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Thread: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

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    Default Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    Say what you will about the hysterical leftists with their TDS and all that. Mention Madonna saying she'd like to blow up the White House (who the hell gave Madonna a microphone in the first place?)

    Talk about all the spittle-laced hate directed at Trump over the four years of his dictatorship er.... presidency.

    But... when did anyone make an attempt against Trump? Thank God that didn't happen... 'cause that would've been the last straw. But the fact remains that it didn't happen.

    Now... all of a sudden... it's a different type of crowd spewing their hate at Biden. You know... the type that is capable of storming the Capitol armed to the teeth.

    How are the next four years going to go? (If we get that far). Is Biden going to be safe? Never mind about him being able to govern. He won't. The pro-Trump crowd will see to that.

    But we're talking personal safety here.

    Here's food for thought.

    A deranged crowd is a deranged crowd... period.

    Except that on the one hand, you've got the liberal, deranged crowd... crying and wailing about "not my President"... but doing little else.

    (Note: Before anyone mentions the riots associated with BLM, motion denied. First, the vast majority of the protesters set out to peacefully protest the (still) endless police brutality on blacks specifically. Second, there will be rioters and looters welcoming the cover of ANY protest. That much should be well known by now. Just as maybe some of the folks who went over to the Capitol didn't intend to break in, holding weapons... so the same standard should be applied to the BLM protesters. You can't do the double standard on this one.)

    So on the other hand, you had the criers and the wailers moaning about "not my President."

    But on the other hand... you've got the paramilitary, gun-toting, 2nd Amendment etched across their chest, anti-government folks..... some of whom, instead of crying and wailing, might be wanting to take their grievances up a few levels.

    Washington is right in putting up MEGA security around the city on Inauguration Day. But that is only one day. There are four more years to follow. Who the hell knows what the violent ultra-right faction is cooking up already.

    So to add to the horrific nature of what is right now probably the WORST JOB IN THE WORLD...... now Biden's gonna have to worry about some deranged nut taking a shot at him.

    I think other nations of the world that have been referred to as "banana republics" in the past are at the very least smirking silently.

  2. #2
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    Why would anyone harm Biden, I mean 80 bagillion people voted for him right?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan
    Before anyone mentions the riots associated with BLM, motion denied. First, the vast majority of the protesters set out to peacefully protest the (still) endless police brutality on blacks specifically. Second, there will be rioters and looters welcoming the cover of ANY protest. That much should be well known by now. Just as maybe some of the folks who went over to the Capitol didn't intend to break in, holding weapons... so the same standard should be applied to the BLM protesters. You can't do the double standard on this one.
    The vast majority of Trump supporters are peaceful. There's still endless CITIZEN violence on those Trump supporters. Also there will be rioters and looters welcoming the cover of ANY protest ...just not if Trump supporters do it though, is that right? And what of Antifa? Do they get a pass as well?

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    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    I have seen the pictures of the army sleeping in the buildings making sure Biden will be safe. I am sure he will be OK and on 20th there is a peaceful handover.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

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    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    I hope the idiots stay home during the inauguration and let it take place as it should.

  5. #5
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    I hope the idiots stay home during the inauguration and let it take place as it should.
    But those 80 million people voted for Biden and I want to see them in the streets all 80 million of them!

  6. #6
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    If ANYTHING at all happens near Biden we'll all be hearing this

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    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Why would anyone harm Biden, I mean 80 bagillion people voted for him right?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan
    Before anyone mentions the riots associated with BLM, motion denied. First, the vast majority of the protesters set out to peacefully protest the (still) endless police brutality on blacks specifically. Second, there will be rioters and looters welcoming the cover of ANY protest. That much should be well known by now. Just as maybe some of the folks who went over to the Capitol didn't intend to break in, holding weapons... so the same standard should be applied to the BLM protesters. You can't do the double standard on this one.
    The vast majority of Trump supporters are peaceful.

    I didn't say otherwise. My only point is that those who are not... would be more likely to resort to violent means to express their displeasure at Trump not being President anymore.

