
Spent the day in the field - got back late, smelling bad - decided to shower and go to bed rather than train. Slack I know!


Woke up all ambitious ready to make up for Friday and also wanted to visit my sister so decided to get there on foot.

Walked about 30 mins to the nearest pharmacy to buy a knee brace and an eye patch.
I keep my other knee brace at the gym and I didn't want to run without one for a while.

Still doing the eye patch thing. I'm wondering if I overstrain my left knee because I think I'm standing up straight but I'm actually a bit to one side? My driving instructor always says I think the middle of the road is further right than he does - just slightly - although it's lucky the poor guy has brakes on his side of the car too

Seems you can choose between the soft and hard eye patches. I've got a soft eye patch at the boxing gym but I thought I'd try a hard eye patch for this run to see if it doesn't get as sweaty and is still comfortable. I've decided I like the soft eye patches better. (that was dodge - just had to change the words one and ones to eye patch and eye patches so it didn't sound porno!)

After reaching the pharmacy and putting on my new eye patch and knee brace I ran the next hour or so to my sisters house. The pace was slow and my knee didn't all together like what I was doing to it but have only felt muscle soreness since which I think is a good sign. Usually if I do something that genuinely irritates the knee it hurts afterwards.


Meant to run home but spent the day with family instead. Had muscle soreness. Yes very bad - two days off in one week. Plan to make the coming week better though. I can understand why the osteopath told me to rest but unless I get a new injury I don't think I'll take an extended period off again. I'll alter how I train to avoid particular activities but stopping completely for a week makes it too difficult for me to start again. Yes that was a poor excuse and I'm slack


Morning walked flatmates dog for 30 mins. She's away and I'm babysitting. She doesn't walk him much so I'm not obligated to but I'm hoping a bit of a walk makes up for the fact I'm not home as much to spend time with him like she would. I also aim to get into the habit of using that time for some sort of exercise before breakfast.

Lunch - went for a 30 min jog on grass. A more comfortable surface than the footpaths on the way to my sister's house - can definitely feel the difference! The aim was just to jog easy to get a bit of the lactic acid out of my legs. I think it helped.

Boxing - From about 6:15 to 8:10pm

Stretch - took about 30 or 40 minutes. I can feel how much I need to stretch after Saturday's run. Hamstrings seem to really need it.

Wore eye patch for technical work and since the stop watch was being used I had to go by the gym bell which is 2 min rounds with a 1 min break.

6 rounds shadow
6 rounds bag

I think I'm overthinking again. i need to nominate training days when i don't think and I just go for it. I need days when i really work at a high intensity. At the moment I'm getting bogged down with technique and trying to work out if things 'feel right'.

resistance training

Abs - normal crunches X 30 reps, oblique crunches X 30 reps, plank hold 1 minute
Back - mat back dumbell exercises both sides X 15 reps, back extensions on stand thingy X 15, chin ups whole body weight X 8

Did the above as a circuit - 3 sets.

Balanced on medicine balls moving across the ring twice and then did 15 squats (off balls) X 3

My balance is crap with stiff legs. I also noticed that with the oblique crunches (one leg straight, slightly off the floor and other bent at a right angle) I tend to want to angle my foot (of the bent leg) in as I get tired. Definitely a few form and flexibility issues I need to correct there.

15 squats seems piddly and it is but i am an infamous squats sissy. Give me hill sprints any day over squats. I'm not sure why I hate them so much but I know that when i was running a lot I couldn't bend my legs easily at all. I think I let them stiffen up too much. Now I want to aim to include some squats to maintain my full range of movement.

Cycled to the pool.
Easy 30 mins swim. I've worked out when I get dizzy. it's when i swap from freestyle to backstroke. i guess spinning in circles makes you dizzy whether your body is horizontal or vertical. I feel silly for not realizing that before