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Thread: Signs that you are getting older

  1. #931
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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    I've actually "fired" my first client this month. Broad term we use but basically informed them that I would no longer make appointments for his dogs specifically. It took me 30 years to get to that point of acknowledging 'ya just can't do what you used to do'...and that frankly he's a complete assholes (owner) and it's not worth my time . Now I've delt with high maintenance aka assholes clients the entire time but there comes a point and I'm there. Also totting around 130 lb half sedated great Pyrenees has taken its physical toll. Beautiful sturdy dogs these two. But I also enjoy walking upright in the morning. So, weight restrictions hence forth. Frankly should have happened before I hit 50

  2. #932
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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    Becoming a grandparent. Which happened a week ago. I'm not sure about the whole grandad thing. I'm far too young and cool to be grandad. Pop-pop is the front runner for titles.


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  3. #933
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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    Quote Originally Posted by Memphis View Post
    Becoming a grandparent. Which happened a week ago. I'm not sure about the whole grandad thing. I'm far too young and cool to be grandad. Pop-pop is the front runner for titles.


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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    Quote Originally Posted by Memphis View Post
    Becoming a grandparent. Which happened a week ago. I'm not sure about the whole grandad thing. I'm far too young and cool to be grandad. Pop-pop is the front runner for titles.


    Absolutely awesome bud! He'll be squared away in one of those oversized jogging strollers in no time.

  5. #935
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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    1. Having to scroll for my birth year to show up
    2. Been out of school for about as long as current teenagers have been alive
    3. Knees crack when you get up. Also, do dad groan while doing it.
    4. When a song from my youth plays on the radio and the DJ calls it a classic or an oldie
    5. The moment you started considering 9pm as 'late'
    6. Getting excited about buying a new type of vacuum cleaner
    7. Hangovers are longer and heavier
    8. When too many celebrities/friends/family pass away
    9. I can no longer function on 4 hours sleep
    10. Spend too long looking at the mirror
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  6. #936
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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    I draw blanks now. It's the oddest thing. Sometimes you'll go to write, express and type something and there are times I'll end up just looking at the screen and thinking out exactly what I intend to put down. And strangely enough sometimes that's enough, I feel no need or lasting want to put thoughts down after that. I imagine that's an age thing? It almost feels like a sort of writer's block, not that I'm a writer by any means . Feels like wittiness and spontaneous expression wanes and only comes in spots now. Just weird.

  7. #937
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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    Just want to take a minute and apologize to all the 50 year olds I called old when I was 20 . On a random note, I feel "old" now when reading many views of younger boxing fans. You step back and realize how long you've watched, enjoyed, obsessed and yes often cursed this fecking crazy crooked sport. I saw a few people calling guys like Shane Mosley an old timer who couldn't be a top guy in todays sport . I'm talking new fans. It's insane. For perspective I look back to when Shane was streaking as lightweight, mid 90's when we were watching him live. And then think where we were back then as a fan and what a 30 year difference was then. Were we really dismissing guys from the mid 60's? Nah. A 30 year difference roughly. I don't see the enthusiasm in some new fans to "look back" and maybe study or discover other eras we/they knew/know little of. I really do think some is an attention span thing with roots to 101 social media outlets. Irony is there endless and immediate information at the fingertips today compared to mid 90's. Shit. we were still calling 900 #s to get weekend fight results and scouring fight mags for info.

  8. #938
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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    Yeah turning fifty was the hardest so far. Never had an issue with 30,40 as to me it was never old - and a footballer could still be at their peak at thirty and in recent times boxers still at the top-thought not their peak admittedly at 40.

    But fifty..... Nah as Spic said it that was old to us in the 90s. I guess we still have darts and crown green bowls.

    Currently laid up after groin hernia surgery yesterday hence awake in the middle of the night. On the
    codeine. Will be a few days of tv and hobbling to the bathroom but hopefully on my feet and walking by early next week. I'm told though it does happen with age this can happen any time eg teens and twenties so not putting this one down to father time yet.