    There's still endless CITIZEN violence on those Trump supporters. Also there will be rioters and looters welcoming the cover of ANY protest ...just not if Trump supporters do it though, is that right?

    Did I say that? Again... my point is that the extremists use the cover of well-intentioned, peaceful protests to carry out their sinister agendas. It happens everywhere. I never said that everyone who went to the Capitol was armed and bent on mayhem.

    And what of Antifa? Do they get a pass as well?

    There's a cute, funny cartoon making the rounds on Facebook. Too bad I couldn't cut/paste it here. It's a guy riding a bike with a Confederate flag. He falls for no particular reason and utters in pain... "Antifa."

    Seriously... we gotta stop using the double negatives as arguments. There are a lot of violent, bullying Antifa people..... just like there are a lot of violent, bullying Proud Boys, White Nationalists, etc. You can always grab onto any branch while flailing about in the water... and it becomes an immediate lifesaver. Again... did I say anything about Antifa and "giving them a pass"??

    All I know is we've got some serious problems with division and hate that are MUCH more magnified than they were in the past. For that I put the blame squarely on Donald Trump's shoulders. Nobel Peace Prize my ass.

    I know you get my point on this thread. There's a bunch of lunatics out there... and the ones who are routinely armed are potentially more dangerous than a bunch of wailing Nancys.

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    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

  9. #9
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Why would anyone harm Biden, I mean 80 bagillion people voted for him right?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan
    Before anyone mentions the riots associated with BLM, motion denied. First, the vast majority of the protesters set out to peacefully protest the (still) endless police brutality on blacks specifically. Second, there will be rioters and looters welcoming the cover of ANY protest. That much should be well known by now. Just as maybe some of the folks who went over to the Capitol didn't intend to break in, holding weapons... so the same standard should be applied to the BLM protesters. You can't do the double standard on this one.
    The vast majority of Trump supporters are peaceful.

    I didn't say otherwise. My only point is that those who are not... would be more likely to resort to violent means to express their displeasure at Trump not being President anymore.

    There's still endless CITIZEN violence on those Trump supporters. Also there will be rioters and looters welcoming the cover of ANY protest ...just not if Trump supporters do it though, is that right?

    Did I say that? Again... my point is that the extremists use the cover of well-intentioned, peaceful protests to carry out their sinister agendas. It happens everywhere. I never said that everyone who went to the Capitol was armed and bent on mayhem.

    And what of Antifa? Do they get a pass as well?

    There's a cute, funny cartoon making the rounds on Facebook. Too bad I couldn't cut/paste it here. It's a guy riding a bike with a Confederate flag. He falls for no particular reason and utters in pain... "Antifa."

    Seriously... we gotta stop using the double negatives as arguments. There are a lot of violent, bullying Antifa people..... just like there are a lot of violent, bullying Proud Boys, White Nationalists, etc. You can always grab onto any branch while flailing about in the water... and it becomes an immediate lifesaver. Again... did I say anything about Antifa and "giving them a pass"??

    All I know is we've got some serious problems with division and hate that are MUCH more magnified than they were in the past. For that I put the blame squarely on Donald Trump's shoulders. Nobel Peace Prize my ass.

    I know you get my point on this thread. There's a bunch of lunatics out there... and the ones who are routinely armed are potentially more dangerous than a bunch of wailing Nancys.
    If Trump supporters were "more likely to resort to violent means to express their displeasure" then wouldn't we have witnessed more MAGA themed riots instead of BLM & Antifa riots? It's not like Trump supporters have had no reason to riot....Russiagate ALONE was enough to riot over and it lasted 3 years and what happened? NOTHING! No cities burned due to Trump supporters.

    Your initial post just assumes that Trump supporters are more likely to be violent and you've doubled down on it....I'm saying "if they were going to be violent, they would have been a lot more violent by now" and you also don't mention the amount of violence coming from the left, in fact you dismiss it. A Bernie Sanders supporter nearly murdered Steve Scalise! Rioters freed by Kamala Harris' donations to bail them out of jail firebombed a police squad car. But nah, you're worried about JimBob & Bubba because they have guns which they MIGHT MAYBE POSSIBLY use.

