So the debates are finally over, and both sides obviously claim victory for their side.

What matters now is what's going to happen in the upcoming election.
Do you:

a. Vote for a President who admittedly didn't live up to his campaign promises (wow... like that's never happened before), and probably bit off a bit more than he could chew, given the state of the economy when he took office (yes... we were in a recession). A President who, unlike George W. Bush, apparently doesn't deserve a second term in office to try and finish what he's trying to accomplish (unless of course you're of the opinion that he purposely wants to destroy the U.S. economy and foreign relations). Or........

b. Vote for a candidate who has put forth an economic plan that doesn't add up in dollars and cents. A candidate that inspires as much faith as a used car salesman. A candidate that was probably the least bad among the people the Republicans put out there to fight out the primaries. A candidate who admittedly, has more business and private entreprise experience than the President...... but on the other hand looks scary bad on the foreign relations front. A candidate that, when he speaks of protecting the middle class..... all some of us can think about is his wealthy upbringing and cluelessness about what the middle class really is.

Bottom line: Either the President will be re-elected and he will continue to please some people and not please others (no matter what he accomplishes)... or he will lose the elections and we'll get a total unknown sitting in the Oval Office, praying that he doesn't start WW3 while he's figuring out how to make good on his own campaign promises (that's of course if he ever intended to keep them in the first place).

Either way, the economy will probably improve over what it is now..... and whoever happens to be in the driver's seat will take full credit over the improvement. If it's Obama, he'll step down happily and satisfied. If it's Romney, he'll be crowing about it, and use it to win re-election in 2016. That is... if he hasn't started WW3 yet.