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Thread: Salty's log

  1. #1
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    Default Salty's log

    Alright guys gave up on the blog, this is way easier and I can do one every day. Anyways I'll give you an update of my situation, been out of action for a while due to niggling hamstring injury, just did my first complete tabata for long time which didn't involve me grabbing for my hamstring at some point, so I'm guessing it is all good. In this time I stacked on the weights focusing on upper body (mainly shoulders and upper back) and put on a few kilo's although have lost a bit of fat that I put on so right now I am at 74Kg's and never been this big. Basically when I come back from snowboarding I want to dominate the speed and improve my balance. I'll list what I find to be my current weaknesses based on bagwork today...

    Things to improve upon...
    • Handspeed
    • Footwork (speed of movement)
    • Slipping/ bob and weaving
    • Balance
    • Improve lower back strength and overall core
    • Be able to walk on hands
    • Flexibility (comes with improved slipping)
    Ok now I'm trying to design a plan to work on all of these so here are excerises I have found in the past to improve each section.

    • Elastic rope to drag the hands out quicker
    • Shaddow Boxing with small weights alternating with no weights
    • Clap Pushups
    • Medicine ball throws
    • Skipping
    • Shadow Boxing
    • Cross drills (forward back left right then reverse)
    • Stretching Routine every day
    • Practising in front of mirror every day
    • Slip Bag
    • Incorporating it into heavy bag work
    • String and weeve underwards
    • Elastic around the ancles when shadowboxing
    • Probably improve when i'm snowboarding
    • Purchase a wobble board (or make one)
    • Purchase a fitball
    Lower Back
    • Plank with variations
    • Superman
    • Deadlift
    • Slipping drills should improve this too
    If anyone has some ideas on ways to improve these few things, especially flexibility and balance that would be sweet. As right now I'm pretty lost on what stretches to do and different stretching techniques but also how to improve my boxing balance.

    Oh and if anyone has any ways to improve the strength in my hamstrings i would greatly appreciate it, as I don't want to injure them again.
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    Default Re: Salty's log

    Heres a few articles on stretching: - Stretching And Flexibility Articles!

    The Bruce Lee book, The Art of Expressing The Human Body, has a good section on stretching, but i cant seem to find a pdf version. You could also look into doing a few yoga positions. They could help with balance and flexibility.

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    Default Re: Salty's log

    Ok just got my copy of Infinite Intensity today by Ross Enamit and it is packed full of information and training tips. Really looking forward to doing the 50 day guide set out for me, but will have to buy some free weights first so might do that tomorrow morning or this afternoon if I can. But hell can't wait to get into this and get myself conditioned like never before (again :P), but this time without the injuries I hope. Anyways I'll let you all know how I go with it and the improvements I make thanks to this book.
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    Default Re: Salty's log

    Ok here's my routine, the gym is stopped being opened on friday's so I'm going monday, wednesday's and thursday's now.

    Monday: Interval Training & Gym

    Tuesday: Strength Workout/ Warrior Challenge & Finisher

    Wednesday: GPP session & Gym

    Thursday: Interval Training & Gym

    Friday: Tabata & Finisher

    Saturday: Strength Workout/ Warrior Challenge & Finisher

    Sunday: Rest
    • Each week swap each conditioning and Boxing set to a different one to avoid adaptation.
    • Core workouts are done Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays (do them at gym as well)
    • Stay active on rest day, but don’t do too much, need body to recover.
    • All rest should be active rest (walking/jogging)
    • Every 4th week settle down on the strength workout
    • Exercise on gym days are done in the morning before uni.
    Don't really want to post the actual workouts I'm doing on here as they are from the book. Although I'll say they are much different to the strength exercises I am used to doing. A lot less it seems, but really intense so I'm liking it a lot so far. Did a bit of sparring last night, first time in a while. I have to clean up my diet, I got lazy and started eating shit like cookies which pushed my weight up a bit. However I can see it coming off already. Another thing is that I have dropped long road work completely from my routine, instead doing intervals and the warrior challenges/GPP sessions provide more than enough conditioning activities for my body.
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    Default Re: Salty's log

    Sparring went well today, but everything is still going fast in there. Kind of annoying, need to get the rust out big time. One of the blokes has a fight this friday so we were sparring him, we both got each other with good left hooks to the body, but need to make sure I keep that elbow digged in. I don't want to have to take a knee in sparring.

