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Thread: Dissecting Ali hate

  1. #16
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    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    The word hate is so broad and yet vague its meaningless.

    Pick a sport. The greatest are the most hated and in many cases by their own people while being worshiped by others elsewhere.

    Even Barry Sanders (TBE RB). Had that guy played on a winning team and not the Lions he would have been hated also.

    Not sure what the reasoning is. Its most likely psychotic.

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    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I find all this Ali-obsessive hate amusing.
    So I figure there's got to be one or more reasons why this hate exists in some people.
    Below are some theories:

    Old enough to have co-existed with Ali in his youth. Maybe you're old enough that you were a boxing fan back when Ali was in his prime. Maybe you hated Ali for refusing to be drafted. Maybe you yourself were a Vietnam (or other war) vet, and took it personally. Maybe you're a white dude who resented Ali's brash and outspoken personality. Or maybe you're a black guy who resented Ali not being "black enough" in some people's eyes.

    Not old enough, but fan of another fighter you feel has been slighted in favor of Ali. Specifically..... Rocky Marciano, Larry Holmes, etc. Maybe you resent Ali for that reason. Ali and Marciano never met, so the best they could do was a "computer" matchup which in my estimation was pretty shitty. No relation to reality. In Holmes' case, it was the curse of following one of the greatest in the division, which an outlandish personality to match. Holmes always resented coming along after Ali.

    Resentful of Cassius Clay changing his name to Muhammad Ali based on his Muslim religious beliefs. Maybe you don't like people who do that, and feel he should have stayed Cassius. You resent people who do that, so you may not like Kareem Abdul Jabbar too much either.

    Hate his fighting style. I don't see why this should cause outright hate, so I hesitated to put it in here in the first place. Just not liking a fighter's style shouldn't cause the hate Ali gets. But just in case, it's in here. Maybe you don't like the way Ali used to pull opponents' head down... or used the rope-a-dope.... or something else.

    I've actually run out of reasons. Please feel free to add your own. It's a thread for the haters, really. Not trying to change anyone's mind..... just trying to understand the bitter hate, is all.

    So glad to see you trying to expand your mind. LOL Sir, I'm speaking for myself here, of course. Why can't, you, believe me when I say blah, blah, blah.....I don't like him because he was a disrespectful prick and treated black fighters far worse than he did white fighters? blah, blah, blah..... The thing that tickles me is why you can't seem to understand how anyone could possibly dislike Ali. You do agree that we don't all have to like Ali, right?
    I'm thinking about changing my Saddoboxingland name to 'A Disrespectful Prick', to remind you we don't all have to admire or even like Ali! Live with it sir, it's one of those unfathomable boxing mysteries, like punchers are born punchers. Some of us just don't like your hero. I hope this has helped solve the mystery of bitter hate for you.

    Ok..... we'll add the bolded part to the list of reasons. Fair enough.

    The rest I blotted out because you keep harping on the same sad song that somehow I personally give a crap about how you or anybody else feels about Ali. Reread my posts...... SIR..... and kindly point out where I'm begging you to like Ali. It's a fact-finding post. You're free to contribute.... or not..... as you see fit.

    I hope this has helped solve the mystery about why I created the thread in the first place.

    I think I did explain myself well enough. You understood the important part, sir. Hey, have a good one.

    Great! At least we're halfway there.
    Now if only I can get you to understand that I couldn't care less how you feel about Ali..... we can finally call it a day.
    Sir, we are not anywhere near 'calling it a day' and we won't be until you can say it's OK that I don't like or respect Ali.

  3. #18
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    Bill's jokes are witty. Cassius Clay has "ass" in his first name.


    Says it all right there.

  4. #19
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    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    Quote Originally Posted by brocktonblockbust View Post
    Bill's jokes are witty. Cassius Clay has "ass" in his first name.


    Says it all right there.
    Es Muy Bueno.

    Now that is called ....... WIT !!!

