I don't do social media but today my mate told me to sign up to instagram so I could see his biirds niece or some shit like that

as soon as I signed up it dragged all the contacts out of my phone, I had a look at what they were posting, I've seen mates that couldn't drink holy water posting pictures of 9% lager, I've seen pictures of ugly birds filtered to fuck looking rather fuckable, I've seen pictures of mates who can't cook for shit posting pictures of gourmet dishes, its fucking bollocks, is this what the fucking world has come to?

You cunts on here are pretty much the only contact I have with the "real world" when I get out of work, I live in a proper shitty fucking area (someone was shot in the face 2 roads away from me last week) but looking at my mates profiles on Instagram they are living the fucking high life, these are people that I wouldn't have expected it from.

Fucking frightening, it just further compounds my misanthropism, I sit alone night after night and do you know what, I'm fucking happy, I don't take photos of myself sitting alone to prove I'm happy, I just am, I don't feel the need to prove it to anyone, I don't understand why these people try to make out that their life is better than it is, I live in a shit hole, I fucking hate the shit hole that I live in, but it is my shit hole and I embrace it, I don't feel the fucking need to take a photo of a fucking burger that I ordered in my fucking local, if it is a nice burger then I'll say 'that was a fucking nice burger' I won't take a photo of myself eating it just so I can justify how fucking nice it was.

After seeing peoples posts on instagram it just makes me glad that I don't fucking pander to shit like that.

needless to say I won't be using that fucking poisonous app again

rant over