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Thread: Mech's Training Log

  1. #1
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    Default Mech's Training Log

    Age: 22
    Height: 6'2"
    Weight: 175 lbs
    Goal: Begin amateur fighting at years end.
    Non-combat sports. I've played organized sports, both contact and non-contact since elementary school. At the end of high school was recruited to either swim or run in college. Choose to run. College graduate and am bored. Trying to make the transition to boxing.

    I'm currently in week 12 of basic strength and conditioning. Working out has included nothing but interval training and cardio. All calisthenic work and absolutely no weights. I want to emphasize the fact that no weights have been introduced yet. I began the summer at 160 lbs. It has been 3 months and I've put on 15 lbs.

    The first 4 weeks included nothing but cardio. 30 minute cardio sessions, 6 days a week: BPM 160 +
    The second 4 weeks were designed to target legs and abs.
    The third 4 weeks were designed for back, chest, and shoulders.

    Basic strength and conditioning was only supposed to last 12 weeks, but my hand broke 2 weeks into my back/chest/shoulder cycle. I'm very limited as to what I can accomplish right now because of my hand. I've decided that while my hand is broken that I will maintain what I've accomplished the first 10 weeks by mashing up my first and second, 4 week cycles, into an interval training program. I'm now 2 weeks into my interval training and plan on continuing it for another 4 weeks when my hand should be healed. When my hand heals I plan on returning to the third 4 week cycle and starting it from the beginning. When I finish the third 4 week cycle I plan on beginning basic weight training and mitt work.

    I won't post the workouts performed already because so much has been done already but will fill you in day-to-day as to what is performed.

    Sunday, September 12. Day off.

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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    I'm going to try and post a video log of todays workout so people not only know what the workout is but get a good idea of the intensity it's performed at. It's sprinkling outside so we'll see if i can get my friend to hold the camera or not.

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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    Monday September 13.

    Scratch the video log. My friend was busy and couldn't make it. I plan on repeating todays workout wednesday and friday so I'll try and get the vid up on one of those two days.

    The purpose of this log is to not only help me keep track of my own workout but I also want put my experience and knowledge up. I feel like there's just too little material available that needs to otherwise obtained from a coach.

    Threshold WORKOUT

    Warm up - 15 minute jump rope.
    The objective of warming up is to increase blood circulation to your body... steadily. You don't want to go right into your workout without a warm up, it's any easy way to injure yourself. You're also shocking your body too much and won't be able to complete the workout as intended. You want to increase your core temperature 2 or 3 degrees for about 10 to 15 minutes minutes. So make sure that you not only break a sweat but that you keep on sweating well after the warm up.

    Workout - 5 hills. Hard on the way up, easy on the way down.
    The objective is to finish the 5 hills. A secondary objective is to do as many hills as hard as you can. You want to reach your lactate threshold as fast as possible. Once you reach your lactate threshold you can finish the rest of the hills at an easy pace. To work beyond your lactate threshold will lead to shutting your body down. This will compromise the rest of the workout and possibly workouts later in the week. It takes time for your body to flush the lactate acid from your body as your working out. Maintaining an easy pace once you reach your threshold allows you to just flutter around your bodies limits without actually pushing it beyond what it can handle. As you perform threshold workouts more your body will flush itself faster.

    Today it took 1 1/2 hills to reach threshold. 3 hills were completed before throwing up. When an athlete throws up discontinue the current workout and allow the athlete to rehydrate. Lots of fluids are lost when a person throws up and can lead to heat exhaustion.

    Unless you have expensive equipment it's hard to accurately know when threshold is reached. A good indication is when you're gasping for air through your mouth. Breathing should always be in through your nose and out through your mouth. When you're forced to start breathing in through your mouth you know you're in the area.

    When running hills, stare into and through the hill at eye level and run with high knees.

    Hill is approximately 75 meters long with a pitch I'm guessing anywhere between 25-30 degrees (it's steep).

