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Thread: My training log

  1. #1
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    Default My training log

    First off. Some back ground information. I started boxing at the beginning of the year at the age of 26. I used to goto a Boxing gym back at the beginning of the year. My technique and fitness was good. I was fast rising amonst the ranks. With the aim to sparring when the coach thought i was ready. The gym i goto uses alot of old school techniques and train of thought. Which is why i picked it. I only had use of the club gloves. The velcro came undone in flight when i was punching a right hook onto a heavy bag at the last minute. I did a serious injury. Where instead of just fracturing the bone. I bent the bone behind my little finger knuckle. Which caused swelling under the bone service. Which took the NHS an age to diagnose. X ray, inconclusive, CT scan inconclusive, MRI scan bingo! What didn't help is i'm in a manual labour trade. So my hand didn't get much chance to heal. Was in pain for along time. In the down time. I started researching old school boxers. And boxing manuals. To make good use of the down time. I have just started training again. At home for now to get my fitness levels to a good standard before going back to the gym.

    One of my favorite old school boxers and boxing manuals is Jack Dempsey's. I use alot of his stuff. And it is working well for me! You can find his Championship Boxing manual online for free.

    I'm 6ft, Weight 166.6 Pounds, Male. I aspire to do local competitions. At ABC level.

    My training regime is this.
    Monday, 2 minutes skipping, Then hour speedball and Heavy bag.
    Tuesday, 2 minutes skipping, Circuit training, then speedball and heavy bag upto the hour
    Wednesday, 2 minutes skipping, Plyometrics, then speedball and heavy bag upto the hour
    Thursday, Rest day
    Friday, 2 minutes skipping, then hour speedball and heavy bag.
    Saturday, 2 minutes skipping, Circuit training, then speedball and heavyball upto the hour
    Sunday, 2 minutes skipping, Plyometrics, then speedball and heavy bag upto the hour.

    I will state my fitness isn't great at the moment. If that doesn't look impressive. But it will change drastically when i become fitter. I'm not doing any road work at the moment. As i don't want to loose weight.

    My circuit training regime
    Warm up with 2 minutes skipping.
    1, Press ups 12
    2, Sit ups 15
    3, One legged squat 10
    4, Tricept dip 10
    5, Wide arm push up 10
    6, Step up, 15 per leg. 30 total.
    7, Box lift 12
    8, Twist sit ups 10
    9, Lung 20 per leg. 40 total
    10, Pull ups 3 (crap i know)
    11, Squats 20
    12, Foot Raises 20
    13, Neck Bridges 10
    14, Commando push ups 10
    15, Dorsal Raises 12
    16, Chin up 2 (crap i know)

    At the moment i only do one set. But when fitter will go up to 3 sets.

    Plyometrics (explosive exercise) Regime
    Warm up 2 minutes skipping
    1, Clap push ups 10
    2, Burpees 10
    3, Offense Hops 10
    4, Box push ups 10
    5, Defense Hops 10
    6, Star Jumps 10
    7, Sit Ups ( un supported) 10
    8, Tuck Jump 10
    9, Squat Jump 10
    10, Leg Thrust 10

    At the moment i do one set. When fitter will do 2 sets.
    When i have bulked up with muscle. I will start doing road work again. To learn it into lean muscle. So that i don't drop to much weight.

    Any pointers or opinions welcome. Oh Hello this is my first post
    Last edited by Dave1066; 11-29-2012 at 04:18 PM.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well yesterday was my rest day. As i have gone out of sink this week. Today i did 2 minutes warm up on skipping rope. Then an hour in total swapping between the speed bag and heavy ball. I did 12 minuets on the speed ball then 12 minutes on the heavy bag(not constant with shake offs). I rotated this until the hour was up.

    Overall i did sweat alot and get a good work out. The speed ball was the hardest challenge for me. Still being a relative new comer to it. But getting the hang of it now. Enough that i can feel the lactic acid build up. Which i take as a good sign and swap fist. My upper back feels like it's had a very good work out.

    I also found a new combination i like on the heavy bag. Which i can't wait to try out on a sparring partner!

    Overall i enjoyed today's work out.

    Can't wait for the next one.
    Last edited by Dave1066; 12-01-2012 at 04:06 PM.

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    Default Re: My training log

    keep going with the log Dave. Hope we get a few more going again in here. Not currently training as taking time off to recover some injuries but might join back in again when I do.

    Good luck with your training.

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    Default Re: My training log

    Yeah sucks when your out with an injury Youngblood. Your soon find the groove again.
    Well today i did another hours workout.