  5. #20
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    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I find all this Ali-obsessive hate amusing.
    So I figure there's got to be one or more reasons why this hate exists in some people.
    Below are some theories:

    Old enough to have co-existed with Ali in his youth. Maybe you're old enough that you were a boxing fan back when Ali was in his prime. Maybe you hated Ali for refusing to be drafted. Maybe you yourself were a Vietnam (or other war) vet, and took it personally. Maybe you're a white dude who resented Ali's brash and outspoken personality. Or maybe you're a black guy who resented Ali not being "black enough" in some people's eyes.

    Not old enough, but fan of another fighter you feel has been slighted in favor of Ali. Specifically..... Rocky Marciano, Larry Holmes, etc. Maybe you resent Ali for that reason. Ali and Marciano never met, so the best they could do was a "computer" matchup which in my estimation was pretty shitty. No relation to reality. In Holmes' case, it was the curse of following one of the greatest in the division, which an outlandish personality to match. Holmes always resented coming along after Ali.

    Resentful of Cassius Clay changing his name to Muhammad Ali based on his Muslim religious beliefs. Maybe you don't like people who do that, and feel he should have stayed Cassius. You resent people who do that, so you may not like Kareem Abdul Jabbar too much either.

    Hate his fighting style. I don't see why this should cause outright hate, so I hesitated to put it in here in the first place. Just not liking a fighter's style shouldn't cause the hate Ali gets. But just in case, it's in here. Maybe you don't like the way Ali used to pull opponents' head down... or used the rope-a-dope.... or something else.

    I've actually run out of reasons. Please feel free to add your own. It's a thread for the haters, really. Not trying to change anyone's mind..... just trying to understand the bitter hate, is all.

    So glad to see you trying to expand your mind. LOL Sir, I'm speaking for myself here, of course. Why can't, you, believe me when I say blah, blah, blah.....I don't like him because he was a disrespectful prick and treated black fighters far worse than he did white fighters? blah, blah, blah..... The thing that tickles me is why you can't seem to understand how anyone could possibly dislike Ali. You do agree that we don't all have to like Ali, right?
    I'm thinking about changing my Saddoboxingland name to 'A Disrespectful Prick', to remind you we don't all have to admire or even like Ali! Live with it sir, it's one of those unfathomable boxing mysteries, like punchers are born punchers. Some of us just don't like your hero. I hope this has helped solve the mystery of bitter hate for you.

    Ok..... we'll add the bolded part to the list of reasons. Fair enough.

    The rest I blotted out because you keep harping on the same sad song that somehow I personally give a crap about how you or anybody else feels about Ali. Reread my posts...... SIR..... and kindly point out where I'm begging you to like Ali. It's a fact-finding post. You're free to contribute.... or not..... as you see fit.

    I hope this has helped solve the mystery about why I created the thread in the first place.

    I think I did explain myself well enough. You understood the important part, sir. Hey, have a good one.

    Great! At least we're halfway there.
    Now if only I can get you to understand that I couldn't care less how you feel about Ali..... we can finally call it a day.
    Sir, we are not anywhere near 'calling it a day' and we won't be until you can say it's OK that I don't like or respect Ali.
    tito has said that, read his original post.
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  6. #21
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    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by beenKOed View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    I find all this Ali-obsessive hate amusing.
    So I figure there's got to be one or more reasons why this hate exists in some people.
    Below are some theories:

    Old enough to have co-existed with Ali in his youth. Maybe you're old enough that you were a boxing fan back when Ali was in his prime. Maybe you hated Ali for refusing to be drafted. Maybe you yourself were a Vietnam (or other war) vet, and took it personally. Maybe you're a white dude who resented Ali's brash and outspoken personality. Or maybe you're a black guy who resented Ali not being "black enough" in some people's eyes.

    Not old enough, but fan of another fighter you feel has been slighted in favor of Ali. Specifically..... Rocky Marciano, Larry Holmes, etc. Maybe you resent Ali for that reason. Ali and Marciano never met, so the best they could do was a "computer" matchup which in my estimation was pretty shitty. No relation to reality. In Holmes' case, it was the curse of following one of the greatest in the division, which an outlandish personality to match. Holmes always resented coming along after Ali.

