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Thread: Idf there HAD been a Foreman-Ali rematch: your predictions?

  1. #16
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    Default Re: Idf there HAD been a Foreman-Ali rematch: your predictions?

    Quote Originally Posted by IamInuit View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by IamInuit View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    my predictions:

    1st and foremost can we all just agree.......that Foreman does NOT NOT NOT fall for the rope-a-dope again?
    I mean saying he might fall all over for it again is saying ....................he's an idiot.

    So how does the fight go, as George had never had to be smart and box before being KO'ed by Ali?
    Does it go the distance? Is there a KO again? What would each do differently?
    a rematch would have been quite interesting. I think it would have been a more exciting fight.

    it could have gone either way.
    Cant agree with the opening. I think he falls for it every time he would have fought Ali. He also would have fallen for Ali's head games and chatter just like Liston did. Lets be truthful here. Foreman could not box his way out of a wet paper bag. Frazier and Norton were a perfect match for a huge guy in comparison that preferred not to move. Both were one handed fighters that walked in repeating the same series. He never had to work. Ali was as fast as a middleweight even then, used the entire ring, had exceptional feet and lateral movement never seen in any heavyweight before or since. He had exceptional timing, a granite chin and an arsenal in punch selection from even odd and awkward angles. In short, he was better then Foreman in every aspect of boxing except power. All things being equal the bigger man wins All things were not close to equal and there was really no bigger man.

    And btw Foremans lack of any dimension as a fighter was further exploited and shown to the world when he fought Young. When he couldn't simply club his opponent to the mat because he stood right in front of him he was lost. The only version of Ali he beats is the same one Holmes fought.
    I agree with most of what you said. Here is my question, with Ali being superior in every way except power, why did he lay on the ropes in front for a big puncher? Why wasn't he floating like a butterfly instead of doing the 'rope a dope'?
    Do you think he knew Foreman thought himself invincible? Maybe he just wanted to tire/slow him down and saw how well it was working, and went with it. It is hard for me to believe that Ali came into the fight thinking, I am going to find a nice spot on the ropes and let George bang away at me for most of the fight.
    That was part of his thing and it actually became a skill and he could pot shot off them using the elastic aspect and he had faith in his chin and for good reason. He got so adapt at using them that Dundee was accused of toying with the tension. I dont think he ever feared power his entire career and did a lot of talking in the ring to power punchers. He would take chances most would not take even when he got dropped like in the Cooper fight. He'd yack at his opponent and that's most likely how he got his jaw broken in the Norton fight. He got caught clean mid sentence lol.

    I think he knew that Foreman knew that in this fight he was not invincible. I'm sure Angelo and Ali both also knew that the man had barely fought more then 2 rounds in years and barely had to throw or work. I actually think he carried George. By the time Ali knocked him out George was throwing from the next town and even open handed. He was spent. Again I think both men knew that Ali was not the underdog. I found it odd at the time even though Ali was on the downside because the bookies seemed to ignore the style matchup and gave big George far to much credit for bouncing Frazier and Norton off the canvas. Those two would have came forward against a rhino.
    Strange fight, and the one that convinced me that Ali was one of the great ones. I do not think he had a plan and just adapted as the fight progressed. It was really no contest in the end, with George fighting the stupidest possible fight.

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    Foreman for that fight like a retard

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    Default Re: Idf there HAD been a Foreman-Ali rematch: your predictions?

    Nothing much else to say that hasn't already been said.

    As another posted stated, that ring was damn near like a trampoline and hindered Ali's movement. I think the whole Africa atmosphere affected Ali's training regimen to some degree in spite of the fact that he won.

    In a rematch Ali would have been in even better shape and utilizing his physical gifts to outpoint Foreman. I don't see Foreman at that stage of his career making many adjustments in the rematch. He just wasn't that type of fighter then. Possible late round stoppage by Ali due to Foreman wearing himself out again (even without the rope-a-dope).

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    Default Re: Idf there HAD been a Foreman-Ali rematch: your predictions?

    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Strange fight, and the one that convinced me that Ali was one of the great ones.

    See @beenKOed ?

    This is why I know you don't lose sleep obsessing over Ali, even though we're all aware you hate him.
    You hate the guy... but give him his due as "one of the great ones."
    This is also why I told you I know the difference between hate..... and HATE.

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    Default Re: Idf there HAD been a Foreman-Ali rematch: your predictions?

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Strange fight, and the one that convinced me that Ali was one of the great ones.

    See @beenKOed ?

    This is why I know you don't lose sleep obsessing over Ali, even though we're all aware you hate him.
    You hate the guy... but give him his due as "one of the great ones."
    This is also why I told you I know the difference between hate..... and HATE.

    Beenkoed has sense, bill is thick as shit.
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  6. #21
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    Default Re: Idf there HAD been a Foreman-Ali rematch: your predictions?

    Ali on points.

    Foreman was too slow & one dimensional to outpoint Ali & Ali was too tough to be KOd by Foreman.
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