I can easily compare no names-mid from all eras's len fought to guys aj fought and you should easily be able to see the advances made, well unless you can't see good which isn't a care of mine I care what I can see and people who can see good, I don't care about you're words or anyone else's unless they can see good
Last edited by joe smith; 01-29-2024 at 09:12 PM.
@joe smith have you ever seen George Foreman vs. Michael Moorer
I'd also like your thoughts on Larry Holmes vs. Rey Mercer![]()
That was my question to you, if you had seen that fight
I do have follow up questions though if you don't mind?
What decade did Big George make his debut & what decade did Moorer make his?
If you could answer the same questions for Holmes & Mercer also, that would be much appreciated![]()
I seen Foreman vs Moorer what is you're question about that match to me, and you didn't give any details about which Larry and Ray so I'm assuming you're asking about an 80s version of him well those 80s guys were very basic, and flawed compared to the 90s guys, I can even add an earlier 00s ray and he is way more advanced than the whole era of the 80s and people he fought were to
I could name how flawed and basic they were in detail in '80s but then I would have to name mutiple people and it's a waste to do that's beneath me now, did that mutiple times 2 years ago and was told I was wrong when I wasn't
So now I only post video proof and leave it up to the viewer to see advances
the fiction Larry sure he would you're not sane laughing at exposing yourself huh, what made you name Deon 1 fighter only you do know he isn't the only fighter who fights now who I didn't even name him, I can name even mid-carders who were way more advanced than the whole 70s-80s, I chose not to name them I can go back 20 years from now and all will be more advanced if I name them
Last edited by joe smith; 01-31-2024 at 10:04 AM.
fucking hell! it says you "edited the above post?" what the f**k did you edit? it makes no sense at all. Read it back to yourself , it's just a jumble of words.
How can anyone debate anything with you when you talk in riddles?
ps. i'm still waitingto hear why i am not sane??
Former Undisputed 4 belt Prediction champion. Still P4P and People’s Champion.
It really is as simple as this. This Yoda talk of thinking heavyweights can be categorized into a tidy simple row of advanced technique is exactly that. Good thing geezer Foreman didn’t compete with the undisputed champion, beat a couple contenders, demolish the literal “man who beat the man” and then arguably retire the lineal champ after getting robbed by a more advanced ‘superior craftsman and specimen’ like Shannon flipping Briggs. Otherwise the whole notion and dismissal of greats falls flat on its face.
At the end of the day the fighters have to fight, per the individual. They define the era, not the other way around.
riddles? You're slow to learn how to read. Liar, where did you get your jumbled words from? This would be a jumbled dummy.
Why did you say Deon like I said as if he is the only fighter? I asked this already answer the question
thefictionLarrysurehewouldyou'renotsanelaughingate xposingyourselfhuhwhatmadeyounameDeon1ighteronlyyo udoknowheisn'ttheonlyfighterwhofightsnowwhoIdidn't evennamehimIcannameevenmid-carderswhowerewaymoreadvancedthanthewhole70s-80sIchosenottonamethemIcangoback20yearsfromnowanda llwillbemoreadvancedifInamethem
Last edited by joe smith; 02-05-2024 at 01:36 AM.
Former Undisputed 4 belt Prediction champion. Still P4P and People’s Champion.
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