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Thread: Greig's workout log

  1. #1
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    Default Greig's workout log

    Monday 12/1/09

    First day at the gym for the year.


    1x 50 push ups
    1x 50 crunches
    1x 50 leg raises
    30 side crunches on each side


    Fitness testing at gym.

    2x 2 minute rounds of skipping followed by a good stretch.

    Beep test - bailed out about half through level 8. Wanted to make level 9, but my bad knee was giving me some pain, plus I was blowing like a freight train. I was about the third or fourth guy out - just didn't want to be the first!! Some fit fucker called Chris (nice guy really) made it to level 15.

    Sit up test - these are done with some CD's that count you through. I did 83 full up and back sit ups which for some reason was where the test stopped.

    Push up test - again, the same muppet counts you through the push ups but the guy goes so slowly that you find yourself holding yourself up. Normally I can do two sets of 50 no bother, but could only get to 25 tonight. Partly because of the CD's slowness and partly coz I was already fucked from the beep and the set ups... This exercise picked an even more random number to stop at - 57

    4x 2 minute rounds of shoulder sparring. It's like a footwork exercise where you try and tag your opponents shoulders while employing proper movement.

    4x 2 minute heavy bag rounds, although to call the last 2 'rounds' is a bit of an illusion, as I couldn't have blown out a candle by that stage...

    1x 20 bicep curls with 10kg dumbell
    1x 20 shoulder presses with 10kg dumbell

    Hopefully the knee pulls up ok, I had an ACL reconstruction a few years ago to fix an old football/soccer injury and it has never really been 100% since.

    *** Should also mention that I have been alcohol free so far in 2009 (well, since having my last pint of Redback at about 1.30am new years day anyway)
    Last edited by Greig; 01-13-2009 at 12:29 AM. Reason: forgot bout the weights I did at the end of the session, and the alcohol part!!
    "I take good care of my people. I like to inflict permanent psychological damage."

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    Default Re: Greig's workout log

    Someone should smack that Chris fellow. Don't care how nice he is, anyone who can do 15 on the beep test can bite me.

    Good luck with the ACL and the training.

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    Default Re: Greig's workout log

    Quote Originally Posted by Youngblood View Post
    Someone should smack that Chris fellow. Don't care how nice he is, anyone who can do 15 on the beep test can bite me.

    Good luck with the ACL and the training.
    Thanks Youngblood.

    Scary thing was, it was a LAZY 15. He didn't even look to be struggling that bad when he bailed - I think he just stopped coz he was the only one still going and felt a bit self conscious. This guy was also the only guy to max out the push up test at 57.

    MACHINE. Think he comes from an Aussie Rules football background and those guys are fit as fuck...
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    Default Re: Greig's workout log

    Tue 13/1/09


    2km walk (had to get car's air conditioning fixed and walked home)
    1x 50 push ups
    1x 50 crunches
    1x 50 leg raises
    2x 2 minute rounds shadow boxing, not even throwing a whole lot, just trying to get the feet moving.

    Evening at Gym

    2x 2min rounds skipping

    Good stretch

    2.5km run. Didn't time it, but I was sweating pretty good after it.
    1x 10 push ups
    2x 20 push ups
    2x 2min rounds medicine ball with partner (putting it into the abs, pretty gently)
    2x 3min rounds of 2kg hand weight exercises (constantly doing some kind of arm work for the whole 3)

    3x 10 push ups with a partner holding your feet at his chest so you've got to work harder
    2x 2minute heavy bag rounds
    4x 1 minute partner work (shoulder sparring, speed sparring, continous 3 punch combos, light sparring)

    4x 100 metres sprints - was well hammered by this stage, so the last couple were a pretty sad looking jog
    "I take good care of my people. I like to inflict permanent psychological damage."

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    Default Re: Greig's workout log

    Wed 14/1/09

    AM - not much

    Short walk while pushing my niece in the pram. I know it's not technically exercise but I'm sure I burnt a few calories babysitting today. She's 13 months old and she reminds of Pac-Man or a young Tyson - perpetual motion.

