8 years of the worst American president since 1776 filled with ultra-liberal gobbledygook and inaction and nanny state b*******. And this sob isn't finished yet. Just wait for the next Republican president to get in there and tear up some major ass regarding illegal immigration gun control and foreign policy. Also let's see how many damn quote unquote refugees (whatever refugees means now) the next Republican administration is going to bend over backwards to welcome in open arms and free housing and all that other garbage. I am NOT a Republican but I will say this I am also not a Democrat. & I fear that the blowback and the backlash of having eight years of absolute ultra-liberal gobbledygook b******* is going to be very very severe and is going to crack down very hard on all the b******* that Obama has let slide and done nothing about...
that we will all be shocked at the harshness and severity and austerity of it. Get ready for the anti-liberal backlash coming 12 months from now.

That's why Donald Trump is so popular. He is a bit of a nut job but his dead seriousness and unwillingness to play the party politics and politically correct b******* is very appealing to a very large number of Americans who are sick unto death of allowing Mexicans and Guatemalans and Salvadorians to simply stroll across the border and get free buses to the cities of their choice and have full rights as American citizens for the most part and the allowed to open bank accounts and have drivers licenses and apply for student loans. Obama is actually trying to push legislation which would make it illegal to use the word illegal immigrant. How much worse can this actually get?