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Thread: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

  1. #1
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    Default The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

    I am tired of all pathic attempts to explain it, based on man made wisdom

    The stress is caused by the fear of something (this is how far the World's wisdom can go)
    The fear is the result of condemnation
    The condemnation is the result of disobedience
    The disobedience happened when mankind partook and still partakes from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

    You see, it is not just KNOWLEDGE of good and evil. It is not just knowledge of evil. It is the
    1) Partaking
    2) from the tree = path
    3) of knowledge of good and evil.

    Surely and obviously, the knowledge of evil will lead you to destruction. However, The world is designed in such a way, that the knowledge of good will equally screw you.

    What is the solution?

    There is NO condemnation for those who are saved in Christ Jesus.

    Marry Christmas to all!
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    Default Re: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

    2 threads and I have not witness a correct definition of stress yet.

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    Default Re: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

    Quote Originally Posted by boyla View Post
    2 threads and I have not witness a correct definition of stress yet.
    Go for it,the stage is yours.
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    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

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    Default Re: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

    Quote Originally Posted by NVSemin View Post
    I am tired of all pathic attempts to explain it, based on man made wisdom

    The stress is caused by the fear of something (this is how far the World's wisdom can go)
    The fear is the result of condemnation
    The condemnation is the result of disobedience
    The disobedience happened when mankind partook and still partakes from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

    You see, it is not just KNOWLEDGE of good and evil. It is not just knowledge of evil. It is the
    1) Partaking
    2) from the tree = path
    3) of knowledge of good and evil.

    Surely and obviously, the knowledge of evil will lead you to destruction. However, The world is designed in such a way, that the knowledge of good will equally screw you.

    What is the solution?

    There is NO condemnation for those who are saved in Christ Jesus.

    Marry Christmas to all!
    Merry Christmas to you too.

    You do realize though that Santa is in fact Satan.
    (just turn the letters around) and Ol Nick is in fact Old Nick the devil taking the lime light off the Christian message and making it a commercial success as did Rome when they took over the religion and made December 25th the day?

    Do you not think the the tree of life was Adam and Eve the first white skins to be put here, choosing procreation during the wrong timing?
    Bringing lust in over love? Then thoughts over ruling feelings ,mind winning over heart matters from that point on?

    Or do you really think there was an actual tree that held all the knowledge of duality in it and it bore fruit that they actually ate of and were handed it all by a snake?

    Could you see that the original meanings in ancient scripture were simple analogy's so as to preserve the hidden truth for all time?

    That Adam took Eve out of season so to speak,instead of when the stars and seasons were alined for the best off spring as would be the Creators wishes for them? Then through that choice to out think natural God given instinct, the brain eventually out grew the heart and the head physically also out grew the vaginal cavity too (and the spine support).
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    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

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    Default Re: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

    Quote Originally Posted by boyla View Post
    2 threads and I have not witness a correct definition of stress yet.
    Explain it to us, and its complications
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    Default Re: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

    Fantastic stuff, NV. Another one next Christmas, please!

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    Default Re: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

    adam fucked eve up the ass.

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    Default Re: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED


    repent, pegans!
    Learn Mike Tyson style and elements of Peekaboo @ SugarBoxing

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    Default Re: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

    Your post was hilarious, NV, but I do somewhat agree with you. Stress is typically about condemnation in some way, though I believe it is a combination of society and the self and nothing much to do with God. A healthy society means less stressed out people and a forgiving self means less burden. Surely we can reduce stress and not need God as part of the equation. A materialistic existence seems to be the bane of modern man, but you try to opt out and you end up homeless.....lots and lots of stress for everyone! Down with this sort of thing!

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    Default Re: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Your post was hilarious, NV, but I do somewhat agree with you. Stress is typically about condemnation in some way, though I believe it is a combination of society and the self and nothing much to do with God. A healthy society means less stressed out people and a forgiving self means less burden. Surely we can reduce stress and not need God as part of the equation. A materialistic existence seems to be the bane of modern man, but you try to opt out and you end up homeless.....lots and lots of stress for everyone! Down with this sort of thing!
    It would help to improve a better production of Endorphins, rather than Cortisol .
    Pain lasts a only a minute, but the memory will last forever....

    boxingbournemouth - Cornelius Carrs private boxing tuition and personal fitness training

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    Default Re: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Your post was hilarious, NV, but I do somewhat agree with you. Stress is typically about condemnation in some way, though I believe it is a combination of society and the self and nothing much to do with God. A healthy society means less stressed out people and a forgiving self means less burden. Surely we can reduce stress and not need God as part of the equation. A materialistic existence seems to be the bane of modern man, but you try to opt out and you end up homeless.....lots and lots of stress for everyone! Down with this sort of thing!
    I think you are about to see exactly what a Godless and consciousness group of humans can and will do to both you and this planet.

