Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
I don't think any differently of them than those who voted remain. Some of my own friends and family voted to leave. I have said since the very beginning again and again that you could make a very good case even from the left for leaving.
Oh really? So you weren't thinking "those dumb old people got flim flammed into voting leave"? I only ask because certain folks with similar political views as yours floated that idea. And oh indeed you COULD make a good case from the left for leaving and Corbyn had done so....for a while ....but he didn't follow through....oh and YOU specifically didn't make that case either. You're a remoaner and here you are remoaning

Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
Master voted leave but unlike you and Gandalf and rotten Wally he actually lives here and actually voted. You don't live here. You didn't vote, and yet here you are telling me to get out of MY country and go and live in Ireland you racist cunt.
Master voted leave, Al voted leave, Dia voted leave...shit I'm attempting to think up another Remoaner....Kirkland maybe? Yeah I don't live there and didn't vote, but it doesn't stop me from holding an informed opinion on the matter. You chat shit about American politics....now it's funny to remind you "B-b-b-b-but you don't live here" but I don't and can't keep you from voicing your opinion. I wouldn't anyway.

Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
You are a fucking simpleton that has been indulged with your odd hipster 'soccer' fetish and your weird airs and graces pretneding to be fucking Delia Smith and WC GRACE but you stink the place out.
I do, do a lot of "pretneding" I mean GUILTY as charged So you're not angry but I can feel the seething rage in your typos....ok man. I have my hobbies, of them following boxing is one, another is politics, another is art.....I mean stop me when YOU think I've gone too far. I sure as shit don't want to offend you your highness

Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
You don't believe in anything.
Well then that would make it mighty fucking impossible for me to be a "racist, bigot, sexist, islamaphobe, xenophobe" then wouldn't it?

Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
Certainly not in your own country or culture. You would rape your own countries resources until there was nothing left if it meant you being able to claim your were 'winning'. You would sell out your neighbours, your countrymen, your fellow Saddos, if it meant you could claim some kind of hollow victory.
Well it's plainly obvious A) You've no idea what I actually believe and/or B ) Your mindset is such that you're projecting all of your hate onto me regardless of how or what I think.....that is just pathetic from you, it's lower than childish. You're in a fevered pitch of rage at me....simmer down, don't hurt yourself.

Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
If the Proud boys beat the shit out of someone you would walk on by just like you would open the gates and invite neo-nazis to march down your street if you thought they represented the 'winning' side. You are quite obviously an insignificant irrelevant little boy in the real world, and so you have this obsession with posting here. But you can't even do that properly. You welch on deals , refuse to debate anyone, and demand that people be censored and banned in order to be the only voice in the room.
That would depend on the circumstances wouldn't it? I mean who are they beating up? Why? I'm not quick to jump into fights because I know what fights are. I'd invite neo-nazis to march down my street? What are you even on about? Are you having a breakdown? Chill out.

I assume you'd be talking about Kirkland with that welching business. Well you find the part in the Mueller Report where it says "ALL of the emails were hacked by Russia" go find it then and I'll pay out. Only it doesn't come to that conclusion, they ASSUME these things, they push these theories as how it happened....but Guccifer is Romanian and not a Russian asset, Julian Assange has repeatedly said they received nothing from Russia/GRU. Bravo for you for being so brave to keep pushing that bullshit. IF (that's a big if) Russia DID hack all the emails and the FBI/Mueller could actually prove it with evidence it would still be in the news today. They didn't have that, Mueller fizzled out like an old star, and now we're onto the tail end of impeachment which has also failed.

I don't debate? I've attempted numerous times to hold civil conversation with you, you're incapable of that not I.

Quote Originally Posted by Beanz View Post
You asking that i should leave my own country is just an extension of that weak arsed ineffectual feeble failure and your deluded idea that you are capable of 'Supporting Brexit' without having spent 5 seconds in the UK and probably not much more in Europe, is symptomatic of the fantasy internet troll life you have lead instead of sorting your shit out in the real world. Fucking loser.
Lots of projection there Beanz.....take a chill pill. I'm sorry for whatever is going on in your real life that is causing you to be this upset at me on the internet.