    I started off with 2 minutes skipping. Then i went twice through the circuit training regime. As i felt fine after the 1 set. Struggle on some of the exercises the second time round. But to be expected. Completed all the repetitions thought. By the end of the second set boy was i sweating. Then wrapped my hands and straight onto the speedball. My speedball skills are picking up quite fast. I surprised myself with how fast i was going! Then i put my gloves on and did heavy bag work. I had reread some of the sections from Jack Dempseys Championship boxing book. Put them into practice today. Have to say some of the drills. Do work up a sweat. I can now see why Dempsey's way over a modern technique creates power. If not equal even better! Will definately be honing Dempsey's technique.

    Overall i got very sweaty and was a real good work out! Bring on the next session.

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    Default Re: My training log

    Well got out and did a 2 mile run this morning. First one since February. God did i find it tough going. Stopped 4 times in the last couple tenths of the last mile. Worked up a good sweat. Pace was slower than i like, to be expected at this stage. Soon as i got back. Glass of milk. Then bowl of porridge oats. Then a cup of hot tea with milk.

    My time wasn't to bad. Came in at 21 minutes and 57 seconds.

    Later today Plyometrics and Boxing. Bring it on.

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    Default Re: My training log

    Well as outside was wet. I had to do my Plyometrics inside today. So i went round that circuit once. Then i went outside and warmed up with a different style of skipping. The style Dempsey mentions in his Boxing manual. Which at first i wasn't as good. But then i got the hang of it. Even crossing my hands to cross the rope. Which strangely i found easier than normal. it faster aswell.

    I then did the straight hand and back hand tattoo on the speedbag.
    Then i practiced my foot work side to side and circling the bag. Then whilst doing that i start doing left jabs. Then 1-2. Then 1-2-1. I tried to make sure i kept my head moving from side to side. Then going low whilst still moving my head and doing 1-2. Then i practiced my power punches. Which are starting to come together nicely. Then i'd go long from the bag and practice my trigger step. Today was the best its ever been. Thanks to watching video's of Lennox Lewis. Then i practiced flurrys. Of upto 6 power punches as mention in Demseys book. Keeping to technique best i can and keep my chin in and my hands up. Sometimes i would start low then go high. With shovel hooks to body and chin. Finishing off with a left or right hook to chin or uppercut.

    I swapped from heavy bag to speedball. For upto the hour. This time through the work out. I did 1 minute skipping aswell.

    Then straight in. Drank some milk. Towels sweat out. Then baked beans on wholemill toast. And a cup of Hot tea with milk!

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    Default Re: My training log

    Well went out and did another 2 mile jog this morning. Tried a different approach. At points i picked up the pace then settled to a normal pace then picked up the pace and repeat. I thought this might give me a better time. I only stopped 3 times today. The time was 22 minutes and 12 seconds. So for now i think its better that i stick to a steady pace.

    When i got back i did a sweat out. Wrapped myself in a towel. For 6 or so mins. When i had cooled and stopped sweating.
    Then i had a bowl of porridge oats with milk. Lets brake this down. 50 grams of Oats gives you 14.5 gram of protein. 42 gram carbohydrate. 1307kj enery. 8.5 gram of fat.
    Semi skinned milk 1/2 a pint 10.6 grams of protein. 14.2 grams carbohydrate, 5.2 grams of fat, 610kj energy.

    Protein 25.6 grams
    Carbohydrate 56.2 grams
    kj energy 1917
    Fat 13.7 grams

    So the protein content is up there with alot of protein shakes. Giving that Whey protein comes from milk(cheese). Your eating it from a natural source which should allow your body to easily absorb more proteins of the correct type. The only down side is the Fat content is alittle high.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well just did the usual. Hours boxing. Started off jumping rope for a couple of rounds best i could. Then i did shadow boxing for a couple of rounds. Then onto the speedball then on the heavy bag. At half way through i did some more skipping. Then speedball and then heavy bag. Upto the hour.

    I am getting better at some of my punches. Finding somethings easier than others. I alway work up a sweat. It wouldn't matter how fit i am. I see it as if i'm not sweating i'm not working hard enough.

