Voting for a political party is like believing in God. It's an act of faith. Unlike God you actually get to find out that your faith was completely misplaced and none of the things that were supposed to happen have happened.

Of the 20 years I've been eligible to vote this will be the first year that I actually have. I've always trotted out the 'what's the point, they're all pricks' line.

I don't know who I'll vote for and I'm under no illusions that a new 'Great Britain' will be born, but I should vote, therefor will.

What I want.

I want immigration drastically reduced, I want people coming to this country to either have a job to come to, or to be academically/technically well placed to find work and also to be financially able to support themselves and whoever they bring with them whilst they look for work. If their money runs out and they haven't found work, tough shit, back to where you came from and try again in 12 months time.

Anyone going the other way gives up all rights to British benefits of any kind.

I don't want any foreign aid handed out to anyone. Whilst we've got homelessness and hunger in our own country we shouldn't be giving out cash to anyone. We already as a nation give enough voluntarily without the need for part of our earnings being spent on it.

My lunch is over now, I'll possibly add more later.