Re: Greatest Japanese Boxers?

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The greatest Japanese boxer was Yoko Gushiken, a native of Okinawa - the land of karate (remember Mr. Miyagi of the Karate Kid). He became a Jr. Flyweight champ at around 20 and retained his title 13 consequitive times, which was, I think, an Asian record at that time, somewhere in the early 80's - a record which was broken later by Khaosay Galaxy (?) of Thailand. Unfortunately, on his 14th (or was it the 13th?) defense, the previously undefeated champ lost his title and never came to terms with that defeat, retiring for good at around 24 years of age, an age which most boxers haven't even reached their peak. What a waste of talent, just one defeat and he's totally devastated, ruining his career for good.

I'm happy to learn that Mr. Gushiken was awarded the HOF just recently and that Mr. Ted Sares (below) had been lobbying for him. He was our 'hometown' hero then. When I left Okinawa, he was just a journeyman. He became a champion few years after I started living here in the Philippines and I really wanted to see his fight but unfortunately his fights were not shown here so I was really frustrated then. I can watch them now but kinda too late I guess - the enthusiasm has all but gone.

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End of discussion
Here is one of his more popular fights. You can see how good he was.
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