i did some boxing when i was a teenager which i enjoyed and wanted to get back into it cus i always felt i had a natural talent for it.over the years i got into a few fights and on many occasions i fractured my hands.being young and naive to the consequences on almost every occasion i didn't go to the hospital to have it sorted and now i can't hit a cushion without being overcome with pain.

my metacaples that lead to my 2 smaller knuckles in my right hand have been broke several times each and are bowed over.i also have bennets in my right thumb.all 3 injury's cause me pain when i punch

i went to the hospital a few years ago because my hand was swelling up from manual labour and the orthopedic doc basically told me there was nothing he could do for me.thing is though i didn't know wether to beleive him cus i know some of these NHS doctors will only help you if you hand is hangin off.i got a second opinion anyway and got told pretty much the same thing

time is running out for me now and i just want to know if anyone knows if my hands can actually be put right or maybe you can point me in the right direction