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    Default Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has been executed by hanging at an unspecified location in Baghdad, for crimes against humanity.

    Iraqi TV said the execution took place just before 0600 local time (0300GMT).

    The news was confirmed to the BBC by the Iraqi Deputy Foreign Minister, Labeed Abawi.

    Two co-defendants, Saddam Hussein's half-brother Barzan al-Tikriti and former Iraqi chief judge Awad Hamed al-Bandar, were also executed.

    All three were sentenced to death by an Iraqi court on 5 November after a year-long trial over the 1982 killings of 148 Shias in the town of Dujail.

    "Criminal Saddam was hanged to death," state-run Iraqiya television announced, as patriotic music and images of national monuments were broadcast.

    A scrolling headline read: "Saddam's execution marks the end of a dark period of Iraq's history."

    Other Arab TV stations aired live footage of the sunrise over Baghdad's Firdous Square, where US Marines pulled down a statue of Saddam Hussein, after he was deposed in April 2003.

    'Turning a page'

    US troops and Iraqi security forces are on high alert for any violent backlash. The US State Department has urged all its embassies to increase security.

    The BBC's Peter Greste in Baghdad says Shias have generally welcomed Saddam Hussein's death and hailed the execution as justice for the suffering endured under his leadership.

    But Saddam's own Sunni tribesman were angered by his treatment and they may well protest once more, our correspondent adds.

    The White House is expected to issue a written statement, although President Bush is not expected to make an address.

    The BBC's Adam Brookes in Washington says the Bush administration will see the act as turning a page in Iraq - a demonstration that Iraq has a sovereign and democratic government.

    However, the administration will be keen to portray the execution as a matter purely for the Iraqi government and its court system, our correspondent says.

    UK Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett welcomed the fact Saddam Hussein had been tried by an Iraqi court "for at least some of the appalling crimes he committed" and said "he has now been held to account".

    France called on Iraqis to "look towards the future and work towards reconciliation and national unity".

    Fucking hyprocrites. Hanged for killing just over a 100 kurds whilst good Christian Bush has the blood of 1 million Iraqi civillians on his hands

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by bilbo

    Fucking hyprocrites. Hanged for killing just over a 100 kurds whilst good Christian Bush has the blood of 1 million Iraqi civillians on his hands
    Do you really think he killed only 100?

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by CutMeMicK
    Quote Originally Posted by bilbo

    F****** hyprocrites. Hanged for killing just over a 100 kurds whilst good Christian Bush has the blood of 1 million Iraqi civillians on his hands
    Do you really think he killed only 100?
    Nah of course not, but I bet in his entire reign he didnt kill as many as Bush and his dad did

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by bilbo
    Quote Originally Posted by CutMeMicK
    Quote Originally Posted by bilbo

    F****** hyprocrites. Hanged for killing just over a 100 kurds whilst good Christian Bush has the blood of 1 million Iraqi civillians on his hands
    Do you really think he killed only 100?
    Nah of course not, but I bet in his entire reign he didnt kill as many as Bush and his dad did
    Well a lot of shit! has happened as time goes by. You see that way, I see it as events will happen both good and bad your gonna have unfortunate events as in anything else that deals with countries at war.

    The way he treated the Iraqi people for many years, since 1979 to be exact was just shit!
    His death won't stop the violence but hopefully it will push things forward towards a better day for the Iraqi people.

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Bush saying "the death of Hussein makes up for the deaths in Iraq" makes him no less of a killer then Hussein.

    And the question everyone seems to be avoiding is... "where the hell is Osama?!?"

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Lol i like france's two cents at the end. "Yeah now that you have freedom (which we were against giving you) be sure to become friends with everyone by never engaging in conflict (like us).

    The only difference between good guys and bad guys is who starts it, who finishes it, or who can look like a better victim. For the people caught in the middle it comes down to who would you rather be killed by.

    As for osama, why don't you ask 1 of the camera men that films him where he is?

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Bush should be taken to a war crime court himself the mothafucker for all the innocent Afghani and Iraqi blood he has on his hands. Neither he nor anyone else had any right to invade either country,it was their business what they were up to and nothing to do with fooking America. And Iraqis have been through shit not just because of Saddam but also because of alllll the sanctions imposed.

    And who armed Saddam with chemical weapons to fight Iran? Have you guys not seen the pic of Saddam shaking hands with Rumsfeld?

    And finding Osama is irrelevany,he's probably dead in the all the bombings,do you think the insurgency will just stop? Wasn't the Iraqi resistance meant to crumble with the capture of Saddam? Alllll that noise,dumbass conferences(we got him etc etc) about nothing....

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    Bush should be taken to a war crime court himself the mothafucker for all the innocent Afghani and Iraqi blood he has on his hands. Neither he nor anyone else had any right to invade either country,it was their business what they were up to and nothing to do with fooking America. And Iraqis have been through S*** not just because of Saddam but also because of alllll the sanctions imposed.

    And who armed Saddam with chemical weapons to fight Iran? Have you guys not seen the pic of Saddam shaking hands with Rumsfeld?

    And finding Osama is irrelevany,he's probably dead in the all the bombings,do you think the insurgency will just stop? Wasn't the Iraqi resistance meant to crumble with the capture of Saddam? Alllll that noise,dumbass conferences(we got him etc etc) about nothing....

    Nicely put, El Gamo

    The war in Iraq was fought reasons that turned out to be entirely non existent. The war was planned rashly and with no real scope for what should happen once the regime had been toppled. Saddam was a cruel murderer but likewise so is Mr Bush. Blood is on both hands.

