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Thread: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

  1. #61
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    Muhammad Ali,

    'The Great Sportsman'

    Called Chuck Wepner the most 'vial names' when they were in the Ring.

    'The Great Sportsman'

    "Did I just hear Muhammad Ali call that guy a 'White Mother-Fucking N***er'. Can you be all '3' at the same time."

    Priscilla Barnes

    Last edited by Bill Paxtom; 06-03-2015 at 06:03 AM.

  2. #62
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    Bill Paxtom enlightening the world post by post! Inspirational stuff. Keep up the good work!

  3. #63
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Bill Paxtom enlightening the world post by post! Inspirational stuff. Keep up the good work!
    Paxtom is a rock, you know where you stand with him. He doesn't pussy-foot around or try to appease anyone. That's a good thing.
    He's a lot like you, Gandalf. lol

  4. #64
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    I just call them like I see them.

    If it quacks like a 'Duck', then it must be Muhammad Ali ..... 'The Great Sportsman'.


    "Look you. I don't care how many World Titles you have won. I'm still going to blow off your 'Fucking Beak'."

    Sondra Locke

    Last edited by Bill Paxtom; 06-03-2015 at 09:45 AM.

  5. #65
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    Muhammad Ali to Ron Lyle in the 6th round of their fight:

    " I want you to bear witness, I am the greatest! I'm the greatest thing that ever lived."

    Ali on Frazier, July 1975 Wide World of Sports:

    “Joe Frazier is so ugly that when he cries, the tears turn around and go down the back of his head.”

    After winning the heavyweight title in Ali's absence, Frazier had loaned money to the struggling deposed champion. But when the two men agreed to the 1971 fight, Ali appeared to forget about that largesse.

    In public appearances, and in interviews with Philadelphia's newspapers and TV stations, the charismatic Ali belittled Frazier as stupid and ugly. He labeled him an Uncle Tom, someone who had sold out to white interests. He belittled him and humiliated him for his pronunciation of certain words, and for being ignorant and ugly. (Later, before 1975's "Thrilla in Manila," he even called him a gorilla and mocked him with a toy ape.)

    "A lot of it was cruel," Peltz said. "Joe felt like he had reached out to Ali when he needed help and he didn't think that was the right way to pay him back. He held a grudge for the rest of his life."

    Many years later, after Ali's voice was silenced by the illness, a still bitter Frazier seemed to delight in his rival's condition.

    "God's shut him up," Frazier said. "He can't talk no more because he was saying the wrong things. He was always making fun of me, telling me I'm a dummy. Tell me now, which one talks worse? He's finished and I'm still here."

  6. #66
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    Eh he beat everyone from his era really and was champ for like ever i mean he has a claim to the greatest as much as everyone else does. Paxton i take it your old so let me ask you this how do you know Ali did not try to go into the army before hand and its all made up. Also he served his time and chose what he believed not like the war was just one and it was such a great thing to do. Ali had flaws but shit in your 20's how smart were you bet you did some dumb shit and said some as well. Ali i think did what he thought was right man has been a Muslim for how long now not like it was just some fade he had. The man had some faults but I think if you ask him now he might take back some of shit he said about the race thing even if he did not people shit on him because he was black in 1960's so it not like he does not have a reason for it.

  7. #67
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr140 View Post
    Eh he beat everyone from his era really and was champ for like ever i mean he has a claim to the greatest as much as everyone else does. Paxton i take it your old so let me ask you this how do you know Ali did not try to go into the army before hand and its all made up. Also he served his time and chose what he believed not like the war was just one and it was such a great thing to do. Ali had flaws but shit in your 20's how smart were you bet you did some dumb shit and said some as well. Ali i think did what he thought was right man has been a Muslim for how long now not like it was just some fade he had. The man had some faults but I think if you ask him now he might take back some of shit he said about the race thing even if he did not people shit on him because he was black in 1960's so it not like he does not have a reason for it.
    No, I'm not old. Just a boxing Historian.

    Follow the 'ball'. The Louisville Group {of 11 Kentucky businessman} had a lot
    of money 'invested' in their horse > 'Cassius Clay'.

