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Thread: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

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    Default My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    Actually decided to get back into really good shape myself! Looks like I am not alone.

    Supplements involved:
    -100% Natural Whey protein Gold standard
    -Also soon to be another NO2 supplement, maybe creatine

    This is average log for the past month, then I hopefully will keep it up to date. I am not training to fight, just to feel better and look better physically.

    Diet: Has always been healthy. Pretty much everything is organic. Here's typical diet past month:

    2 eggs w/ yolks.
    orange juice.
    Two pieces of whole grain toast.
    I eat this give or take every morning. I try to get some good carbs and some protein to start the day.

    -Salad w/ carrots and usually celery (natural testosterone booster!) Dressing: Olive oil and balsamic vinegrette.
    -Some kind of lean protein and a source of carbs

    Kashi whole grain bar, protein drink

    Similar to lunch. Always have a vegetable and a carb/protein mix.

    Have a protein shake near bed time.

    Exercise: This is again typical of past month.

    Sunday: Off

    Monday: Boxing. Jump rope, shadow box, speed/heavy bag, 3-4 rounds sparring (I am lazy as fuck!) and abs.

    Tuesday or Wednesday: Back and biceps day. Pull-ups, Pull-downs, rows, bicep curls. 4 sets of each until exhaustion. Also do lower back and core exercises.

    Thursday. Boxing, same as Monday

    Friday or Saturday: Chest and triceps. Push-ups, bench press, pec flys (standing and bench), tricep extensions. Abs.

    As you can see I do no particular cardio, though always work up a huge sweat on boxing nights. I also haven't been lifting for my legs or my shoulders, which I should but can't fit it in. My shoulders and legs each get moderate exercise on boxing nights.

    Anyways, i also binge drink about once-twice a week and have been for a couple years. This is very unhealthy as I drink a lot of beer and stay out very late into the night. If I can cut this down or stop completely I'm sure I would notice much greater muscle gains and fat loss. I also smoke cigarettes, but have been working on quiting for the past month an a half. Though it has been up and down, it is steadily decreasing.
    Last edited by Cortez The Killer; 02-09-2008 at 06:19 AM.

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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    Week 1 (start)
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  3. #3
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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    Week one was sometime in mid december when I decided to get serious about getting into good shape. This one, which I will estimate is about week 7 was taken today. Already noticed good gains in definition and some bulk appearing.
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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    Blurred out myself because I do not want strangers being able to recognize me as someone who takes my own picture in mirror. I decided to do this to give myself incentive to keep in shape even when life gets hectic and stressful. I am not going out and guzzling alcohol and chain smoking this weekend, hopefully it will be the start of the end of that unhealthy behavior (it has got to end eventually anyways..). I have found that keeping in the gym also makes me want to take better care of myself, but it is easy to lose steam and regress.
    I feel as if I have made substantial progress in just under two months. Hard work and discipline is starting to pay off. I will post a picture up date in a few weeks or another month, unless I fall off the wagon, again!

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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    btw, 6 ft. and 184 lbs. Weight has remained about the same since I've begun. Probably a few lbs less fat and a few lbs more muscle.

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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    Busted the hand yesterday

    Had to get 6 stitches on the left index finger as a result.. Looks like I will be out of commission sparring and weight training for about 10 days..was really in the zone with exercise, diet and living a clean/disciplined lifestyle. Using this time to stock up on food, vitamins, salads and rest/recovery period, which figure I could use after 2 months straight of about 8-10 hours a week workouts

    Finger injury wasn't training related. I was making a sandwich after sparring last night and almost cut my finger off

    Also, before the finger thing I added a shoulders on Sunday (about an hour workout of different presses, raises, shrugs etc.) plus all of my boxing exercises minus the sparring, so my schedule was:

    Sunday: Shoulders + boxing exercise w.o. sparring (about 2 hours)
    Monday: Boxing exercises+ abs+sparring (1:30 hours)
    Tuesday: Off
    Wednesday: Back+Biceps+lower back/core exercises (1:30 hours)
    Thursday: Boxing exercises + sparring (1:30 hours)
    Friday: Chest+triceps (1 hour)
    Saturday: Off

    Always followed up these with a banana for carbs/sugar plus 25-35 grams of whey protein within about 15 minutes after exercise is over. This was a pretty intense schedule and I often wasn't feeling "up" for sparring, but did anyways. So cutting my finger will at least give my body time to fully repair.
    Last edited by Cortez The Killer; 02-16-2008 at 08:05 AM. Reason: added schedule

  7. #7
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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    Whey protein and NO2 are good supplements man. I took Whey and Trenabol, which is kinda cheating.
    I can see the definition change in your lower abs and chest and arms. You could bulk up a bit more though. We all could though. lol.

    I too have been body building. I started like 1 month and a half ago. Here's my myspace bro, add me and go to my pics to see my progress.
    My wall paper is me currently at 168 lbs, also 6 foot. -

    I started out at bout 155.
    Next week will be da end of my cycle, and I should be up to 170, or 172 tops.
    "You knocked him how bout you try knockin me down ?"

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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hulk View Post
    Whey protein and NO2 are good supplements man. I took Whey and Trenabol, which is kinda cheating.
    I can see the definition change in your lower abs and chest and arms. You could bulk up a bit more though. We all could though. lol.

    I too have been body building. I started like 1 month and a half ago. Here's my myspace bro, add me and go to my pics to see my progress.
    My wall paper is me currently at 168 lbs, also 6 foot. -

    I started out at bout 155.
    Next week will be da end of my cycle, and I should be up to 170, or 172 tops.
    Thanks for the positive words!