    Yeah, Antifa is real funny haha. "But the Proud Boys"....the Proud Boys wouldn't exist if not for Antifa's ALLOWED violence. Yes Antifa was ALLOWED to run roughshod over regular citizens and The Proud Boys were started to fight back against that. And that sort of thing will continue until Antifa is held accountable for their violent ways.

    Blame Trump all you want but show me where he called for violence, show me directly, where's the "Storm the Capitol" quote coming from Trump's mouth? I can show you Democrats DIRECTLY calling for violence, in fact I have shown you that and it's been dismissed.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan
    when did anyone make an attempt against Trump? Thank God that didn't happen... 'cause that would've been the last straw. But the fact remains that it didn't happen.
    Could have been when BLM & Antifa were rioting in DC and everyone was laughing about how Trump was "hiding in his basement" until they complained that "Trump teargassed peaceful protesters for a photo op at a Church"

    I'm an average American citizen, I've been called a Nazi, I've been called racist, I've been called a white supremacist and it's a daily occurrence....think that wears on a person? I don't reckon the insults and attacks will stop or lessen. I've got people on the news saying basically I should no longer have a country, I shouldn't be allowed a voice at all, not public speaking, not Twitter, YouTube, any of the Big Tech do you think THAT ends for someone like me? Deplorable, irredeemable, xenophobe, does my future look? Can I look forward to deplatforming? Struggle sessions a la the Cultural Revolution in China? Blacklisting? And it's more than just me in this situation, I'm quite level headed so the probability that I do something is slim to none, but the probability that something happens to me, my business, my family? That's higher and it's something I've got to prepare for. I've already boarded up my office once.....and it wasn't for Trump supporters.

    Trump supporters want their day in court about this election and that's going to happen one way or another. And they want to do it very peacefully.....will they be allowed is the question.

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    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    Why would MAGA riot when Trump's holding all the cards? Doesn't make any sense, does it. Why would Trump supporters burn cities to the ground when their guy's in the White House calling all the shots. We can go back and forth on this all day long and unfortunately we're not going to get to a point of agreement.

    You've dredged up instances of violence from the left which is commendable, considering how much it pales against the violence from the extreme right. Because if you're gonna mention obscure cases like Bernie Sanders..... then I'm sure as hell going to mention the dude that drove hundreds of miles, egged on by Trump's anti-Hispanic fiery rhetoric and fear mongering about the so-called invasion of the border..... and gunned down 20-some people at an El Paso Walmart. If we're going to go tit for tat... we'll be here all day. But while you strain to find examples to throw at me, you keep missing the big picture here, which is that Trump's supporters include the anti-government, 2nd Amendment chest-pounding, and in many ways bigoted people who take "America first" to an unhealthy extreme and use this chest-pounding to wake up their own twisted little prejudices and such.

    Right. Antifa=bad and Proud Boys=good. 100 percent of the time. When the Proud Boys aren't fighting back against the violent Antifa anarchists... they're helping little old ladies across the street at busy intersections. Again... we're going nowhere fast with this argument.

    I'm saddened that you've been called a Nazi, bigot, white supremacist, etc. I would never do that... and furthermore I don't believe for minute that you're any of those things. Do I vehemently argue back with you about what I think about Trump and many of his blinded followers (including the ones that DID break into the Capitol and caused bodily harm)? Absolutely!! But that's just you and me disagreeing over a whole bunch of stuff.

