@Dia bando skip to 1:30 of the video @walrus @superheavyrhun @TitoFan
Sad that Earnie Shavers was never a champ but Wladimir Clinch-ko was.
Earnie would have done him worse than Sanders did!
Comparing that era of HW's to Wlad's reign is like, well......... like comparing fine wine to horse urine.
Yes Shavers fought in a great era, he also never beat anyone who was more than a journeyman in that era, and lost to guys(throughout his career) who would have been at best journeymen in the worst eras. Huge overhand right, virtually no boxing ability whatsoever. He could have caught Wlad early sure, he also didn't have a prayer of taking Wlads power and would have lost 9 of 10 there imo. Fairly overrated guy on the whole.
Went 15 Rounds with Muhammad ali but had "virtually no boxing skill"??
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