    They had 'struck' a deal with the United States Selective Service to get Cassius
    an 'easy ride', and had most the details worked out.

    Then Cassius got hooked up with the N.O.I. and he 'fucked' everything up.

    Remember, in November 1964 > Vietnam was not a 'fucking mess' yet.

    How can a man who beats his 'fists' on another man, and tries to hurt him, be
    against a little old 'conflict' in Southeast Asia.

    "If Cassius needs a place to hide. I am willing to help. I have the perfect spot
    for him to slide in to. It's right behind '2' mountains."

    Jayne Mansfield

    Last edited by Bill Paxtom; 06-03-2015 at 11:30 PM.

  8. #68
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    Jane Mansfield, March 8, 1971:

    "Muhammad turned to clay in that 15th round. Smokin' Joe can now have my candy. He sure blew the shit out of Clay. I think Clay was permanently damaged after Joe got through with him tonight. Now me and Joe are goin' dancing all night. Plus, Clay is too 'preoccupied' with that little ~slut~ Veronica."

    @Bill Paxtom
    @Dia bando

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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  10. #70
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    June 3, 1965

    Another brilliant statement by the 'Great Sportsman'.

    "I don't want to be shipped across the Atlantic Ocean to fight those 'Japs' in Vietnam."

  11. #71
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    Quote Originally Posted by Bill Paxtom View Post
    June 3, 1965

    Another brilliant statement by the 'Great Sportsman'.

    "I don't want to be shipped across the Atlantic Ocean to fight those 'Japs' in Vietnam."
    Yeah he was some genius, wasn't he bwwwOOOOOOOOOOOOOWAWAWAWA

    The US-Army tested his IQ and the result was 78.

    After scoring a 78 on a 1964 Army IQ test -- "I said I was the greatest, not the smartest" -- Ali was classified 1-Y: "Not qualified under current standards for service in the armed forces."

    78............borderline retardation

  12. #72
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    What he lacked academically he more than made up for it in the ring.
    Do not let success go to your head and do not let failure get to your heart.

  13. #73
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    He was lightning fast and had superb reflexes and maybe the Greatest Chin of All Times. Awesome left jab, nice sharp straight right, and a stinging left hook.

    On the negative side, he held and grabbed and pulled excessively, had absolutely ZERO body attack, got atleast 4 GIFT decisions, acted despicably towards many of his fellow black Americans, and got hit way too much to the skull and kidneys, had too much blood in his urine for weeks after several of his fights, contused kidneys, due to Rope A Dope nonsense, etc.

  14. #74
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    He was lightning fast and had superb reflexes and maybe the Greatest Chin of All Times. Awesome left jab, nice sharp straight right, and a stinging left hook.

    On the negative side, he held and grabbed and pulled excessively, had absolutely ZERO body attack, got atleast 4 GIFT decisions, acted despicably towards many of his fellow black Americans, and got hit way too much to the skull and kidneys, had too much blood in his urine for weeks after several of his fights, contused kidneys, due to Rope A Dope nonsense, etc.

    Muhammad Ali,

    Was like a 1963 Plymouth Belvedere 426 'Max-Wedge 'Super Stocker' campaigning
    in the 1970's.

    He {they} just kept on winning, albeit not pretty all the time. They kept running no
    matter what you {they} did to them. And they wouldn't blow up.

  15. #75
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    Default Re: "Ali hate"..... what's the point??

    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalf View Post
    Bill Paxtom enlightening the world post by post! Inspirational stuff. Keep up the good work!
    Paxtom is a rock, you know where you stand with him. He doesn't pussy-foot around or try to appease anyone. That's a good thing.
    He's a lot like you, Gandalf. lol

    Meh..... to each his own I guess.
    Bill just absolutely bores the ever living SHIT out of me.

    You know.... sort of like that standup comedian doing the late night shift at the corner bar, in front of half a dozen drunk patrons.... and telling the same jokes over and over and over and over and over again.

    But hey..... whatever floats your boat.

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