If you're gonna talk.... talk intelligently. Take your racial bullshit to the 1000 other threads you've destroyed.

Jack Nicklaus is not only ahead of Woods in career majors won. But here's another statistic that is sure to boggle your racist brain:

Jack finished second in 19 majors. Woods is way off in the distance with 6.

Jack played against better competition than Woods in their primes.

Jack had to contend with: Gary Player (nine majors), Tom Watson (eight), Arnold Palmer (seven), Lee Trevino (six) and Seve Ballesteros (five)..... ALL Hall of Famers. Jack finished 2nd more than 10 times to players on that list.

Woods had to contend with Mickelson and Els during his prime and little else. His 2nd place finishes were to one-hit wonders like: Trevor Immelman, Zach Johnson, Rich Beem, Y.E. Yang and Michael Campbell.

Come to think of it..... maybe Woods IS a choker.

The stack of reasons is long..... but I've done my job here.

Go back to school little boy.