    I read the rest of your paragraph and it saddens me even more. That you would have such a pessimistic view of the future now that Trump is no longer in the White House is totally depressing. I wish I could assure you nothing will change that will affect you, your family, or your business. But unfortunately the TOTAL CLIMATE has changed in the U.S.... and I'm not talking about global warming. I'm talking about the unprecedented HATRED that has been engrained into the American public by that waste of oxygen called Donald Trump. Continue defending him if you will. But as they say..... "the buck stops here" and he's never taken responsibility for ANYTHING he's fucked up or encouraged to get fucked up. American became a hatred filled country under HIS watch..... nobody else's. You can't blame Obama on this one. America voted in a totally unfit human being to lead the most powerful country in the world. You can't possibly be of the mentality of "damn the torpedoes full speed ahead!" The world around you matters. Trump tried to force America to dance to HIS tune. And as a human being he is... what can I say... I hate to use the word because it's been used against Trump supporters and I wouldn't do that. But I'd use it against Trump. It's the "D" word.

    What POSSIBLE good will come out of trying to torpedo Biden's presidency before it even gets off the ground? Is THAT going to help YOU personally? Or your family? Or your business? I'd bet not.

  11. #11
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Why would MAGA riot when Trump's holding all the cards? Doesn't make any sense, does it. Why would Trump supporters burn cities to the ground when their guy's in the White House calling all the shots. We can go back and forth on this all day long and unfortunately we're not going to get to a point of agreement.
    Which is why there were so many right wing violent protests when Obama was President....oh wait, no that was BLM too!

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    You've dredged up instances of violence from the left which is commendable, considering how much it pales against the violence from the extreme right. Because if you're gonna mention obscure cases like Bernie Sanders..... then I'm sure as hell going to mention the dude that drove hundreds of miles, egged on by Trump's anti-Hispanic fiery rhetoric and fear mongering about the so-called invasion of the border..... and gunned down 20-some people at an El Paso Walmart. If we're going to go tit for tat... we'll be here all day. But while you strain to find examples to throw at me, you keep missing the big picture here, which is that Trump's supporters include the anti-government, 2nd Amendment chest-pounding, and in many ways bigoted people who take "America first" to an unhealthy extreme and use this chest-pounding to wake up their own twisted little prejudices and such.
    Michael Reinoehl, Willem Van Spronsen, Conor Betts, Charles Landeros, and then there's the folks who died in the Chaz and the folks who died in the riots and who did those killings? but I can tell you who didn't. Heck the guy in El Paso said he was following the guy who shot up Christchurch New Zealand and said the ideas he had came well before Trump.

    It may take a while to put Trump in proper perspective, but he's not the baddy he's been made out to be. If he's treated like he IS by the Democrats, Republicans, Media, Big Tech...then the next "populist" that has a groundswell of support is going to be more extreme, not less and that's "populist" as in the Left OR the Right. And THAT will be something to really be fearful of and worried about.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Right. Antifa=bad and Proud Boys=good. 100 percent of the time. When the Proud Boys aren't fighting back against the violent Antifa anarchists... they're helping little old ladies across the street at busy intersections. Again... we're going nowhere fast with this argument.
    If Antifa was held accountable for their actions there would be no need for the Proud Boys.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I'm saddened that you've been called a Nazi, bigot, white supremacist, etc. I would never do that... and furthermore I don't believe for minute that you're any of those things. Do I vehemently argue back with you about what I think about Trump and many of his blinded followers (including the ones that DID break into the Capitol and caused bodily harm)? Absolutely!! But that's just you and me disagreeing over a whole bunch of stuff.
    Yes and I appreciate our disagreements that we're able to have them minus the name calling, the harsh rhetoric, and ill feelings. I appreciate your taking the time to respond to me thoughtfully and respectfully.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I read the rest of your paragraph and it saddens me even more. That you would have such a pessimistic view of the future now that Trump is no longer in the White House is totally depressing. I wish I could assure you nothing will change that will affect you, your family, or your business. But unfortunately the TOTAL CLIMATE has changed in the U.S.... and I'm not talking about global warming. I'm talking about the unprecedented HATRED that has been engrained into the American public by that waste of oxygen called Donald Trump. Continue defending him if you will. But as they say..... "the buck stops here" and he's never taken responsibility for ANYTHING he's fucked up or encouraged to get fucked up. American became a hatred filled country under HIS watch..... nobody else's. You can't blame Obama on this one. America voted in a totally unfit human being to lead the most powerful country in the world. You can't possibly be of the mentality of "damn the torpedoes full speed ahead!" The world around you matters. Trump tried to force America to dance to HIS tune. And as a human being he is... what can I say... I hate to use the word because it's been used against Trump supporters and I wouldn't do that. But I'd use it against Trump. It's the "D" word.
    Trump being in office or out of office isn't the concern I have my man. The concern is the same as it ever was, it's Liberty (the side I'm on and you're on and most people like to believe they are on) vs Tyranny and I'm not saying you're on that side, but this is a CULTURAL issue, it's a CURRENT EVENTS issue, and it's going to be not so great for about half of the nation...and then it'll be not so great for half of that half and so on and so on until we're on the Chinese system. And maybe that seems a long winding trip down a crazy road, but I see what Big Tech did to Trump, I see what Big Tech did to Parler, I see China and their Social Credit system (aided & abetted by Big Tech) and that's our future brother. THAT and CRT critical race theory and Intersectionality...those will continue to chip away more and more at what America was founded on and has been aspiring to be. Trump was working towards ending those teachings...and now Biden and the Left re-embraces them.