    Afterwards, this was the interval workout performed.
    3 minutes - sun gods with a brick in each hand.
    3 mins - jump rope
    3 mins - abs performed ring side w/ your feet held by your partner
    3 mins - jump rope
    3 mins - body squat
    3 mins - jump rope
    3 mins - round abouts with a brick in each hand.
    3 mins - jump rope
    3 mins - plancks
    3 mins - jump rope
    3 mins - monkey fuckers

    Here's the break down of the workout above. Every exercise performed, other than the jump roping, must be done all out. The goal is to reach lactate threshold. When you're jump roping, just have a decent pace. This workout is meant to mimic a boxing match... except for the 3 minute breaks for jump roping. The exercises all out mimic the time spent in the ring boxing IN TERMS of reaching threshold. The 3 minute breaks for jump roping are longer than what's given as a break during a match, BUT the jump roping is meant to keep you fluttering around your threshold when you would otherwise be sitting a on stool resting up. If you get bored doing the jump roping do some footwork i.e. criss crosses, shuffling, high knees, double unders etc.

    There was a 10 minute rest between the hills and the interval training.

    Thoughts on cross training. Sports science has come a long way. The boxing gym I've been going to nearly everyday the past 3 months has surprised me in how antiquated it is. Now I don't mean that the gym is old or the equipment is old, but that there methods/programs are just outdated especially compared to the programs college coaches employ. Several ideas I'll throw out there I know will not be accepted.

    Slack lining. As much as jumping rope will give you the "pop" you need in your step to throw a good jab it will not workout the muscles required to plant your feet firmly into the ground. Slack lining helps develop all the stabilizing muscles from the knee down. You will simultaneously be working out other muscle groups as well such as your abdomen, thighs, and quads, while working on your balance.
    Last edited by pat05005; 09-15-2010 at 11:18 PM.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    welcome to Saddos. great to see a new log go up here. They are really good for charting your progress as well as getting input if you want it. I had mine going for a couple of years here, from near the beginning up to and including a national championship. Learned a lot from the people on the board.

    Good luck and again welcome.

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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    Quote Originally Posted by Youngblood View Post
    welcome to Saddos. great to see a new log go up here. They are really good for charting your progress as well as getting input if you want it. I had mine going for a couple of years here, from near the beginning up to and including a national championship. Learned a lot from the people on the board.

    Good luck and again welcome.
    thanks man. always looking for support.

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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    September 14th

    Warm up - 20 minutes easy shadow boxing. break a good sweat.


    Workout - Full range calisthenics. The objective is to perform regular calisthenics at different angles to enhance the athletes performance when in an awkward position and injury prevention.

    4 point lunges - pretend you are positioned in the center of a box. perform 10 lunges to each corner with your left leg. repeat w/ your right leg. 2 sets. 80 reps total for each leg.

    4 point lunges extended - pretend you are positioned in the center of 5 boxes. perform lunges working form the inner most corner to the outer most corner. going out and working back is one rep. perform 10 reps before moving on to the next corner. repeat w/ your right leg. 2 sets. 80 reps total for each leg.

    lateral sways - position your feet as if you were performing squats. your feet are planted on the ground firmly for the entire exercise. transition weight your left leg, squat down (w/ all your weight still on your left leg), transition weight to your right leg, pop up (w/ all your weight still on your right leg), return to your original position. 25 reps clockwise and counter clockwise. 50 reps total.

    4 point lunges w/ sways - combination of 4 point lunges and lateral sways. plant your foot down firmly into a corner and perform sways towards and away from the corner. 25 reps towards the corner, 25 reps away, 50 reps before moving onto the next corner. 1 set. 200 reps each leg.

    pigeon and duck footed walking - 100 meters each exercise

    sun gods - every 25 reps widen your circle. 3 circles. hands extended out laterally, anteriorly, and superiorly. clockwise and counter clockwise. 450 reps total.

    Athletes tend to find themselves in awkward positions while performing. We want to increase the athletes awareness/experience to how his feet are positioned to prevent him from being taken advantage of and possibly injured.
    Last edited by pat05005; 09-15-2010 at 11:19 PM.

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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    September 15th.

    Aerobic WORKOUT

    Warm up - 15 minutes jump rope w/ some footwork, criss cross, double unders, etc.