    We have similar physiques, naturally lean build. Quick to get definition, gaining bulk maybe being a bit more difficult...but sounds like you got a little help

    I could bulk up a bit, but dont want to do it and sacrifice athleticism or definition as a result. My goal is to get to 200 lbs and still remain fairly lean and defined. This should happen within a couple months, as I weighed 186 today and am still concentrating on sparring and boxing, cardio activity as much as weight lifting. Some might say this is counter-intuitive, but it suites me fine.

    I have a long time weight-lifting friend who is very muscle bound. Never seen a goofier sight then when he tries to play basketball. I dont want to end up like that

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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    Thanks, yeah my shoulders and chest and arms and shit tend to get ripped fairly quickly. My abs not so much though. You got that lil lower ab, hip thing like RJJ goin on a bit. Not to be gay or nothin but it looks good.

    And yeah, too much bulk is not good for boxing. Also 200lbs is fucking huge! Are you going to box at that weight class amatuer ? They hit HARD at that weight man.
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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    Quote Originally Posted by Hulk View Post
    Thanks, yeah my shoulders and chest and arms and shit tend to get ripped fairly quickly. My abs not so much though. You got that lil lower ab, hip thing like RJJ goin on a bit. Not to be gay or nothin but it looks good.

    And yeah, too much bulk is not good for boxing. Also 200lbs is fucking huge! Are you going to box at that weight class amatuer ? They hit HARD at that weight man.
    I have actually been gaining weight like crazy lately, which is good. I think I will probably hit 200 lbs in about 30 days at this rate (as long as I can keep finding enough around to eat!). Once I get there I will probably maintain for a couple weeks, then go back to more normal eating habits, up the cardio, and drop down to a comfortable 190, albeit a more muscular one.

    No way I'm letting up and coming 200 lb amatuers get at me, unless I ma playing 90% defense! .. hurts me enough getting hit by a 160-185 lber, nearly broke my nose a couple weeks back. If I was going to take it very serious I'd be going down to 160, not up to 200. I have no amateur ambitions anymore, just sparring for the enjoyment and competition of it

    And the muscle thing is purely superficial jk..I find it enjoyable, can relate !
    Last edited by Cortez The Killer; 02-23-2008 at 04:41 AM.

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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    Right now I am doing what is feeling natural, which has been to eat, eat, eat. It is winter time and it is cold. My appetite has easily doubled from what it was a few months back. I've decided that whole foods are better than any supplement because I feel like I see noticeable gains daily at this point. Certain guidelines are followed:

    No processed foods
    No artificial sweetners
    Make sure to get enough fruits and vegetables

    Aside from that, pretty much anything goes. Example is today:

    -3 packets organic oatmeal with frozen blueberries and raspberries mixed in.
    -2 lightly cooked eags w/ yolks
    -1 Glass grape juice
    -multivitamin, 2 fish oils, two green/white tea pills

    -This "trio" bar thing which is a mix of "3 kinds of nuts, 3 kinds of seeds, and 3 kinds of dried fruit"

    -1 and a half chicken breasts
    -whole grain bar
    -multivitamin, 2 fish oils

    Banana and 25 grams whey protein mixed with grape juice (post-exercise)

    Lentil soup

    -Organic pizza with artichokes
    -Garlic bread with olive oil
    -Chicken breast
    -two fish oil

    Trio nut bar and dark chocolate for dessert.

    T'was a good food day today

    Past week workouts:

    Saturday: 3-4 mile run + shadow boxing/jump rope
    Monday: Chest, triceps, abs. Murdered my chest, didn't recover for days!
    Wednesday: Back and biceps +lower back/core.
    Did some pull-ups to warm up and was glad to see I did 15 and probably could have done a couple more. Full extension, very good form, and no cheating.
    Thursday: Boxing. Was shit tonight, feeling lazy and lethargic. Hurt my finger again which had stitches in it because I decided to spar anyways. I knew this was not a good idea beforehand, but did it anyways and suffered the consequences.
    Friday (today): Shoulders. Lots of military press, assorted flys/extensions, shrugs
    Tomorrow: Chest/triceps/abs again. I have been eating so much lately I have a lot of energy. Body is starting to feel like a machine, the food is fuel and must serve it's purpose !

    At the rate I'm going I am adding bulk very fast. Adding muscle and a bit of fat , I feel very good, lots of energy.

    I have cut out on many of my past ways, which trips to bars were plentiful and over-indulgence in various things was a common theme. All I do now a days is study, eat, and go to the gym. The gym is actually the highlight of my day now, I was telling a friend today how boring I've become. But this is a good kind of boring, one where I feel content and grounded. I feel less "wants" if that makes sense.

    Sleep and sustenance have never served their purpose so well as they do lately.

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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    bulking up!
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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    hey mate how is the nitrix working out for you? I am just about to start using it and wanted to know if you can notice a difference?

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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    Quote Originally Posted by Salty View Post
    hey mate how is the nitrix working out for you? I am just about to start using it and wanted to know if you can notice a difference?
    Sent you a pm, Salty. I thought it worked well, though it is not something i will use regularly. Taking it 2 hours before a meal and waiting 45 minutes after was difficult, especially if you are trying to gain muscle. I will probably take again come April, but am in no hurry to. It does increase vascularity and is effective, I had good results with it.

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    Default Re: My get ripped and shredded log (w/pics)

    started weights in January. Previously had only done boxing + some push-ups, pull-ups and sit-ups.

    I have gained like crazy. The only supplement I used other then whey protein and vitamins, was one bottle of nitrix.

    Some friends have expressed much jealousy at this quick gaining ability:

    Here is a side by side comparison of two months:
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    Last edited by Cortez The Killer; 02-26-2008 at 05:54 AM.

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