    Straight in. Glass of milk. Sweat out. Then beans on toast. Rest for 30 minutes then back out for a walk!
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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    Default Re: My training log

    Hello. Well today i didn't go for a 2 mile run. Tomorrow i will go for the jog. I started off jumping rope. Which i'm pleased to report is getting better.Today i did my circuit training regime. I did two sets. Which took 32 minutes. Then i did boxing to make it upto the hour workout. My speedball is a little flat so i only did two rounds on that. Which is about 200 punches. Then i did some shadow boxing. For about a round. Then i concentrated on the heavy bag. Which went ok. As per usual i sweated lots. I've started using sounds to speed up my combinations on the heavy bag. Using huh sound. So Huh huh huh quickly and making sure my fists land in time. Trying to keep proper form, hands high, chin in, proper foot work.
    As per usual my pre work out meal was baked beans on toast. Must find another alternative.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well just did the norm today. Warmed up with jumping ropes, then shadow boxed. Then an hours worth of heavy bag work. Worked up another great sweat. Need to improve my cardio fitness further. To increase my stamina. I'm thinking of going back to my usual boxing gym sooner than anticipated. Or i might goto a professional boxing gym near by. Where i get alot of my gear from. Alot more expensive but hmmm.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well having taken some time out. Over Christmas and January, holiday and being busy. No excuse really. I have now got back into it. I have started going to a boxing gym again. A different one from before. I'm not sparring yet. As i can't afford the membership. As it is a semi-pro right through to pro gym. It doesn't do amature. But it does do comps with other gyms at various different skill sets.

    I have just got back from a 5 mile jog. Which is up hill and down dale, so to speak. The jogging is all on road at the moment. Soon i will start doing trails and cross country. Did 5 miles in 37 minutes. Not far off my personal best for that distance. It's only the second time i've jogged the 5 miler! in over 4 years!

    By the end of it i am sweating a good un. Which is a sure sign its paying off! And i'm already seeing an improvement in my aerobic fitness whilst boxing.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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    Default Re: My training log

    thought we lost ya Dave. sounds like a cool place to learn.

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    Default Re: My training log

    Yeah it is a good place. It has an on site shop aswell. Selling all the popular Boxing brands. To suit most pockets. Right through to Cleto's. I use Fairtex boxing gloves for sparring, and Twin's Specials Bag gloves for bag work. The shop doesn't do cheap equipment. As anybody with self respect and respect for those around them, who values there hands and body. Wont use cheap rubbish. They do vet peoples equipment if sparring. To make sure its upto a good standard. Cheap brands most likely are not aloud.

    The gym I use trains in Boxing, Kick Boxing, Muay Thai boxing, MMA, and White Collar Boxing.
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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    Default Re: My training log

    Well, warmed up with 2 minutes skipping today. Then went around my circuit training routine twice. The second time round the circuit I struggled with some of the exercises. Was sweating a good un by the end. This took about 24 minutes.

    Then I put my hand wraps on. Put my bag gloves on. Did some shadow boxing. Then 2 minutes on the speed ball. Then 30 seconds rest. Then 2 minutes on the heavy bag. I did this upto the hour. On the heavy bag I would sometime practice fast punches and foot work. Other times I would do say left and right jabs straight after each other, really fast up the count of 20, then straight into 20 fast hooks after the labs. Other times I would give it my all on the heavy bag and really dig in with all my strenght on power punches.

    Then the usual stretches for warm down.
    Then straight in. Glass of milk. One rasher of bacon, two pieces of toast, sliced up tomato, and some sliced up cucumber. Put all together to make a bacon, tomato, cucumber, vinegar, and brown sauce toasted sandwich. With a herbal tea!
    Muhammad Ali K.O by Henry Cooper in round 5 in 1963. Ali weighted 204 lbs to Henry Coopers 185.5 lb
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    Default Re: My training log

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave1066 View Post
    Well, warmed up with 2 minutes skipping today. Then went around my circuit training routine twice. The second time round the circuit I struggled with some of the exercises. Was sweating a good un by the end. This took about 24 minutes.

    Then I put my hand wraps on. Put my bag gloves on. Did some shadow boxing. Then 2 minutes on the speed ball. Then 30 seconds rest. Then 2 minutes on the heavy bag. I did this upto the hour. On the heavy bag I would sometime practice fast punches and foot work. Other times I would do say left and right jabs straight after each other, really fast up the count of 20, then straight into 20 fast hooks after the labs. Other times I would give it my all on the heavy bag and really dig in with all my strenght on power punches.

    Then the usual stretches for warm down.
    Then straight in. Glass of milk. One rasher of bacon, two pieces of toast, sliced up tomato, and some sliced up cucumber. Put all together to make a bacon, tomato, cucumber, vinegar, and brown sauce toasted sandwich. With a herbal tea!
    Are you tryin' to gain mass?

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