Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
Quote Originally Posted by Kirkland Laing View Post
Quote Originally Posted by SlimTrae View Post
Quote Originally Posted by NoSavingByTheBell View Post

Wow this is one horrible hack -a- shack edit job.

Looking at who made this craptacular 1 minute shit job aka John Talks...he has about 50 I hate Joe Biden edits on his page. He also has a lot of Elton John videos, not saying that's bad just saying...

How to make Biden & Harris videos on the fly. Amazing we just had a con artist nut job leave office- he didnt have too many videos of that guy. In fact I scrolled for over 2 minutes, he had about (zero). I guess he didnt want to reveal how smart and sane that guy was.

As far as the question- if it were to happen it would be one that the system approves of. Last time I heard of a person actually picking someone they wanted was John McCain. He wanted Joe Lieberman. The system wasn't having any of that. So they chose for him. Some chick he had never met- Her name is Sarah Palin.

Thats how a Harris V.P would come about- whoever the International bankers is deem fit. Surely not her.
I mean Obama picked a V.P. in which he was quoted as saying "don't ever underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."

when a person makes several videos of Biden falling on the steps of Air Force one...tells me alot.

As an international banker I would disagree with this. We do not pick vice presidents. We simply back every horse in the race so that whoever wins a presidential election knows who to go to for the premier and most pressing aim of every newly elected American president, which is to get reelected four years later. To do that you need money so of course the best place to get the required amount of money is from the money industry.

Picking vice presidents is a box ticking exercise. Bush 43 needed an elder statesman kind of figure due to his callowness and limited resume so Cheney got the job. Obama needed to show white America and even white Amerian Democratic voters that he wasn't an angry Black man so he picked the guy who had said something kinda racisty controversial about him in the primaries:


Trump as a three times married fucker who didn't know the right way to hold a Bible up needed to shore up his position with the Taliban wing of the Republican party (white Evangelicals being about half of the GOP base) so he picked known godbotherer Pence. After George Floyd and me too and the ongoing summer protests Biden needed a Black woman so Harris got the gig. That's how vp picks work.

Harris was a complete failure in the Democratic primaries. Even Democratic primary voters didn't give a fuck about her, never mind Democratic voters or national voters. If Biden isn't able to run in 2024 she'll lose if the GOP can dredge up a remotely electable candidate.

I understand your point(s) all noted. I agree with the logic & understood it as they occurred.
Your point would then validate why Abraham Lincoln a Northerner chose Andrew Johnson a Democratic Southerner- I get that.

My point is John McCain didn't choose Palin- someone chose her for him- they never met. he wanted Lieberman.
Ronald Reagan didn't choose Bush, someone else did.
Trump wanted Chris Christie, but same as with McCain- they went by advisors who we both know looked at who could bring in big demographic numbers to the polls, like Tony Fabrizio who persuaded Donald to reconsider Pence- a man he had just called a loser because he was in a tight race with John Gregg.

That was/is my point if somehow Kamala were to take the spot.

Biden's numbers were dismal- it was all about Sanders vs Warren, there was no Biden in the equation- until he got to the south and the African-American vote got him over the top- I would say in that sense- no the big bankers didnt choose her. Those who helped Biden win did-

That means those who really run the show were ok with her- she wasn't a threat to the prevailing powers or else they would've axed her like they did Abraham Lincoln's choice, Reagan's choice, McCain's choice.
Trump's choice the same- based on Pence getting the evangelical vote- and as soon as he got him, he started talking like he was a christian- he didnt talk like that before Pence.

That's what I meant by international bankers- not that they (personally) choose-rather they have the ability to say- OK we approve, that pick won't upset the applecart.

The powers that run the show IMO laughed and skeeted & jizzed all over their walls when they learned the people chose a man so deep into debt as their President- how could they not have been ok with a Trump presidency?

Trump has upset what major corporations? No major banking institutions, no pharmecuetical companies, no billion dollar war machine contractors have had their money-line from the tax payer to their pockets disrupted. hell even fannie mae & freddie mac got about the biggest infusion of cash under him- not obama.

U.S. taxpayers could be responsible for paying back much of the nearly $850 million in Freddie Mac financing if Kushner Companies defaults and its properties drop significantly in value

And even NEWSMAX reported that funding for abortion increased under Trump.- IMO the powers that be look for those that will increase the debt of the people. They make it happen because they run the media, be it right wing or mainstream. Their cohorts- big business supply lobbyists not the people.

The media did their normal job in deflection- he told lobby hobby or whatever their name is- they didnt have to support abortions- In jesus name, yet the funding continued- point being- HE ADDED to the deficit like all previous.

So who at the top cares about Pence or a Kamala V.P. pick- so as long as they all continue to saddle America with unparalled debt?
Someone or some group gets those $- that is what i mean by she wont't be choosing someone that benefits the people. if it came to pass.

McCain did choose Palin. He absolutely did. I don't have the time to do this post justice at the minute and I'll come back to it tomorrow. Bottom line about the debt though, it doesn't work like that either. I'll have to write a fuckine essay to explain it though.