I think it is possible that advanced civilizations left earth. Also possible that they've changed. Our physical transformation from sperm to human species means it is possible our limited sensory perceptions does just that- limits our perception of what exists.

Flipping the script what if we are the most intelligent species? Our inner being that causes conflict with others in our species seems no different than the catastrophic stuff that happens in our visible universe. It is One friggin, hostile vacuum with planet after planet of horror.

Stars in a deadlock battle in certain galaxies, trying to suck each other in....blackholes....now theres a device of intellect made by the creator. How are the deaths of humans more violent than that of planets, stars? It appears that Nothing can leave, disipate, change, alter without a violent explosion, implosion, demise aka ending.

I would say the creator of this existance is obvisouly way more intelligent, but if it is still making death traps in space, planets ripe with germs, diseases, viruses, barron planets, exploding stars, giganta-friggin-giant ass blackholes with never ending apetites for everything it lures in its path....then maybe we haven't finished the process until we've gone from sperm, fetus, infant, human then....?