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Thread: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

  1. #1
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!
    Illegal immigrant deported after leaving church
    Activist and national symbol for illegal immigrant parents leaves son behind
    Jacqueline Jackson, wife of the Rev. Jesse Jackson, right, speaks with Elvira Arellano, an illegal immigrant who had taken up sanctuary in Chicago for the past year. Arellano was arrested and deported to Mexico over the weekend.

    Updated: 11:54 a.m. ET Aug 20, 2007
    LOS ANGELES - An illegal immigrant who took refuge in a Chicago church for a year to avoid being separated from her U.S.-born son has been deported to Mexico, the church’s pastor said.

    Elvira Arellano became an activist and a national symbol for illegal immigrant parents as she defied her deportation order and spoke out from her religious sanctuary. She held a news conference last week to announce that she would finally leave the church to try to lobby U.S. lawmakers for change.

    She had just spoken at a Los Angeles rally when she was arrested Sunday outside Our Lady Queen of Angels church and deported, said the Rev. Walter Coleman, pastor of Adalberto United Methodist Church in Chicago, where Arellano had been living.

    “She is free and in Tijuana,” said Coleman, who said he spoke to her on the phone. “She is in good spirits. She is ready to continue the struggle against the separation of families from the other side of the border.”

    Her 8-year-old son, Saul, is now living with Coleman’s family. During a news conference in Los Angeles after Arellano’s arrest, the boy hid behind the pastor’s wife and wiped away tears.

    Arellano had said on Saturday that she was not afraid of being taken into custody by immigration agents.

    “From the time I took sanctuary, the possibility has existed that they arrest me in the place and time they want,” she said in Spanish. “I only have two choices. I either go to my country, Mexico, or stay and keep fighting. I decided to stay and fight.”

    Second deportation
    Arellano, 32, arrived in Washington state illegally in 1997. She was deported to Mexico shortly afterward, but returned and moved to Illinois in 2000, taking a job cleaning planes at O’Hare International Airport.

    She was arrested in 2002 at O’Hare and convicted of working under a false Social Security number. She was to surrender to authorities last August but instead sought refuge at the church on Aug. 15, 2006.

    She had not left the church property until she decided to travel by car to Los Angeles, Coleman said.

    U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed her arrest and said she was deported Sunday night through San Diego’s San Ysidro border crossing. The discussions there included Luis Cabrera, Mexico’s general consul in San Diego, and Robin Baker, ICE’s director of detention and removals in San Diego, ICE spokeswoman Lauren Mack said.

    “Obviously this was a woman who didn’t want to go. They wanted to make sure any possible legal avenue that may have been open to her was closed,” Mack said. “This was a very, very sensitive removal for us as well as Mexico.”

    Outside an ICE office in Chicago on Monday, about 50 people protested Arellano’s deportation. “It wakes us up to do something,” said Bertha Rangel, who brought her three young children to the rally.

    Arellano is staying with a friend in Tijuana, Coleman said. He said she had brought to light her struggle, and for that, “she has won a victory.”

    Vows to fight from Mexico
    “She’ll be organizing on the Mexican side of the border while we’re organizing in the (United) States,” Coleman said Monday. “She’ll be talking to organizations throughout Mexico and congressmen in Mexico City.”

    Coleman said he and other activists will continue Arellano’s original plan to go to Washington, D.C., and take part in a prayer meeting and rally for immigration reform at the Capitol on Sept. 12.

    Immigration activists promised protests and vigils to support Arellano.

    “We are sad, but at the same time we are angry,” said Javier Rodriguez, a Chicago immigration activist who worked with Arellano. “How dare they arrest this woman?”

    Anti-illegal immigrant groups said the arrest was long overdue.

    “Just because the woman has gone public and made an issue of the fact that she is defying law doesn’t mean the government doesn’t have to do its job,” said Ira Mehlman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, which favors limits on immigration.

    Arellano has repeatedly called for a stop to immigration raids that break up families with some members who are in the U.S. legally and others illegally. She has said her son would be deprived of his rights as a U.S. citizen if he had to go to Mexico simply because she did.

    While being arrested, Arellano spoke briefly with her son before submitting to authorities, said Emma Lozano, Coleman’s wife and head of immigration rights group Centro Sin Fronteras in Chicago.

    “She calmed him down, hugged him and gave him a blessing,” Lozano said

    Jesse Jackson can kiss my ass and I hope this woman learns her fucking lesson, DON'T COME HERE ILLEGALLY!!!!!

    It's sad that she's split up from her kid BUT at the same time she knew the rules, she had been deported before....yet she did it again! If you like it so much here all you have to do is follow the rules.

    It's about time some illegals get shipped back to their countries.

    And if you read carefully you might see she doesn't even fucking speak English

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    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    can u teach us how to do that ??

  3. #3
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    Quote Originally Posted by katfight
    can u teach us how to do that ??
    We're still learning ourselves....hence the enormous attention I am giving to it.

    I'm just surprised MSNBC and Rueters called her an ILLEGAL immigrant because it made us sound horrible for the longest time.....they just said we deported IMMIGRANTS and we're anti-immigration.