    If you don't know what I'm talking about just study up on the Cultural Revolution because THAT is what I'm talking about.

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    What POSSIBLE good will come out of trying to torpedo Biden's presidency before it even gets off the ground? Is THAT going to help YOU personally? Or your family? Or your business? I'd bet not.
    We have a system. The system works because people trust it. If people question it and come to no longer trust it what happens? The system fails. And then what? Chaos, violence, a struggle for power. Very serious consequences, DIRE consequences.

    So we've got a large group of people and they don't trust the Election. What do you do? Not answer them? Tell them "sit down, shut up you lost"? Or do you provide evidence of a clean election? Provide more transparency, provide VOTER ID, provide reasons for those doubters to trust you. That's not being done, it's not even on the radar and therefore Biden's Presidency is already on very thin ice owing to no fault of mine, no benefit of mine or my family's.

    What good came of torpedoing Trump's term? It hamstrung what he was able to accomplish....and Biden should expect no less. It isn't as if the Democrats have or will operate in good faith.

    One of the managers of this impeachment Rep. Eric Swalwell slept with/was compromised by a Chinese spy.....does that fill you with confidence? It doesn't fill me with any.

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    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by walrus View Post
    I hope the idiots stay home during the inauguration and let it take place as it should.
    But those 80 million people voted for Biden and I want to see them in the streets all 80 million of them!
    Somehow I think it may be the 74 you want to see.

    Biden will have adequate protections. The big concern are the extremes merging, anarchy fitting like a glove to fit the agenda and grievances and dopes still thinking there are 'sides' to choose. You're either for the tear down going forward or you're not.

  13. #13
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Somehow I think it may be the 74 you want to see.

    Biden will have adequate protections. The big concern are the extremes merging, anarchy fitting like a glove to fit the agenda and grievances and dopes still thinking there are 'sides' to choose. You're either for the tear down going forward or you're not.
    Oh those "74" aren't even people, they're "lesser" CNN's Don Lemon said "If you vote Trump you support the KKK" there's 74 Million people of differing backgrounds, races, etc and they all support the KKK according to Don Lemon, and don't dismiss my bringing that up like 'oh, that's just Don Lemon, what does he know'. You guys have had very choice words for Trump so obviously you have some choice thoughts for his supporters as well. And it's more important to be dismissive of what Trump supporters wanted, what they stood for and so on than to understand them so I await the grandeur of the UNITY Joe Biden will bring.

    "You're either for the tear down going forward or you're not"

    You don't know how absolutely right you are in that regard my friend.

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    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Which is why there were so many right wing violent protests when Obama was President....oh wait, no that was BLM too!