    Evening - Gym

    Good stretch

    2.7 km run in 11mins 58secs. Blowing pretty hard after it, finished 14th out of 21 guys in the gym. Top guy got 8.36 - Yep, that's Chris the 15 in the beep test guy...

    3x 1 min rounds of fast feet step ups.
    8x 2 min rounds of focus pads working on slips and different combinations/counters. You work with a partner and swap each round so a new guy is doing the mitts, so technically I only punched 4 rounds, but moving around with the pads is good too.

    4x 2 minute rounds of light sparring.

    Feeling cleansed and good. Definitely feel my fitness levels increasing because I'm off the piss. The first lap (we go round the block three times for the run) I was last in the run, but I just maintained my pace and focused on catching a couple of guys each lap and by the end I had overtaken a few guys, most of whom I have a good few years on (I'll be 31 next month)

    Weight is around 73kg. Normally in training I'm round 70-71, but I'm still taking the xmas/new year pud and pints off.

    Knee felt great tonight too - no stiffness after the run or the step-ups.
    "I take good care of my people. I like to inflict permanent psychological damage."

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    Default Re: Greig's workout log

    Thu 15/1/09

    AM - 4km walk with the dog

    2x 50 push ups
    2x 50 crunches

    Evening Gym

    2x 2 minute rounds skipping

    Good stretch

    2x 2 rounds skipping
    4x 3 minute heavy bag rounds, with sprints and power punch sequences
    4x 1 and a half minute rounds of speed sparring with new partner each round
    4x 2 minute rounds sparring with new partner each round

    10 bicep curls and 10 shoulder presses with 10kg dumbell
    5 bicep curls and 10 shoulder presses with 12.5kg dumbell

    Well, back to earth tonight. It was 38 degrees in Perth today, maybe it was that or more likely the after effects of all the running this week but my sparring was shit. Felt heavy in the legs and slow. Was reminded of Gil Clancy's line to Oscar during the Ike Quartey fight - "you're fighting like you're stuck in mud" (which I misheard at the time as 'you're fighting like a fucking mug'). Footwork wasn't there and I was getting hit with far too many shots.

    Ah well, rest up tomorrow and back at the gym saturday morn for more sparring.
    "I take good care of my people. I like to inflict permanent psychological damage."

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    Default Re: Greig's workout log

    Friday 16/1/09

    Rest day. Went for a couple of short walks in the morning and evening while it was cool... The temperature got to 41.8 degrees here today. Too damn hot to think.

    Saturday 17/1/09

    AM - Gym

    2x 2 minute rounds of skipping

    Good stretch

    2x 2 minute rounds of skipping

    2x 2 minute rounds of jab sparring.
    6x 2 minute rounds of light sparring/partner work
    2x 2 minute heavy bag rounds
    2x 2 minute technical pad rounds

    1x 2 minute round of full contact sparring. - Partner was 67kg, I am around 72. Found it hard to handle the speed, plus he hits pretty damn hard. Got buzzed once pretty damn good and sagged into the ropes for a second. Also landed a nice left hook when he was coming in.

    Still feel slow and off the pace. I really need to tighten up the defence, and work on my footwork. There are times when I must resemble a statue in there. Or big Frank when he got tagged against Tyson.
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    Sunday 18/1/09- not much but started doing some reflex work which I've never done much of before. Basically started throwing a bouncy Spalding ball against a wall in my room very hard and fast, trying to catch it clean each time. Then I tried throwing the ball into the 90 degree groove where two walls meet which is good because you're never sure quite what angle it would come back at. Finally I got my girlfriend to throw the ball at me as hard as she could while I would try to catch it in my boxing stance, on my toes. It's good, because she's not a very good shot, so some were at my face, some my body, some over my head. I would stay on the toes and try and get as close to her as possible - got a couple of nice red marks around the rib cage.

    I felt this was really starting to sharpen me up. I also focused really hard on not taking my eyes off the ball, because that's a big part of my problem in the ring. Pretty good, non physically demanding session.