    Also I have noticed myself closing my eyes, this pisses me off as I never used too. Have been close to eating a few rights and hooks because of it. But glad to get back in there, fitness is picking up dramatically. I feel fresh, strong and quick and punches seem to have a bit of power behind them. Now just need to get the skill back, which I guess only sparring and shadow boxing will do for me. Anyways I have a long time till I fight (next year) so don't have to lose weight any time soon and instead focus on getting better. I love starting a new program, gives you something to aim for
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    Default Re: Salty's log

    This week sparring was so much better, was seeing punches coming and parrying/slipping and countering. So i'm glad it's coming back to me, fitness is coming along nicely as well. Following the plan I set out for myself, but sometimes drop the stuff in the mornings of training days as we do an hour's circuit at the gym anyways. Don't want to do too much too soon, but the strength work seems to be working nicely as well as the conditioning. Going to do some intervals today instead of Tabata's as I did them yesterday as I didn't have much time. Going to time myself on the first 400m interval to see how I compare to when I did little athletics. I think my best time when I was 14 was around 1.02 mins, so should hopefully beat that comfortably when I go to the track
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    Default Re: Salty's log

    Did a nice quick session last night, about half an hour on a core circuit and then sweet 16 (tabatas punching with 3lb weights, squats, punching with 3lb weights and pushups) and then a tabata sprint to finish off. This morning, woke up and did a nice long jog (7km I think) as it was really nice and sunny, couldn't pass up on that. Tonight i'll time myself doing 100 burpees, my last time was 7.52, so i'll see if I can beat that, although it will be after a strength workout, so we shall see
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    Default Re: Salty's log

    Yesterday got attacked by a bunch of seagulls, would have been a funny site for people to see but it was raining a bit so no one was out. I was down on the beach sand, enjoying my tabata's as you do and at the 3 min mark, 2 seagulls swooped me one after the other. They then proceeded to squark above my head, I shat myself and sprinted the 200m or so to the stairs so I could get away from the bastards. I was buggered after that, so wasn't too bad in the end. Although next time I think i'll do it somewhere else.

    Today did an ab circuit, GPP workout and a nice jog in the morning, anyways give this workout a try...

    Do 10 circuits as quickly as possible:
    100 Rope jumps
    10 Burpees
    10 Pushups
    10 Squats

    You get pretty exhausted by the end of it, but this is one of my favourite conditioning circuits from infinite intensity as when you get better you just do harder variations, instantly making it more difficult. Anyways that's about it for now.
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    Default Re: Salty's log

    Alright it has been quite a long time since my last update, so here's a basic rundown of what has been happening in the world of Salty.

    Finished exams finally, I'm hoping they went alright, one of them I bombed out of pretty badly, I'm just hoping to pass that unit as I feel it has little importance to what my career is likely to be. First day back into the gym today and it feels great to get back and getting punched in the face.

    I didn't waste any time getting back into the workouts. So Saturday was rather intense, I did my first set of dragon flags and my abs are still hurting. I underestimated them a bit, and should have done them at the start instead of the end

    Did an exercise scrap suggested to me which was great, did a few more exercises that I found on here. Then hit up a quick strength session with just 1 arm snatch and 2 arm clean and press, while also trying some new one handed pushups. It seems I have outgrown the weights though and need to invest in longer handles to fit on more plates. Finished it off with timing myself doing 100 burpees, but I cheated a bit and didn't do the pushups or tuck jumps at the end. Although was pretty happy with my time at 5.47 which is just over 3 seconds a burpee.

    I've also come across a few new goals; full planche pushups and one arm pushups with the feet together rather than a mile wide. So that brings my log up to date
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    Default Re: Salty's log

    keep with it buddy, im curious to see how fast you will start seeing results. Careful with that hamstring too.