    Yes Kabong! And you're furthering my point! BLM doesn't care who's President. They've got a grievance... and very GOOD, LEGIT grievance... and they've protested since before Trump. But mostly during Trump's tenure have these protests "suddenly" have become violent, with BLM'ers I guess becoming Hulk's from Bruce Banners and deciding to burn down buildings just because. Why would the right wing protest under Obama? Were an outlandish number of young white guys being murdered by black cops?

    Michael Reinoehl, Willem Van Spronsen, Conor Betts, Charles Landeros, and then there's the folks who died in the Chaz and the folks who died in the riots and who did those killings? but I can tell you who didn't. Heck the guy in El Paso said he was following the guy who shot up Christchurch New Zealand and said the ideas he had came well before Trump.

    It may take a while to put Trump in proper perspective, but he's not the baddy he's been made out to be. If he's treated like he IS by the Democrats, Republicans, Media, Big Tech...then the next "populist" that has a groundswell of support is going to be more extreme, not less and that's "populist" as in the Left OR the Right. And THAT will be something to really be fearful of and worried about.

    Don't do that, Kabong. Please don't do that. Do not attempt to deflect the blame from Trump's incendiary rhetoric toward Latinos moving toward the Southern border, which resulted in untold amounts of hatred from already mentally sick people, such as the guy from the El Paso shootings. Do you believe what he says at face value? I don't. If a Trump fan, which I'm sure he is, he's going to protect his hero from being associated with his act. Let's be real here. It's just amazing there weren't MORE El Paso's during that time. Plus, the effects of that are long-lasting. It probably woke up the semi-dormant racism in thousands of people. And we continue to disagree on Trump's character. You say he's not the baddie he's made out to be. I feel he's even worse than that. Kabong... you know as well as I do... you can't separate character from leadership in any position, particularly that of POTUS. Trump's character was unfit (IMO) to be President BEFORE he was elected. The fact he was in fact elected doesn't mean that some of us didn't see it coming. You see the next "populist" as extreme. The same thought as Kirkland on another post. I don't necessarily see it that way. I'd rather be optimistic and say people learn from experiences. Many of those who voted for Trump in 2016 were DEEPLY disappointed in what they actually got. It's not so far-fetched to say that, is it? People make mistakes, miscalculations. Maybe next time people choose someone who will stand up to big business, they'll be more careful in the type of person they choose.

    If Antifa was held accountable for their actions there would be no need for the Proud Boys.

    Forget Proud Boys for a second. I have a bigger problem with White Supremacists, Neo Nazis, etc. They exist because they always have. I don't condemn the Proud Boys anymore than I condemn Antifa. Action... reaction. Everyone's always going to point the finger at the other side. But the other organizations... those have no reason to be allowed to exist.

    Yes and I appreciate our disagreements that we're able to have them minus the name calling, the harsh rhetoric, and ill feelings. I appreciate your taking the time to respond to me thoughtfully and respectfully.

    As I've always said... we disagree vehemently at times... but we maintain the civility and respect that should always be a part of this forum. That being said, I respect a man who has a firm opinion, even one directly opposed to my own. What I find hard to fathom or accept is a grown man with opinions that shift with the wind. Changes of opinion are normal and in fact desirable in many instances. But constant going back and forth is a sign of mental weakness. 'Nough said.

    Trump being in office or out of office isn't the concern I have my man. The concern is the same as it ever was, it's Liberty (the side I'm on and you're on and most people like to believe they are on) vs Tyranny and I'm not saying you're on that side, but this is a CULTURAL issue, it's a CURRENT EVENTS issue, and it's going to be not so great for about half of the nation...and then it'll be not so great for half of that half and so on and so on until we're on the Chinese system. And maybe that seems a long winding trip down a crazy road, but I see what Big Tech did to Trump, I see what Big Tech did to Parler, I see China and their Social Credit system (aided & abetted by Big Tech) and that's our future brother. THAT and CRT critical race theory and Intersectionality...those will continue to chip away more and more at what America was founded on and has been aspiring to be. Trump was working towards ending those teachings...and now Biden and the Left re-embraces them.

    If you don't know what I'm talking about just study up on the Cultural Revolution because THAT is what I'm talking about.