    Monday 19/1/09


    3km walk

    1x 50 push ups
    1x 50 crunches
    1x 50 leg raises

    Evening Gym

    2x 2minute rounds skipping

    Good stretch

    2.7 km run in 12 minutes 4 seconds. Was pretty gutted that I didn't at least match the 11.58 of last Wed, because I thought I was going ok. Could have been a) the weather was a bit warmer today or b) last time I had people to catch to keep me motivated, tonight the nearest guy in front of me was too far ahead. Finished 13th out of 20 blokes.

    4x 3 minute rounds with large round pad and partner. Swapped after each round so only did two rounds, but they were demanding with sprints, push ups and burpees called during the rounds which you had to do even when you were holding the pad.

    4x 3 minute rounds of focus pads with a partner. We learned a couple of new combinations with slips which were quite tricky and took a while to master.

    1x 20 bicep curls with 10kg dumbell
    1x 20 shoulder presses with 10kg dumbell
    "I take good care of my people. I like to inflict permanent psychological damage."

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    Default Re: Greig's workout log

    Tue 20/1/09


    1x 50 push ups

    Evening Gym

    2x 2 minute rounds skipping

    Good Stretch

    4x 2 minute rounds of 3qtr pace running (level 11 of a beep test - I don't keep up, but I keep running)

    1x 50 push ups
    1x 50 crunches

    3x 1min 30 rounds of step up activities

    2x 3 minute rounds of throwing medicine balls to partners

    1x 50 crunches
    1x 30 leg raises

    6x 2 minute rounds of light sparring with various partners

    Felt better tonight, got hit far less. Concentrating on really focusing on an opponents chest and trying to read the shots. Worked well. But light sparring is one thing, it all goes up 10 notches in the ring...
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    Default Re: Greig's workout log

    Wed 21/1/09

    AM - 2.7 km walk

    Evening - gym

    3x 2 minute rounds skipping
    good stretch

    2x 4 big ass sprints - we sprint 100-150m, don't know exactly, then jog 50m slowly, 50m 3/4 then sprint back to where we start the jog.

    Then 4 100 m sprints with 15 seconds rest in between.

    VERY fucked after this, legs didn't really recover for the rest of the session.

    4x 3minute heavy bag rounds with drills called out like burpees, push ups and sit-ups.

    Then we did some medicine ball ab exercises with a partner.

    Then 4x 2 minute rounds of focus pads with a partner.
    "I take good care of my people. I like to inflict permanent psychological damage."

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    Default Re: Greig's workout log

    Thurs 22/1/09


    2.7 km walk

    Evening gym

    2x 2minute rounds skipping, then a good stretch

    Then we pretty much did partner work/technical sparring and sparring the whole session, so probably for an hour or so with a few big breaks thrown in.

    Trouble was, at the end of the night I had this pain/dead feeling in my left arm. I first had it on Tuesday but didn't worry too much about it, but it was bad tonight. Driving home, my left arm was hard to lift, and the pain seemed to be emanating from the muscle or tendons just above the elbow. It would get sore on breaks, but as soon as I would start sparring it didn't really bother me. But at the end of the session it was BAD. So, I'm just going to rest it for a while and see what's what. Anyone had anything like this before?? I think it might have something to do with hooking on the bag, but I'm not sure - because I'm not aware of what caused it, just that after working it's sore...

    Friday 23/1/09

    AM - 3km walk

    LOts of ab work.
    "I take good care of my people. I like to inflict permanent psychological damage."

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    Default Re: Greig's workout log

    Fri 23/1/09


    Sat 24/1/09

    5 km flat run in 27mins.

    2km walk

    1x60 crunches
    1x60 leg raises
    1x 30 crunches on each side

    Sun 25/1/09

    5km run with a couple of big hills in 27 minutes

    1x 60 crunches
    1x 60 leg raises
    1x 30 crunches on each side
    "I take good care of my people. I like to inflict permanent psychological damage."

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    Default Re: Greig's workout log

    What's a beep test?

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    It's where you have to run between two points and get to the other side before you hear a beep. It gets progressively faster as you go.

    Multi-stage fitness test - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    "I take good care of my people. I like to inflict permanent psychological damage."

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