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    Default Re: Salty's log

    Bout time ya updated.

    Get back at it Salty, you got too much share to not apply it. You got me into the tabatas sprints dude...stuff was borderline miracle.

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    Default Re: Salty's log

    When you get use to doing it Salty, Ill give you the other bit that goes with it. its magic.
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    Default Re: Salty's log

    I'm soooo curious about what Scrap has you doing! Perhaps if I'm meant to know then I'd recognize it with a key word hint like perhaps - horizontal?

    Of course if it's something I haven't heard of you'd better not describe it to me because it's Scrap's thing and I think he'd tell me as much as i should know at the moment.

    Wondering how it's all going in general too.

    I update my log no matter how damn slack it is - keeps me semi honest ........... except for a multitude of excuses I make to myself! Therefore I expect you to stay current on here aswell!

    Now exams are over you'd be back into wouldn't you? New ideas happening perhaps?

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    Default Re: Salty's log

    Quote Originally Posted by Sharla View Post
    I'm soooo curious about what Scrap has you doing! Perhaps if I'm meant to know then I'd recognize it with a key word hint like perhaps - horizontal?

    Of course if it's something I haven't heard of you'd better not describe it to me because it's Scrap's thing and I think he'd tell me as much as i should know at the moment.

    Wondering how it's all going in general too.

    I update my log no matter how damn slack it is - keeps me semi honest ........... except for a multitude of excuses I make to myself! Therefore I expect you to stay current on here aswell!

    Now exams are over you'd be back into wouldn't you? New ideas happening perhaps?
    Thanks for reminding me Sharla, I do need to keep this up to date and I will be as honest as possible.

    Firstly my diet has been slipping as of late, wind down of end of season has put me into bad habits. No fast food, but too many of mothers home made cookies and nights out with mate does not help, so I definitely need to address that situation.

    Secondly I need to make more time for practicing technique, after all boxing is not just a fitness contest sometimes I think I forget that facet. But that is where the main aim of my research has been going into as of late, maybe when these summer holidays I'll make a thread on here about what I have tried/learnt.

    But yep Scrap's exercise clues are horizontal and crash mat

    I've also started training a few of my mates a couple of nights a week, so that's been good as I can see improvement already. Although I keep telling them they aren't going to see great results with 2 nights a week, but hey at least I will get them some good conditioning in before footy preseason

    Tonights session was pretty good, made up a new routine for you all to try, so give it a go and let me know how it goes for you. There is 4 sets, 30 second intervals for each exercise and 1 mins rest between sets for a total time of 15 mins (so you have no excuses )

    One arm Dumbell swings (right)
    One arm Dumbell swings (left)
    Split jumps
    clap pushups
    squat jumps

    Basically the first half is designed to tire you out and get your heat beating madly, while the second half is for you to be explosive while tired. Don't get lazy with the swings though or you could bugger your back badly, remember straight back and drive up with your hips and you will be fine.

    Other than that did 4 rounds of ab work which was really good, range of things there, all of which are in the bodyweight thread. I always start or finish each set with the extended plank for 1 min + depending how game I am feeling.

    Finished the workout off with scrap's thing and then with some elastic band complex training and some footwork practise to stop myself from stepping too far. Seemed to work pretty well so I might keep that up and see how it goes for me.

    My running has been slack lately, only a few tabata's and not much interval training. But that is going to change, getting back into it as the track has been repainted for the little athletic season.

    That's just about it, I think that's just about the longest post i've ever written
    Last edited by Salty; 12-09-2008 at 12:43 PM.
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  15. #15
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    Default Re: Salty's log

    All sounds good - I think you've chosen a difficult season to expect your mum to stop giving you tasty treats though!

    With the dumbell swings what direction do you swing in - is it to work your obliques or a sport specific movement?

    Also is there a reason you are doing it with dumbells as opposed to bands?

    I mean i think bands are likely to be less jarring on the joints although i'm not really sure of what kind of motion this is so perhaps they don't provide resistance where you need it?

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