I find all this Ali-obsessive hate amusing.
So I figure there's got to be one or more reasons why this hate exists in some people.
Below are some theories:
Old enough to have co-existed with Ali in his youth. Maybe you're old enough that you were a boxing fan back when Ali was in his prime. Maybe you hated Ali for refusing to be drafted. Maybe you yourself were a Vietnam (or other war) vet, and took it personally. Maybe you're a white dude who resented Ali's brash and outspoken personality. Or maybe you're a black guy who resented Ali not being "black enough" in some people's eyes.
Not old enough, but fan of another fighter you feel has been slighted in favor of Ali. Specifically..... Rocky Marciano, Larry Holmes, etc. Maybe you resent Ali for that reason. Ali and Marciano never met, so the best they could do was a "computer" matchup which in my estimation was pretty shitty. No relation to reality. In Holmes' case, it was the curse of following one of the greatest in the division, which an outlandish personality to match. Holmes always resented coming along after Ali.
Resentful of Cassius Clay changing his name to Muhammad Ali based on his Muslim religious beliefs. Maybe you don't like people who do that, and feel he should have stayed Cassius. You resent people who do that, so you may not like Kareem Abdul Jabbar too much either.
Hate his fighting style. I don't see why this should cause outright hate, so I hesitated to put it in here in the first place. Just not liking a fighter's style shouldn't cause the hate Ali gets. But just in case, it's in here. Maybe you don't like the way Ali used to pull opponents' head down... or used the rope-a-dope.... or something else.
I've actually run out of reasons. Please feel free to add your own. It's a thread for the haters, really. Not trying to change anyone's mind..... just trying to understand the bitter hate, is all.