    Workout - 10 hills performed from September 13th. The objective is just to finish without having to stop. Run at a pace that can be maintained through out the entirety of the workout.

    ****Clarification - when i refer to criss cross while jumping rope i don't mean criss crossing your arms, though it can still be performed, but rather mean crossing your feet one in front of the other and vice versa.

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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    September 16

    Day off

    September 17


    warm up - 15 minutes jump rope work

    workout - 4 hills ---- hills 2 and 4 were run backwards to work on my hamis. 10 burpees after each hill

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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    September 18.

    no warm up

    work out ---- Pull ups. Started out wanting to reach 10 pull ups. ended up going till failure after a few sets. 6 sets: 10, 10, 10, 9, 8, 7. I couldn't do anymore after so i just hung from the bar until I lost grip. Did 7 sets of just hanging. 3 minute breaks in between each set of pull ups.

    Had my pin taken out on wednesday. Felt great to use my hand today. My hands kind of sore. So is my ankle. I think I'm going to take tomorrow off. Let my body recover and come monday hit my abs and chest hard. This will give my ankle and hand a chance to rest. Have to be careful and distinguish what's just sore from being exercised or what may turn into a potential injury.

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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    September 20.

    warm up - 15 min shadow boxing

    workout - light interval training ---- 4 sets of 10 of push ups, ring side sit ups, and handstand push ups. on the 5th set did 30 reps. ****the handstand push ups were done with my feet on a chair so i was only really supporting a little over half my body.

    september 21. day off

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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    september 22.

    ankles still sore, so im going to keep off of it. i've just been putting a warm compress on it. thought i'd do a fitness test today to see where i'm at with my upper body.

    warm up - 15 mins shadow boxing

    workout - for 15 mins i tried to see how many reps i could do of pull ups, push ups, body press, sun gods, and minutes for a plank. i took a 5 min break in between each exercise. this is the order i did them in:
    pull ups - 56
    push ups - 160
    body press - 63
    sun gods - 1094
    planks - 6:15

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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    good you're fitting some days off in, because at this pace you may actually kill yourself.

    I'm in the middle of doing a very tough camp too with a focus on strength building (heavy lifting) atm, but stopped putting my workouts down on paper a while ago, but sure i'd feel the same about mine if I did. It sure all adds up.

    How'd you mess your hand up? Are you doing any physio for it?

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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    Quote Originally Posted by Youngblood View Post
    good you're fitting some days off in, because at this pace you may actually kill yourself.

    I'm in the middle of doing a very tough camp too with a focus on strength building (heavy lifting) atm, but stopped putting my workouts down on paper a while ago, but sure i'd feel the same about mine if I did. It sure all adds up.

    How'd you mess your hand up? Are you doing any physio for it?
    Got angry and punched a wall. Had a pin in for 3 weeks. Dr. took it out and said I can't bang with it for 8 weeks. It's been 2 weeks, so 6 more weeks until I start mitt work back up again... potentially. I'm not doing physio. I shadowed a therapy clinic before and there isn't much they can do for me in terms of exercise that I couldn't do for myself. Though things like electric massage and water bathes w/ salt I would need to goto but those are for pain. Thanks for the concern.

    I can't wait to start heavy lifting. My pull ups have been stuck at 12 reps. I think if I did pull ups with a belt and maybe a 25 pounder hooked on, it'll help my overall rep count.
    Last edited by pat05005; 09-25-2010 at 09:12 PM.

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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    ya weighted will likely help you for breaking through with the pull ups. Another thing to consider if you plateau with plyometrics is GTG (grease the groove). here's a link to have a read through if you want:

    Grease the Groove for Strength « The Human Machine

    good luck with the recovery on the hand. hopefully it sets well and don't give you too much grief long term.

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    Default Re: Mech's Training Log

    Quote Originally Posted by Youngblood View Post
    ya weighted will likely help you for breaking through with the pull ups. Another thing to consider if you plateau with plyometrics is GTG (grease the groove). here's a link to have a read through if you want:

    Grease the Groove for Strength � The Human Machine

    good luck with the recovery on the hand. hopefully it sets well and don't give you too much grief long term.
    What a gem.

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