    Resentful of Cassius Clay changing his name to Muhammad Ali based on his Muslim religious beliefs. Maybe you don't like people who do that, and feel he should have stayed Cassius. You resent people who do that, so you may not like Kareem Abdul Jabbar too much either.

    Hate his fighting style. I don't see why this should cause outright hate, so I hesitated to put it in here in the first place. Just not liking a fighter's style shouldn't cause the hate Ali gets. But just in case, it's in here. Maybe you don't like the way Ali used to pull opponents' head down... or used the rope-a-dope.... or something else.

    I've actually run out of reasons. Please feel free to add your own. It's a thread for the haters, really. Not trying to change anyone's mind..... just trying to understand the bitter hate, is all.

    So glad to see you trying to expand your mind. LOL Sir, I'm speaking for myself here, of course. Why can't, you, believe me when I say blah, blah, blah.....I don't like him because he was a disrespectful prick and treated black fighters far worse than he did white fighters? blah, blah, blah..... The thing that tickles me is why you can't seem to understand how anyone could possibly dislike Ali. You do agree that we don't all have to like Ali, right?
    I'm thinking about changing my Saddoboxingland name to 'A Disrespectful Prick', to remind you we don't all have to admire or even like Ali! Live with it sir, it's one of those unfathomable boxing mysteries, like punchers are born punchers. Some of us just don't like your hero. I hope this has helped solve the mystery of bitter hate for you.

    Ok..... we'll add the bolded part to the list of reasons. Fair enough.

    The rest I blotted out because you keep harping on the same sad song that somehow I personally give a crap about how you or anybody else feels about Ali. Reread my posts...... SIR..... and kindly point out where I'm begging you to like Ali. It's a fact-finding post. You're free to contribute.... or not..... as you see fit.

    I hope this has helped solve the mystery about why I created the thread in the first place.

    I think I did explain myself well enough. You understood the important part, sir. Hey, have a good one.

    Great! At least we're halfway there.
    Now if only I can get you to understand that I couldn't care less how you feel about Ali..... we can finally call it a day.
    Sir, we are not anywhere near 'calling it a day' and we won't be until you can say it's OK that I don't like or respect Ali.
    tito has said that, read his original post.

    I could always try Spanish. I've pretty much used up all the wording I can muster in English to push..... (scratch that)........ to bulldozer this point across.

  7. #22
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    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    Ali went the route of a controversial figure and it worked out well for him at the box office. He was a great boxer, had some of the biggest most interesting fights ever. I don't think he was the best ever, but that's imo. Wish he hadn't fought past his prime. Tarnished his career a bit.

  8. #23
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    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    So this is what we have so far:

    @brocktonblockbust doesn't like Ali because he's a lifelong, hardcore Marciano fan. Hardcore Marciano fans typically don't like Ali because of the inevitable comparisons. Brock struggles between hating Ali and saying nice things about him, but it pains him to do so (say nice things about him). Hence, the inconsistency.

    @beenKOed doesn't like Ali for reasons I can't understand (JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!). Actually, he's made his reasons very clear. So clear that I feel compelled to mention him as


    @Bill Paxtom is still a mystery, however. He's never quite let on (in a serious manner and without the accompanying pictures) why he hates Ali. But he's consistent in his hate, and likes to make stuff up.

    You guys are all cool, though.

    (I know I left out some guys, like Dark Lord Al........ cheers, Al! But these are the more active haters on the board, so I started with them).

  9. #24
    El Kabong Guest

    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    Quote Originally Posted by IamInuit View Post
    Even Barry Sanders (TBE RB). Had that guy played on a winning team and not the Lions he would have been hated also.
    Well you bringing up Barry Sanders is interesting because it is EXACTLY why I dislike Ali!

    Now I rate Sanders as one of the best RB's ever and not THE hands down best, but that's just me and my own opinion. I could talk for days on end about it...still rate Walter Payton, Emmitt Smith, Jim Brown, and Bo Jackson up there.