    I'm PRO immigration but anti-ILLEGAL immigration....there is a huge difference

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    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    i feel like that i dont give a shit who lives here as long as its legally

    well i cant really my kids are mixed race

  5. #5
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    Quote Originally Posted by katfight
    i feel like that i dont give a shit who lives here as long as its legally

    well i cant really my kids are mixed race

    EXACTLY, I mean what should I expect from someone who's first act in this country is against the law

    It's a matter of trust and respect for the nation you're moving to it goes along with having a job and learning the language of the country you are moving to as well.

    Youhave to assimilate to some degree....I don't care if at home you speak Spanish or Chinese or whatever in your home but when you're out in public try your best to speak english and people will appreciate the effort.

    If illegals made half as much of an effort to assimilate as they did sneaking into the country then people like myself may not have such a bad view of them.


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    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    lol but i gotta say wen it comes to uk
    if i was from a diff far away country id do everything i cud tocome here

    id live on a boat for6mths if i had too

    free electric /gas house food medicalcare schooling
    it like winning the lottery !

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    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    I must admit I kind of feel sorry for these people. I know it's a drain on our economy and that we need to be stopping it but at the end of the day most of these people come from piss poor shitty backwards countries and they just want the chance of a better life for themselves and their familes.

    I try and think what I would do if I was to have been born in Albania or Iraq for example. Personally I think I'd be wanting to get to a land of milk and honey at all costs.

    It's a sad situation all around I think.

    What would be best is if we could operate an exchange programme, say swap our Ian Huntley's and Myra Hindleys for poor destitute people from other countries.

    As most third world countries have the death penalty it wouldn't be a problem. They would pay no upkeep for our worst criminal scum, and in fact could make some money by selling tickets for the public stonings.

    Plus our countries would win as well as it's surely cheaper to give benefits to an Afghan or a Estonian than it is to keep Huntley in a isolated protected cell.

    Whose with me?

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    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    i second that shit bilbo and
    if kids cud vote i'd giv u there 5 too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!

    but we aint talkin bout legal immigrants

    real refugees

    but the ILLEGALS who come in anyway

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    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    This is not immigration it's an invasion.Americans are tired of being put upon.Send his little ass with her.
    WHO NEXT ?Hidden Content

  10. #10
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    Quote Originally Posted by USA LOVES THE KLITSCHKOS
    This is not immigration it's an invasion.Americans are tired of being put upon.Send his little ass with her.
    When you consider groups like La Raza and the ACLU and all the immigration lawyers and protesters it's pretty much an invasion.

    What I can't stand is they love being here and want to stay but wave Mexican flags at protests! That's not making me like them any better.

    And Mexico isn't a 3rd world country, it's got it's poor parts but it has it's very good parts too

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    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    Congratulations to our government for making the first step up everest.

    You do realize tho that MTV has now banned the word suicide from tv because the word has been "linked" to children killing themselves (maybe if their mom didn't raise them to be such a pussy, this wouldn't happen). And Imus's new job isn't without strings attached. FakeRev. Hipocrite gave him 5 rules for working HIS old job. There's so many domestic problems that we'll never fix them unless people quit being stupid about things.

  12. #12
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    Imus will come back soon enough and he'll be just as crazy as he was before.

    All Al Sharpton and all the 'I am shocked and appalled" crowd did by getting rid of Imus was make me a Rush Limbaugh listener.

    It's amazing when kids have 'Bong Hits For Jesus' signs it's FREE SPEECH but when someone calls someone a 'nappy headed ho' it's racist and sexist and offensive.

    Liberalism is a mental disorder, it's very true, their way of thinking is insane. They act like they are all about helping minorities and poor people but when was the last time they actually did something for them? John Edwards is preaching at people about poverty while he's having THOUSAND DOLLAR HAIRCUTS!!!!! And people take him seriously?

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    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    cc Lyle
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    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    i wouldnt complain if someone said it to me but i wud beat thier fucking head in

    with a hoe (just to prove a point) h

  15. #15
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Red Letter Date for America: We deported an Illegal Immigrant!

    Quote Originally Posted by katfight
    i wouldnt complain if someone said it to me but i wud beat thier fucking head in

    with a hoe (just to prove a point) h
    Understood Kat, but at some point you have to not care about what some people say and think....if you care about what EVERYONE all over the world says and thinks then you're just never going to accomplish anything.

    Which is why teachers always tell you "Don't worry about what _____ is doing, worry about what you are doing"

    Kat, a word shouldn't rule your life is all I am getting at.

    The same people that say "IMPEACH BUSH" or show someone in a movie assasinating President Bush as a means of free speech are just shocked that someone could still use a racial slur today or even call a woman a ho.....oh my gosh, how dare they.

    In the end it's just a word and what's that old saying "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me"......this world is full of Politically Correct WHIMPS who want to ruin everyone's freedoms and create 1984 new speech like "the n-word" or "the h-word"

    Sadly enough whenever I see Harry Potter and they don't say Voldemort I think of the word "n*****" because no one dares speak it for fear of what will happen.....well perhaps we should move beyond our past and take the power out of that word.....but maybe that's just me.

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