..... Fake News.

    Don't know about you, but I'd err on the side of caution.

    As with anyone who doesn't have anything to hide, why doesn't Jong-Un, if he's so bent on being seated at the adults table...... why isn't he just a bit more proactive in demonstrating he's not continuing the nuke program.

    And by proactive I mean letting outside personnel in there to verify. Hell..... even if he sends them to the wrong places. "Look under my bed. See? No nukes there."

    I don't know, Lyle. Maybe some of us are still too naive. We still worry that maybe diplomacy isn't working the way it should and the proverbial wool is being pulled over our eyes by NK.

    I guess we'll just wait until NK lobs a few more missiles over Japan and Guam and then we'll know that maybe we should've worried about it a little more.

  4. #4
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Have they shot off any missiles lately? I have seen and heard of EXACTLY 0 since the big meeting.

    So I'm inclined to believe that right now things are fine.

    Guess we'll see though.

    I do expect some sort of big time newsworthy attack in the near shooting, Islamic terrorism, another one of those mailings of "bombs" or ricin, perhaps another mysterious "wildfire" .... I fully expect it. I don't want it, but I expect it.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    You sound emotional again, Tito. If a country wants weapons to defend itself then it has the right to have them. I do not see America giving up any of its chemical or nuclear weapons or reducing the hundreds of military bases around the world. If there is one thing Iraq taught every country it is that you need a strong deterrent. You can go on about missiles lobbed over Japan all you like, but is that any worse than dropping bombs on Syria or arming terrorists in the Middle East. It is all about perspective.

  6. #6
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    All the other times NK would take a pause and then back to missile launches.

    They haven't launched one in over a year if I'm not mistaken.

    Recently March 2014 to May 2015 has been the longest pause between rocket launches from North Korea before this current one. During Donald Trump's time as president alone the North Koreans (starting February 11th 2017 and ending November 28th 2017) launched 16 missiles.....0 since then.

    That is not an insignificant amount of time. Plus since then the Korean War has been officially brought to an end....begging the question "Why do shit with rockets now?"

  7. #7
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    You sound emotional again, Tito. If a country wants weapons to defend itself then it has the right to have them. I do not see America giving up any of its chemical or nuclear weapons or reducing the hundreds of military bases around the world. If there is one thing Iraq taught every country it is that you need a strong deterrent. You can go on about missiles lobbed over Japan all you like, but is that any worse than dropping bombs on Syria or arming terrorists in the Middle East. It is all about perspective.
    How are things between the Korea's at the moment? Tensions been rising or have things been going good?

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Think it's possible to concede too much up front and be overly fawning and I do feel we've done some of that. This bad hairdo ham sammich (Jong-un) doesn't deserve the praise and podium afforded him with what would appear to be so little in return. Leave something to the imagination..hold your cards the big boy on the block and not the fan with the endless over done stroking. Jong-Un strikes me as the 35ish yr old who never moved out of his moms house who still demands an allowance. Our own intel basically verifies much of what is reported about his non compliance but the Sept inter-Korean is a solid step in right direction. Though baby huey lays down stipulations about the U.S taking corresponding measures in accordance with the June meeting. Basically..yeh yeh we will buuuuut. November seems like a cluster of steps back with NK cancelling on Pompeo and apparently we will not require a complete listing of missile sites and nukes prior to possible second summit. That is a major concession, again, and won't bode well for this whole process.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Did anyone ever find out what we promised as corresponding measures btw? Was it U.S bases or the war games or..what?

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    You sound emotional again, Tito. If a country wants weapons to defend itself then it has the right to have them. I do not see America giving up any of its chemical or nuclear weapons or reducing the hundreds of military bases around the world. If there is one thing Iraq taught every country it is that you need a strong deterrent. You can go on about missiles lobbed over Japan all you like, but is that any worse than dropping bombs on Syria or arming terrorists in the Middle East. It is all about perspective.
    How are things between the Korea's at the moment? Tensions been rising or have things been going good?
    People seem a little put out that the President is spending so much time on them as simultaneously the economy is sinking hard here after a massive increase in the minimum wage and personal debt levels way beyond anything seen in America or the UK. However, in terms of the North, they have been clearing away mines and pushing on with a rail link between the two countries. There is no real tension in that regard, but people are divided on Kim potentially visiting. One young idiot saying that he loved Communism is a case of pure idiocy, but others have a more common sense perspective be it ambivalent or hostile.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    You sound emotional again, Tito. If a country wants weapons to defend itself then it has the right to have them. I do not see America giving up any of its chemical or nuclear weapons or reducing the hundreds of military bases around the world. If there is one thing Iraq taught every country it is that you need a strong deterrent. You can go on about missiles lobbed over Japan all you like, but is that any worse than dropping bombs on Syria or arming terrorists in the Middle East. It is all about perspective.