    I dont believe in the death penalty, and especially not in such a high profile case and after such a shoddy trial!!

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    CC back Miles,I'm glad there are others who see things for how they are. Far too many average Joe's read the Sun or whichever equivalent there is stateside(or in your case Korea!) and think they know everything there is to know..not many people know America armed Saddam with chemical weapons,there have been no weapons of mass destruction found...nothing!

    And on top of millions of other flaws with America's arguments for invading Iraq,have Israel not OPENLy admitted that they have weapons of mass destrcution(Olmert let it slip in a press conference the other day..ass!) and even more so,who else was on the so called axis of evil....North Korea yet I don't see anything being done to punish them!!

    Far too many double standards and far too much of America sticking it's nose where it is not wanted...I'm not saying what was happening in Iraq or Afghanistan was right but it was not America's place to start bombing the place for no reason..I'd like to see stats of how many Bush's bombings have killed,everyone knows officials stats are always altered to suit the puropse of whomever is using them...

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    I won't get into defending or dissing Bush...but he's a gotdam moron.

    That's all I got to say about that.

    Now...anyone that defends Hussein or doesn't think he should have been need your heads checked.
    Never beg a 40 dollar hooker...specially after she's just turned down your mom's credit card!!

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    CC back Miles,I'm glad there are others who see things for how they are. Far too many average Joe's read the Sun or whichever equivalent there is stateside(or in your case Korea!) and think they know everything there is to know..not many people know America armed Saddam with chemical weapons,there have been no weapons of mass destruction found...nothing!

    And on top of millions of other flaws with America's arguments for invading Iraq,have Israel not OPENLy admitted that they have weapons of mass destrcution(Olmert let it slip in a press conference the other day..a**!) and even more so,who else was on the so called axis of evil....North Korea yet I don't see anything being done to punish them!!

    Far too many double standards and far too much of America sticking it's nose where it is not wanted...I'm not saying what was happening in Iraq or Afghanistan was right but it was not America's place to start bombing the place for no reason..I'd like to see stats of how many Bush's bombings have killed,everyone knows officials stats are always altered to suit the puropse of whomever is using them...
    Spot on, mate. U.S. foreign policy reeks of contradiction, hypocrisy and downright dishonesty. It is strange how so few people talk about the original reasons for going to war, and all this time later the military death toll is creeping towards the 3000 mark! There wasnt even a UN passed resolution to go to war! It was done unilaterally and of course Blair had to jump on board for the ride!

    I think the only reason America has not done so much to tackle North Korea, is the highly unstable nature of the regime. North Korea could obliterate Seoul within minutes of a declaration of war. They could also target Japan and China. Though very poor, North Korea has a huge peoples army and compared to Iraq is far superior. Economically it would be a huge task to fund a region with a broken down North Korea. The US would have to foot that bill. America is not invading North Korea any time soon! Trust me!

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    You are correct,North Korea has like an army of 1.5million....still though,America wants to impose it's own brand of democracy on the world etc so why not go ahead and try? And Iraq was supposed to be able to launch weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes was it not?! Blair is a cocksucker too..

    Again,try,the UN did not even sanction the war but then again,I ask you,who is the UN's biggest financier?? Have a guess....

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    You are correct,North Korea has like an army of 1.5million....still though,America wants to impose it's own brand of democracy on the world etc so why not go ahead and try? And Iraq was supposed to be able to launch weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes was it not?! Blair is a cocksucker too..

    Again,try,the UN did not even sanction the war but then again,I ask you,who is the UN's biggest financier?? Have a guess....

    Its not David Icke is it?

    As for the US trying to impose its own brand of democracy, well, Bush's time is nearly up and with the situation in Iraq failing to show development I highly doubt another regime change is on the cards. Too costly. Way too costly, in terms of cash and returning body bags. The returning body bags are so few in comparison with the number of Iraqi dead though. Unbelievable blood shed. An utter travesty!!!

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    A travesty but I don't see how a cnahge of regime will do anything to be honest,I cannot really think of any USA PM (not in a while anyway_ who has not attempted to impose his countries will on another country,regardless of where it is. And Bush is a weirdo with all his skull and Bones background etc. I don't know if you're interested in this type of thing Miles but you seem like an intelligent old man,so I suggest reading up some of Alex Jones ideas/theories. He really exposes the US governement and although one may not agree with ALL of his ideas,alot of his theories certainly make sense!

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    Default Re: Saddam Hussein executed in Iraq

    Quote Originally Posted by El Gamo
    A travesty but I don't see how a cnahge of regime will do anything to be honest,I cannot really think of any USA PM (not in a while anyway_ who has not attempted to impose his countries will on another country,regardless of where it is. And Bush is a weirdo with all his skull and Bones background etc. I don't know if you're interested in this type of thing Miles but you seem like an intelligent old man,so I suggest reading up some of Alex Jones ideas/theories. He really exposes the US governement and although one may not agree with ALL of his ideas,alot of his theories certainly make sense!
    The best thing to hope for would be to get the Republicans out of office ASAP!! Cronies like Cheney and Rumsfeld have been around for far too long. Get them out of office and let them die off quietly!! Ive not heard of Alex Jones...Is there much on this guy on the internet? That would be my first stop off point. Im ready to listen to any sensible theory, but its a theory that can be supported with decent evidence that interests me more. I will have a search or two...

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