    Anywho back on see Barry Sanders was the Joe Louis of runningbacks, he would be flashy with his skill, but he NEVER spiked the football, he NEVER danced, he NEVER gloated or showed up an his touchdowns and you'll see the stoic Joe Louis nature he had.....hand the referee the ball and go to the sidelines. EVERY....FUCKING......TIME.

    I have great respect for Joe Louis because he had to toe a certain line, one which must have been absolute HELL for him at times. He was never to have his picture made with a white woman, he was never to gloat over an opponent, he was never to be anything but a imagine had he been as loquacious as Muhammad Ali who would run in front of cameras and beat his chest claiming he was the best, the greatest, the greatest of ALL-TIME!.....Joe Louis was never even allowed to utter those words but let's say he talked the way a Prime Roy Jones Jr or a Prime James Toney talked and was constantly big upping himself and patting himself on the think that 25 Consecutive Successful Tittle Defenses.....a record which still stands TO THIS VERY DAY wouldn't be brought up colorfully? You don't think Ali would catch shit for losing the title multiple times? You don't think Joe Louis could have said "I lost 3 years of my prime serving my country so I could have had 30 or 40 consecutive successful title defenses" would have given Ali's lips pause?

    What if had Ali said....
    "You had a bum of the month club" - Ali
    Only for Joe Louis to retort
    "Everyone is a bum compared to me" - Joe Louis

    Do you not think people would see Joe Louis in a different light? The man was an absolute MONSTER of a heavyweight, hands down the greatest of all-time! The statistics say so. Only Joe Louis was never allowed to brag about it the end, Ali was great, but The G.O.A.T? That's all talk from Ali, he was a squeaky wheel and wanted attention.....Joe Louis got attention with his SKILL not with his words.

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    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    Quote Originally Posted by TitoFan View Post
    So this is what we have so far:

    @brocktonblockbust doesn't like Ali because he's a lifelong, hardcore Marciano fan. Hardcore Marciano fans typically don't like Ali because of the inevitable comparisons. Brock struggles between hating Ali and saying nice things about him, but it pains him to do so (say nice things about him). Hence, the inconsistency.

    @beenKOed doesn't like Ali for reasons I can't understand (JUST KIDDING!!!!!!!). Actually, he's made his reasons very clear. So clear that I feel compelled to mention him as


    @Bill Paxtom is still a mystery, however. He's never quite let on (in a serious manner and without the accompanying pictures) why he hates Ali. But he's consistent in his hate, and likes to make stuff up.

    You guys are all cool, though.

    (I know I left out some guys, like Dark Lord Al........ cheers, Al! But these are the more active haters on the board, so I started with them).
    I dislike clay not a name he made up through his ignorance.

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    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    Al if you dislike Ali then god knows what you make of Jack Johnson. Ali was a choirboy in comparison.
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    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Al if you dislike Ali then god knows what you make of Jack Johnson. Ali was a choirboy in comparison.
    Jack Johnson was born and lived as Jack Johnson right or wrong , clay was a gullible fool.

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    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Al if you dislike Ali then god knows what you make of Jack Johnson. Ali was a choirboy in comparison.
    Jack Johnson was born and lived as Jack Johnson right or wrong , clay was a gullible fool.
    So Ali changed his name from a slave name. Nothing wrong with that.

    Ali was gullible following the nation of islam and the corruption and ideology that was in it. Their highlighting of inequality and racism was true.
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  14. #29
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    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    Cassius Clay

    Was a Phony of the Highest Order.

    Oh, he was a talented boxer and a great showman.

    But, he was a complete fraud character wise.

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    Default Re: Dissecting Ali hate

    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Dark Lord Al View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Master View Post
    Al if you dislike Ali then god knows what you make of Jack Johnson. Ali was a choirboy in comparison.
    Jack Johnson was born and lived as Jack Johnson right or wrong , clay was a gullible fool.
    So Ali changed his name from a slave name. Nothing wrong with that.

    Ali was gullible following the nation of islam and the corruption and ideology that was in it. Their highlighting of inequality and racism was true.

    Didn't his parents name him Cassius ?
    Was he ever a slave ?
    He was a fucking idiot.

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