two questions with regards to coordination.

1. When you are working the heavy bag being stationary, when you throw your right, there is a shift of weight to the lead/front foot. When you come back with the hook, the shift goes back to the right/back foot. Does this hold true with jabs or straight shots with the lead? For example? I think too often I throw a 2-1, and I stay on the front foot, and wonder why I get countered. I think the thing that gets me is that alot of times you hear about the jab being mostly an arm punch and there isn't a weight transfer.

2. If you wanted to advance while throwing straight shots, and your opponent has a bad habit of going straight back, if you throw the 1-2 should you do this: lead step forward with the jab and right step forward with the rear shot. Or if you are throwing 3 or 4 shots, a step with each shot (left step, left punch, right step, right punch). I usually drag my rear foot which dosen't let me advance as far as I need to.