    I've been arguing this point with some relatives of mine who live in the States and who also happen to be Trump fans . The movements you describe are real, and worthy of worry. I'm not discounting that. This movement toward control and surveillance is something that merits thought and preemptive actions. However, and once again we'll disagree... Trump was not the man for the job, if that's what you're looking for. More than ever, this country needs a LEADER. A leader who checks all the boxes of a leader. I've worked in industry for a long time... and I've been exposed to TRUE leaders, as well as "leaders" who only have the title but rule by fear, not respect nor example. Trump has NEVER been a leader. He didn't make himself from the ground up. He inherited his riches. His report card before being POTUS isn't exactly a glittering example of what a successful leader should be. His personality in incredibly deficient, to the point where even some of his own family members have felt compelled to spill their guts. Why go over this all over again? I've said it enough times. Trump led by fear... and if you didn't cow down to his every ridiculous whim... he'd boot you out the door. Leaders surround themselves with competent people, not kiss-asses.

    We have a system. The system works because people trust it. If people question it and come to no longer trust it what happens? The system fails. And then what? Chaos, violence, a struggle for power. Very serious consequences, DIRE consequences.

    So we've got a large group of people and they don't trust the Election. What do you do? Not answer them? Tell them "sit down, shut up you lost"? Or do you provide evidence of a clean election? Provide more transparency, provide VOTER ID, provide reasons for those doubters to trust you. That's not being done, it's not even on the radar and therefore Biden's Presidency is already on very thin ice owing to no fault of mine, no benefit of mine or my family's.

    What good came of torpedoing Trump's term? It hamstrung what he was able to accomplish....and Biden should expect no less. It isn't as if the Democrats have or will operate in good faith.

    One of the managers of this impeachment Rep. Eric Swalwell slept with/was compromised by a Chinese spy.....does that fill you with confidence? It doesn't fill me with any.

    I can argue that the onus was on Trump and his cohorts to PROVE that the election was fraudulent. That's the way it works in the justice system, right? Innocent until proven guilty. Hey... I wouldn't have minded a little more effort on the part of the other side toward appeasing the hearsays and the rumors. But I'm not gonna latch on to something that is quickly becoming a distant cry in the night. Trump's closest allies are dropping like flies, many of them quietly telling him to concede. Why keep dragging out the inevitable?

    Damn... I had to get rid of the original quotes (10,000 character limit). Hope it all makes sense.

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    Default Re: Seriously..... how safe will Biden be?

    Quote Originally Posted by El Kabong View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Somehow I think it may be the 74 you want to see.

    Biden will have adequate protections. The big concern are the extremes merging, anarchy fitting like a glove to fit the agenda and grievances and dopes still thinking there are 'sides' to choose. You're either for the tear down going forward or you're not.
    Oh those "74" aren't even people, they're "lesser" CNN's Don Lemon said "If you vote Trump you support the KKK" there's 74 Million people of differing backgrounds, races, etc and they all support the KKK according to Don Lemon, and don't dismiss my bringing that up like 'oh, that's just Don Lemon, what does he know'. You guys have had very choice words for Trump so obviously you have some choice thoughts for his supporters as well. And it's more important to be dismissive of what Trump supporters wanted, what they stood for and so on than to understand them so I await the grandeur of the UNITY Joe Biden will bring.

    "You're either for the tear down going forward or you're not"

    You don't know how absolutely right you are in that regard my friend.
    You lead with Don Lemon but yet I cannot dismiss him? It's been well established that ol Don is a dolt. 'You guys' thoughts are much more choice on Trump than the words, that right there is a bit dismissive if anything no. What Trump supporters 'stand for' is on the individual, I mean after all their not a gang ffs. Aside from the name branded Flags as colors I guess. But I know they are not all unamerican kooks. Vast majority of people I deal with daily supported Trump. The support base started to fracture long ago and it'll continue, that new Q batshit Barbie chick or Hawley in Congress will look to recycle and channel it.

    Good luck going forward with your tear down of the established American democracy then I guess.

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