    Just open your eyes and look around,China will rule some Islam will rule others, We have been out bred we have already lost. The numbers alone will do the job eventually.
    Then its "welcome to the machine. No love, no compassion (not that we have a monopoly on that) but they have large families for a reason and China has let up the one child policy so eventually they will run the whole show,then it will be do or die.

    God is love. Just humans put a human connotation to it when writing, so the ground level ones of old and some modern ones too had some understanding, some point to recon from.
    Last edited by Andre; 01-22-2015 at 03:07 AM.
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    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

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    Default Re: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

    The world may indeed be rather doomed, but I am going to try and go down with a little less stress and it will be nothing to do with God, but by simply trying to reduce the condemnation. In other words; work less, get plenty of free time, eat healthily, listen to Michael Nyman and practice my yoga. Constructive things in a healthy society.

    All that other stuff is very interesting and you make some good points, but you are seriously expanding upon the basic topic of stress as it relates to most. You can make a better society and reduce stress levels without God ever being a factor. Love is love. If you want to say that is God, then fine for you. I don't need God to know right from wrong or know what is moral and neither does anyone else, but if it helps them then jolly good for them too. I regard that as humanity. My only certainty is this and anything more is unknown and anyone who says otherwise is making it up as they are based on the same limited organic basis as me or anyone else and just don't know. I deal with reality and now and to reduce stress you need a society that doesn't oppress and work that doesn't tax and family that lets you be. No God in that, but if God helps people like Walrus or NV, then all power to them too. In the past I would mock, but not anymore. I am learning tolerance. Maybe that means I will be a deathbed Catholic, but I hope not.

    The rise of Empires is what it is, but the Chinese are no different to what came before or what will come whence. The same with Muslims. You are looking at others as the enemy and fail to see just how evil our own elite can be. They started all this and the people fall for it. For the West to improve it needs to fall or change. China is up to China and so far it hasn't invaded entire countries. Perhaps they will, but until then look closer to home for the enemy. Radical was contained and didn't bother us for a very long time and now suddenly where did that come from? The Western elite love a stressed society, but I reject that kind of life.

    My basic theory is the same: stress = condemned by the self + society. It is fed by media, war, politics, hate, self doubt, work environment, family burdens etc. Reduce stress by eliminating the toxic elements. Go and live in Nepal if you have to, but find that peace somehow. Fearing Muslims or the Chinese is the least of my concerns....I have to drive!

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    Default Re: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

    Im not looking at them like the enemy Miles, Im a realist and I know whats coming. Consumers with no love or respect for anything.

    My government just passed a law that allows China to mine here Own the fucking mine and run under Chinese law with its own Chinese workers. In REAL TERMS Miles this means young women from certain areas in China will be promised overseas work and will be abused and raped for cash when here and will not protected by our laws. Also their workers will undercut our mining future and will be forced to work under conditions we left behind years ago.

    Big difference between allowing that and an enemy.

    By the way, everything else you said was real except you missed a major thing: Love for yourself and for all your fellow man whatever color they are will help you even more.

    Sorry i forgot : Except change because nothing is more certain.
    Last edited by Andre; 01-22-2015 at 06:00 AM.
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    I can explain it.
    But I cant understand it for you.

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    Default Re: The truth about stress. UTLIMATE AND UNDISPUTED

    Granted I don't sit praying in the temple of me which some people think I do, but I want good things for all ordinary people. It is why I want a better system with more opportunities for ordinary people, especially the young who have been robbed of their future. Rarely in any of my politics is there a vested view. I don't gain from wanting any change in this world. I could gain a lot from reduced stress though and that will be a work in progress. Preach to me, Walrus. Preach to me!

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