Originally Posted by
Ron Swanson

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Davis got $1million for that pathetic mismatch which is all Floyd and Ellerbe were bragging about afterwards. They don't even pretend it's a sport anymore, it's all about the hustle/scam, they've won back an audience who are more concerned with "sticking it to the man" than who's the best boxer.
It's not a coincidence Al Haymon came from the music business or has captured a certain market who admire Broner.
Why don’t you just say what you’re really thinking. Anyone who has been here any length of time has caught on. Just say it.
I'll make it easy for you to understand - Star Wars? Now check this shit - those movies are about how the white man keeps the brother-man down--even in a galaxy far far away. You got cracker farmboy Luke Skywalker, Nazi poster boy blond hair blue eyes. Then you got Darth Vader, blackest brother in the galaxy. Nubian god!
Now. Vader, he's a spiritual brother, down with the force and all that good shit. Then this cracker Skywalker gets his hands on a lightsaber, and the boy decides HE'S gonna run the whole fucking universe! Gets a whole KLAN of whites together and they go bust up Vader's hood, the Death Star! Now what the fuck do you call that? GENTRIFICATION!!!
They gonna drive out the black element to make the galaxy quote-unquote safe for white folks! In "Jedi," the most insulting installment, Vader's beautiful black visage is SULLIED when he pulls off his mask to reveal a feeble, crusty old white man! They trying to tell us that deep inside, the black man wants to be WHITE!!!
So what i'm really thinking is - the chickens are coming home to roost, y'all. The black man is no longer going to be playing the minstrel in the medium of sports and entertainment. They keeping it real! And going to get respect by any means necessary.