    You sound emotional again Tito. You sound emotional again Tito. Squawkkkkk!!!!!! Polly want a cracker?

    Damn bro..... time to latch on to another line. That one's as worn out as a 5-dollar hooker.

    Nothing like posting news like this to get all the predictable, rehashed answers from all the usual suspects. In your case, it's your predictable defense of that loon in charge of NK, while going into your America-bash mode. I could bet money on it.

    What's more likely, Miles? America using its nukes unprovoked to obliterate a population in another country? (they did it once..... doubt they'll do it again) Or Jong-Un losing his grip on reality and pushing the red button?

    Did you say you say the former?

    Wrong answer.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    We got the gamut of reactions on this. From it's fake news don't believe it.... to NK isn't really a threat.... to the U.S. is the devil and NK shouldn't be feared.

    The reality of the situation is that the U.S. is attempting to use different means to get NK to give up its nuclear armament program. Nothing wrong with that. The less nuke-ready nations in the world the better. Especially when dealing with nations with borderline unhinged leaders. I believe NK pretty much qualifies under that criteria.

    Verification should be the cornerstone of any agreement. It's like buying a house or a car. Hopefully you'll want to take a look at it first before deciding to buy. Anything short of that, or any excuses offered as to why that can't happen is usually a sign that the other part is hiding something. Yes.... you can take a look at the house, but you can't go into the basement. Yeah... right.

    As wacky as Trump can seem on occasion, I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that IMO Jong-Un has got him beat in that regard. He just doesn't strike me as the stable, world leader I'd bet my house on. He's just as liable to push the red button as any other world leader with a red button to push. Very likely he's more so.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    You sound emotional again, Tito. If a country wants weapons to defend itself then it has the right to have them. I do not see America giving up any of its chemical or nuclear weapons or reducing the hundreds of military bases around the world. If there is one thing Iraq taught every country it is that you need a strong deterrent. You can go on about missiles lobbed over Japan all you like, but is that any worse than dropping bombs on Syria or arming terrorists in the Middle East. It is all about perspective.

    You sound emotional again Tito. You sound emotional again Tito. Squawkkkkk!!!!!! Polly want a cracker?

    Damn bro..... time to latch on to another line. That one's as worn out as a 5-dollar hooker.

    Nothing like posting news like this to get all the predictable, rehashed answers from all the usual suspects. In your case, it's your predictable defense of that loon in charge of NK, while going into your America-bash mode. I could bet money on it.

    What's more likely, Miles? America using its nukes unprovoked to obliterate a population in another country? (they did it once..... doubt they'll do it again) Or Jong-Un losing his grip on reality and pushing the red button?

    Did you say you say the former?

    Wrong answer.
    You still sound emotional and your question is a silly one. It is a valid question. What weapons is America giving up? Every nation has the right to defend itself. Every nation has that right. You rant away about Baba Huey or whatever childish name it is this week, but the fact is that the rockets have stopped and progress is being made in the region. If CNN winds you up this much I suggest you change the channel.

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    We got the gamut of reactions on this. From it's fake news don't believe it.... to NK isn't really a threat.... to the U.S. is the devil and NK shouldn't be feared.

    The reality of the situation is that the U.S. is attempting to use different means to get NK to give up its nuclear armament program. Nothing wrong with that. The less nuke-ready nations in the world the better. Especially when dealing with nations with borderline unhinged leaders. I believe NK pretty much qualifies under that criteria.

    Verification should be the cornerstone of any agreement. It's like buying a house or a car. Hopefully you'll want to take a look at it first before deciding to buy. Anything short of that, or any excuses offered as to why that can't happen is usually a sign that the other part is hiding something. Yes.... you can take a look at the house, but you can't go into the basement. Yeah... right.

    As wacky as Trump can seem on occasion, I'm just gonna go out on a limb and say that IMO Jong-Un has got him beat in that regard. He just doesn't strike me as the stable, world leader I'd bet my house on. He's just as liable to push the red button as any other world leader with a red button to push. Very likely he's more so.
    One question. Will America also give up its nuclear weapons?

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    Default Re: What's it gonna take for this guy to get the message?

    We stopped war games but they can be started if need be. This isn’t new news, there have been other reports NK is building things seen on satellite. Fact is when obama left office he told trump this was the biggest threat we were dealing with and for a time it seemed like war was inevitable, or a lot of people were calling for it. We don’t know for sure if best Korea isn’t doing something funky behind the scenes but from what it was a year or two, and longer, and does seem calmer. Could be a snow job nonetheless

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