Don't know what made me think of this thread.. Maybe because I was talking to an old school friend a few days ago and we were remembering the old days..

And every group of friends or every class had that kid who just WAS NOT there to learn.. He was there to make everyone laugh, and get as much attention as possible.. In fact, they were attention whores.. They couldn't stand not being the centre of attention.. The class clown..

We had a couple.. One was this kid Nathan.. If their was silence, it would soon be filled by one of his signature extra loud farts.. Made to order for just such a silence.. He would borrow someone's glue stick, then put big blobs of it on the end of his pencils one by one, and throw them up at the roof to make them stick... He would take the wire out of the spring pens, put the ends in the power socket, then flick it on and blow the power out in the classrooms.. One classroom had a fan, and when the teacher had to leave the room for something, he was throwing parts of his lunch into it.. He had a bunch of cherries and by the time the teacher got back, their were bits of sandwich and 40 of the cherry stains all over the roof and walls..
He finally got expelled for pulling a lady teacher's pants and knickers fully down in front of an entire class after someone "dared" him to, and gave him a little build up attention to get him in pumped up enough

I am absolutely positive this kid had a HUGE case of A.D.D. or A.D.H.D. if that's what it's called now.. But he was freakin hilarious...

I have a feeling 3 or 4 guys on this forum WERE that kid...