    I've downloaded Undisputed on ps5 too so will see how I get on with that. Not got the best reviews but doesn't sound like a disaster either.
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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    Quote Originally Posted by Mark TKO View Post
    Yeah turning fifty was the hardest so far. Never had an issue with 30,40 as to me it was never old - and a footballer could still be at their peak at thirty and in recent times boxers still at the top-thought not their peak admittedly at 40.

    But fifty..... Nah as Spic said it that was old to us in the 90s. I guess we still have darts and crown green bowls.

    Currently laid up after groin hernia surgery yesterday hence awake in the middle of the night. On the
    codeine. Will be a few days of tv and hobbling to the bathroom but hopefully on my feet and walking by early next week. I'm told though it does happen with age this can happen any time eg teens and twenties so not putting this one down to father time yet.

    I've downloaded Undisputed on ps5 too so will see how I get on with that. Not got the best reviews but doesn't sound like a disaster either.
    Sports injury related bud or hernia just showed up? It's amazing what pops up these days out of nowhere. Was laid up with those piercing back pains recently, it's extremely humbling as hell to be limited with the most basic things day to day. Like getting in and out of the damn shower . Had to pull out the ol Xbox and give RDR2 a long run thru again.

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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    When you remember British heavyweights constantly getting beaten again and again for the world title that it became embarrassing.... oh wait.
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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    When you miss the classic disaster films they used to play over Christmas and New Year. The Towering Inferno. The Poseidon Adventure etc
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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    When you miss the classic disaster films they used to play over Christmas and New Year. The Towering Inferno. The Poseidon Adventure etc
    Inferno was great! Ever see Earthquake? Think it came out same year with a mini ensemble cast. The Christman0New years gap was always a very off time. You just sort of lose track of time and what day it is. Getting older certainly doesn't help with that . I was always a sucker for sci-fi marathons during. The Planet of the Apes sequels, old westerns and Twilight Zones were always put on in the house during holiday breaks as a kid.

  13. #943
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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    When you miss the classic disaster films they used to play over Christmas and New Year. The Towering Inferno. The Poseidon Adventure etc
    Inferno was great! Ever see Earthquake? Think it came out same year with a mini ensemble cast. The Christman0New years gap was always a very off time. You just sort of lose track of time and what day it is. Getting older certainly doesn't help with that . I was always a sucker for sci-fi marathons during. The Planet of the Apes sequels, old westerns and Twilight Zones were always put on in the house during holiday breaks as a kid.
    I am going through Twighlight Zone series with my son, he likes them. The actor Burgess Meredith, who plays Mickey in the Rocky films stars in 3 of the episodes which are classics.
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  14. #944
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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    When you miss the classic disaster films they used to play over Christmas and New Year. The Towering Inferno. The Poseidon Adventure etc
    Inferno was great! Ever see Earthquake? Think it came out same year with a mini ensemble cast. The Christman0New years gap was always a very off time. You just sort of lose track of time and what day it is. Getting older certainly doesn't help with that . I was always a sucker for sci-fi marathons during. The Planet of the Apes sequels, old westerns and Twilight Zones were always put on in the house during holiday breaks as a kid.

    I don't think I have ever seen Earthquake. Love Westerns though. As a kid they often played them on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon and I still love 'True Grit' to this day. The original and the Coen Brothers remake. You have to check out the Coen's 'Ballad of Buster Scruggs' if you have a chance, brilliant stuff.

    'Godless' is another one definitely worth your time if you haven't already seen it, about a town primarily populated and protected by women.
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    Default Re: Signs that you are getting older

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Spicoli View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
    When you miss the classic disaster films they used to play over Christmas and New Year. The Towering Inferno. The Poseidon Adventure etc
    Inferno was great! Ever see Earthquake? Think it came out same year with a mini ensemble cast. The Christman0New years gap was always a very off time. You just sort of lose track of time and what day it is. Getting older certainly doesn't help with that . I was always a sucker for sci-fi marathons during. The Planet of the Apes sequels, old westerns and Twilight Zones were always put on in the house during holiday breaks as a kid.
    I am going through Twighlight Zone series with my son, he likes them. The actor Burgess Meredith, who plays Mickey in the Rocky films stars in 3 of the episodes which are classics.

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